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Author Topic: Bully  (Read 14732 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Bully your'll turn 'em Black & Blue!

Partnering with BASF, we developed a custom urethane system designed specifically to fit today's challenging conditions. We targeted a strong hooking coverstock with a continuous backend, so M80 was developed. This revolutionary reactive formula gives the reaction of particle without particle. Our new M80 coverstock will hook in heavy oil and create more midlane with a smooth controllable break point. Then, our R & D team went to work to design the new mallet core to release the power of M80.

This Bully doesn't just start a finishes it!

Ball Specifications  
Core Technology: New mallet design with extension arms. Top flip block.

Core Technology Benefits: Perfect match for M80 coverstock to maximize hook. Creates differential Rg.

Coverstock: M80

Coverstock Benefit: New reactive formula that gives you the reaction of particle without particle. M80 coverstock starts up quicker than Super-Flex, still providing a strong backend motion.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 4-5

Color: Black & Blue with Neon Yellow & Neon Red Engraving

Sanding Process: 2000 grit

Polish Name: None  
Bully core

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 53
Hook Oil: 27
Hook Dry: 26
Dynamic Properties
Available Weights Radius of Gyration (Rg.) Rg. Differential
16 lb. 2.526  0.048
15 lb. 2.547  0.047
14 lb. 2.570  0.046
13 lb. N/A N/A
12 lb. N/A N/A



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Re: Bully
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 05:15:26 AM »
I bought this ball because it had an asymetrical core and the assistance from BASF for the coverstock.  (I've seen the commercials).  I've been disgruntled with quick dying particle balls.  Though they work well out of the box, I needed something I hope will last at least a league season.  My style is a pure stroker with medium speed and medium revs.  

This Bully has a 2 inch pin and 3.25 oz top weight.  I drilled it leverage (stacked leverage), pin 1:30 with an 9 inch weight hole on the horizontal axis (rather then the standard 6 inch) because I'm always looking for more backend reaction on the conditions I bowl on in league.  I do not clip the weight hole with my track.  Final static weights were 1/2 pos side and 1/2 finger.  

I never have a problem getting through the "heads" in the area I bowl in.  But I do need back end reaction.  I was hoping the core would really help in this area.  I think The Bully excelled.  

The Bully, thrown on medium - heavy oil with touch of out of bounds with medium  backends, made the corner in the track area as soon as it sniffed a hint of dry.  If I sent it a little outside, it still made the turn with enough power to get me out of trouble.  This was a major acomplishment in this house for any ball I've yet to throw.  I finally found a ball that will come back if thrown a bit in the "out of bounds".  I've thrown it with even more oil and a 2 - 3 board point and the ball got into a roll with enough room to impact the pins.  Even moving inside on drier third game conditions, the ball retained sufficient power.  Crankers and Tweeners, IMO, will be able to get this ball to come back from anywhere.  The only problem I foresee, would be if the heads are dry and the lane conditions are dry.  But then this ball is not advertised for dry lanes and burnt heads.  Don't make it do something its not made to do.  

ps: Hi Fran!  You drilled my first ball when I came back to bowling quite a few years ago.   Thanks for your help then.


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Re: Bully
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2004, 08:30:34 AM »
this ball is amazing, great reaction on med-heavy lane conditions.
it hooks really great and has a lot hitting-power. i´m really surprised that i got this reaction from a non-particle ball. thank you guy´s from columbia300


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Re: Bully
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2004, 06:53:40 AM »
Wow!! This ball is fantastic and rolls really smooth. I drilled mine with a slight label shift (pin above the ring finger) and this ball rolls great. Has a nice smooth arc to the pocket and hits like an absolute tank. Hardest hitting ball I have ever thrown. This is only the fourth Columbia I have ever drilled in my life. It is the first I have ever been really ecstatic about. I had drilled the Full Throttle and liked the reaction but the bridge cracked after only thirty games. This was the replacement ball. It hooks less than the Full Throttle but is much more controllable and versatile.  

The roll is reminiscent of the old Blue Hammer but with a stronger coverstock and hit. For anyone who likes to play up the boards like I do, this ball is going to be a big winner if drilled appropriately. The Columbia Bully, thrown on medium - heavy oil with medium backends, turned the corner and obliterated the pins. It sends messengers for me in every direction.

When I sent the ball to far out it bailed me out of trouble as well. However, you won't get away with tugging the ball at all. You need to let this one out and trust it and just wait for the eventual turn it is going to make. I've thrown it with even more oil and it still seemed to have no trouble making the turn and impacting the pins with power. Even moving inside on drier third game conditions, the ball retained tremendous hitting power. I agree with the review by Atochabsh in that the only problem I foresee, would be if the heads are scorched and the lane conditions are dry. As he stated so eloquently, this ball is not advertised for dry lanes and burnt heads. All in all, Columbia gets an A+ for this one. I am glad I was convinced by other to give this ball a try after my Full Throttle experiment. I think Columbia has a winner with this one. I have already purchased another one to drill it a little differently.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Bully
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2004, 07:37:26 AM »
We drilled one of these the other day for one of our senior shop guys.  

His PAP was 5 1/4 straight over and his track diameter was 11 1/4 inches.  We spun this ball on the Detriminator to find the Mass Bias location on the ball.  We laid the ball out with the pin 3 1/2 inches from his PAP and the Mass Bias 4 3/4 inches from his PAP.  The pin was 1 1/2 above his grip line.

This bowler likes to belly the ball a couple of boards, and has more forward roll, so we set this ball up to get down the lane then make a strong sweeping move to the pocket.  He was able to stand 15 and swing the ball out to 7 and get the ball back without a problem.  The ball displayed good hitting power when it got to the pocket.  The overall roll pattern of the ball was very smooth and controllable.  We didn't find that the M80 coverstock was overall aggressive, and the ball was still able to get through the heads clean through the 5 games of the tournament.

I have seen others throw the Bully and with the asymmetrical core, I am sure with using the proper Asymmetrical layout, this will be a great ball for those Columbia loves out there.  This is a different ball motion than most other Columbia balls.

If you have any questions, please email me at

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Bully
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2004, 07:00:18 PM »
This is the first Columbia ball I have thrown in quite some time and I am overly impressed with this ball. Oiling 40' and using Prodigy oil and Pure stripper so the oil is slick and the backend are pretty tame. Drilled this up 5x5 and although I am not a cranker I still look for a nice push with todays equipment, throw an average of 17mph. This ball gets through the heads and just into the midlane and then does what any great ball does, reads the lane, if you push it out too far it recovers faster and if you tugg a few boards it slides the extra foot needed (not saying I do either). I really hope they stay with this combination because I can see selling quite a few of these babies. What impressed me the most about this ball was the ability to pick up the roll in the midlane and not be burned up for the backend, this was more like a midlane reaction and a fresh backend reaction in one ball.



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Re: Bully
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 04:42:46 PM »
When I first began to read about this ball everything seemed as though I had found the answer to my equipment needs, considering I only comprehend about 20% of the information contained in many of the posts ["drilled 5x5, Stacked, Leveraged, etc., etc., etc.].  Decided to forge ahead anyway and bought the ball two weeks ago, and decided to treat this like a trip to my Dr.--when I go to see the DR. I don't need to understand or comprehend the biology of my illness, I just want the Dr. to treat me in a manner to cure (if possible) what ever ails me.  So I let the local Hole Puncher observe my bowling, measure me up, and set the ball up as they thought it should be.  Honestly, it is a very controlable hooking ball, with what seems to be a lot of power, and the ability to clear the deck when I get within sight of the pocket.  Now if I can only correct my timing to the point where I can consistently hit my mark (7-8) I'm looking for big things from my new Bully.  Oh, yeah, I am moving up from a Columbia Spirit which was proceeded by a Manhatten Rubber circa 1961.  Don't laugh, back then I was able to carry a composit 186 in three leagues, before Uncle Sam called me away.  Was able to bowl here and there for a while before a 25 year lay-off. And now after starting up again 2 years ago, I've been able to struggle my way back up to 170 in two leagues.


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Re: Bully
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2004, 03:27:16 AM »

Columbia's 300 latest offering into the world of high performance bowling balls lives up to the high performance!!! Easily the most versitile ball in the entire Columbia 300 line. I have found that this ball is great from the opening frame to the fill ball in the tenth of the third game. Just move with the oil line and this ball keeps hitting like a tank. From your everyday house shot to your juiciest sport shot just feed this baby to the breakpoint and it will suprise you with the hook in this great bowling ball.....


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Re: Bully
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2004, 02:30:37 PM »
This ball hits like a ton of bricks. Out of the box I shoot 666. I left alot of tens and fours swinging out to the dry, but when I moved into the oil I couldn't miss. Shot 258 last game with 2 solid nines. Another great Columbia product! I also dropped down to 15lbs. and my shoulder felt alot better when I finished. I will post again when I get 50+ games on it. Thanks Russ.



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Re: Bully
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2004, 05:22:58 PM »
Well, the Bully hasn't solved all of my problems, bowling or otherwise, however I have been able to raise my average by almost 15% since I have been using the new ball.  I consider this a bit of a triumph, because I still can't hit my mark consistently, so see, it has to be the ball


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Re: Bully
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2004, 12:55:48 PM »
This is probably one o the better balls i have thrown lately. I drilled my irst one up label(pin at 1:30 cg in the palm) and the overall reaction o the ball was so strong, alot more then i would ever need. Drilled another one simila but with a lnger pin and put the pin 35 degrees from the corner of the fingers, then polished it till i almot burnt the towel. This lay out worke really well got down the lane with ease but still had trementous amounts of back end, again more recarion then i need that late. The third one i illed i had with the CG and inh away om the thumb and the in 2 inches rom the fingers with a weight hole unde the VAL and 2 inhes from my PAP. Then again i polished this one alot. This balls rools so well and it reads the back ends better then ne other ball i've ever had( tuff for me to say as i drill alot o equipment) the all tends to get into a roll alot earlier now and takes away alot of the back ends but it doesnt ever overreact and hook early, just alot of roll. I wouldnt recamned this drilling for the average bowler though, as u need to have decent speed and alot o revs to get the ball to read anc react on the backend. Over all ey versitle and a geat addition to ne ones bag.


Mr Pantera

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Re: Bully
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2005, 09:47:17 PM »
18.9 mph
430 revs
15lbs 6 oz
3 3/8"x 4
Sarge Easter Grip
Weight Hole is....somewhere on the ball
Took this ball out along with my Fuel and X Factor. Lanes were oiled to 42ft, synthetic. The Bully out hooked my favorite oil ball ( fuel ) by at least 8 boards or MORE! This ball rolls very early and will not stop turning. Threw it about 2 boards left of target and ended up taking out the 4,7,8. The Bully has a tough time rolling. Im righthanded and this ball has the biggest upsession with going LEFT. Ball is very good in sloppy conditions. By far one of the best hitting bowling balls I have tried ( except Track stuff ). Also tried to polish this ball to give it a little more length and this ball turned into a medium lane NIGHTMARE! This ball has about a 4 board mistake zone and will carry anything close to the pocket. And im going to state the obvious here and say DONT USE THIS ON DRY LANES! I know its obvious but there are some people out there that probably tried using this ball on dry lanes and wonder why its hooking to much. The Bully burns up allot of energy and occasionally will hit a little flat but will carry.
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Re: Bully
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2005, 12:27:08 PM »
Wow.  I just drilled this ball yesterday and was so excited that I had to post.

I have the ball drilled about 4" x 4" (pin x cg to PAP) so it's a fairly aggressive drilling.  Took out about .5 oz at the PAP.

I don't buy too many balls...usually one every few years.  And I bought this to replace a Predator particle but wanted something a little more aggressive in the backend.  I probably wouldn't have normally used this on the condition we had last night - the backends were a little drier than the ball was designed for.  But I was able to go inside of 3rd arrow (to around 5) in this house, which I can normally not do without leaving 10s half the time.  This ball reads the midlane so well and then just explodes in the pocket.  It doesn't overhook but you'll definitely have enough hook to do the job.  This is a totally new ball and reaction for Columbia.  Probably the best ball they've produced in a long time.  I can't wait to try it on a heavier pattern.

In an update, I quit using this ball a while ago.  It actually became my ball of choice on wet/dry when I didn't want an overreaction.  It has a shelf-life of...oh, about 50 games (even with rejuving).  Outstanding out of the box, slowly fades into oblivion after that.  I presume they have produced some much better equipment since then, however, I found that "Big B" matches up to my game better than Columbia...


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Re: Bully
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2005, 11:57:36 AM »
ehhhhhhhh........... the bully huh....... This was my first high end ball the i bought brand new. I loved it at first and bowl some good games around 250 etc.
then the ball started breaking down. On a relatively dry house i now have trouble getting this ball to have a stable backend hook and it seems to just roll out forever. hummmm kind of a disapointment, even after polishing it there was no control to be gained, i just sanded it not to long ago to put life back into it but it did not work, the ball is finding an early grave and with a few new balls coming it (freak-a-zoid, rule, and ice) i dont think the bully will have a place in my arsenal.
300 or Bust  


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Re: Bully
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2005, 02:54:43 PM »
I'm afraid I have to echo the last poster's comments.  After a great deal of initial promise, the ball is unable to turn the corner, and this after only  4 months.  I'm now in the market for a replacement for my Bully 8-((.