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Author Topic: Burst  (Read 16923 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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- Color: Red Pearl/Black/Silver Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Reaction: Polished Arc
- Surface: New Era
- Core: Resurgence
- Hook Rating: Oil - 35, Backend - 35
- RG: 16#-2.47, 15#-2.46, 14#-2.50
- RG Diff: 16#-.035, 15#-.040, 14#-.042
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
- Description: It’s Back by popular demand! We couldn’t make you wait any longer. The Resurgence Core is Back and Bursting on the scene. And yes, we wrapped that core with the original New Era shell formula. We designed this one for medium conditions by polishing it with our standard polished 4000 finish to give all bowlers a more even arc on medium to drier conditions. Leave it out of the box and you’ll get a long and even arc to the pins or add some surface and experience a true Resurgence.



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Re: Burst
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2010, 03:48:36 PM »
Box Surface, 3-1/2" pin to axis.
Extremely clean through the heads. Totally smooth on the backends.  Sand this puppy down to 1000 grit, and it truly is a Resurgence reborn.  On a THS, I prefer this ball with the box finish. All the control in the world at the breakpoint and absolutely trucks the pins. Another outstanding product from C300
Alex Handback
McCorvey''s Pro Shop - Kenner
Columbia 300 Regional Staff


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Re: Burst
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 12:44:38 AM »
I decided to keep the ball with its out of the box finish. This ball on fresh went too long but Designed for medium to dry lane conditions, the Burst provides a long and even arc down lane and still has enough power to "BURST" in to the pins.
In Best Regards,
Brian Hirsch
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Brian Hirsch
Storm Amateur Staff #StormNation
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Re: Burst
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2010, 10:34:41 PM »

Layout: 60x5x40
Surface: 4000 Polish (out of box)

Company intent (from Columbia’s website):

It’s Back by popular demand!  We couldn’t make you wait any longer.  The Resurgence Core is Back and Bursting on the scene.  And yes, we wrapped that core with the original New Era shell formula.  We designed this one for medium conditions by polishing it with our standard polished 4000 finish to give all bowlers a more even arc on medium to drier conditions.  Leave it out of the box and you’ll get a long and even arc to the pins or add some surface and experience a true Resurgence.

My thoughts:

With the out of box surface, the Burst gets very clean down the lane with a very strong backend reaction.  The backend isn’t uncontrollably sharp, but it creates a strong enough entry angle to kick the corners out with every shot.  After throwing it on several PBA and other sport conditions, I’ve found this ball to be versatile on many different shots.  Compared to other Columbia 300 balls, the Burst gets longer than the Cool Noize, but produces more overall hook.  This ball has no trouble getting through the heads and produces strong backend motion.  With the right layout and surface adjustments, the Burst will fit anyone’s game on any condition.

                 Bowlers Stats:
Axis Tilt 10°, Axis Rotation 40°, RPMs 420, Ball Speed 19.5 off hand,
                        PAP 5 3/16over 5/8up

David Simms Port St. Lucie, Fl


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Re: Burst
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 03:49:18 PM »
I purchased this ball with the intentions of it to be a step down from my pure swing.  All my bowling equipment has a different layout on everything so the pro shop guy decided to drill my burst with another new layout, a stacked layout with the pin up.  To be totally honest this layout on this ball is a little tricky. Playing an out and in shot with this layout give me an over and under reaction I cannot stress how frustrating and disappointing this was for me to see, after hearing nothing but great things about this ball.  At this point I went home and did some research.  I found out that a stacked layout on any bowling ball, will give you the exact reaction I was just explaining above.  So after learning this the next day, I decided to take a different approach with this layout and play a mostly down and in shot or tighter line.  This totally eliminated the over and under reaction but now it became a little speed and tilt sensitive.  So now I had to be more consistent with release and tilt of the ball going off my hand.  I never really had to be conscious of my ball speed ever or had to pay very close attention to how much tilt I put on the ball every single shot until now.  The down and in approach was the ticket with a stacked layout.  I shot a 197, 203 and a 259 for a 659 series, not bad!  

Like previously stated above this ball is drilled for medium oil conditions, but I have to warn everybody that the back end reaction on the burst is no joke.  This ball will go long but when it makes it move, it does not stop driving through the pins. The break point with this ball needs to be around board 5 due to the strong core.  I had to play closer to the channel with my down and in approach, which is way out side of my comfort level. I was actually playing down board 8 at the arrows and my break point was board 4.  

2010 is the first time joining a league since 1999.  Over a 10 year lay off and haven''t lost much of my game.   This year currently HG-279 x 2, HS-733, AVG. 201 on the USBC blue oil pattern.


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Re: Burst
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 05:44:19 PM »
The Burst is good thru the heads unlike the Resurgence but looks a lot like
it at the backend. My first Burst I drilled 6"pin above the middle finger and a strong MB. The second one I drilled 5"pin above the ring finger with a 6mb.
Both have good length with the 6" a 2 board stronger backend but both arc not
snap. I really have to pay attention to carrydown or I leave flat tens whereas
if backend stays put I carry square hits and light ones with regularity. These are on house shots with good backends.


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Re: Burst
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2010, 09:03:54 PM »
The Columbia Burst is 2 balls in one.

When the Burst is shined it rolls like the Momentum, smooth through heads and  controllable flip in the back,  great for the typical house condition.

When you sand the Burst, you have the much beloved Resurgence again, the heavy rolling ball that is designed for heavy oil, all for the price of one, and in this day and age, that is a bargain.

Eric Walker
Columbia 300 Regional Staff Member


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Re: Burst
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2010, 10:02:22 PM »
I received this ball today with a 3-4" pin and 2-3/4 oz top weight! I used a dual angle layout of 40deg X 3-1/4" X 35deg which placed the pin right and a little above my ring finger. Pin is 1-3/4" right of grip center line and 3-1/8" above grip mid-line. I place a 1-1/32" weight hole in the P3 location and I have about a 1/4" flare ring separation. The ball is really clean through the heads and makes a strong arc move at the break point. The shot was a left over house shot 40' taper. Ball is easy to read and had great carry standing 25 rolling the ball out to about 8 board. I never had a Resurgence, but did roll one at a demo days and this ball is a keeper! Just my $.02, Bruce
"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Get MOTIVated, go Global with an Awesome MFer, and not turn from it and become a bowling VISIONARY who sees a striking future.
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Originator of the -35deg x 25 leverage drilling!
Bruce Campbell
Coaches aren't born, they are made!
USBC Silver Certified Coach

Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!

The Cheese

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Re: Burst
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2010, 03:17:32 PM »
Ball Speed - 18-20 mph
Rev Rate - 475+
PAP - 3 1/4 right, 1 up
Layout - 40/3-3/8/40
Given my past success with the Resurgence a few years back, I didn't think there would be any way I wouldn't like this ball, and I was correct! The release of the Columbia Burst with its polished OOB surface finish makes this ball an absolute beast on medium-heavy and medium-light lane conditions. It is impressive to watch this ball pick up so strong at the point of friction and still flat out hook on the backend. Plus, since the coverstock itself is so aggressive, I find that there are times where this ball can be utilized with much success on fresh long and heavier volume patterns. The Burst and the Pure Swing are two of the only balls I have thrown in the last number of years that react this strong and consistently on fresh heavier volume patterns. I wasn't afraid to use a stronger drill pattern on this ball knowing that the polish would give it enough length to separate it from my reaction with the Pure Physics, but when the Physics is just a little too strong or too early, the Burst picks up the slack. It works great for playing wide angles and trying to cover a lot of boards for more high and medium rev players, and also works great for playing inside and tight angles on heavier and flatter patterns. There is no wasted motion with the Burst, medium length but a strong move and amazingly continuous reaction. This ball has no quit. The best part of all is that the Burst is released in Columbia's mid-performance line of bowling balls, therefor it sells for quite a bit less than the high performance products and performs at close to the same level. Best bargain on the market. This ball will be great for a lot of styles and my feeling is that it will be a great ball for novice and younger bowlers who are looking for more performance and technology without wanting to spend the extra money to buy something in the high performance line. I still like the Pure Physics better, but the Burst is not far behind!
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff
Mike Marks Pro Shop
Wyoming, MI


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Re: Burst
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2010, 06:52:17 PM »
Two Handed. 525rpm. @17mph.

Burst #1 pin under middle, cg 2" right, box. The lanes had a little ware but still had plenty of hold in the middle. This ball revved up nicely around 40-45ft and made a smooth strong move to the pocket. Normally from a polished ball i get 50ft and holy sideways batman! But this ball had an amazing amount of control even for my release. Ball was very consistent and i didn't see even a sliver of over/under. Line was 27 w/feet. 32 w/feet at line. 18 at arrows. 7-8 at break point.

Burst #2 pin above middle, cg 1/2" right, box. This ball actually surprised me. I was expecting this ball to go longer and more sideways than #1, but it actually gave me the same amount of hook just 1-2ft further down the lane.

Overall a fantastic ball that i will probably get more of in the future. Next i plan to knock the polish off as my house shot usually has less of a bounce area and that should also help get them to read early and stay nice and smooth on the backend.
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Re: Burst
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2010, 05:10:55 PM »
Drilled this one 4 X 4 X 4, pin above midlle of both fingers (in the middle of), cg kicked out just a bit (no correction hole needed),
this is an interesting layout for this ball, I get the length that I was looking for but it hooks alot like the Resurgence (once it gets going), and what I mean about that is that is just keeps rolling, no deflection through the pin deck.
This is terrific ball for the third game transition, instead of making that big move left at the start of game three, I actually get to move to the rigtht and play alot tighter line than I was prior. When you have those nights when you know that those rotten 10 pins are gonna start standing, it is great to have a ball that you can go to that will take care of that problem

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Burst
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2010, 01:09:18 AM »
Drilled my first Burst about 2 months ago. Standard strong layout 4.5x4 from PAP, pin above ring finger CG kicked out a bit. This ball is incredibly strong like the original Resurgance but I find retains it's energy another 6 or 7 feet and really flips hard in the back. I never had success altering the original Resurgance cover to make it retain it's energy longer and create a skid flip reaction.

I found the ball unusable on fresh pba patterns because of violent over/under reaction. I'm drilling a second Burst with a negative pin placement and may take the surface down to 1000 to tame the reaction (although this was probably unnecessary with the new OutBurst coming out). I found my current layout with out of the box finish is a great first option after transition on Viper, Chameleon, and Scorpion. I also use the ball in league(THS) when there is enough buildup left of target. The ball has tremendous hitting power through the pocket and one of the better carrying Columbia 300 balls I've seen int he last 4 years.
Lou Gaudio
Columbia 300 Regional Staff


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Re: Burst
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2010, 02:38:12 PM »
Layout - 50 X 4 3/8 X 70

With the layout the ball has great control and reads the pattern exactly as I had hoped.  Because of the 4000/Polish cover stock I am able to be old school and play up the edge of the oil line and make 1 & 1 moves all night long as needed.

What I like most about this ball - the fact that it retains a lot of energy as it goes down the lane.  Its move on fraction is consistent and predictable.  When it hits the pins it doesn't mess around.

My first three sets with it out of the box - (3 different centers all Pro Anvil)...

11/12 - 254, 249, 280 - 783
11/15 - 279, 279, 246 - 804
11/17 - 267, 236, 296 - 799 (the 6 count was too many things running thru my head)...

I have found that Columbia 300 equipment is very readable and I know exactly what it is going to do every time I throw it...

Thank you Columbia 300 for great equipment.

Ball Drilled at - Bowl 300 Pro Shop and Training Center - 10858 North 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85028
Kurwin Forest
Surprise, Arizona


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Re: Burst
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2010, 11:15:52 AM »
Layout: Pin 4" from PAP at 80 degrees, balance hole 5" rt. on center of grip line. Surface is 4K Abralon, no polish.

 This is simply the hardest reving ball I have ever thrown. It gives the impression that you've just gone three off the corner, then appears as if someone kicks it. It's not too sharp, but not so even that you never see it change direction. Doesn't bleed energy, and hits really good. This is a really good, under-rated ball.
"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler''s World Pro Shop


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Re: Burst
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2010, 11:10:31 AM »
This is not a review, but a question.  I'm getting the #1 drilling done to the ball.  Should I play down the dry boards, or go through the oil in order to get rotation and backend on the ball, does the pearlize coverstock create more rotation on the ball when it hits dry boards.  My average is 210, but have never had any luck with pearized coverstock bowling balls (Black Widow Vemon).  I deal with a LOT of oil and usually used my Resurgance on the outter boards