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Author Topic: Chaos  (Read 15364 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Chaos is the first ball using Columbia’s new TEC (Texture Energy Control) coverstock. The ball’s color is Carbide Black with Red and White engraving and is available in weights of 10-16 lbs.

The TEC surface is a combination of Columbia’s proven Super-Flex reactive cover with Columbia’s new particle TEChnology to provide extra bite through the heavy oil of today’s lane conditions. The Chaos is designed to increase the friction in the oil resulting in a strong arcing reaction with continued hook on the backend. In the future, new TEChnology will allow Columbia to vary the size and quantity of particles in order to dictate where energy is released and match up to any oil condition. The Chaos has a C.A.T.S. hook rating of 23, as compared to the Surge (19) and TiBoss II (16).


Mike Carlson

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
This ball actually lives up to what has been said about "pro-active" cover stocks. It has the control of urethane and the hit of resin...a combination promised by earlier pro-actives but not delivered.

Given the agressive nature of the cover stock, I decided to drill my Chaos with a non-agressive pin placement (about 5 1/2" from my PAP, 12:00), this resulted in a mild flare....but that is the only thing that's mild about this ball. It revs early but still gets through the heads very well for a "hook-monster". The recovery with this ball is exceptional,  it just won't roll-out unless you're bowling on desert


I drilled the ball to play inside but have had good results playing outside on fresh oil.

A very versatile ball...thank you to Joe at New Image Pro Shop in Dolton, IL

Ron Ware

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »

This ball is an absolute terror!!!  I normally throw the ball pretty hard and usually apply scotch brite to everything that is not pearl.  I have to tame down the Chaos in most conditions to able to throw it.  I won the Rhodman National Tournament in Reno with this ball in May 1999.  Was able to create a little area by getting the ball to come back once it hit OB outside of 8.

The King

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
I was the second person to receive the Chaos from my Pro Shop (second only the Pro Shop owner himself).  He told me when I picked mine up to throw it and then get out of the way because it may come right back at me.  He said he threw his in practice the night before and it took him 5 shots to get it to stay on the lane.  This ball will flat out hook and I figured that out quickly.  It's the biggest hooking ball I've ever owned and most likely the biggest hooking ever.  I've seen guys throw my Chaos that have never been able to hook anything get this thing to bend nicely into the pocket.  Now, I throw a lot of hand and this ball can be too much on medium to dry lanes, but give it some oil and watch it do its magic.  There have been shots when I put it out to far and just knew it was never going to make it back so I turned around and started to prepare for the wash-out I knew was inevitable.  Then I'd hear my teammates and/or opponents say, "Man, you should've seen that.  It screamed back in there!"  That's when you know you have a great ball.  This ball doesn't really "burn up" like the early Pro Zones so it keeps its completely awesome carry power all the way down.  This is a great ball from a great company.

10 In The Pit

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Here we are.....Chaos review #100.  Two words that describe this ball is "Great Ball".  I have been using the Chaos, drilled pretty much on the label, with the 2 1/2 inch pin located just outside the ring finger.  I tried some experimenting with different surface finishes on the Chaos, but my strong preference is for the factory 600 wet-sand finish.

I really like the way that the Chaos starts to work a little earlier on the lane.  I am usually struggling looking for more hook, and this ball really comes through by making the turn much earlier than most balls that I have used in the past.  I enjoy the way that the Chaos tends to arc more into the pocket rather than a violent flip....the breakpoint is much easier to control.

During the six months or so that I have used the Chaos, it has become my all-time favorite ball.  The Chaos really keeps the pins low on the deck, allowing for more mixing.

I would highly recommend this ball to anyone with a little more than average speed, with a slightly below average revolution rate....the Chaos can really help out your game by generating more revs for less input.  If you are a relatively slow speed bowler, or you put a ton of revs on the ball, it may be more than what you are looking for.  But if your speed is above average and your revs are slightly below average, you have found your next ball here.

I've also been throwing the Complete Chaos, and they make one heck of an arsenal together.  The Chaos can be flooded-out, but it really holds its' own on most medium to heavier oil conditions.

10 In The Pit

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Testing the new registration.  This is not a review.


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2001, 02:57:23 PM »
I just bought the Chaos on 20 Jan 01 and I have to tell you that I was very impressed with the action on the ball.  I had mine drilled leverage so I would be able to have the ball go into it's roll early and get through that "heavy" oil that some houses put down.  I have to tell you that no matter what shot I was throwing the ball was coming back and murdering the pocket and not leaving any ringing 10 or 7 pins.  I am a right hander and I keep my shot on the "gutter" I mean I throw out to the five board and almost straight in with not a lot of hook.  I mean the ball is a monster because my other balls "El Nino 2000" "Matrix TPS" and even with my TKO punch I had to adjust up to three boards to the right with all of them because they just could NOT hook like the Chaos.  I mean out of the box I shot 235, 266, 225, 231 and on and on and on.  If you really want a hooking ball that will come back for you, even in a medium to oily condition then buy this ball.  It DOES WORK.  You can adjust to the power of this thing.  DO NOT USE IT ON MEDIUM DRY OR DRY because if you do watch out for a gutter ball or a huge split.  I mean a gutter ball because the ball hooks to much to the left.  I give it a 9 out of 10.  


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2001, 10:10:59 PM »
This is a good long oil ball because it hooks up kind of early and does not have a big snap. But when the shot dries up I have to put it away and save for another oily day. It hits real well no complaints there.


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2001, 03:33:56 PM »
My original review had been removed but due to the fact that this ball was the BEST, THE BEST without a doubt in my opinion before 'TEC DEATH' caught up to my dear friend, I had to provide me review.  

Drilled with a 10:30 label layout (lefty), this ball hooked and hit, it struck on flush, off light, off heavy, off barely touching the headpin.  This ball can scare 10 pins down before hitting the lanes.  

When 'TEC' Death came I tried to revive him, I dunked it in soapy water, cleaned with plastic cleaners, cooked him in the oven and scrubbed his old layer off, but no luck, boo hoo.  

I must say how shocked I was when I first experienced the 'no hook' Chaos, I thought it was me, the lanes, the house, but alas after posting on ballreviews bullitin board way back when, I have discovered that which was its ultimate demise.  Due to 'TEC' Death I haven't touched or bought a new Columbia TEC ball, thought abuot them, longed for them but will not touch them.  I will not touch a Columbia made TEC product either except the Nighthawk Revenge which I was hoping was different because it is pearlized and a loss of hook wouldn't be so bad for a pearlized ball.

P.S. I like this ball.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2003, 07:32:49 PM »
Good hit, good controllability but terrible length.

The thing that I hated about this ball was that you had to use an entire 32 oz bottle of polish to get even the slightest shine on it.

That said, when the ball came out and you needed extra hook, it gave it to you. Easily the most hook of any ball on the market at that time. You the hook you needed, but it didn't cover the boards in the backend of the lane. This ball would still be great today if you could use on a flat shot straight up the boards and the cover just took over.

I give this ball 8 out of 10. Should never have been thrown on med oil or less, and it tracked out pretty bad.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Scraps Z

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 04:28:56 PM »
An awesome ball for heavy to medium - heavy oil. Arguably the hardest hitting Columbia 300 ball from the "Pre - Ebonite" era. The TEC cover stock remains very aggressive after 200+ games, no reaction or carry loss like many balls of today. Put the Black Chaos in the bag once the mid lanes begin to dry up. The dull TEC cover reacts very quickly to friction. Shines well with ProGrip TEC polish, not so well with Degree, Finesse-It, etc. However the ball really works best dull at 500 or 1000 abralon just be sure to have some oil out there! How much do I like this ball...well by chance, does anyone out there have a 15lb Black Chaos in new or like new condition they want to part with? Please contact me if you do! I'm most definitely "Addicted to Chaos"