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Author Topic: Complete Bedlam  (Read 13775 times)


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Complete Bedlam
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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- Color: Purple Pearl/Blue/Red Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Bedlam V.2.0 (asymmetric)
- Veneer: FULL TILT 5.0
- Surface: 800, 800, 1000, 1000 Polished
- Hook Rating: Oil- Backend-
- RG: 16#-2.54, 15#-2.53, 14#-2.49
- Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.055, 14#-.054
- Reaction:
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
- Description: It’s “Complete” this time. The Bedlam has morphed from Total Hook into Complete Backend. We took our Bedlam V2.0 core and wrapped around it our benchmark Full Tilt 5.0 shell. What is the difference? This time we polished with the new “tour finish” everyone is talking about and you get another shiny ball that hooks even more from the brand that is knocking on everyone’s door saying CHECK US OUT – It’s Complete Bedlam!



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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 01:15:25 AM »
The Complete Bedlam is a ball that went from being all about the total hook to a focus on the Backend reaction. Columbia 300 took the Bedlam V2.0 core and wrapped it with our benchmark Full Tilt Shell 5.0 which is the same as on the Full Swing. When the lanes start to dry out this will be the ball you can take out of the bag and play the same part of the lane that you were before. Make the Complete Bedlam a part of your bag. !
In Best Regards,
Brian Hirsch
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Brian Hirsch
Storm Amateur Staff #StormNation
TURBO Amateur Staff #DrivenToBowl
I Am Bowling Staff #IAmBowling (HIRSCH gets you 20% off)

Hammer Jim

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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 11:09:51 PM »
When the lanes start drying out is when this ball is at its best. I was skeptical at first but when the condition got worse this ball got even better. If you need a dry lane ball, you should get one of these!!!


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 09:18:57 PM »
Drilled up this ball 4x4x5 today. I wanted to drill it really strong because I assumed that with the polished cover it would get down the lane easily anyway, so no use to drill it skid/flip. I LOVED the reaction I got. It skated through the front of the lane with ease, then made a break on the backend that was just ridiculous. It was only 3 boards weaker than where I'd usually throw my invasion with a 5" pin to pap on a fresh shot. I bowled 2 games with it, a 207 and a 299. Frankly, I'm sold. For a pearl it really handles oil well and carry was right on.


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 10:34:02 PM »
Complete Bedlam

Layout: 70x4.5x35 hole on P3
Surface: 1000 polish (out of box)

Company intent (from Columbia’s website):

It’s Complete this time! The Bedlam has morphed from Total Hook to Complete Backend. We took our Bedlam V2.0 core and wrapped it with our benchmark Full Tilt Shell 5.0. The difference? We polished it with the new Tour Finish everyone is talking about, and you get another shiny ball that hooks from the brand knocking on everyone’s door and saying CHECK US OUT - it’s Complete Bedlam!

My thoughts:

Even though the Complete Bedlam comes polished, it will still give you a strong read in the midlane with a stronger motion in the backend.  The Complete Bedlam’s out of box reaction gives a great, readable reaction.  The Full Tilt 5.0 is a highly adjustable coverstock that can lead to multiple reactions for various patterns.

                 Bowlers Stats:
Axis Tilt 10°, Axis Rotation 40°, RPMs 420, Ball Speed 19.5 off hand,
                        PAP 5 3/16over 5/8up

David Simms Port St. Lucie, Fl


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 05:52:50 PM »
My first Complete was drilled with a 4.5"pin under the ring with the cg on the horizontal grip line giving a strong read of the midlane. Polished it reminded me of a stronger PowerSwing i drilled the same way. It read the oil well going
out but had plenty of recovery.
  My second Complete I drilled 5.5"pin above the bridge and a 5MB and this one goes long and really turns over on the backend. Playing deeper on the lane I like the transition to the pocket with some punch. On a fresher oil shot this
Complete lets me read the edge of the oil better going up the boards and still
making the transition with extra speed.

The Cheese

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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2010, 02:53:42 PM »
Ball Speed - 18-20 mph
Rev Rate - 475+
PAP - 3 1/4 right, 1 up
Layout - 55/5/30
The Complete Bedlam is a great addition to Columbia's mid-high performance line of bowling balls. Though I did not have as great of success with the Total Bedlam as I did with the original Bedlam, I've found that the Complete Bedlam is a great fit between the two balls. Of the 3 new major releases by Columbia this season (Complete Bedlam, Pure Physics, Burst), the Complete Bedlam definitely provides the most length. I love the core in the Bedlam series because it creates a very distinct angular backend motion that serves to compliment the much more smooth and continuous balls in the lineup. The Complete Bedlam works best for me on medium-heavy to light-medium lanes conditions, as well as the more intermediate length/volume PBA patterns. The Complete Bedlam is just strong enough that it is able to avoid carry down on medium patterns and still provide enough skid-flip to open up the lanes. I feel this will be a great ball for slower ball speed players as well as those with higher rev rates because the Complete Bedlam is so clean through the front part of the lane. Whereas the Burst and Pure Swing create a little too much friction in the midlane on Chameleon and Viper patterns, the Complete Bedlam offers the length and snap of a great pearlized ball without the over-under due to its matte 4000 finish. Though this ball isn't my first out of the bag in most occasions, it usually finds its way into my hands on most nights once the heads break down or if I need to play wider angles and cover a few more boards.
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff
Mike Marks Pro Shop
Wyoming, MI


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 04:49:58 PM »
Complete Bedlam
Bowlers stats
Right Handed
17-18 MPH
PAP 4 7/8 over
      3/8 up
Drilled my 1st Complete Bedlam with an oldie but a goodie, 3 X 3 X 3 correction hole needed straight across 1 in drill bit Pin ended up just above ring finger.
Took all three Bedlams out so I could see exactly where this ball would fall in line and I must say I was a interested in the result.
Pair of lanes were oiled with the Viper Pattern.
Of course the original gave me such length that it was almost straight up 5 board and than lots of backend, after getting real loose I pulled out the Total Bedlam and instantly moved 7 boards left with the feet and 5 with my target, 15 minutes later decided to try the Complete Bedlam, I decided to moved back right by a 3 and 2 move and quickly learned that it was too much of a move, although it took me more shots to get dialed in than i was hoping, I got there and watched in amazement the continued movement through the pin deck, also noticed that this ball was giving me a look not seen with the other Bedlams.
Drilled the 2nd Complete Bedlam with a drilling that was used on only one other ball I have drilled, and I loved the reaction I had with it, this drilling is a 4 X 4 X 1 1/2, alot stronger midlane roll but the continuation through out the shot had alot of bowlers watching and asking what's the difference in the 2 balls.

My opinion GREAT BALL
dont be afraid of this ball, unless it is in your opponents hands

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2010, 01:33:58 AM »
I was very disappointed with the Total Bedlam. I'm still not sure what that ball does. I was apprehensive about the Complete Bedlam but was pleasantly surprised. The Complete is closer to the original Bedlam and I find more controllable. It's not as violent in the backend as the original Bedlam but is much more predictable than the Total (which was 'Total' unpredictable). The Complete clears the front a lot easier than the Total and packs a nice punch when there are some dry boards right. The complete definitely gets lost in volume and should be replaced by a Burst when it's not cornering.

Overall the Complete Bedlam is a great piece on typical house shots and some of the shorter PBA patterns like Viper/Chameleon. If you combine the Pure Physics, Burst, and Complete Bedlam you have almost a 'Complete' arsenal which will cover the majority of PBA, Kegal and house shot patterns.
Lou Gaudio
Columbia 300 Regional Staff


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Re: Complete Bedlam
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2011, 11:44:26 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes: Have this ball drilled with pin at 4" from PAP just below and to the right of the ring finger. MB in the strong position with a balance hole drilled in the vertial axis line about 3 inches below PAP. On the Columbia Mass Bias Drilling Instructions, it would be drilling #3-Strong Layout/Medium track. I am a stroker, with a ball speed 17-18 mph, 166 average, and only bowled about 4 years. I am not an expert or great bowler by any means, but this is my analysis of this ball.  With this layout, this ball doesn't overreact when the lanes are relatively dry. Even when you hit the pocket light or a bit heavy, you still get great pin counts and forgiveness. It goes fairly long, with a slow gradual reaction into the pocket. Good ball to have for medium to dry conditions, or if you want to move inside more with greater amounts of oil. If you have lower speeds or more revs, this should be a very versatile ball for anyone.

Dislikes: When there is heavy oil, this ball only breaks about 6-8 boards tops. This layout is designed for heavy oil, but did not give the results I had desired for this layout. Definitely a ball for medium to dry lanes, or if you  have alot of revs. I usually start out with my Storm Furious on the first game during leagues, but end up with this ball in the second and third games when the lanes start drying out.