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Author Topic: Complete Chaos  (Read 17090 times)


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Complete Chaos
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Complete Chaos is Columbia 300's newest TEC (Texture Energy Control) ball. Complete Chaos is available in Blue Grass with Gold engraving and is available in weights of 10-16 lbs.  The Complete Chaos is Columbia's newest TEC (Texture Energy Control) coverstock ball with microscopic balloons added in SuperFlex shell for additional traction. The ball hooks more than any Columbia ball on the market with a stronger backend reaction. The ball has a strong dynamic bullet core enabling the Complete Chaos to grab the lane at the end of the oil (or in carry down) and make a sharp turn at the break point. The ball has a medium Rg (2.539) and a high differential Rg (.069) to create 6-9 inches of flare. The ball has a C.A.T.S. hook rating of 25.


Mike Carlson

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
This ball loves oil! I've tried some milder drillings with my previous proactives so I decided to try a stacked leverage drilling with this ball. Out of the box I tried it on a oilier medium condition with strong backends. The ball burned out a bit early and was only average in hitting power when I moved deeper.

I thought about polishing the ball but I decided to leave it dull in case I ran into a flood. Last Friday I found one...oily heads AND tight backends. This ball performed great on this shot, it had a nice strong arc and I definitely had a reaction that no one else on my pair had! The off hits carried very well and the ball reacted very evenly.

In general I'd say that this is an "arsenal" ball for floods. I think it might be usable polished on some mediums, but there are probably several reactive resins that would be as good or better on that condition. But if you're in need of something for flood control, this is definitely a great solution...I'm becoming a Columbia-holic, they are bringing out balls to fill holes and they are much more affordable than some of the "ball-a-week" manufacturers....way to go Columbia!

10 In The Pit

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
The Complete Chaos can be summed up in two words....Totally Awesome.  I've been rolling the Complete Chaos for about a month now, and it has really impressed me with its' potential.  Having been a very big fan of the original Chaos, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Complete.  It only took a few games with the ball to get fairly comfortable with it, and its' potential started showing up fairly quickly.

I drilled my Complete Chaos pretty much label, with the 3 1/2 inch pin just above the ring finger.  I opted to leave the ball in the factory 600 wet-sand finish, and I have seen no reason to want to polish it up any.  I really like the way the ball starts to rev up early, and it hits the rack like a freight train on the fast track.  I have noticed that the Complete Chaos seems to be more effective at carrying the corner pins....yes, you will still hang the corners from time to time, but just not as frequently.

One thing that I have noticed about the Complete Chaos versus the original Chaos is that the Complete Chaos has a very strong breakpoint....when it flips, IT FLIPS!.....the original Chaos has a much smoother flip, where it tends to arc more than flip.  But when the Complete flips, it absolutely smashes pins.

If your speed is just a tad above average, and your revolutions are a tad below average, you have found a Monster Ball that would compliment your bowling bag very nicely.  But if your speed is on the low side, or your revolutions are on the excessively high side, this ball may be more of a monster than you want to control.

I very highly recommend the Complete Chaos for anyone with above average speed and slightly below average revolutions that is looking for more hook in order to open up the lanes more.  This ball will most assuredly force you to move deeper into the lanes than what you may have experienced before, but it creates a very playable shot too.  I found myself moving in about 2 more board left with the Complete Chaos versus the original Chaos....but the Complete Chaos is very playable on most league conditions.

Now you've got the scoop on the Complete Chaos....go pick one up and "Rip The Rack"!  But one word of caution, and that is the Complete Chaos is NOT a dry lane ball....don't even think about it on a desert shot.  It most assuredly has its' place in your arsenal, but it is not feasible for a drier shot condition....when the lanes dry up, just put the Complete in the bag and pull out something less aggressive....that's just a fact of life with the new particle Monster Balls....Welcome to the club!

Tony Schmitt

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Got this ball this past week.  Gotta say, I'm quite impressed with it.  It does to the pins just what the name says....complete chaos.  I've never had a ball that carries so well on a light hit, yet I can control so well.  Just got done shooting games of 256 & 267 in practice with it.  I've found that on occasion it almost hits the pocket too hard....left a few 7's and a few 9's on perfect shots.  Other than that I love it.

10 In The Pit

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Well, here we finally are with the 100th review of the Columbia Complete Chaos.  This is a longer term follow-up review of the Complete Chaos, as I have been using it regularly for some 4+ months now.

This ball continues to be a one of my all time favorites, but I must say that it has become the victim of excessive oil absorption.  When I first started using the ball, I could generate some decent swing area, but the ability for the ball to recover well on the backends diminished greatly after about 2 months of steady use.  My understanding is that this is one of the weak points of the TEC coverstock, and it has greatly changed the line that I must play with this ball.  Instead of swinging this ball, I must now play a down and in shot with it.  However, I must add that this is one of the best down and in balls that I have ever used, and it is usually the first ball out of the bag each night.  I've used both the Chaos and Complete Chaos almost exclusively for some l0 months now, and even though they are prone to a significant decrease in performance once they pick up a lot of oil, they are both still killer balls.  You may need to play a little more direct of a line as the ball ages (more of a down and in shot), but they can continue to be productive provided that you make the necessary line adjustments.

I have been using my Complete Chaos, with a label leverage drilling pattern, in the factory finish.  I have found that sanding the ball with ScotchBrite seems to produce the best finish for me.  When sanding it with the ScotchBrite, I normally go up to the gray pad, sanding on the label first, then sanding with the flare bowtie straight up in the spinner.  If I am making a more significant sanding cut on the ball, I begin with burgundy Scotchbrite (sanding with the label/bowtie crosshatch), then stepping up to green ScotchBrite, then finishing the job with the gray ScotchBrite.  I normally bowl on heavy oil, with a longer than average length, so I find it adventageous to keep the somewhat duller surface texture.

Both the Chaos and Complete Chaos have given me more chances at an honor score than any other ball that I have ever used over many years.  My Complete Chaos assisted me with my first 290 game this week (ringing 10-pin in the first frame), and it has given me several other opportunities in the past couple of months at an honor score (although operator error usually got in the way).  Although a lot of people seem to think that this ball is a monster, I find it reasonably controllable, provided that you have enough oil on the lanes to work with.  If you don't have oil on the lanes, put the Complete back in the bag, because it just doesn't like a dry shot.  The operating difference between the Chaos and Complete Chaos seems to be in the flare department and the way that they turn the corner.  The Chaos will start to work earlier, with a steadily increasing arc angle.  The Complete Chaos seems to go longer, and it turns the corner a little bit sharper, but it still has a controllable arc instead of a flip.  The Complete Chaos is a flare monster, and is rated to flare as much as 9 inches if maxed out.  I'm seeing over 6 inches of flare on my Complete, even with a label leverage drilling (CG in center of palm, pin to the right and slightly above the ring finger, on a ball that is 3.5 inches pin-out).  One thing to keep in mind when having your Complete Chaos drilled is to keep it within an operating range that you can successfully control; if you have higher speed or lower revs, you will probably love the ball.  However, a slow speed player or a high revolution rate player may find the Complete a bit too strong with some drilling patterns.

Another comment of interest is that I have noticed very little tracking-in on the ball.  For the amount of lineage that the ball has seen, the wear factor seems to be relatively low.  I've only done 1 light resurface job on the ball in some 4+ months, and the way that the coverstock has worn has impressed me.  Of course, the oil absorption factor hasn't impressed me at all, but I addressed that issue above.  Again, I bowl in a flood on a very regular basis, and the flood probably helps reduce the wear on the track of the ball, but also promotes excessive oil absorption.

If you are looking for a ball with a lot of raw power, you've found it with the Complete Chaos.  When the ball is new, I'd give it a 10.0.  And, when it ages and loads up with oil, it still makes a great down and in ball.

Scott Kinney

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Wanting a ball that moves in oil, I've read many reviews of many oil monsters. Along with the reviews and the availability of certain balls I had the oppurtunity to get a Complete Chaos. This I did and was expecting something totally different as what it does. I expected a real big hooker(25) and what I got is about a 15 board hook. To start with I got it drilled 3 3/3 X 3 3/8 in laymens terms it has the maximal flare potential. Don't be mistaken it does create alot of flare but the hook leaves something to be desired. Of course these factors have certain if's. Maybe there is too much oil on the lanes where I bowl or something else.

The Complete acts just like any other ball with high RG-Differential drilled for oily lanes. It does move, but for the assumed 25 and I'm getting maybe about half of that I'm disappointed. All in all I will be sticking to either TRACK or STORM in the future.

10 In The Pit

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Mr. 800 X 5, CONGRATULATIONS on your 879.....I'm sure that your Complete Chaos has earned itself a place on your mantle at home, to say the least.  You are in "rare air" with your accomplishment!

I am in agreement with you on the Complete Chaos.  I've been so impressed by mine, I've decided to order a new one myself.  The Complete Chaos has been the most productive ball that I've ever used too.  It is an awesome ball to the bowlers who find that it fits their game nicely.  The black Chaos really impressed me, and the Complete Chaos has done even more so for my game.  The Complete is definitely a "keeper" for those who find that it works well for their game.

Again, Congrats on your latest pair of 300's (and 279) plus the 879 set.  Only 1 pin separated you from the "Big Ring"!

10 In The Pit

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Well, curiousity finally got the best of me and I decided to drill up a new Complete Chaos, with a full leverage 3 3/8" X 3 3/8" pattern.  I've been using one drilled 3 3/8" X 5" for nearly 9 months now (1/8 ounce positive side, 1/2 ounce finger weight) and it has really impressed me.  But, I was looking for something with more punch on the backends, and opted for stacked leverage this time.

The new ball came in with a 3 1/2" pin, and 2 ounces of top weight.  After drilling, we opted for zero finger/thumb, and 13/16 ounce positive side weight (with the balance hole on the PAP).  Since I normally bowl on 46' of oil with a 7-7 pattern, I was looking for something to open up the lanes just a tad....and I think that I've found something here.

I gave it a few tosses during league warm-up on the night that I got it drilled, but didn't have enough time to really dial it I put it back in the bag for the league set, and opted to break it out right after the league finished.  All I can say is "Wow"......I moved in and tried an 11 to 6 swing with it, and the ball absolutely came alive.....once it bit in about 45 feet downlane, that rascal got into a driving arc like I've never seen.  First game, I ran out the first 4, shaking 10-pin in the 5th, shaking 10-pin in the 6th, and then ran it out the back door for a 268.  That is the very first time that I've ever pulled a new ball out and done anything close to that type of performance with it.  Needless to say, I left the center very impressed with the new combination for this ball.

I had been undecided between the Complete Chaos with stacked leverage, and the Rock with stacked leverage.  However, since I normally bowl on heavier and longer oil, I decided to go back with a ball that I had some experience with....and I knew that the Complete is more of a "backend ball" with the tall weightblock.  After throwing a few more practice games with it, I think that I went the right direction.....this ball allows me to open up the lanes a little bit, which is what I was looking for.  I'm anxious to put it to the test in leagues now.....with the heavy oil that I was testing it on, it still seemed very controllable.  We shall see, but I think that I've stumbled on to something pretty good here.

10 In The Pit

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2000, 11:23:23 AM »
Well, I decided that it was time for a follow-up review on the newest Complete Chaos ball that I have.  This is the same ball that I had previously reviewed on 9-2-2000, which is stacked leverage.

As is the case with the Columbia TEC coverstocks, this ball too sustained a dramatic decrease in hook potential around the 100 game mark.  At this point, the stacked Complete went from a wild animal to a domestic squabble as far as the big booming backend reaction was concerned.....of course, I bowl in a house that runs a very heavy and long oil pattern, which speeds up the oil problem development.

On a plus note, starting out with the ball drilled aggressively (stacked leverage with some 13/16 positive side weight) has seemed to help keep a fairly respectable ball reaction going on the lane, even though it has lost the big hook.  And, even though the ball doesn't have the trememdous hook that it did when newer, it still has retained every bit of its hitting power.  I'm still very impressed with the ball, even though the hook potential has diminished significantly.

I guess what this newer Complete has taught me is that the more aggressive the ball is drilled initially, the more aggressiveness the ball will retain after the "TEC Death" has become an issue.  For someone who likes a moderately aggressive layout, setting this ball up stacked leverage may be very trying for the first 100 games.....but it might be just what you are looking for in the period beyond the 100 game mark.  I have personally found myself using the stacked leverage almost exclusively (even though I also have a label leverage Complete, too).  One thing that I have noticed between the stacked leverage and label leverage layouts on the Complete is that the stacked leverage is MUCH more sensitive to ball speed variations.

The stacked leverage layout on this ball is definitely more aggressive and sensitive, but I think that I prefer the stacked leverage layout on the Complete.

Tony Schmitt

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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2001, 09:30:44 PM »
I had reviewed this ball when I first got it in Feb. 2000.  In that time I've put at least 300 games on it.  About the 150 game point, this ball seemed to die.  Had it resurfaced which brought some of the hook back, along with hot water/Fantastic baths every week or 2.  However, at this point I cannot use this ball on the heavy oil conditions I play on, but I still use it with good results at my medium oil house.


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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2002, 12:46:48 PM »
I'm about 15mph and low revs try to cross no more than 4 boards.  I bought this ball off my pro shop guy and he drills his own equiptment to hook max, so I just left the drilling.  The whole purpose of this ball for me was heavy oil.  I'm only going to say wow this ball is amazing, I can not nor do I try to throw this ball if there is not oil.  I out hooks everything I own and have ever thrown.  I really like the reaction of this ball but due to my own personal style I just don't get to use it much and it seems to just stay home for league nights.  I'd give this ball an 10 out of 10 if there is oil to play in otherwise this ball is pretty useless for me.



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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2002, 11:10:42 PM »
When I got this ball, it was a 2nd hand usd ball from my pro shop. However he mentioned that it was hardly used and the guy before me dislike the ball, probably cos it over hooks. This I tell from the drill, it was drilled for extreme wet/dry conditions.

I wasn't too happy at first at the ball, mainly because I was not able to hook the ball (P.S. I'm a average bowler with about 180 average) However, with my recent better understanding of the game, I'm more comfortable with the ball. And not to mentioned, I even bowl a high game of 259. Now I understand what ppl mean when the say its a hook monster. Can't image if the drill was for maximum hook. Where can you simply play it?...

I rate the ball a A+


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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2002, 01:41:03 PM »
When I first got this ball (almost two years ago)I was excited. I used a pro zone before this ball. The Chaos was just what I wanted. After one month of throwing it I had my first 300. A little later on I had my first 700 series then another. Now after a year it doesn't hit the same. I have read a few that others have had this problem too. If I had the money I would by this ball every 50 games or so but I am looking for something like it that will not hold so much oil. This ball went for a 10 to a 5 on a scale of 1-10


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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2002, 10:42:30 AM »


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Re: Complete Chaos
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2002, 11:42:17 AM »
I purchased this ball from Ball reviews auction. I've wanted one of these balls for a while. Because this ball is discontinued.

16-pounds with a 1 1/2inch pin.

This ball still hooks very well, as long as you take care of the maintaince on the coverstock.(I use Columbia's degree dull ball cleaner)which works very well with coverstocks that retain oil.
I've used this ball when the conditions allow it, and this is a good strong revving ball and when the conditions allow all you have to do is make a few ajustments on the aproach and on the lane and once again your back hitting the pocket.
