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Cuda/C 2000
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Columbia 300 is pleased to announce their newest high-performance ball, the
CUDA/C 2000, which is available immediately and is cleared for PBA
competition beginning September 8, 2000 .  The CUDA/C 2000 is the return of
the CUDA/C with an improved shell.  This ball features the original Cuda/C
core, which was one of the best selling Columbia cores off all time,
surrounded by a Holo-Flex shell.  The Holo-Flex is a reactive shell with a
soft, engineered additive which is designed to protrude beyond the shell to
give the ball a unique texture and sparkly appearance.  This synthetic
additive allows the ball to get through the heads quickly as the track dries up.  The CUDA/ C 2000 is designed to get to the backend of the lane and have a controllable, arcing motion to the pins.  The smooth arcing path make it easy to find the strike pocket without having to throw the perfect shot.  This ball has a medium-low Rg (2.520) and medium-high differential (0.046). The CUDA/C 2000 has a hook rating of 17.


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
We received this ball last week and Chris was able to test it on a couple of different shots throughout the week.

Put the original Cuda/C core in a Holo-flex shell, and you have one great ball.  This is a great remake of the original Pearl Cuda/C.  Even with the new Blue Mica color, this ball will give you the reactions that you liked in the Original Cuda/C Pearl.

The Cuda/C 2000 was not as oil sensitive as the Cuda2000.  If you thought that the Cuda2000 was too sensitive at the breakpoint, then the Cuda/C 2000 is the ball for you.

Chris drilled his Cuda/C 2000 with the CG 4 1/2" and the pin 5".  On our first shift house shot, this ball was able to glide into the midlane and start its move at 45 feet, with a controlled break to the pocket.  Seeing the reaction of the Cuda/C reminded me of the original Pearl Cuda/C.  The new Cuda/C is today high-tech version of the original and will bring back memories.

On a Scale of 1-10, I would give this ball a 7.5.  This is a great ball for medium to dry lane condition, and should be great in most bowlers hands on league night.

If you have any questions, please email me at or check out our website, and our limited time price.


"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Paul Meyer

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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Drilled My Cuda/C 2000 with the pin below the fingers and the CG kicked out inch from the middle of my grip. No extra hole was needed. This is the same drilling I had in my original Cuda 2000. The differences that I noticed was an earlier roll with the Cuda/C, with just as hard of a backend flip. The hits with authority and I feel that this is an excellent compliment to the Cuda 2000. The Cuda/C can be used when the oil is a bit heavier and as it breaks down, switch to the Cuda 2000. Great 1-2 punch here. Thanx again Columbia.

Paul Meyer

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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Just to clarify the ball differences...

Brian Graham told me that the difference is the cores..

The Cuda 2000 had a Power Surge core and the new Cuda/C 2000 had a original Cuda core.

Any other questions email me.

Paul Meyer


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
When we first learned that the Cuda 2000 was comming out, we were really disappointed when we found that it was not, in fact the original Cuda/c.  This time we have the real thing!  We had the pleasure of testing this ball with the original Cuda/c (solid) on hand for comparisson.  

   The first thing that we saw was that the new Cuda/c has the same type of hook cycle and carry than the original.  The main difference, as you might guess is in the coverstock.  What we found was that the holo-flex shell provides a more angular break than the original had.  However, when we sanded the shell down to 1500 and finessed it to a high gloss, we got a much more even and smooth arc, with superior length.

   We were able to test the ball on a couple of different lane conditions over the weekend and had a good chance to score on just about anything but oil with carrydown.  We were using a label drill (pin 5" fron the p.a.p.) out of the box, and a pin 2" fron the p.a.p. with an extra hole 8" from the grip center. (with the shell sanded to 1500-polished)  As it happened the lanes were supposed to have been stripped Friday night, but due to an equipment breakdown, there were a few lanes that had not been stripped, but were re-oiled.  The regular condition with the dry backends were a nice fit for either ball, from a variey of angles on the lane.  from the track, both balls got down the lane without any trouble and were hitting the pocket consistantly.  The label layout was a bit sharper at the break and gave us a scare or two on flush hits that looked like the 9 pin wanted to stand up.  The 2" layout was just a bit smoother around the corner and was carrying better than the label.

   As we moved in we were able to see clearly that the Cuda/c does have it's limits, in terms of how many boards it will cross.  We don't think that this ball is supposed to be at the top in total hook, and it isn't.  We moved to the lanes that had not been stripped and had a much different path to the pocket, but were still able to throw strikes on good shots.  The Cuda/c does need to encounter some friction in order to react to the lane and in this case the friction was on the outside part of the lane.  On this condition, we had to get the ball outside of five in order to get the ball back and on the shots we didn't, we were light.  Niether ball looked good in the heavier oil and we didn't get the chance to try the Cuda/c with the shell dull.  It's just a guess, but we figure that the Cuda/c just wouldn't be your best option on oil, even dull.  There are just too many other balls that would be better suited for that type of carrydown.

   To summarize, the Cuda/c 2000 is a great ball for any medium to medium-dry lane condition.  if the reaction you get from the ball in it's out the box finish is too sharp, sanding and polishing will make a big difference.

   If you have any questions about this, or any of our other reviews, e-mail us at:

Kelly Beasley

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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2000, 01:55:10 AM »
I have to tell you I was a little worried about this ball when it was released.  But not now.  This ball is a winner.  It is a perfect ball for the bowler that needs extra help getting balls to roll over (if you don't understand this concept email me and I'll explain).  This ball is even better than the Cuda2000.  It displays the use of roll vs. hook.  This is an early roll ball, without early hook.  What strong hands need when they want to move into the oil, and what the weaker hands need to keep from getting all the over and under they ever wanted.  One thing I would like to stress is this is not a weak ball, it is to be used when you need some hook on the backend.  I also will say that I think this ball works better for someone that likes to loop the ball, rather than the down the board players.  Even if you didn't like the original Cuda2000, I think you'll be suprised by this one.  Thanks


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2000, 03:37:11 AM »
 Purchased a Cuda/C to replace my dead Rock. Tried it on freshly oiled lanes and I was kind of disappointed. Then last night got an oppurtunity to throw on the second shift and WOW. It goes down long and just went you think its going straight right it makes a sudden strong move back to the pocket. It literally smashes the pins. It hits tremendously hard but sometimes it makes the pins fly over instead of staying low. A 10 of 10 on medium to dry lanes. Should have listened to the other reviews not to get this ball for oily lane conditions. Probably going to get an Elixir for that.

Jeff Mop

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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2000, 05:45:33 PM »
Read the tech specs provided on this site.  Note the sentence that says "smooth arcing backend."

When you look at the Cuda/C 2000 you see it's pearlized, and when you feel the Holoflex coverstock you immediately think the ball will take off in the dry.  THAT IS NOT THE CUDA/C 2000!!!  This is a very medium, arcing type ball.  How you drill it can and will influence how much hook you get out of it, but please do not expect a big flipper on the backend.  

Throwing this ball, even with a strong drill pattern is almost like putting the pin an inch or two from your axis.  A nice smooth roller.  A VERY hard hitter, but a nice smooth roller.

Drilled with pin next to the ring finger, MB about 1" from VAL.  XH on axis, small bit, 2" depth.  Final specs 4 1/4 x 3 1/2

My thinking is that this is a good ball for fresh oil with dry backends, especially when the track area starts to dry up a little.  The arcing nature makes it predictable.  No surprises.  As soon as you let go you know exactly where the ball will hit the rack.


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2001, 11:03:12 PM »
About the way I bowl:  I like to play a down and in shot, but if it's to dry for that I have no problem with swinging it out.  I keep my hand under the ball throughout the entire shot and follow through strong.  I get around 13 or 14 mph's on the ball.

Had this ball drilled up with the middle finger under the pin for length and a snap on the backend.  The lanes I bowled on today had head oil but at about 40 or 45 ft they dried out.  I stood with my left foot on the center dot and threw right around 10.  If I got it to the right of 10 it would still come back but either just grazed the head pin or washed out.  But if I was at or to the left of 10 it held pretty well.  Had to keep the speed up though or it would just fly right into the head pin.  But overall I'm happy with this ball, my driller's at Galka's Pro Shop did a fine job.  Another solid ball from Columbia.


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2001, 09:47:13 PM »
About the way I bowl: I like to play a down and in shot, but if it's to dry for that I have no problem with swinging it out. I keep my hand under the ball throughout the entire shot and follow through strong. I get around 13 or 14 mph's on the ball.

I asked my ball driller's for a negative drilling with snap at the end.  The typical lane condition I bowl on with this ball is just a regular house block shot with some carrydown.  The more I use this ball the more it seems to be very picky with it's reaction.  Sometimes it over-reacts and other times it under-reacts.  It hasn't been very consistent so far.  Maybe a little more time with it will give me some better reactions.


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2002, 11:18:19 PM »
When I got the ball, I had it drilled a B1 as of the drill instructions. I wanted to try something new as I have been having balls drilled a B2. However, I was still surprised that it not able to hit the pocket correctly. It always crosses over and miss the pocket.

I tried a variety of lanes condition, and finally decided to tame or delay its hook. So a additional balance hole was drilled. Now, I can play it in a variety of conditions and not have to use up my strength in just getting it out to the lanes.

I must say, its a hell of a ball considering it never mentioned as a hook monster and its a pearlized ball and coverstock is not a TEC.

I rate it a A though.


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2002, 03:26:17 PM »
First off, awesome ball.  I had this ball drilled with the standard over the label, and use a basic down and in shot playing the 7-8 boards.  If I drop it to the right, 9 times out of 10, it breaks back hard and nails the pocket.  If I drop it to the left, it straightens out and kills the pins just the same.  Wonderfully consistent on anything from medium-dry to medium oily, with very good carry.  It has tremendous grabbing power which keeps it on the lane on many 10-pin attempts to the point I convert 95% of them.  Although it only leaves 2-3 10 pins per 3 game set, if the strikes aren't coming, it almost always leaves a very easy 4 pin.  

On Oily and Dry lanes though, it's a different story.  Still, very, very predictable, but hard to control.  Normally on the 3rd game of a set, I have to move left 1-2 boards, and move my mark 1-2 boards, and it's still good.  Although if the lanes are really dry, you have to power it big time to avoid a wicked hook.  On the soup conditions, it just doesn't move unless you eliminate your ball speed and up your revs.  Additionally, playing the 2 or 3 board works, but leaves 10 pins.

On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 9 1/2, providing you avoid dry lanes or the soup.


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2002, 10:42:44 AM »
I have this ball drilled to go long and snap.  It really doesnt snap, it arcs pretty hard though.  Not a big hooking ball but if you get it there it will finish the job.  The big plus is that it is not a tec so hopefully i can get more than 30 games out of it.



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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2002, 11:23:48 AM »
I know this is a late review for this balls. I purchased this ball used from the pro shop.

Ball specs
16-pounds with a 2-inch pin

Clean through the front part of the lanes (heads area)great mid-lane read (rolls nicely)and has a controllable arc in the back end.

I have roll some high scores with this ball (217,268,300 = 785)and I have won a local tournament (Nov,2001)with this ball, in which I averaged over 232 for the tournament.

Keeper in the tournament bag


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Re: Cuda/C 2000
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2002, 02:17:45 PM »
I need another opinion, I'm a lefty with about 15-17 mph shot and more revs than I need for that speed. Normally, I buy equipment like the Blue Hot,Too Hot, and other control equipment. Will this be a good addition. Any info is appreciated, my email is Any help is appreciated.