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Author Topic: Dark Encounter  (Read 18463 times)


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Dark Encounter
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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- Color: Black, Super Blue, Ultra Violet  All  colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.  
- Core: Encounter
- Veneer: Elastin 7.5 Solid
- Surface: 500, 1000, 2000, 2000 Abralon
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- RG:  2.50
- Diff:  .052
- Reaction:  HOOK
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy Oil
- Description: The Elastin chemical breakthrough carries on with the  Dark Encounter. The original Encounter featured a pearl version of the  revolutionary Elastin coverstock at a strength of 6.0 out of 10.  The  chemical engineers at Columbia 300 have taken this technology to a new  level by creating even larger pores and increasing the length of the  polymer chains  in a solid version of Elastin.
The Encounter core is the same dynamic core found in the original  Encounter.  Bowlers have come to love the Encounter core for the  performance it provides through strong and versatile performance  characteristics.  
Columbia 300 has taken ultimate traction in oil to the next level  with the new Elastin 7.5 Solid coverstock without sacrificing great  backend motion.  The proven core along with a great new cover will  provide the big hook you’ve been looking for.



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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 11:58:17 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes:This ball is a great fit between the Encounter (Pearl) and Ransom Demand. This ball goes just a little less down lane than the Encounter, and makes a nice sharp continious motion down to the pins. This ball is real easy to read off the breakpoint with the continious motion.
       This ball comes 2000 sanded out of the box, if it is a little to strong, a suggestion might be to apply a little polish to it and this will calm it down a little.

 Columbia 300's Brand Manager Bugsy Kelly did another GREAT!!! job with this one also.

Dislikes: NONE






Eddie Grace Columbia 300 Ambassador.


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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 10:14:18 AM »
     Ever since the release of the Encounter I said to myself.. I cant wait for a dull Encounter and my wish came true.... Best Columbia300 ball yet....For all those who loved the Encounter this is the ball to get... if you bowl on condtions where the Encounter goes alittle to long and you need something to pick up alittle sooner this is the perfect ball for you..





Likes:Very smooth through the heads and hits like a tank

Dislikes: none


I changed the surface to 1000 2000 3000 grit because i have a high rev rate and now i can use it when lanes break down and it does not use all its energy up trying to get down lane when i have to get left






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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2012, 10:08:48 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes:I've now had the opportunity to use the Dark Encounter on numerous patterns and I've been very pleasantly impressed.  My layout was 50x5"x70.  This layout is something I tend to use early on medium to heavier patterns and this layout in the Dark Encounter has been a great combination.  This ball has been very beneficial on a couple of the flatter patterns I've bowled on when my misses are usually magnified.  I definitely can see this being a ball I use a lot on the fresh when competing on medium to heavy sport patterns.  If you're looking for a ball to help you on oil, or on flatter patterns this ball would be a great asset to your arsenal!







Chris Klerk


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Chris Klerk


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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 11:12:17 AM »

Columbia300 Regional / Amateur Staff member here.


Columbia300's best ball yet ... I remember thinking when the Encounter came out "man i cant wait for a dull one" and my dreams came true.. Thank you Bugsy (columbia brand manager).




Likes:Ball hits like a truck... smooth predictable and strong.... turns the corner and very continuous.... Great on medium to heavy... High rev rate players tell ur driller to use large angle sums and strokers and tweeners use smaller angle sums.


Dislikes: Ball comes 2000 out of box. This might be alittle to strong of cover for most house shots that do not have a heavy volume of oil.. my suggestion is hit it 3000 or 4000 pad and it makes a huge difference.



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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2012, 06:40:47 PM »

Columbia 300 Dark Encounter

By: Derrick “Tool Box” Woods


Layout: Dual Angle – 630X 5 3/16” X 720  

Box Surface: 500, 1000, 2000 Abralon

Ball Speed: 17.5 – 18.5

Rev Rate: 420 – 460

Lane Condition: Heavy 40’ House pattern


         Once again it your friendly ball reviewer with our new spherical specimen the Columbia 300 Dark Encounter. This new toy come equipped with the “Encounter” core from the first Encounter, but wrapped with a new Elastin 7.5 solid cover giving players a heavy, smooth motion throughout the whole lane. Out of the equipment I have previously thrown, this ball gives me a consistent reaction when the lanes have just been oiled. With my high ball speed, I tend to have a very bad over/under reaction at the start of competition (throw it too hard the ball misses the friction, throw it too slow the ball over hooks). With the out of box finish of 2000 grit Abralon, the dull surface helps transition the ball from oil to dry without a hard “jerk”. A lot of times when balls have this ball motion many bowlers have issues with the ball burning up or losing energy through the pin deck to carry, not this ball.  Two out of the last three weeks in the Houston Communications League at Palace Lanes, I have posted scores of 298 and 300 in the first game respectively. With the ball having such a controlled motion down the lane, I struggled get the ball to carry the corner pins. Might have to drill another one and shine the cover-stock to help the ball clear the front a little bit better and generate a better angle to the pocket.  I would like to thank Columbia 300 for opportunity to throw this ball and Mike Austin’s Bowling Dynamix for the ball drilling services.

Derrick S. Woods
a.k.a Tool Box
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix
4225 Bellaire Blvd Suite B 
Houston, TX 77025 


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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2012, 10:32:55 AM »

Length:   42 feet



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):   Tournament Shot



Likes:  I have two of these with completely different drill patterns and cover sufaces.

#1 :  Drilled pin down with a double thumb layout, cover is at 4000 grit.  This ball rolls excellent for me on a fresh tournament shot.  Rolls up early with a little kick on the backend.  This ball and layout can handle plenty of oil and is good for opening up the lanes. Carry for this ball on the fresh is above average.


#2:  Drilled with pin above the middle finger, cover is at 2000 grit with polish.  This ball has been great for me on a THS shot and also tournament shots once the shot breaks down a little bit.  The ball goes a lot longer than the pin down one, but still has a great controllable kick on the backend. 

Dislikes:   none at this time and actually looking at getting a few more of these.






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Re: Dark Encounter
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2012, 07:21:27 PM »

Length: 41ft.

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): PBA Scorpion


Likes: WOW! this ball flat out hooks even on the slickest of lanes! I drilled this ball pin under my bridge and have the mass bias at about 5 o'clock in relation to the thumb. At factory finish this ball was way too much. I could never keep the ball right of the headpin, even when moving inside fourth arrow. Also tried squaring up and play the ditch, but the out of bounds was too iffy to get a consistent read. Changed the surface to 4000 wet sand and got the right amount of length and still had a ton of hitting power when it got to the pocket. By far the best ball for oil I've seen so far from Columbia 300. This ball will start up a little earlier than the Ransom Demand and be more controllable at the breakpoint. I've found the Dark Encounter to be a lot less oil-sensative than the Demand

Dislikes: 2000 box finish is too much for bowlers with high rev rates, unless they have a fair amount of speed to go with it, other than that, this ball is phenominal!