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Author Topic: Delirium  (Read 14362 times)


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« on: February 11, 2015, 09:26:02 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Columbia Delitium Ball Specs:

- Color: Purple Flair All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Resurgence
- Coverstock: Bend-It Pearl
- Factory Finish: 500, 2000 Abralon with Factory Finish Polish
- Reaction: Skid/Flip
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.46**
- Differential (Diff): .043**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium – Dry
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Delirium
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 04:17:12 PM »
I am an Amateur staffer for C300 giving my reviews on C300s latest release, the Delirium, in your local pro shops on March 3, 2015. The Delirium features Bend-It Pearl, the cover that made the Vow one of C300’s most popular shiny balls in recent history. The strong backend motion capabilities have been done by finishing the Delirium with 500, 2000 pads and Factory Finish polish. Due to the strong skid flip cover and polished finish, the Delirium will provide a powerful angular move on a wide range of medium to medium dry conditions. I have used it in various different bowling centers on their respective THS, and noticed how versatile this bowling ball is. The hitting power is great and finishes very strong through the pins. At a mid-level performance price point, you will not be disappointed to have this as an addition to your arsenal.

Damon White
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Re: Delirium
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2015, 11:18:25 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes:  What I like about this ball is the control and predictability.  The new Delirium allows me to play multiple angles to the pocket with the energy to carry.  The bend it pearl cover, that off the vow, and the resurgence core are a great match.  I drilled my Delirium 60x5.5x70.  I had a 1'" pin to CG with 4oz of top weight which required me to place a weight hole above my fingers and to the right,(I am right handed).  This drilling allows me to play heavier patterns straighter and lighter or drier patterns I can move inside and the ball will not roll up to early or make it to aggressive once it leaves the pattern.

This ball in my opinion is a must have for tournament players that play on tougher conditions due to the controllability characteristics this ball has.  It doesn't like to spark off the dry and will still hold pocket if tugged a bit.

Dislikes:  None

Mathew Fowler
C300 Regional Staff member Pro Shop Ambassador

Mat Fowler
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Re: Delirium
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2015, 08:36:19 PM »

Speed: 18 mph

Rev rate: 350 rpm


Weight: 15 pounds

Top Weight: 2.5 oz

Pin Distance: 3 inches

Surface: Box (500-2000 Abralon, Factory Finish polish)


Length: 42 feet


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: Strong reaction shape, Resurgence core!


Columbia 300 has brought back my favorite core once again. Lucky for me! :D

The layout on this ball is 55 x 4 7/8 x 40, and this ball is actually a bit stronger than I was expecting. In the last four days, I've used my Delirium on the burn after league play was completed and also on the fresh house shot. I've played different angles on each and felt very comfortable. On the fresh house shot, I could play up the boards, and the burn allowed me to take a step left and get in with it. I think that with controlled ball speed, I can also get in with the ball on the fresh pattern.

The Delirium is a fun, great looking piece and this core/cover combo is an absolute winner!


#TeamStrikeFX #TeamBrunswick


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Re: Delirium
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2015, 09:23:13 PM »
Delirium –
When I received mine I wasn’t quite sure how to have it laid out but decided to stay close to the standard demo having it drilled 70 x 5 x 45.  That being said let me first tell you that the motion is smooth.  It does have a similar look to the Vow however in my opinion it is only for the first 30 – 40 feet which is where the similarity ends.  The backend reaction the Delirium provides on this basic demo lay-out is exceptional.
I believe the key to this is the combination of the Bend-It Pearl cover and the Abralon sanding grits and Factory Finish Polish.  As applied, these two factors provide an excellent enhancement to the already versatile Resurgence core which powers the Delirium.
Results – On a fresh typical house pattern I was able to have a larger swing area off the shim then other mid level balls without losing the 1-3 pocket.  As the conditioner moved down the lane, I used simple adjustments to retain the angle necessary to continue striking.  On lanes already bowled on, I found that as the oil reached further down it was necessary for me to move slightly right but continue with the same entry angle.  The angular motion permitted continuance through the pins.
I had my Delirium drilled on a Friday and rolled in an association senior tournament the next day.  Let me just say that for the 5 games I used my Delirium I averaged 262 and shot 300.  Although I have had a number of honor scores and good sets with new releases, this was the first time I have had a performance with a piece right out of the box.   
This ball is exceptional and has easily become an intricate part of my tournament and league arsenal.  If you don’t get yours on 3/3/15, you’re delirious!!

Chuck Tillman
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Re: Delirium
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2015, 11:52:31 AM »

Length: '41


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



The Delirium is a special breed of performance that comes around every so often. So when you have the chance to get one of these, make it your own. The technology and performance that is in this ball is second to none in the Bowling industry’s current line up at this performance level. This ball reacts very well to different layouts for different style of bowlers for a variety of lane patterns. Although the ball is designed for medium patterns, make no mistake about it. This ball with a pin down layout and lightly scuffed surface can really work those other patterns to fit your game. The coverstock on the Delirium reminds me of the Vow coverstock which was one of my favorites. With being a high rev rate player, this clean cover allows me to get through the heads while retaining energy for an explosive backend motion. The resurgence core gives me the control and hitting power I am looking for while keeping the ball in the pocket at any angle. You might as well have two of these because one isn’t enough. C300 Let’s Bowl! 

In my bag - Quantum Fire Pearl, grudge, Pitbull, BTU, Cash, Fanatic SS,

Kevin Blackmer
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Re: Delirium
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2015, 07:17:04 PM »
The Delirium is one of those balls that's just so good you can't keep it off your hand! Being a peal ball, this particular coverstock gets through the fronts very easily while acting more like a solid in terms of back end reaction. Never before have I seen a pearl ball that goes sideways through the pin deck the way the Delirium does! For those of you who loved the original Eruption, you can expect a very similar motion, just more of it. My estimate is at least 3-5 boards stronger and still manages to store enough energy to clear the pin deck with ease and get the ten out.

I drilled two Deliriums, one pin up, the other pin down. The roll is almost identical with the exception of the pin down version rolling about three feet sooner than the pin up. Ball motion has been very consistent between house shots and sport shots alike which is always a plus for the Sunday warriors.

My PAP is 4 7/8" right, 3/8" up and I fall into the "tweener" category as far as ball speed and rev rate. I decided to go with dual angle layouts on these balls, 75 x 4 3/4" x 65 (pin down) and 65 x 4 1/2" x 35 (pin up). I haven't tried knocking the polish off of either of these balls yet, they're simply too good as they are to really want to mess with. I bowl on a fairly heavy volume house pattern in leagues and I have to say with these being polished pearl balls, they still hook quite a bit, even on the fresh!

Bowlers of all styles and calibers will love this ball on a variety of lane patterns. It's sure to be a league night staple and definitely a ball to take with you to tournaments! Columbia 300 has given us an amazing new piece that's sure to turn heads for quite some time to come!

Jimmy Ogden
Savage Bowling Pro Shops
Columbia 300 Regional Staff


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Re: Delirium
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2015, 01:34:53 PM »

Volume: 20-25ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):Pattern was Fresh USBC white pattern 40ft Anvilane

The Delirium is at box surface I was standing 18 looking at 10 at the arrows, I couldn’t see much reaction with the ball surface that I had on the ball, I would say the reaction was delayed and not very effective on the fresh house shot.  I had a couple shots that went light into the 1-3 pocket and mixed pretty good however the mix had to be perfect every time.  For me the box surface is a little too much skid and not enough movement out of the pattern.
I bowled in a mixed doubles tournament and this time I changed the surface on the Delirium prior to going to the bowling center.  The surface I used was wet sanded 500/3000 I was standing 27 looking at 15 at the arrows allowing the ball to float right but didn’t want to go outside 6 down the lane.  The reaction and finish that I got was really exciting I got a couple shots outside of 6 down the lane and I thought it was gone but I was able to see motion back to the 1-3 pocket I didn’t strike on those shots however with the Delirium getting back that was good enough for me.  The Delirium for me is readable and could be used on those medium and or medium light patterns, I didn’t see skid flip from the Delirium and the smoother for me is better which the Delirium was for me.
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Re: Delirium
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2016, 11:36:12 AM »


Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Bourbon Street


Likes: This ball IS the ball that goes absolutely sideways through the pins when you simply need to create angle. I used this ball almost exclusively in a tournament where the pattern was designed for scores, and the players broke it down very well. I just continued to migrate deeper, and the ball simply never quit finishing and never lost it's hit. It is symmetrical, continuous, and the resurgence core absolutely does not disappoint as usual. AMAZING piece from C300!!

Dislikes: This ball doesn't care for heavy oil without surface adjustments. It's not a dislike, more of a "disclaimer". :)

Zack Newman
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