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Author Topic: Detour  (Read 16347 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Cut to the chase and throw 'em a curve. Trust our new Detour. It'll lead you in the right direction. You'll get your game going on a new course and keep your budget right on track.

Ball Specifications  
Core Technology: Inverted Stair Step Core with Dual Flip Blocks

Core Technology Benefits: Clean through the front with angular backend.

Coverstock: SuperFlex

Coverstock Benefit: Creates good length and strong backend motion on most lane conditions.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 3-4

Color: Red/Purple/Black with Neon Yellow Engraving  

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 48
Hook Oil: 21
Hook Dry: 27



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Re: Detour
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2004, 02:35:09 PM »
White Bread Review:
2nd Drill: Pin on Axis
1/2pos 1/3.14 finger
Very stable move similar to the Black U-Dot of the olden days but the hit is still strong.  Previous Pin on Axis Drills did not create enough drive to carry the corners but this one did, Superflex is great

Review for NON-Complainers and Moderators who do not Ban, please ignore White Bread Review:
Detour??? What kind of name is that???  When I think of a Detour I think CRAP! Now how will I get home...hmmm the Bronx, I'll ask that skantilly clad lady or his colorfully dressed male friend for directions to Long Island...Not a positive image

Any way after some reconstructive jaw surgery and the replacement of a few digits on my typing hand (I can type faster, stronger, better now because they are replaced with bionics I bought from Walmart) I can now write a review for my eh...DETOUR..."stupid name" <whispering>

Drilled Pin on Axis

Stable like my Uncle Jeckyll, he alwasys sent me cookies.
Strong like my Uncle's life partner Mr. Hyde, he was the strong silent type.  He sweated profusely and ocassionally drooled, not much for table manners.

I won't be using it much on the THS with this drilling but will definitely be in the Mega Tourney bag.

Life is like a box of chocolates, pristine and perfect to start, when eaten the dark desires appear through caffeine and suger, then diabetes occur and being overweight by eating too much.  Finally, you pass out when the alien pops out of your chest!  Godiva...ahhhghrhrhhhh <Homer J Simpson type drool>


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Re: Detour
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2005, 10:37:16 AM »
The Columbia Detour was first drilled in our pro shop to replace a Shock Trauma for one of the guys who works with us.  We had heard that this ball’s cover stock is very aggressive, so we sanded the out of the box finish down to 1500 and polished it to a fairly high gloss.  The ball was 16lbs, top of 2.75 and a pin of 2 ½” out.  
This bowler is mostly bowling in leagues and has been having success with the same type of layout for much of the past two seasons.  That layout is the pin next to the ring finger, which is about 4 ½” from his axis.  There was a need for a small balance hole, which we placed 4” from the grip center on the midline.  

   This player throws the ball between 17 and 18 mph, has minimal axis tilt and is at about 30-35 degrees of axis rotation.  

   The first time out with the ball, he lined up very close to where he had been with his Shock Trauma.  He was targeting 13 to a break point of 7 or 8 and the carry was automatic.  The ball’s track flare measured 4”.  The Detour looked strong right from the first shot, as it just gave the impression it was looking for a place to hook and when it found it, it shredded the rack.  As the track area broke down, a move left with the feet and target was enough to keep striking.  The bowler observed that the break point of the Detour seemed to be slightly less sharp than the Shock Trauma was but he liked the predictability that provided him.  

   In the weeks to come, the Detour proved to be a great piece of equipment for lanes that were medium to oily.  Dryer heads make the Detour tough to use, even with polish.  Dry back ends don’t seem to be a problem for this ball, as it’s move, although strong is not really sharp.  Heavier patters shouldn’t be a problem, especially with a dull shell.  The carry is as good as anything out there in our opinion, unless you are lined up badly, you won’t be shooting corner pins much with this ball.

   We can recommend this ball for anyone who needs more reaction then they currently have with their reactive ball.  Anyone who prefers reactive shells but would like something aggressive should look into the Detour.  
   If you have any questions regarding this review or any other ball, you can e-mail us at


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Re: Detour
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2005, 12:48:37 PM »
this ball for me on carry down can be the end of it.  like this ball with flying back ends or on wood where the oil doesnt really carry down.  great ball then.  i have to pick and choose the times when to use it.  if i get the right combination it can be deadly.  have used at many tournments to make a comback.  as long as the heads hold and the oil hasnt carried down to the back really bad.  this is a great ball.  one you definatly want in your arsonal for the right time to come out and make that comback or charge.


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Re: Detour
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2005, 03:55:13 PM »
Best ball I have owned to date!  Reads the lanes beautifully and makes a killer move on the backend.  Used this ball for almost 8 months now and is still hitting like a tank.

Monster Stitch

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Re: Detour
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2005, 10:55:32 AM »
15lb 3oz
2.5 inch Pin
2 oz Top Weight

Pin under the ringfinger
CG kicked out 1.5 inches
Xtra hole on my axis
Polished with Reactive Shine

Well since i am starting to build a Columbia Arsenal, i was told by Chad Murphy, Curtis Woods, and Jon Brandon which are all on the Columbia Staff that this ball would be a good fit unber my Bully.

This week on the same day i drilled this ball out i tried it in League. Fresh off the press when i got on the lanes i was very impress. I can see easily the difference between the M80 and the Superflex Coverstock.

The Detour definitely suites its name. Bowled on a Med to Heavy oil pattern.It goes long and really zips on the backend. Even shots i threw that wouldn't usually recover came back and shredded the rack. All night long this ball got better and better. The ball is very versatile too. You can use different hand positions and it still rolls and hits well. I shot 215-237-257 for 709.

I agree with what Curtis Woods and my Pro Shop Driller that the Detour is Columbia's sleeper ball. For a mid price ball it performs like a high end ball.

Keep up the good work Columbia!
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes


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Re: Detour
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2005, 03:49:59 PM »
This ball is a big seller in my area, so I decided to see what all the hype was about. Drilled up a 15 pounder pretty much label with the pin just to the right of my ring finger and the CG in the center of the grip shifted maybe a half inch right.

The ball had it's moments, but it never was a great carrying ball for me. It got down the lane well, with a good hard move at the break point. But I'm a tweener, and I always seemed to be right in between of it's comfort zone. I either needed to try and turn the ball more to get an earlier reaction, or I needed to square up and get the ball down the lane better. I tried hitting the ball with a mild Scotch Brite pad, which allowed me to play a bit deeper with the earlier roll, but still could be a 10 pin leaving monster unless everything was just right.

The others who have bought one around here and have had great success with it seem to have lots of hand, or are straight enough to square up and fire it down the lane and let the ball turn over. I guess it just didn't match up for my particular game.

Monster Stitch

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Re: Detour
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2005, 06:58:55 PM »
2.5 inch pin
3 oz top

6 x 5
Pin above bridge
Xtra hole 6.5 inches from center of span

This ball again is just dominant. It is truely a medium ball. Very easy to predict going down the lane. This layout gives the ball length with a nice reaction in the backend.

I tried it at a wood house with a 10 to 10 shot. 10 to 5 it hooked and outside 5 was ob. It carried everything. The best shot i had was staying in the track. I could go straight or swing a little and it would belie back nicely.

I had my best 5 game set in a mini holiday tournament:

288 - 258 - 213 - 267 - 206 = 1232

I am thinking of getting a third one. Hee he.

Columbia does it again. This ball is a sleeper which not many people know about still.

"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes


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Re: Detour
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2005, 09:43:59 AM »
Got this one back in April after reading some positive reviews. I drilled it a little strong for my style, which I think was the problem I had from the beginning. I drilled the ball with the pin about 2 inches to the right of my ring finger and cg below. When the ball would read a dry area it would flip hard and roll it's self out hitting weak leaving a lot of 10's and after a few games this ball doesn't like carry down either. I played with the surface first with a heavy coat of polish but still would roll out. I next drilled a large weight hole in the axis to get the ball back to the negetive side. This did help save some of the energy in the ball, but it is still very angular, once it turns, it turns and rolls straight at the pocket, not a constant curve. The reaction is a bit strange as it looks like I'm throwing it straight at an imaginary wall and bouncing it into the pocket, no roll up time to turn, it's that fast, right then a fast straight left, angular no curve. If I were to get another one I wouldn't drill it strong, the cover of this ball is just too jumpy. I do like the ball more since I drilled the weight hole in it, as I was about to sell it before the hole was drilled, but now I can use it on any medium house shot. I give it a 8 out of 10, not the best but gets the job done when the conditions are right.
Lane Conditions: 35 ft heavy-med Oil 8-8
Type of Lane: Wood
What part of the lane did I play? Third Arrow out to the 5 board
Recovery? very angular
Ball weight: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory / polished
Likes: you can square up with this ball, just line up, hit the dry and watch it go to the pocket
Dislikes: If other people are all playing the same area as you or there is a lot of carry down, the ball will miss the break spot sometimes or get a lot of over/under reaction.

R.J. Ugas
Bowl South Staff
Houma, Lousiana


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Re: Detour
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2006, 09:02:19 PM »
I did not like this ball at all.  Put the pin over the fingers and cg just below.  Kept box surface on it and absolutely hated the ball.  I could not strike with it if you payed me to.  I hung ten pin after ten pin.  We did not sell many of these and the few people that did drill them don't care for them (not carrying the corner pins).  This ball just does not finish hard enough to carry the corners.  It was very smooth and had an arcing backend.

Good Luck and Good Bowling,


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Re: Detour
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2007, 03:36:37 PM »
Drilled a 2nd stacked label no xhole
OOB surface

If you like superflex and you want to replace an older one that is tracked out or you don't like the color anymore then this would be a good replacement.  Same old stuff, good hit nice reaction...yawn...excuse me.

Superflex is good stuff, its like comfort food.  Occasionally you will try something raw UGH but you will always come back to Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with gravy and for me Spam and eggs HALLALUYAHH!!!  CAN YOU GIVE ME AN AMEN!!!