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Author Topic: Disorder  (Read 21006 times)


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« on: February 05, 2014, 08:55:28 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Columbia Disorder Ball Specs:

- Color: Electric Lime/PurpleAll colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Resurgence Symmetric
- Coverstock: Bend-It Hybrid
- Factory Finish: 500, 2000 Abralon
- Reaction: Strong Hook
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.46**
- Differential (Diff): .040**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Disorder
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 04:31:30 PM »

Pin Length:3 inches

Starting Top Weight: 3 oz.

Ball Weight:15lbs 3oz


Pin to PAP: 4 1/2"

CG to PAP: 4"

X Hole (if there is one): P2


Rev Rate: 375-390

Ball Speed:17.5-18mph of the hand

PAP/Track: 4 7/8" over, 1/4" up


Grit: 2000

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Matte




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Back End:

Overall Hook:

Midlane Read:

Breakpoint Shape:


Likes:This ball has been simply great so far! I have been looking for a symmetric core heavy oil ball and that's exactly what Columbia 300 has given us with the Disorder. For those of you who are familiar with Columbia 300 lineups over the last few years, the Resurgence core has been in the bag for a long time as it always has proven to be very versatile on a wide variety of lane conditions but customers have always been asking to "bring back the Resurgence!". The brand new Disorder is so close to the Resurgence it's almost scary! Same heavy midland roll, same hitting power through the pins, different colors and different name. I'm glad that a stronger cover has been used on with this very popular core because it adds a little bit of hook right where you need it, without sacrificing hitting power. For those of you who are fans of the Roto Grip Disturbed, Asylum, Deranged, this ball will give you a similar roll but with a STRONGER backend motion and MORE hitting power from 4th arrow or deeper especially. I knew I wanted to make this ball fit in my arsenal for heavier and/or longer patterns to go along with a pin-down Take Down that I have and keep at 1000 Abralon. I went pin-up on this Disorder, using a dual angle measurement of 50 x 4 1/2" x 35 with a 5/8" weight hole in P2 drilled 2" deep. This gives me a very heavy rolling ball that gets through the mids without losing any energy and can still flip on the back with incredible hitting power. I notice this ball revving up about a foot earlier than the Outburst and make a lot more aggressive turn towards the pocket thanks to the stronger cover. This ball is definitely the strongest in my bag when it comes to heavier patterns and should perform well in longer tournament patterns and should be wonderful for league bowlers who bowl on flooded house shots or for bowlers who have difficulty seeing a ball hook. All in all another very great piece from Columbia 300!


Jimmy Ogden
Savage Bowling Pro Shops
C300 Regional Staff
Brownsburg, IN


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Re: Disorder
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 10:04:41 AM »

Pin Length:  2-3   and 3-4

Ball Weight: 15lb 3oz on both


Pin to PAP:  5 on both, one pin up and one pin down

CG to PAP:  4 on both

X Hole (if there is one):  p2 on pin up and p3 on pin down


Grit:   2000 pin down and 2000 with polish on pin up


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS


Length:  Both balls pick up in the mid lane for me with the pin up just picking up a foot later than the pin down

Back End:  Both have great continuation where as the pin up polished one has a sharper breakpoint

Overall Hook:  Pin Up with polish hooks about 5 boards more than my Eruption Pro and about 3 board stronger than my Mass eruption.  Pin Down hooks 2-3 more boards than my Outburst and is going to be my heavier oil ball for tournaments.


Likes:  First Like I have is just the core, I have never had a bad ball with this Resurgence core.  Other likes are the consistent mid lane move and continuation on the pin deck.  If you love the Eruption Pro and need something to cover some more boards this would be the ball.  I like the strength of this cover and can throw the ball in the oil with no problem on recovery and carry.   This ball is a great ball for any bowler, as it can handle a bunch of different ranges with coverstock changes. 
Great ball for oil and tournaments at a very good price point and colors look great on the lanes.  Very driller friendly core.

Dislikes:  none

All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 07:43:40 PM »
Left Handed
Rev Rate 450

Columbia 300 has been providing the tools to do so many things, They have given the power to cause a Disruption, lay a Smackdown and go in for the Takedown, with some Crazy Antics. NOW they are looking to help you make a DISORDER!!. The Disorder features a mix of the Oath and Vow cover which was a bend-it pearl/bend-it solid to create bend-it Hybrid using the Resurgence core.(Never been a bad ball with that core)This new piece is a must have. This ball has an aggressive strong cover causing it to rev up early but clean through the front part of the lane with dynamite continuation through the pins. Very good for Medium to heavy Oil lane conditions. Also good for league play tournaments, but no matter what the more important thing is to #HaveFun  #Letsbowl #TeamC300 #LoveTheLanes

Paul Smith
C300 Ambassador
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« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 07:46:23 PM »
Left Handed
Rev Rate 450

Columbia 300 has been providing the tools to do so many things, They have given the power to cause a Disruption, lay a Smackdown and go in for the Takedown, with some Crazy Antics. NOW they are looking to help you make a DISORDER!!. The Disorder features a mix of the Oath and Vow cover which was a bend-it pearl/bend-it solid to create bend-it Hybrid using the Resurgence core.(Never been a bad ball with that core)This new piece is a must have. This ball has an aggressive strong cover causing it to rev up early but clean through the front part of the lane with dynamite continuation through the pins. Very good for Medium to heavy Oil lane conditions. Also good for league play tournaments, but no matter what the more important thing is to #HaveFun  #Letsbowl #TeamC300 #LoveTheLanes

Paul Smith
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C300 Disorder
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 09:35:06 PM »
C300 has done it again!!! The new Columbia 300 Disorder is set to hit your local pro shops on Tuesday, March 4. Please do not miss out on this bowling ball. It has the Resurgence core with a hybrid coverstock of the Vow and Oath. I threw it for 3 weeks so far on various types of house shots and 2 patterns (Broadway and USBC Masters). My PAP is 3 9/16 left by 3/8 up and I drilled my Disorder 50 x 4 1/4 x 50. It rolls really smooth with nice smooth backend reaction without loss of hitting power. I will definitely drill another one stronger to test its limits. This bowling ball is very versatile and for the price makes it a must to have. C300 continued its theme of pretty color combos (green/purple), which also makes it an attraction. Don't miss out on this bowling ball, you won't be disappointed!!!

Damon White
Amateur C300 Staffer
Ridgefield Park, NJ


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« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 10:28:55 PM »

Pin Length:3-4 in.

Starting Top Weight:3.25 oz.

Ball Weight:15 lbs 3 oz.


X Hole (if there is one): none

Rev Rate: About 350 rpm 

Ball Speed: 17 mph off the hand
PAP/Track: 4 1/2" right, 1/2 up


Grit: OOB

Breakpoint Shape: Arcing

Description: With the use of one of the best cores ever, the Resurgence, combined with a new hybrid cover.   Bend-It Pearl was used on the very popular Vow and Bend-It Solid was a top performer on the Oath… we’ve combined the two in order to give you Bend-It Hybrid.  This creates a low RG and Medium Differential that is a great choice for all styles.

Reaction: I have been looking for the next C300 ball that would replace my favorite, the Outburst. This is that ball, it is very strong in the midlane and has a strong continuous arcing motion through the pocket. This is the motion I like the best since it's easier to control the back ends which is important on the harder patterns. I've got to throw it on Highway to Hell and was very impressed. I averaged 235 where the next closest person was just over 200. I can see where it could also be used shined up on drier league shots or short patterns.

Summary: I can say that this is the best mid priced ball that will be on the market. You will not be disappointed, pick one up at your local pro shop.

Leon Platt


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Re: Disorder
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2014, 01:55:44 PM »


Pin to PAP: 5

X Hole (if there is one):none

Approx. 55 x 5 x 50


Rev Rate: 375+

Ball Speed:16 at the camera down-lane

PAP/Track: 4 7/8" over, 1/4" up


Grit: 2000 (OBB)




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):modified team NATS pattern


Likes: was looking for something predictable and rolly.
Put pin in my middle finger hole.
Got just what i wanted, tried to play fairly straight up front and not cover very many boards down-lane, kept the pocket in play on this touchy NATS pattern.
Very predictable, wont over-react all off the end of the pattern.
Very continuous through the pins.
I can add a weight hole if need be, but on this pattern, i like it the way it is so far.
I could easily see having another one of these in my bag

Dislikes: none yet

I have no affiliation with any brands, although I have mostly EBI equipment at the moment.



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Re: Disorder
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2014, 03:39:43 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Disorder
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2014, 11:09:39 AM »
Disorder Ball Review
The Disorder is the newest release by Columbia 300. The electric lime and purple color combination looks great on the shelf, as well as when rolling down the lane.  This ball uses a hybrid cover from the Oath and Vow, two of the best upper end balls to be made. With a high end cover, and a proven core, this ball is going to make heads turn.

I have drilled two Disorders now. My first one is my normal layout, 5 inches from axis, pin up, and has a small hole on the midline. The first thing I noticed is how much this ball hooks, especially in the mid lane. In comparing to all my other balls with this layout (Smack Down, Take Down, Eruption Pro), the Disorder read the earliest. This ball HOOKS! After adjusting surface to a 3000 to get the ball to push down lane farther, the ball goes longer and has a strong motion down lane.
The second Disorder I drilled is with a stronger layout, 4 inches from axis pin down with a small hole on midline. This layout smoothed out the ball reaction down lane. I now have a great compliment with these two balls, one for early on with the lanes are tighter and I need that early smooth reaction as well as the other that will produce a stronger motion off the spot.  These are great balls and will be a great addition to anyone’s arsenal, especially if you are looking for a ball that hooks without spending too much on it.

Michael Jacobs
Team C300 Member


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Re: Disorder
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2014, 09:10:33 AM »

The Disorder has to be one of the best ball for-your-money pieces in recent memory.   The dull Bend-It Hybrid cover gives you a significant amount of traction even on the freshest of conditions.  As I already had a few stronger setups in bigger block balls, I chose to make my Disorder calmer to take advantage of the cover.

My set up, leaving the out of box surface, was 85 x 5 x 50 and put the ring finger through the pin without a hole.  This has provided me with a nice smooth reaction with very little flare.  I have been able to use the surface to my advantage for carry when then heads get chopped and others have to go to equipment with less friction.

The Disorder can meet the needs of a variety of bowling styles and abilities.  It will be one of my choices to take to Reno this year.

Pros – lots of ball for the money
Cons – still waiting

Chuck Tillman
Columbia 300 Ambassador

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Re: Disorder
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2014, 05:04:21 PM »
Left handed, mph in the high 17's to mid 18's medium to hi revolutions. First I'd like to start by saying I absolutely love this core. The Resurgence core is by far one of my favorite Columbia cores of all time. I loved the Resurgence, Outburst & Resurgence Revival. With the combination of those three balls I owned a total of 11. Throw in a Burst, two Eruptions a Violent Eruption, two Classic U2s, two Disorders and coming soon The Momentum Super Solid (an overseas release) my total will be 20 bowling balls with the Resurgence Core. My Disorder is drilled pin up with the pin centered between my middle and ring fingers, the CG is kicked a little out to the right. I never owned or had a chance to throw the Vow (Bend it Pearl) or Oath (Bend it Solid) but this hybrid cover a mix of Bend it Pearl and Bend it Solid with the Resurgence core is amazing. My Disorder gives me a little more room to move in and chase the oil when my Outburst would come up a little short. Pin carry along with continuation through the pin deck is great. I have an Enigma drilled the same way, my Disorder is not quite as strong as the Enigma but my Disorder is the first ball out of the bag always. Looking forward to throwing The Momentum Super Solid with this same core. Thanks for the Disorder Columbia another strong but yet very affordable piece.



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Re: Disorder
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2015, 11:25:18 AM »
Columbia Disorder Ball Specs:

- Color: Electric Lime/PurpleAll colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Resurgence Symmetric
- Coverstock: Bend-It Hybrid
- Factory Finish: 500, 2000 Abralon
- Reaction: Strong Hook
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.46**
- Differential (Diff): .040**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal

This ball combines the Solid Oath with the Pearl Vow for a great combination of Bend It Hybrid with the Resurgence Core.  I drilled mine with the thumb kicked to the left off centered with an extra hole.  Pin high for a little more length down lane.  This ball is very resilient and hooks off the spot well.  It gets down the lane very well and starts a heavy roll to the pocket at the end of the pattern.  The Disorder hits hard and carry has never been a problem for me.  This piece is def one to have in your back for a variety of patterns and is a ball you can go to over and over.  Pick one up today at your local pro shop.  If you want more info please go to or contact me with any questions.

Mark Mantere
Team C300 Staff


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Re: Disorder
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2015, 09:50:07 AM »

Length: 40ft

Volume:medium, new resurfaced lanes, wood

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):ths


Smooth, hits hard, didn't read as early as reviews say, move to the pocket at right time
Dislikes:none yet, have a tournament tomorrow on synthetic lanes