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Author Topic: EGO  (Read 11361 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Yeah...that’s right! Your EGO did that!

When you let your Ego speak for itself, the competition will be speechless. The new Ego from FlipSide provides the perfect combination of roll in oil and control in the midlane, allowing the UFD (Ultimate Friction in Dry) coverstock to take over for a quick response down the lane. So it’s OK to be an Ego maniac! You’ll drive your competition crazy.

Ball Specifications  
 Core Technology: Dense core body. Dense energy flip blocks.

Core Technology Benefits: Concentrates the weight near the center of the core for more roll in oil. Adds flare potential to create more hook on the backend of the lane.

Coverstock: Pearlized UFD

Coverstock Benefit: Tackified additive creates a quick response to dry boards down the lane.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 4-5

Color: Burgundy/Oyster/Black Pearl with Silver Sparkle Engraving  

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 46
Hook Oil: 20
Hook Dry: 26



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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 12:22:28 AM »
Distance from PAP:
Pin -- 4.5"
CG -- 5"
MB -- 6"

All I can say is this ball moves a TON. When I ordered the ball, I was told that it would go long. Considering I just picked up a Blazing Inferno, I was disappointed. However, although the ball goes long, it does recover.

To start, this is the first ball that I've owned in the last five years that I can actually touch all 39 boards with and strike. The ball retains energy VERY well. But aside from the "fun" aspect of the ball...

When Columbia announced the release of the EGO, I was under the impression that it would be a longer version of the Ricochet -- I was partly correct.

While the ball gives me five more feet in length than the Ricochet, it also hooks about three boards more. Not only that, the "hook" is a very snappy look.

This is not a ball for the timid of mind. After throwing the EGO and comparing it with my friend's Wired, I've determined another meaning for "UFD" -- ultra-fluff delivery. The cover allows virtually anyone with ANY rotation to hook the ball when there is _any_ dry on the backends.

If you're looking for a ball that will open up the lane, look no further than the EGO.

dry -- N/A
medium -- 10/10 (yes, I'm giving it a ten!)
long oil -- 5/10 (while you can use this ball, other options will work much better)

overall -- 23/24 (I'm thinking this is a good all around first-ball option.)

Jeff Mop

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« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 11:20:57 PM »
I drilled my Ego with the pin above the bridge, but more towards the middle finger than the ring - it's about 6" from the PAP for me. I know teh coverstock is aggressive in dry from my Wired, but the core is a bit stronger so I was hoping for a nice hard flip on the backend. I drilled it this way to have one ball that I could carry with when I move far left and start playing the fade backs and left gutter shots. I kicked the CG out about an inch and a half and put a medium siez hole, about an inch and a half deep on my axis.

I first used the Ego in a local tournament where the shot was deep and the lanes dried up. I actually started out with my Formula and found it not really suited to playing as far right as I I moved deep and my next 3 games were 267, 268, 258 for 793. I was playing at the start about 22 at the arrows and I finished at about 26. After the game was over I moved into the 6th and 7th arrows and struck easily there too.

A nice medium ball for all, I like it a lot.

Columbia bowls the world over

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« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2004, 12:26:41 AM »
A cracked Reaction Rev that I loved and now a very pleasant replacement by Columbia!  I loved that Rev core and here it is again surrouded by a pearly coverstock.

This ball though with sales totals in America of about maybe ....10!!!
Is surprisingly great!!  A hidden jewel hardly ever reviewed and never seen on the lanes.  But it is great!  How could a Reaction Rev core be anything else.

Pin out 2 inches, top weight 4 ounces.  This ego unlike a couple I have seen before looks really UGLY on the table.  Others I had seen a had looked great.

The condition absolute crap!  No backends after 6 hours of old ladies and men plastic and backup ball leagues.  In addition the heads were a touch burnt.

After about a game or so my favorite driller while I'm travelling finally got this Ugly Orb punched.  Drilled 4 X 3, pin under and slightly towards the pap in relation to the ring finger.  Cg out, and no weighthole(yes, thrown illegal(slightly) first.  CG down about 1/2 inch below the north south equator.  Weighthole to be added.

Now this ugly orb starts to look REAL good on the lanes.  An awesome amount of easy revs in the heads, all of a sudden makes this ball look good in the way the splattered pattern whirls in the heads.  Just like the REV, easy revs happen with little effort from the bowler.  Churn churn churn turn and rev all the way in to the pocket as it slurves smoothly with punch to the hole.  As it smashes the pocket it continues to rev so hard and so many times thru the pit area it is a great look.

Shot two increasingly higher good games on this very nasty condition as some discerning eyes watching questioned, "what is that awesome looking ball?".

Compared to the really strong fuze Detonator which couldn't generate ANY backend on this nasty wet carrydown(particles just don't have it on this sloppy of a backend do they?)  And then compared to the stronger backend than fuze(on this condition anyway) Time Zone, this ball revved hard but pushed well thru the somewhat burnt heads (the Time Zone wanted to grab a little) and then it generated more rev and slurve at the back than the Time.

Due to the shorter pin this ball will not be swung hardly at all!  A small swing in the heads compined with lots of revs(generated by the core) push and slurve and crushing flush contact will carry the day!

I see this ball looking a lot on the lanes like the Throttle R but earlier by about 5 feet.  I believe that this may end up actually being one of the best league balls I've used.  Very similar to my Sledgehanmmer drilled 30 degrees, but more angle and punch (due to 60 degree drilling) and very similar the smash/r (this ball cleaner in heads) but with more angle and punch(just slightly).

Find your fresh condition put your shorter pin out drilling on this ball and throw with a small swing and you may carry all night!  I'll have more views on this ball after weighthole and after more use on league.


PS as reviewed before I'm sure more backend with more pin out can be generated.
PPS also very similar to the Wired but just a touch more length which is better for the medium but not high speed bowler!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2004, 04:44:44 PM »
Got my Ego to replace my Arc, and boy did it ever!

i have a 15# ball, got it drilled to hook early, (pin is down and to the left of my ring finger, not sure of specific drilling)

I bowl on four leagues in three houses so I knew I would give this thing a test really quick.

House 1:  40 foot flood on synthetics
House 2:  normal wall on wood
House 3:  Early league:  normal wall, broken down some from previous league
          Late league:  the leftovers LOL

House 1:  on the flood i found that the Ego had the worst performance, simply because of the huge amounts of oil on it.  Its basically a point-and-click and hope for the best condition.  (2 out of 10)

House 2:  Better option here.  I found that I have more versatility playing in and out with this condition, scores have been pretty good when i used the Ego here, and i can even make 7s by flattening it out!  (8 out of 10)

House 3:  The early league is fun, the reaction coming back from 8 and out is great, many honor scores have been rolled in this house already by lefties and righties, I already have shot a 720 with the Ego in the month or so since i bought the ball.  This ball works best for me so far on these conditions (9 out of 10)

Overall:  a very good ball, good hitting and carry power, excellent for playing outside or deeper inside, versatile ball.
Joe Ross
Joe Ross
Visionary Test Staff

Who said lefties had it easy?  My old coach still tells me my strike percentage sucks! LOL


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« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2004, 07:32:35 PM »
Much like what LUBowler said this ball is great when the heads are fried. Great ball to throw when deep inside is needed. Played 40 to 15 at the arrows and ball hit hard.
Not good at all when there is oil though.
Drilled with Pin 1/2" below ring finger. CG kicked right and just of equator.
Weighthole 1/2" right and below of CG.


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« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2005, 12:36:24 PM »
I just purchased this ball on monday jan 10 05 i got it because i saw the ufd coverstock just like the wired had.  i wacked em with my wired but after using it at every tournment and league i tracked out.  so i was looking for another and my pro shop didnt sell anymore and so this was the next closed thing.  have it drilled stacked.  This ball rolls just like the wired with the exception of a little less hook in oil than the wired.  but as the night went on using it in my monday league the ball got better and better as the oil broke down.  shot 761 out of box.  236,246,279.  ringing 10 in the 8th last game.  great ball once the oil breaks down just a little.  can really open up the lane with it.  now this was a house shot.  have not thrown on pba condition yet.  i would recommend this ball do any one with medium to high revs. and medium speed.


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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2005, 10:59:24 PM »
14# ball with a 2 inch pin and around 3 oz. of top weight undrilled. Pin is leveraged just below finger height with the cg stacked beneath it. Weight hole on PAP. I've used this ball on both fresh and broken down conditions. I really like this ball on fresh. It is very clean until the late midlane and then makes a strong arc to the pocket. Carry is great light and flush, but higher hits tend to leave 4 or 9 pins due to the strong entry angle. I have had very few corner pin leaves with this ball.
The Ego reacts really strongly to the dry. It doesn't really snap, but it arcs really abruptly once it reads dry. The problem is that the transition can be tricky with this ball. Because it reads the dry so strongly, you really have to aggressively move your feet and target left as the lanes break down. The look and carry is still great just be prepared to adjust rapidly.
If you like the slide on oil and grab hard on dry type of ball, the Ego fits the bill!

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2005, 10:26:54 PM »
I just got my EGO about a month ago and love it. I bought it brand new off of EBAY for $60. When I first got this ball I thought it was going to be good from the start after reading some reviews, and it was. It raised my handicap up 15 pins after my first time with it.

The Specs. on it are:
Weight= 14lbs
Pin= 2"
Top= 3oz

The ball is very reactive on dry lanes. I perfer throwing this ball on a medium oiled lanes the most though. I would probably rate it about a 8/10 on dry lanes 10/10 on med. lanes and a 6/10 on heavy oiled lanes. The ball has a good amount of backend on it.

Overall, I think this ball is well worth the money and I rate it a 10/10.


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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2005, 04:43:53 PM »
I just came back to bowling in a league halfway through this season after a layoff of about 20 years.  I decided I needed a new ball and liked the look of the Ego so I went with it.  After getting the ball fit correctly to my hand and bowling a dozen weeks or so, I really like this ball.  I've bowled two 600 series and a 700 series (250, 278, 214)in the last three weeks.  With the 278 game being my lifetime high game. Right now I have the high game and series (including handicap)in my league.

Pin to CG - 2"
Drill pattern - 4 X 4

My release is at about the 15-16th board targeting the 10th board. I'm definitely not a skid/snap type of bowler.  With the ball drilled this way and the surface left in box condition I have great control, a good amount of forward roll, and a strong backend move.  What else can I say, I think the Ego is great!


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« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2006, 02:24:38 AM »
Back for a review of another one of these high octane bowling balls!

Picked one up from Joe of Allstarbowling...thanks Joe.

Last one was pin under ring and cg kicked out. Too much reaction and too much belly for my center which has alley conditions that generate all the midlane a ball needs!  So you don't need to drill in midlane.

This one pin over ring and slightly off center to stacked.(4 3/4 X 4 1/2)  3 inch pin out with a little finger left so fingers drilled deeper to legalize.

Reaction high testosterone!  Just like it's brother the Ego I previously owned this ball is a rev up monster.  But because of this drilling it very comfortably plays the oil line!  UNLESS the shot is a wet dry...then it just supplies too much reaction.  All balls with this core are super fast revvin giving everyone who uses them the appearance of hand.

And oh...the way it closes to the hole.  If there is a blend of some type out there this ball will make your hand look nuclear and supply all the rev up and blast thur the pocket one would need.  If you don't need a big reaction...grab something else.

Bigger ball than X factor, XXXfactor pearl, similar to the Sahara from Morich but with a stronger jumpier coverstock.

Available cheap all the time on Ebay!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2006, 11:15:56 PM »
i just picked one of these up a couple days ago, Drilled 4X4. i recently parted with my Cherry Bomb and i wanted to give try relatively inexpensive ball a try.  Lets just say this ball is WAY better than what i expected.

from the sound of the first strike i threw, i knew this one would be a definite keeper. i read in other reviews that this ball was very snappy at the breakpoint, but for me this thing is smooothhhh. revs nicely off my hand and doesnt stop. clean through the front, arcing at the breakpoint, and angular into the pocket.

this is the only ball that ive ever had that continuously throws pins out of the deck. It also mixes the light pocket hits very well.

oh yeah, and the colors are awesome =)


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« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2006, 11:11:28 AM »
I bought a new 16lb X model off the internet for $10.  It was an off model because the CG mark was too close to whatever that dot is.  As you can tell I'm not a bowling expert.  My pro shop was able to drill the ball with no problems though, so taking a chance on a blemish ball paid off.  $10!

My other ball is a 14lb Ebonite Over Time.  It's a good ball but hooks pretty early.  I wanted to try something different so I bought the Ego in 16lb thinking it might hook a bit later.  Night and day.  The Ego rolls down the lane with a very mild arc and then takes a mean left turn into the pocket.  I'm not used to such an angular hook, but I really like it.  I've only been seriously bowling for a couple of months and my summer league avg is 170.  Last night I used the Ego for the first time and my games were 161, 190, and 215.  As you can see I started to figure out the ball towards the end.  I became very comfortable aiming for the ten pin knowing the ball would nosedive into the pocket at the last second.  

Best $10 I ever spent.