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Author Topic: EPX T1  (Read 23386 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
After more than 8 years of research and testing, Columbia 300 is proud to announce Catalystâ„¢ coverstock, and the EPX T1 high performance ball using this breakthrough technology. The first major innovation in coverstock formulation since the advent of reactive resin. If you are on wet lane conditions and looking to play the inside track, ask your Pro about how you can get more friction, more boards and more strikes with Catalyst and the EPX T1.

Patent pending.
 Ball Specifications  
 Core Technology: Dense polymer core with top energy flip block in stabalizer core

Core Technology Benefits: A medium Rg of 2.53 and medium differential of .040 was chosen to complement the enhanced friction of the Catalyst coverstock.

Coverstock: Catalyst

Coverstock Benefit: Catalyst creates more friction in oil without sacrificing strong backend continuation.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 4-5

Color: Purple

Sanding Process: 500 girt cross hatch

Polish Name: 3M Rubbing Compound  
EPX T1 core

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 70
Hook Oil: 40
Hook Dry: 30

 Dynamic Properties
Available Weights Radius of Gyration (Rg.) Rg. Differential
16 lb. 2.533  0.040
15 lb. 2.573  0.040
14 lb. 2.618  0.036




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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2005, 05:32:38 PM »
First off, since I seen this ball at Bowl Expo, I couldn't wait to get my hands on  one.  I drilled it up with a 4" pin at 1 o'clock, and its great.  The first thing I noticed, was it great continuation on the backend of the lane, when the lanes are fresh.  Most highly aggressive coverstocks for me, burn up real fast and miss the breakpoint.  This ball on the other hand, still turns up quick but has enough power left to get around the corner.  I can throw this ball on a ton of oil up front, or that "OB" shot, but I have to have dryer backends. Great Ball!

Wes McKleroy
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
   The Complete Bowlers Pro Shop


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2005, 02:42:15 PM »


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2005, 04:58:18 PM »
This has to be one of the worst/over hyped balls of all time. I have two friends who bowl on my team that drilled this ball up. One is left handed and the other is right handed. Both have the same issues with this ball. I never seen so many 5-7's, 5-10's, or corner pins left with any other ball. The ball does not react in the oil and jumps on the dry. There are much better balls on the market than the EPX.
Born Again and Heaven Bound (Ask Me How, if Interested)

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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2005, 05:03:49 AM »

I'm not a professional or anything nor am I anything close to an expert. I don't know much about my specs. its drilled strong with weight hole according to columbia drill specs it came with, pin is a little right and below my ring finger hole, somewhat of a tweener at about 14-17 mphs. my driller is wayne webb, if u know sumthin about bowling I'm sure u've heard of him. he's drilled my rotogrip epic, v2sweet, and wmb... u can say I'm a ball junky cause I like to learn to control different ball reactions... but whatever the case, here is my review:

I think this ball is a 8.5/10, I can find enuff oil about 50% of the time I'm at the lanes... I'm a casual bowler, I don't bowl league but bowl right after so sumtimes carrydown is an issue with my epic and wmb, the carrydown will skid them past their normal break point and hook right into the 3 pin itself leaving ugly stuff. if I move right it hits the dry and comes back too early... which was why I bought the epxt1. this ball will come back to pocket when my epic and wmb won't, sumtimes brooklyn even and then I have to start controlling my wrist/hand more...

sum the more re+arded reviews say it leaves lots of splits, I'm only guessing they have no revolutions on the ball and its coming in light or else they need glasses and they are missing pocket. I have left a few solid 10s, and have yet to leave a split, 9 or 8 with this ball when I hit pocket. It does leave less 10s than my epic, and my epic leaves less solid 9s and  both solid/ringing 10s than my wmb. on rare occasion the epic and wmb will even leave a solid 8. that's just a lil comparison for more info on the epx.

the reason its not a ten is because for me it is extremely dry sensitive, and maintenance is a b!t(h... it soaks up oil like no other and seriously needs constant care. asides from that its a great go to ball when nuthing else hooks.

I hope this helps the next person interested in looking into purchasing this ball. I normally don't post in forums too much but I found the reviews for this ball noooo help whatsoever. its because of posts here that I purchased my previous balls. it was wayne webb gave me the real 411 on this ball and I'm glad I didn't listen to reviews here on this ball.

sorry it was part rant part review... really do hope this helps the next person interested.


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2006, 09:19:50 PM »
Too many quality issues with this ball.  

You will notice that the Columbia staffers on tour are using the Action and Power Drive and have shined the EPX and committed it to spare ball duty.

I was ready to purchase one out of curiosity but was talked out of it by more than a few knowledgeable people.

Hopefully, Columbia will straighten out the issues since the concept of this ball is revolutionary and the company needs to polish their tarnished image.
Lo side cranker/hi side tweener
@60 deg. axis tilt
@16 mph at pin deck
Revs increase with speed
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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2006, 02:00:35 AM »
The EPX-T1 is the beginning of a revolution in heavy oil action and new shell technology.  This jump is as important as the leap from urethane to reactive resin.

I recently rolled the EPX-T1 - The Super Carbide Bomb -  and the Ultimate Inferno in a test simulation. I am a power Tweener, with above average speed.

Lane condition: Heavily flooded oil, 38ft pattern, out of bounds outside 5.
This lane condition is considered one of the hardest to get a ball to trully finish, when playing a 12 to 6 shot.

         EPX-T1 - Set up well, finished hard, carried perfectly.
         Super Carbide Bomb - Never set up, sailed through the 3 pin continualy
         Ultimate Inferno - Never set up, sailed through the 3 pin continualy

Click this link top find out why:

The reason is that reactive resin and reactive resin particle both have a series of small holes that they use to create surface friction to grab the lane.

Since the EPX-T1 is not reactive resin it does not have millions of tiny holes, holes that trap oil in the ball, oil that is really hard to get out.  The EPX-T1 is an Epoxy shell, the first of its kind.  The surface has thousands of dents or valleys on the surface, but they are only visible with a very high powered microscope. These valleys are sometimes 50 times the size of a reactive resin hole, but they are not holes, just fisures used to grab the lane. These valley act like small suction cups, making the ball rough and very very grippy.  They create the most friction to date, and make the ball hook in the heaviest of oils, without over-reacting.

The best part is that this new epoxy shell has a really cool feature.
To clean the shell and rejuvinate the ball, and to remove oil from the valleys, just fill a sink with scolding tap water, and set the ball in the water with the water line on your track (keep all the holes, above the water line.  Use a cork in a weight hole if its to low) Wait 20 minutes, pull the ball out and wipe off the lane oil.

The ball is suddenly good as new.  Maby people did not know this and thought the ball lost its hook.  With this technology you can do this every 20 - 30 games and the ball will continue to roll like new for a very ong time.

It is simply a new technology, and you can't approach this ball as though its another reactive resin.


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2006, 09:30:40 AM »
I can't believe it.
When I first got this ball, I thought it was a complete dud.  But, I was throwing it too fast.  Had a lesson from Michelle Mullen, and now I'm "rolling" the ball much better, and the ball hooks more.  Has a great backend reaction for me.  Rolling it in the 12Mph range, the ball goes fairly long, and makes a good angular turn into the pocket.  Was on Med oil lanes, and standing at 30 throwing out to 15.

Unfortunately, after approx 10 games or so the ball broke.  And, I don't mean it got a crack.  The ball had a HUGE CHUNK.  Were not talking about a little chunk from like the ball return, this was a 3 inches by 4 inches and 1.5 inches deep kinda chunk.  It was HUGE.  No one has ever seen anything like it before.  One of the guys that looked at the ball, says it looks like it cracked from the inside out, as he could se a crack in the weight hole, going up to the HUGE Crater.

So, They're going to replace it, but I hope I don't have to get another one of these.

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Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2006, 12:52:18 PM »
Well. I did not purchase this ball for myself, never will. My friend whos got the same span as I do had 1 drilled up fairly strong. Pin overring, cg kicked out to the right 4" and x-hole punched out just under my pap (when he throws it the x-hole is on his pap) Well, on a fresh shot this ball did not hook period. Would make for a very good 6-9-10 pin spare ball. I had to slow my ball speed down to about 11 MPH before the ball hooked like previous reviews have stated. Not a ball for me. After 3 frames with back to back to back 5-7 splits I put the ball back in my buddies bag.

BTW, my pro shop sold 6 of these balls. EVERYONE of them came back with huge chunks broken off the core/shell (including my buddies ball). 1 guy got 1 shot with it before the coverstock broke. Felt bad for thouse guys in leauge practice. Be Warned.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Brunswick Equipment
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775 Series/288 Game
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Mike Zadler


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2006, 03:10:21 AM »
my coach got this ball and it has been a complete nightmare, bowled five games total with it and the ball has four large cracks in it and huge gashes takin out of it, last time i check 5 games was not a good lifespan for a ball, if you do plan on getting this ball please be advise your taking a gamble
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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2006, 06:47:16 AM »
I had my EPX drilled yesterday and when it was finished i bowled 3 games with it and boy does it hook.I had fresh oil and it still hooked a lot.I am right handed and I am speed dominant stand with my left foot on the third board left of center.I had to move to the last dot on the left side.Im 60 yrs old so I went to a 14lb ball.But this thing hits like my 15 lb ball did and I carry a lot of light hits with it.Shot 235 220 and a 237.not bad for me.So far no problems with it breaking.Will post again in a couple weeks.Also when I return from Corpus Christi.



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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2006, 07:08:12 PM »
my epx is drill up like the drill sheet says its 4 1/2 flip drilling. this ball rolls great on alot over under. i think this ball rolls like an old blue hammer just alot stronger. This ball is a plus in my bag and everyone should if the bowl on over under.
Chris Lakatosh
Columbia 300 Staffer


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2006, 09:34:30 PM »
i had my epx drilled with the pin placement 1-2 inches from the cg, had the pin drilled under my ring finger with the cg below that, ball recovers exellently on hevay oiled conditions as well as i am able to play various lines to the pocket with great success. been over 10 games and ball has not cracked
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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2006, 11:40:53 AM »
This is a great ball. I read alot of your post and I am constantly seeing that your are having trouble with the 5 - 10 / 5 - 7. Thats strange. I dont know how you have them drilled but this balls hooks more than anything I've ever used. And with any hook at all, you shouldn't leave the 5 pin. As for those who say there ball loses hook, yes it does and if you all did some research you would have found out that when this ball is soaked in HOT water the oil lteraly falls out of the ball. Wipe the oil of and you will notice the light purple color come back to the ball. Then it will hook again, just like new.


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2006, 10:07:43 PM »
This ball is great. On heavy oil, I always have a shot. Yes, it does soak up the oil, couldn't believe how much rolled out of it when I soaked it in hot water. Since I started using it, have been scoring in the 650+ and shot a 297 the 3rd nite that I used it.


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Re: EPX T1
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2006, 07:40:22 PM »

this is an updated review from my previous one.

this ball is amazing i was lucky enough to get a good ball. i bowled in two tournaments with this ball and it is absolutely amazing..... this is a must have ball for oily conditions. by the way one of the tournaments was the us open and i finished 98th
Current Arsenal-
Modern Marvel
Marvel Pearl
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Defiant, Hyroad,Nano,Hyroad,Fringe