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Author Topic: Eruption Pro  (Read 33138 times)


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Eruption Pro
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:55:53 AM »
Columpia Eruption Pro Ball Specs:
- Color: Emergency Orange All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Modified Resurgence
- Coverstock: CR300
- Factory Finish: 500, Abralon®, 1500 Abranet™ Soft, Factory Polish @ 300 RPM
- Reaction: Strong Backend
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.50**
- Differential (Diff): .036**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium – Dry
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2013, 01:59:45 PM »
After throwing the Eruption line with great success.  The Eruption pro is the next great ball in the line.  I have used this ball on both fresh oil conditions and the burn and have had success with it on both.  If your looking for length with a great backend motion look no further then the Eruption Pro.

C300 Staffer
Robert Forester

Josh C

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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2013, 07:33:15 AM »
Orange Crush time for Columbia 300! This ball is amazing. The first full game I bowled with it I shot 300. It was on a house shot, but I will take it. I recently moved to Arkansas and this house has not been nice to me. I was struggling getting anything to store enough energy to carry more than a three bagger. Then I drilled my Eruption Pro pin above the ring finger with the CG kicked out an inch. This ball does exactly what I have been missing from C300. It seemed like too often I would have to ball down from an Omen or Smackdown to a Freeze Solid. I cannot wait to use this on the burn in some upcoming tournaments. I used it in league and threw 17 strikes in a row for 260, 278. Bugsy listened to everyone and filled a gap that has been missing from the C300 lineup. Pre-Order your Eruption Pro at your nearest pro shop and be prepared to watch the pins erupt!
Josh Chambliss
Columbia 300 Ambassador


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2013, 01:32:28 PM »
Eruption Pro Ball Review –
The Eruption Pro is the newest, hottest ball from Columbia 300. The emergency orange color is awesome, and gives it great shelf appeal. It also stands out on the ball return, and especially on the lanes when you are putting 10 straight back in the pit.
I’ve used my Eruption Pro for about two weeks now, and have already shot 801 with it! It is drilled 5 inches from PAP and 2 inches from my VAL. This keeps the pin tall over my ring finger, with the cg stacked under it. I have a small hole on my axis point as well. I’ve experimented with it on fresh, heavier house patterns, as well as other house patterns that have more friction.  This ball definitely performs better when there is friction, which is what the ball was designed for. The Eruption Pro is really clean through the heads and picks up nicely in the mid lane, while not losing any energy driving through the pins. Even as the lanes break down more and I’m moving left, I haven’t noticed any loss in hitting power. No matter if I’m straight or moving left and swinging it, this ball hits hard and strikes. This is one of the hardest hitting balls in this lineup!

Michael Jacobs
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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2013, 05:30:50 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes:Eruption Pro review
This ball catches your attention with its vibrant color, but it keeps your attention once you see it's reaction and carry power! It is by far the cleanest ball in the C300 line, but when it sees friction, that's when the FUN starts. The Eruption Pro has a hard continuous motion to the pocket with outstanding hitting power and pin carry. If you're looking for easy length and strong backend power, than the Eruption Pro is for you! Look for it coming soon to a pro shop near you!!!

Jeff Austreng
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff




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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2013, 07:07:57 PM »
Drilled: 45x5x40
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Rev Rate: 375
PAP: +5, -3/16

Great ball when the lanes the start to break down or on lighter oil patterns.  This ball is strong and continuous into the pocket.  The modified Resurgence core makes this ball great! 

On the house shot I bowl on I was able to start around 14 out to 9 with miss room to the right without having the ball burn up and ding me with corner pins.  Once I had to move in it still hit like a truck.  The High RG, lower DIFF on this really helps the ball retain energy for the backend.

I threw on the USBC Doubles and Singles pattern and wow did it do great! I was able to start at 17 out to 10-11 and was amazing.  Not flippy at all.  Strong and continuous to the pocket.  Once I moved in a bit had to tighten up the line so I didn't leave flat tens.  Won a 4 game sweeper with 866.

Overall this is a great addition to the Columbia300 line.  With the original Eruption being discontinued this ball takes it's place without skipping a beat.

Higher Rev players will love the strong continuous roll on a little heavier oil, while the tweeners and strokes will love this ball when the lanes start to break down and everything else in the bag is burning up and leaving corner pins.

Release Date is 11/5/2013.  I have 3 pre-orders already.  Don't miss out on some carry and order yours today with your local ProShop.

Mat Fowler
Team C300 Amateur Staff Pro Shop Ambassador
Mat Fowler
C300 Regional Staff Memeber Pro Shop Ambassador


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Re: Eruption Pro on sport 32 feet buff to 35 feet
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2013, 12:37:02 AM »
First off this ball is a homerun!!  It's been a long time since C300 has had a ball shape like this.  Used this ball in a tourney for the first time on a short flat sport shot.  Great ease n length thru the fronts and mid part of the lane.  Awesome flip and continuation  on the backend.  Really explodes on the backend and thru the pin deck.  My eyes opened up when I saw the look this look ball gave me.  This ball will work great on dry to medium patterns. And tear up the house china. Ball was laid out 56 x 4 5/8 x 42.  Ball motion was very easy length and great flip n hook on the back.  I'm gonna love this ball.  194 191 224 259 258 224 207 189.  Last eight with it in match play games. Took 6th in the tournament out of 119.


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2013, 12:48:19 AM »
First off this ball is a homerun!!  It's been a long time since C300 has had a ball shape like this.  Used this ball in a tourney for the first time on a short flat sport shot.  Great ease n length thru the fronts and mid part of the lane.  Awesome flip and continuation  on the backend.  Really explodes on the backend and thru the pin deck.  My eyes opened up when I saw the look this look ball gave me.  This ball will work great on dry to medium patterns. And tear up the house china. Ball was laid out 56 x 4 5/8 x 42.  Ball motion was very easy length and great flip n hook on the back.  I'm gonna love this ball.  194 191 224 259 258 224 207 189.  Last eight with it in match play games. Took 6th in the tournament out of 119.


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2013, 12:26:32 PM »
So I have been throwing this ball for about a month now and all I can say is wow. This ball clears the fronts very easy and the motion on the back is strong but very smooth and continuous. The first one I drilled was a 6in to PAP pin over the bridge with OOB surface on it my lowest set so far has been 720 just in league house shot. If you ar looking for a benchmark ball I believe this is it.

Eddie Byrd
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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2013, 08:24:49 PM »

   The Eruption Pro will definitely light up your opponents if not the lanes when you use it.  With a new CR300, Emergency Orange cover and modified Resurgence core this ball really brings it.  I have mine drilled 40 x 4.5 x 35 with the pin above the ring.  It is a perfect fit for bowling on second shift as it cuts through the dry boards with ease.  The EP is especially smooth both in the fronts and the mid-lane and because of that I am able to look more right down the lane when needing a bit more backend.  At the same time, I do not lose any carry.  When you are experiencing dry or spotty heads and finish is diminishing, The Eruption Pro can definitely rescue your evening.

Chuck Tillman

C300 Ambassador

Dislikes:  Having not ordered my second one yet!!

« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 08:31:17 PM by greekchurch »


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2013, 12:17:36 PM »

Pin Length: 3 inces

Starting Top Weight: 3 ounces

Ball Weight: 15 pounds


Pin to PAP: 5 inches

CG to PAP: 5 ½ inches

X Hole: NO


Rev Rate: Approximately 350

Ball Speed: 15 miles per hour

PAP/Track: 5 right, ½ up


Grit: 4000

Type: Polish


Length: 39 feet

Volume: Unknown

Type: Typical House Shot


Length: Medium-Long

Back End: High

Overall Hook: Medium

Midlane Read: Moderate

Breakpoint Shape: Angular



This ball is unique to any of Columbia 300's latest productions. When I first received this ball I was absolutely thrilled with the emergency orange color! This ball looked so great in the box, and it looks even better going down the lane. One of the first things I noticed about the ball was that it was polished. I happen to be a big fan of solid-colored bowling balls, but rarely are they polished and this was exciting because it provided me with the option of putting surface on it. I prefer to put surface on bowling balls that come polished rather than put polish on bowling balls that come with surface.

This ball gets through the front part and the mid part of the lane without reading too soon; therefore, this ball does not lose energy by the time it reaches the pocket, rather it utilizes its energy from the breakpoint to the pocket and hits harder than any Columbia 300 ball I have ever thrown. In my opinion, this is due to the nature of the surface (high grit underneath polish), this ball still reads the mid lane just enough as to not create that common over-under, skid-flip reaction that a great number of polished bowling balls offer which would cause me to leave either a 4 pin or a 10 pin.

Compared to the other Columbia 300 balls in my bag, I would consider this one of my benchmark balls. This ball has provided an incredibly consistent and successful reaction for me in all of my leagues. Further, this ball allows me to play through the transition in tournaments by moving left and cutting through the carry-down without overreacting to the break-down. I would placed the Eruption Pro underneath my Antics and above my Disruption, next to my smackdown.

An overall awesome addition to my arsenal!

WWRD: November 5, 2013.

Go get your #EmergencyOrange Eruption Pro today!

Samantha Hesley
Team C300 Ambassador


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2013, 01:02:53 PM »
Seeing this #emergencyorange gem roll down the lanes has turned quite a few heads. I drilled my new Eruption Pro stacked with my pin about 1 1/2" away from my ring finger. WHOA BABY, this ball gets down the lane for me and makes a vicious cut to the pocket, leaving nothing but destruction behind. I was a big fan of the original Eruption and this ball is very similiar in my opinion. I get some major pop on the backend which i did lack on my original Eruption. The Eruption Pro worked best for me when the lanes broke down and there was a lot of over/under. I was able to play the lanes at my comfort level without having to make the big move left with my other C300 equipment.

Great length and vicious backend

Might blind other bowlers who watch it going down the lane  8)   

The Eruption Pro will be available in all your local pro shops on Nov 5. This ball is a must add to anyones arsenal and you will not be dissappointed.

"Rated R Bowling Star"
Rudy Campos Jr


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2013, 10:19:06 PM »

Lane Patten:  THS
The Eruption Pro fits right in between the Smackdown and the Disruption.  It is cleaner through the front than the Smackdown and reads sooner than the Disruption.  The backend on the Eruption Pro for me is a controlled aggressive snap.   It reads the backends well, but is not as jerky as an asymmetric ball. 

After trying different surfaces, my favorite surface is a fresh 4,000 pad.  This surface allows the Eruption Pro to be the first ball out of my bag.  The OOB surface was too clean on the fresh for me, but would be great for a higher rev player.

This would be a great benchmark ball for anyone to have in their bag!!!!

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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2013, 09:49:31 PM »
I drilled the Eruption Pro with my typical symmetrical layout for me, which places the pin about 4.5" from my PAP, next to my ring finger.  The CG is stacked below, and the ball does not require a balance hole.  I drilled both finger holes to a normal depth, and I left the ball in box finish. 

The Eruption Pro uses a higher RG, lower differential version of the popular Resurgence core shape.  The RG is raised to 2.50 and the differential is lowered to .035.  This core shape has rolled excellent for me in virtually every cover that it has been used in, from oil-hungry covers such as the one used on the OutBurst and Resurgence, to longer, skid-flippy balls such as the Eruption and Momentum.  The cover is a brand-new formulation for Columbia 300, designed to get through broken-down heads with ease.  It is finished at 1500 with a slower-speed application of Powerhouse Factory Finish.

When I looked over the specs for this ball and listened to the team at Columbia 300 talk about this product, I kept hearing how good this ball would be on burnt heads and broken-down conditions where getting the ball through the front of the lane has become difficult with other products.  Given that I like to throw the ball relatively straight, my first thought was that I generally don't have trouble getting the ball through the front of the lane...products such as the original blue Eruption, the Freeze Hybrid, and the Violent Eruption all got through the heads with ease on virtually all conditions for me.  If the Eruption Pro gets through the heads even cleaner... would I see the ball float through the midlane as well, thereby giving me an erratic downlane motion, or no motion at all?  Would I throw it through the pindeck before it thought about hooking?

Thankfully for me, not only has the Eruption Pro been a usable piece for me, it has quickly become one of my favorite pieces.  It does get through the heads better than the Eruption, the Freeze Hybrid, and the Violent Eruption, but it also makes a more consistent move downlane for me than those products, which have all worked well for me over the last couple of seasons.  The best way for me to describe it is that I always felt that I had good options on drier lanes... now I have a GREAT option!  The motion is very predictable, and it doesn't jump immediately off of friction.  It hooks quite a bit downlane, but it is a motion that is easy to adjust and easy to line up with.  The carry is phenominal, and with the bright orange color, it's easy to get noticed when throwing it.  I have heard more remarks and comments on how well this ball looks than virtually any other product I've thrown in the past, and there are times that I've heard how good it looks at times that I feel like I'm throwing it awful!  I have thrown it with success on a multitude of lengths, anything from fresh patterns in the 32-37' range, to broken-down conditions up to 44'.  I especially love it on wood surfaces, because it feels like no matter how beat-up the heads get, the Eruption Pro will get through it. 

I would recommend the Eruption Pro to any slower-speed bowler that needs help in getting the ball down the lane.  It will also roll well for higher-rev players that need a ball to give them a consistent read of the midlane later in events, especially as they chase a pattern inside.  As for me, I plan to continue using it every opportunity I have... if I think it has a chance to work, it's coming out of the bag!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this great new product from Columbia 300... #letsbowl

-Jeff Voght
Columbia 300 Staffer
Owner, Iroquois Lanes, Canajoharie NY


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2013, 02:46:29 PM »
Columbia 300 Eruption Pro

The modifications to the Resurgence core paired with the new clean reaction cover stock create a motion that every bowler will want in their bag! I was initially weary of the modifications to the core. The Resurgence core has been my favorite and most successful core, so I was stuck to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. That was until I drilled some holes in my Eruption Pro.

Throwing this on a medium to light oil house condition, the Eruption Pro offered a motion that easily cleared the heads with a very smooth, continuous reaction on the back end. After a few weeks of using the Eruption Pro, it has become my go to ball for games later games of league. Being a bowler that likes to play the lanes hard and straight, late games of league or tournament blocks have never yielded high scores; this has changed. The higher RG and lower differential core of the Eruption Pro allow me to open up the lanes and rest assured that I will have the continuation and control that I need down lane.

I have also practiced with the Eruption Pro on several sport patterns. It has matched up well on all short conditions. For the short patterns, such a Kegel's 'Los Angeles', I hit the surface with a 4000 pad to give me an earlier motion and even more control. The ball allowed me to stay right of first arrow for an extended period of time without ever losing hitting power or giving me an over/under reaction. Again, the lower differential core provided the down lane continuation that helped me keep striking.

You will see a lot of Emergency Orange going down the lanes in the very near future! We have already drilled two cases of these balls for customers and every single one rolls fantastically. House shots or short sport conditions, crankers or straighter players, this is the piece that every bowler needs in their bag!

Here's a link to a quick couple shots of me with the eruption pro:
Cody Mendoza
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Champions Bowling Shop Operator


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Re: Eruption Pro
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2013, 03:19:31 PM »
This ball has been a great addition to my arsenal.  Since this ball has arrived in staffers hands you have seen many staffers shoot 300 and 800 out of the box.  This ball could be one of the best addition's to the Columbia 300 line in years and is already proving to be one of the best balls of 2013.  With my untraditional track (right side of the finger/thumb holes) for a right hander it is hard for me to talk about pin positions and layouts that would make since to the regular bowler.  I have a Rev rate of a little over 400 and my PAP is 6 3/4" out and 1" up.  This ball as said by many before is super clean through the fronts while storing up energy for the backend reaction you want and need down the lane.

This new Eruption Pro has provided me the ball I need when the heads start to break down and I need to move it, when my Disruption starts to hook a little early I can go to the Eruption Pro and it clears the heads with ease and still saves up energy to still have a great backend reaction.  The Resurgence core has been awesome to say the least and with a little tweaking to the core for this ball it is another great ball in the Columbia 300 line. 

No matter how you throw it, no matter where you like to play, no matter if your on a house shot or something else this ball will work for you.  This ball with it's Emergency Orange color can be seen everywhere when it is going down the lane and like the days past when the Pirahna was being thrown, everyone wants to know what it is.

If your looking for a new ball to add to your arsenal then check out your local pro shop and look for the Emergency Orange glow and check out the Eruption Pro,  the latest release from Columbia 300.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will help where I can.

Jeff Clark
Columbia 300 Amature Staff
Indianapolis, Indiana