I've had this ball for about 4 months now and it's the ball that I go to whenever the lanes are too dry for the Chaos and too oily for the Ti Boss II pearl. This is the best "active" coverstock ball I've used. You can use it at the beginning of the night and, with some adjustments, I can usually use it all night. There are nights, though, where there's just too much oil for it and I have to break out the Chaos. This ball could be classified an oiler drilled for max hook, but for me it's a ball that can be used over a variety of conditions and can be used for a long period of time. Neither breakdown nor carrydown affect this ball much. Its "active" cover isn't as susceptible to biting hard on the day as many of the other overactives are. I won this ball in a contest so I can't tell you if it's worth the retail price, but for what I paid for it, it's the best ball in my bag. Ok, if I had to pay for it, it'd still be the best ball in my bag.