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Author Topic: Freeze  (Read 44654 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Scarlet/Black  Black/Silver  Red/Blue All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Modified Messenger
- Veneer: NE2
- Surface: 4000 grit Abralon w/Powerhouse Factory Finish Polish
- RG: 2.56
- Diff: .047
- Reaction: Skid/Flip
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Dry Oil
- Description: Freeze. An oldie, but a goodie. This ball contains a modified version of the Messenger core - arguably the most successful core in Columbia 300 history - wrapped in the NE2 shell which was featured on last year’s Momentum. A 2-piece core paired with a high performance cover you asked for it, we served it… FROZEN.



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Re: Freeze
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2009, 12:15:52 PM »
Bought into all the hype and so far I have been very disappointed. I have a low track and have been getting a lot of over under on this ball. Suggestions would be appreciated. Although a cheap buy I am finding other than a over priced paper weight not much use for it. I have the pin above the fingers with the suggested drilling and have moderate speed 16mph but again a low track more of a spinner, get lots of revs.  Finding this very jumpy and not predictable like advertised.

the pooh

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Re: Freeze
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2010, 07:56:50 PM »
I layed out my Freeze 5X4 with a 4" pin buffer. This puts the pin under my middle finger. X-hole on val, below thumb 6 3/4" from pin.In degrees, it is 50* X 5" X 60*. Don't let the retro core fool you! This is one strong ball, especially for the money.Very strong coverstock. Even with the fairly weak lay out, this ball starts early, midlanes hard, and keeps coming! I have tried many surface preps. With a little polish, it goes longer and saves it for the backend. Dulled down, it will handle medium heavy-maybe more for someone with hand. A great ball for someone looking for a lot of performance for little dollars!

the pooh
the pooh


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2010, 06:41:03 PM »
Ball is very good. I drilled mine with pin above ring finger with lots of length and strong backend. Couldent be happier


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2010, 11:20:03 AM »
See profile for specs.
This ball was drilled pin in ring finger and CG  on the strong side.  There's a weight hole on the PAP. Won't spend much time on drilling as this will vary and coverstock is 75% of the reaction.  As usual, I suggest to work with your local pro to find what best works for you.  My ball driller has been watching me for 2 years and I let him select the drilling to compliment me and my arsenal.

Bowl on 41ft THS.  First impressions was that this ball is a really good THS.  Most balls today are really good, but this ball has something going for it that most others don't, price.

Price 10/10: First, price point is excellent.   It is lower than the Hot line (Fast/Furious) from Storm and Vibe line from Hammer.  Really good point to get new bowlers as well as others looking to fill their arsenal.

Core: Symmetric core but a very strong reaction.  Old Messenger core which is a smooth roller.  Don't confuse smooth with Urethane type reaction.  It's still has "big hook".

Cover 7/10: This cover was used in a "higher end" ball from a year earlier in the Columbia line.  This is not a versatile coverstock.  Not saying it's a bad coverstock.  You simply can't do much with it.  It's pearlized and most you can do is take on or off some polish.  If you want to see a slightly later reaction, put on some polish.  If you want to see a slightly smoother reaction, take off the polish.  This ball's cover can make it usable all night on a THS.  I don't prefer to do so, but it could be done for sure.

Reaction 8/10:  This is a much smoother pearlized ball than say, the Reign.  I got this ball to compliment my Furious and I think it really does.  Starting out on fresh when the volume is a bit higher, it had a tendency to turn on behind the head pin.  I can tell when it's too early to use the ball when I leave a lot of ringing 7s.  It needs a bit of friction.  It has a really good look on 2nd game and beyond.  You can swing this ball as it really has a much bigger move than people would expect at this pricepoint.  This ball also prefers to be swung a little.  You will really like to see it's sweeping move.  Core wants to smooth things out and cover wants to go long and they fight each other to perfection.  In the end, it winds up reading the mid-midlane and smooth from the late midlane to breakpoint.  It drives pretty strong.  It's nicest reaction is with a swing, i.e., 12 to 6 or deeper.  It also carries very well if you move your breakpoint towards the inside, i.e., 9-12.  Note: If your house has a wall, stay away from it with this ball as it is kind of jumpy from there (similar to other pearlized balls).  

Overall 7.5/10:  I really think a lot of people will be able to get into bowling with this as their first ball.  For the above par bowler, you can really like this ball to fill an arsenal.  I love this ball under the Furious and before going to the Natural.  When the fresh oil has broken in a little and you can swing it, this ball is so nice.  I love watching a pearlized ball walk in to the pocket the way this one does.  It's different from your typical pearl that just flies off the dry.  It's even made a TV show in somebody's hand.
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Re: Freeze
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2010, 02:12:08 AM »
Not really sure what my drill is from a technical aspect.The pin is under with a balance hole at about 4 o'clock. Sorry for the lack of tech expertise. I had my pro shop guy dull this ball down significantly and drill it so it would strong arc and not jump off of the dry.  I haven't thrown Columbia since the Wild and I defintely think that Columbia has a winner here. The ball is smooth but has good recovery. It has been my bench ball for the last few weeks. Basically throwing 15-8 or so and about 15mph. It makes a nice controlled move and carries well. Tonight was 199-230-256. Good job Columbia.
Aaaargh. Another freakin'' 10 pin!


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2010, 02:50:39 AM »
Just got one drilled up for me today. I have a 3-4" pin, with the pin touching above my ring finger, and the CG in my palm. Didnt know what to expect from this ball because I cant seem to hook the "weak stuff" on our house shot for some reason. The price was right and I loved my old Black and Gold Messenget Titanium. Anyways, took it to league tonight on a THS, and in shadow balls, I realized it was a bit speed sensitive in the early games. Right out the gate I shoot 300 in the first game out of the box. Lots of pin carry and a great skid/flip reaction. Didnt have to move all night. Finished with a 772 series after a few 8 pins and 10 pins cost me my 800.

All in all, you honestly cannot beat this ball for the price. Right now, I have the three best balls made, in my opinion of course, in the bag right now. A 505a, a Hot Sauce, and now the Red/Blue Freeze. Tell you friends, family, and yourself that you need on of these in your bag. Go ahead, do it

Sean John 369

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Re: Freeze
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2010, 05:53:52 PM »
Got this ball for Christmas.  It's drilled Stack Leverage. This ball has so "pop" on it.  80 dollar ball has bang for the buck.  Shot 300 with a couple weeks ago.  758 series.  I recommend.

It aint how, it''s how many.  Shut up and bowl!!

Paul Murchison


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2010, 02:14:10 AM »
I had a hammer doom 15 lbs for the past year and a half. I figured as a girl the heavier the ball I threw the better the pin average is 166.

I decided two weeks ago to buy the freeze (scarlett/black) and drop a pound.

My first night bowling I had a 226, 218, 189

My second wee bowling I had a 218, 193, 222

I love the ball. I find dropping to a 14 lb ball I get more revs, more speed and more pin action. This ball goes straight down for me and snaps right at the end. It's a great ball and I couldn't be happier!!  I have seen a few guys at the center with this ball, a few ppl on tv and so far everyone loves it. You can't beat the price either! Definitely recommend this ball!!


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2010, 07:38:31 PM »
I originally got this ball for Christmas, with a 4" pin to cg drilled over ring finger, cg slightly kicked to the right of the center of grip. With this layout the ball had no trouble getting down the lane and it made a hard turn into the pocket. At OOB 4000+polish it did get a bit uncontrollable on the backend, so I scuffed it up with a 2000 abralon pad. This smoothed it out just the right amount for my liking.

The ball cracked about a month ago and I got it replaced, this time with a 2" pin to cg, pin right of ring finger, cg under ring near the center of grip. The ball is a little bit less sharp and has a slightly more controllable motion to it now. I left this one at OOB and it is great, just shot a 629 series today with it. The house I normally bowl at puts down very little oil that dries up fast, so my Hyroad and Smash Zone are a bit too much ball. The Freeze is the perfect ball to step down to, since it clears the heads and makes a sharp predictable motion downlane. I'd definitely say that more than being the best bang for the buck, this ball is simply one of the best balls out right now.
Jay Beers
Storm Virtual Gravity
Storm Hyroad
Brunswick Smash Zone
Columbia Freeze
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Re: Freeze
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2010, 12:36:37 AM »
I got this ball for $80.00 on clearance from a local pro shop a few weeks ago, and really didn't know what to expect because I don't know anybody who has one. I had the ball drilled the same as my Playmaker.(pin over ring finger) Well, after a few weeks of using the Freeze, I must say that I am favorably impressed.The Freeze clears the heads well(even when they're burned up)goes very long, and makes a violent move to the pocket.I have been blown away by the pin carry that I have when I use my Freezelight, heavy, it does't matter.Compared with my Playmaker,the Freeze is about 4-6 boards weaker, but more angular on the back end. I would say that the Freeze offers great bang for the buck.


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2010, 01:00:12 PM »
Just wanted to post the link to my video review.

My review is posted earlier here.
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Re: Freeze
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2010, 01:13:49 PM »
I have now drilled three of these and love all of them. My first one is pin up with a small hole on my VAL. I love the clean front of this ball with a good motion in the back. I have used it for all conditions and shot 300 in Canton, GA on Cheetah, and 878 on THS in Goose Creek, SC. I drilled the second one pin under ring with a large hole 2" down on my VAL. Ball was strong enough to use on Shark after hitting it with 1000. The third on is pin down under the middle finger and is very clean with a smooth motion in the back. This is an awesome bowling ball.


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Re: Freeze
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2010, 03:02:40 AM »
This was my first ever bowling ball, purchased in april of this year. I started one handed and my average was only 117, but after a move to two handed I found this ball to be a really nice ball. On a typical house shot i found that it had a smooth transition to pocket on the backend and was a sledgehammer to the pocket My high game with this ball was only a 231 but being a bowler for only three months shows the true worth of this ball. From April to August my average jumped to 152. I have recently moved to a Track 505t but i can say this ball is more than reliable and every bowler would do well to own one.

An update on my performance with this ball: recently i shot a 682 with this ball and my average is now 189.

Matt C

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Re: Freeze
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2010, 03:10:46 PM »
Due to injury a few years ago, I was forced to move to 14lbs equipment.  To be honest I was concerned that I was not going to get the carry needed with such light equipment.

That said....

Pin is just right of ring finger  cg kick slighly right of center.  No weight hole required

I joined 2 leagues this year both in houses notorius for no oil. I was a cranker before injury, now more of a tweener.  ball speed prob 15 - 17

 This ball does require some oil to be usefull with this layout, and in the one house there just isnt enought. Cant control the break point and cant get it far enough down the lane (could be partly from my having to switch styles and release)

 In the 2nd house there is just enough oil in the middle i can get deep.. get it down the lane and watch it finish strong.

 After 2 weeks of 670's not worried about carry anymore.  I was kinda suprised on how much this ball actually does hook and how strong it finishes.  

If you are bowling on burnt lanes with even just a bit of oil in the middle id have no problem saying get a freeze.
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Re: Freeze
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2010, 07:01:31 PM »
Freeze blk/sil: Pin 3 1/2 from PAP, @ 45 degrees. Surface 1K Abralon, with factory finish polish. Overall, nice smooth reaction. Has a tendency to bleed a little if the lanes are too dry, but it does still hit good. Much better reaction when playing a tighter line, than trying to cross too many boards.

Freeze scarlet/blk: Pin 4 1/2 from PAP, @ 33 degrees. Surface 4K Abralon, with Delayed reaction over factory finish polish. A lot more downlane reaction that isn't too sharp. I still have better success playing straighter, but I can cross more boads with this Freeze down lane.

Both layouts show two different sides of this ball. Despite being pearl, this sands easily and responds very well to different surfaces. Don't be swayed by the price. With both a proven core and cover, this is a lot of ball for the money.
"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler''s World Pro Shop