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Author Topic: Full Swing  (Read 18214 times)


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Full Swing
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Mass Bias Full Swing Asymmetric
- Veneer: Full Tilt 5.0
- Surface: 4000 grit Abralon
- RG: 2.51
- Diff: .056
- MB: .016
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy Oil
- Description: The latest and greatest from Columbia 300. This ball is the first of its kind for Columbia 300 featuring our first mass bias core in the high performance category. The core, combined with our Full Tilt 5.0 shell will give every bowler an advantage on today’s lane conditions. This ball comes with another break from our past featuring the strongest core Columbia 300 has ever produced in the HP category. The core contains a modest .016 mass bias measurement that boasts a very strong .056 differential. The core alone will give consumers a breath of fresh air with all the help in terms of hook down lane but we are not done. Pair up that strong core with our new Full Tilt 5.0 cover and you have an amazing combination of hook for medium to heavy patterns. This ball is going to blend out the entire lane for everyone and people all of the world will be taking a Full Swing at any record that is left in the book. Not to mention they will be BOWLING THE WORLD OVER!



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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2009, 09:47:29 AM »
Revrate 325 - 360
speed 15 - 17 mph
axis 4 3/4 x 1/2 up
ball drilled 4 1/2 by 3 1/2 small hole straight across mb 50 degrees
First off let me say that I was skeptical about Columbia's new promises of having a ball that is long and strong but gives alot of overall hook. BUT they nailed it in this ball. It is 4 - 6 more boards stronger then my Rogue and much cleaner and stronger on the back. The numbers are similar between the two balls and I knew the cover would be the determining factor and it is. This new cover columbia has is amazing, even though it is clean it still picks up the midlane strong so the ball is not to squirty and not to early, its just right. The new weight block really stores the energy well and also releases it at the perfect time. This ball is very versatile and extremely strong.

I could play straighter or get in and hook it due to the cover allowing the ball to get down the lane. If you take a little hand out of it you can really manipulate your reaction through the fronts and down lane. This ball is great on the house shot, i threw 7 games with it today on a fresh pattern and just keep moving in and following the breakdown and it was great for 6 games, then i moved back right and took hand out of it and threw it harder and it still got down the lane and popped!!


I threw it yesterday when i had it drilled on chameleon and it was the same story. I could use this ball and just chased it in and then move back right and firm up on the speed and still make it work.


This is where this ball really performed well. I could stand 20 or so to start and keep it inbetween 15 and 11 at the arrows and it was perfect, I could vary my speed a mile to a mile and a half and still it would make it back. When the carrydown started to transition and i could move in it had amazing power with the carrydown and actually i feel the ball excelled here because it created alot of tug and miss right.

All in all if i could sum this ball up in two words it would be STRONG and VERSATILE, two things everyone needs. This ball would be awesome in just about anyones hands due to the versatility and core/cover combo might be the best I have ever had.

Thanks for reading my e-view


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2009, 04:10:14 PM »
Okay I’ve have my FULL Swing for a few month now and its is the first ball out of the bag. Even with the 4000 abralon finish the ball is still very angular off the breakpoint.  This being my first time trowing a Columbia 300 ball with a mss bias I was very impressed with the continuation.
    I drilled my Full Swing 60x40x5 with a 5 inch pin. The ball clears through the fronts reads the mids and makes a strong angular motion on the backends. I drilled my Power swing the same way. With the full swing it allowed me to move 5- 8 boards further inside than the power swing. With the new 5.0 tilt cover stock this will be a first ball out the bag for any medium to oil shot.  Even with a little polish it increased the lenth on  the ball and added more backend. If you don’t have one in your bag u would want to try it, it fits into any arsenal as a medium to oil ball. Also don’t be afraid to play with the coverstosk.
   Thanks to Chad Murphy for allowing me to be part of the columbia 300 family
Dureyea’ Toland
Columbia 300 Clinton,MD  Staffer
World Class Pro Shops


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2009, 11:40:54 PM »
I have had the ball for about a month and a half WOW what a absolute monster this ball is. One of the strongest balls i have ever put in my hand. I drilled mine 5X4 placing the pin above the ring finger.It reads the front of the  lane awesome. Great compliment to the power swing. I was able to get 6-7 left of the power swing and stillvery very angular. could throw it really hard and watch it turn the corner and spilt the 8 and 9. This is the first ball out of the ball.And just keep moving left! One of the best Columbia 300 balls i have ever thrown. What a great 1-2 push we will have this year full swing and power swing. If you havent drilled one up yet what are you waiting for? The only thing your losing is strikes from your game! You wont be sorry.
 Chad thanks for another great piece.

Chris Larsen
Columbia 300 Staffer


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 05:28:18 PM »




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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2009, 09:10:58 PM »
I just drilled this ball.  I did a 5 1/4" pin to PAP in a 45 degree layout with a 4 inch pin buffer, and a P3 weight hole.  This ball is a lot like my Momentum Swing only better.  After the success I had with the Momentum Swing I cant wait to get to use this ball more.  It gets down the lane easy and still gets over.  I was bowling on out ladies league shot which I believe is 38'.  I had to play deeper because of the lesser volume.  This ball had no problem with carry even from inside.  I hope to drill some more Columbia this year after the success of last year with the Momentum Swing and Perfect Rival I can only see better results this season.  I also cant wait to get on some more volume to square up with this ball.  Its going to be a strike monster I cant wait.
"Get your bowl on!"


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2009, 01:03:53 PM »
Drilled mine with the pin down and the mass on the Axis. Wanted to smooth out the ball reaction so I can play up the lane and I didn't want the ball to jump off the break point. I have used the ball on 3 of the Named PBA patterns with great results on all of them. I have drilled a couple for my customers and they all really enjoy the ball motion. This ball is gonna be one of those that is does not matter how you throw it you will like it.


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2009, 08:20:32 PM »
WOW is the first thing that comes to mind.  The ease that this ball clears the heads, then reads the midlane, and then pops on the backend.  Truly an amazing ball.  I have two drilled up differently and get completely different looks from them.  Usually a strong ball is only good for so long as the shot breaks down, and then once you chase the shot in the ball burns up and hits flat.  Not this one!  I bowled on a 42 foot pattern where the heads went away fast.  I started playing just inside of second arrow and, as the lanes broke down, I continued to use the same ball ending up playing around 25.  This ball gets down the lane without squirting and still recovers.

Columbia has a winner with this one.
Steven Brinkman
Columbia Amateur Staffer
"Columbia Bowls the World Over"


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2009, 03:14:19 AM »
Ball of the year in my mind, have drilled a few for myself already and love this ball. Drilled them up with a 40\4 1/2 \ 40 and just love the way this reads the mid lane, enters the hook zone at the right time and exits with a perfect angle to the pocket. On most house patterns this ball gives me 12+ boards of swing and a breakpoint the size of a basketball.

Keep it in mind that I called this one first for Ball of the Year!
David W. Bolt
Silver Certified USBC Coach
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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2009, 02:27:06 PM »
The Full Swing is the best solid ball period! I used it alot on Regional patterns this summer. I have drilled 4 of them Swing #1 is pin under 5 3/4 mass bias is 30 Degrees Polish with factory Finish. I used alot on patterns when i play close to the gutter. Very smooth off the breakpoint! Swing #2 is %inches From ap Mass at 45 Degrees great length boomin backend. Drilled for fresh oil patterns! Swings #4&5 are Drilled 4 3/4 under one is polished other is factory. They give me a 1 2 punch on so many lane conditions. This Ball has no flaws what so ever the most versitile out period! Lamont Greene C300 Regional Staffer.

Monster Stitch

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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2009, 11:26:34 PM »
Full Swing #1: Pin over bridge, MB 2 inches right of thumb witha weight hole 5-1/4 straight across from center of grip, Pin 5-1/2 from PAP and MB 4 inches from PAP

Full Swing #2: Pin under ring, MB kicked out 2 inches with a hole down low, Pin 5 inches from PAP and MB 4-1/2 from PAP


When i tested the Full Swing on a demo i was truly impress because it resembled two balls put together. Those two are a Hammer Sting and the Original Black Widow. The reason i say that is because the Full Swing has a the strong mid lane roll of the Sting and the backend of the Original Black Widow. I even talked with rep hosting the Demo Day and he believes the Full Swing should of had a Hammer Label.
I chose two of my favorite layouts that i like to use because i wanted both balls to compensate for each other. When one is rolling too early then you can switch to the other. Good example would be our league shot. 40ft house shot, oiled 8 to 8, 5 to 8 a little lighter, 5 and out is ob depending on your speed. The last two weeks i've ben using my pin down full swing with some surface and it blends out the wet/dry pattern very well. You see the early roll with the strong continuous arc. The way the ball hits is just unreal. I like using pin down equipment when there is a good amount of oil up front. When you are getting over and under reaction, pin down layouts are great to use. This past week in league in practice i saw the lanes were a touch drier. I had good looks with both, but the pin up full swing with polish just seemed better. I was able to get in and bump the dry out down lane which worked for almost two games. Last game the heads went away and the best look was standing left and lofting the ball over the arrows going right and i was able to still have the ball recover and carry.

I like to thank Chad Murphy at Columbia for all his help and advice.



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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2009, 05:22:42 PM »
Hi – Last Sunday I picked up two “Columbia Full Swings!”  I spent the last several weeks reviewing blogs at, articles in “Bowling This Month,” discussions with fellow players, and discussions with my ProShop Driller, and indirectly my professional coach.  These two guys are crucial in maintaining the integrity and breadth of my arsenal.  The analysis got down to several choices: Bounty Hunter, JigSaw, Rogue Cell, and the Full Swing.  I was looking for a more aggressive piece.  Also, I was looking at replacing my two Special Agents.  So, the deal is done!  Final decision rested with the recommendation from my ProShop Driller.  So, we will have to see how things go!

I went to the Columbia WEB site and reviewed the recommended drill patterns.  In discussions with my ProShop Driller we settled upon Pattern Drilling #1, Skid/Flip Layout with Medium Track and Pattern Drilling #3, Strong Layout with Medium Track.  See Columbia WEB site @

I have only a few frames greater than one game on the strong layout.  During the warm up minutes I decided that the 4000 OTB Abalon finish was to smooth.  I hand buffed it with a 2000 pad.  With this change, the ball did start to respond and tracked the pocket well with strong pin movement.  It blew out of the lane track during early game 2.  Never went to the Skid/Flip but opted for a pin over the fingers Virtual Gravity.

I will update this posting after I get a few sets on these pieces!

Denny, Dec 04, 2009


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2010, 11:34:54 AM »
Wow! What an awesome ball the Full Swing is! This is my first C300 ball since the momentum...and i love it! Drilled pin below fingers 5 by 3 by 4...put a hole 2 inches down on the val. This ball revs up and has a very strong arc which is exactly what i was hoping to see out of this ball. I just can't stop using it...I will definitely be adding more C300 balls to my arsenal...Thanks for a great ball Columbia!


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2010, 05:57:25 PM »
This is one of favorite balls of all time.  I used a 90º layout with a 5-1/2" pin to axis..equivalates to pin under the bridge, and mb about an inch left of the centerline.  with this layout, the ball does not flare hardly at all in the heads, gradually increases as it finds friction, and rolls super smooth off the spot. It's like you got it on a string, still hooks a ton, and almost completely eliminates over/under.  I drilled three of these balls the same way since it was released, love it that much.
Alex Handback
McCorvey''s Pro Shop - Kenner
Columbia 300 Regional Staff


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2010, 04:59:18 PM »
Columbia 300 Full Swing

Pin/CG Distance – 2.5-3”
Layout – Pin over Ring Finger, MB @ 50 degrees
Surface – 1000 abralon w/ polish
Reaction –  Late mid lane read with hard arcing backend reaction


Compared to a Virtual Gravity with a similar drill and surface, the Full Swing read the lane a little later with a sharper backend reaction.   I decided to take the surface down to 1000 and polish it in order to widen the gap between these balls.   I’ve had success with this ball from both inside and outside angles on league shots as well as sport shots.   This ball works great when there is some oil in the front part of the lane and a friction spot down lane to throw to.  If the front part of the lane is a little choppy or on softer lane surfaces (AMF HPLs) it tends to read early and labor in the backend.  This ball doesn’t really like carry down either, but I think that’s a product of the layout and surface choices.    

The Full Swing is a ball that needs some oil up front and a friction spot in the back part of the lane to throw to in order to be effective.  I believe that this is mostly due to the layout and surface choices of the ball.  This ball works best on league shots on harder lane surfaces and on medium length sport shots once the lanes have broken down.  The one characteristic that I like best about this ball is how well it controls the mid lane and how angular it is in the backend without being susceptible to over/under ball reaction.  


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Re: Full Swing
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2010, 07:58:10 PM »
Columbia 300 Full Swing (#2)

Pin/CG Distance – 3.5-4
Surface – 4000 abralon
Layout – Pin Under Bridge, MB @ 45 degrees
Reaction – Strong Mid Lane Read with hard arcing backend


This is my second Full Swing, so I tried a pin under drill for use on longer patterns (PBA / Sport) and league shots that have some carry down.   When compared to my other Full Swing, this one starts up 5 feet sooner but still has the same hard arcing backend reaction.  In terms of overall hook, this Full Swing was very comparable to my Virtual Gravity.  The key difference is that this Full Swing read the lane a couple of feet sooner and was not quite as aggressive off of the friction.  This Full Swing has been used on league shots and PBA/sport shots playing outside, track and inside angles.  At the moment, this is my “benchmark“ ball in the PBA Experience League on the fresh for pretty much every pattern except Cheetah.  

This Full Swing definitely needs some oil in the front part of the lane or it will burn up and hit flat.  That being said, it cleared the front part of the lane much better than I expected it too given the surface and layout.  The Full Swing with this layout handled carry down conditions very well.  On shorter PBA patterns and league shots, I generally have to start in the track area between 2nd and 3rd arrow.  On the medium / longer PBA patterns, I can start from a little further outside.

The Full Swing with this layout is much more aggressive than the other Full Swing I drilled.  This ball is usable on heavier oil league shots or league shots with some carry down, but it really shines on the medium to longer PBA patterns.  I had a good amount of success on the Chameleon, Scorpion and Shark patterns with this Full Swing.   This Full Swing will definitely be in my bag next season for league shots that play tighter and most definitely in the PBA Experience League / Regionals for all patterns except Cheetah.  Too bad I bought this ball after I went to Reno this year, I think I would’ve done a lot better if I would’ve had it.