This ball is new to me... I just recently bought it, had it punched about a week ago, and haven't really had a chance to throw it. these are my specs though.
I have the ball set with a 2 1/2" pin with about 3 oz. of top weight (its 15lbs), and Box Finish. Pin just between and above my fingers and CG kicked to the right of my span about 1/4-1/2 in. It has a 1/4 in. balance whole.
I'm a righty, about 5'6" 145 lbs.. I have a fairly small hand, but I use it alot, I crank the ball med./high revs but like to keep the hook as small as I can to eliminate the possibility of error. My starting position with my shoulder width is a 12 board difference ( stand on 12 to hit 5, 17 to hit 10, etc. )
When I get a chance to roll this ball, I will come back with an update and let everyone know what I think and how it reacted to the lanes (synthetic, reg. house shot).
--------------- Update ---------------
Man , i threw this ball tonight just playin around.. Its the first time I've really got to use it. The sweet spot was standing on 26 and shooting 15. The ball would go out to about 4 and snap back like a ton of bricks. I couldnt believe the carry it had. First game outa the bag i shot 241 and then a 264. In the 264 game I had the last 10.. I started off the next game with a strike, and on my 12th ball i left the 7-10

. Anyway, they started the lazer bowl crap, and I dont care much for that, so i put it up and left, but MAN! I love this ball.. I am very pleased with its reaction, and it is now my favorite ball in the bag. I recommend it for someone who wants alot of backend.
Rodney Evans
(Pres. of Venture Lanes YABA Youth League)