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Author Topic: Icon  (Read 22830 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
What's in a name? If you're talking about the new Columbia 300® IconTM , there's plenty. For starters, it delivers unprecedented versatility in oil. Introducing our new MuscleTM coverstock which provides strong hook with continuous backend motion when sanded and aggressive skid/flip reaction when polished. In other words, it like two balls in one. So whether you want power and hook in heavy oil, or superior backend reaction on medium lane conditions, this is your ball. The new Columbia 300 Icon - performance at its peak. It's the name everyone will remember - especially your competition.

Color: Sky/Purple/Brick


Finish: Polished

Core: 2-piece

RG: 2.544

Dif: .038


Empire Pro shop

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Re: Icon
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2002, 08:31:27 AM »
Received my R&D Test Ball from our Dist. in early August and waited until now to give 2 reviews. I drilled mine 60 Degrees with the pin 4 1/2 from my pap. Axis is 4 7/8 by 1/4 South. Pinout 3" put the pin beside my ring finger.

   House shot on syn. lanes of 38 feet of oil and clean backends made this ball very easy to read the lane. I could move 5 boards either way and still strike! The most impressive point was that at 40 feet I had at least 4 boards to carry from. This ball out of the box shinned needs dry boards to turn. Not flippy at all. This is the only particle ball I have thrown that doesn't read the lane early. Finally a particle for crankers!!

   On a weekend of carrydown the only move was a couple boards right. Still didn't hook early and H.I.T.S. like a tank.The lower diff.of .038 will be suited for big handed players.

   If you like Columbia products this Icon is a MUST for anyone that has a higher rate!! 5 1/2 pin to pap @ 75 degrees might get you that flippy feeling if you have burnt heads. This Icon will not hook in the heads or midlane shinned. Thanks again,Columbia for another great edition to your line...

   After drilling another Icon for a female, I had to add another review. This Icon was drilled stacked 3 3/8 @ 75degrees and left box finish. With a axis of 5 3/4 by 1 1/2 north she couldn't wrinkle this ball on fresh oil and clean backends!! After 5 min. in the Haus with grey pads (800) still not much. Another trip to the Haus and 35 trizac for 5 min. resulted in a much better reaction. This still will not be the first ball out of the bag for a stroker. The diff. of .038 is too low for less handed people. On a league shot and into the 3rd. game she finally got a excellent arc reaction when the track burned up. She moved left in a little more oil and could hit the pocket again... This ball will hook early sanded and lose energy if played straight up the track (like anyother particle ball).

   Great edition for Columbia. I will recommend the Icon to Higher rev rate players only. The cover adjusts very easily and can tweak it for most if you don't get to exotic with the drillings.



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Re: Icon
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2002, 09:57:34 PM »
I disagree with most of the posts I've read on this ball.  It does hook quite a bit.  It's not huge, but it hooks quite a bit.  I have mine factory polished (shiny) and drilled stack leverage.  It may not seem that big to most, because it's strength doesn't lie in "swing and bring".  The Icon simply gives me push when there isn't much push to be had.  This is a first game ball for sure, and will continue to hit very well and charge the pocket on carry down.  A very versatile ball indeed.

Don't get me wrong, you can swing this ball, but I don't think that's the Icon's strength.  I love playing faders with this ball.  It's very smooth and not flippy at all.  The Icon seems to be the ball that everybody has gone out and bought this fall.  It's my go-to ball right now.  I can line up with this ball when I cannot line up with my other equipment.  During league play I generally start out with this ball, and then may come back to it later on or stay with it the entire set.  On some conditions it has had trouble carrying the ten pin.  This hasn't been the case too often.

Although it's a great go-to ball for me, during tournament play it doesn't give me that "special" reaction that many of my "condition balls" give me.  I've learned that many bowling balls that don't work as well in league play truly excel during tournaments.  Travelling to different centers around the state and even the country demands me to step out of what's "comfortable" for me, in most cases.  It's still a ball you have to take with you to every tournament because it will bail you out more often than not!

A solid release by Columbia 300.

I give this a split grade...
A for league play, 93%
B+ for tournament play, 89%

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Icon
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2002, 10:58:02 PM »
Set up two balls.   One LH and one RH.   Both balls 15#, 3" pin and around 3 TW.
Both balls 4 1/2 by 4 1/2, no hole.
The left hand guy is still in shock.   First ball he has ever been able to throw with a shine on it.   He usually sands everything with 400 grit.   RH guy can hit the pocket with anything.   Ball out of box gives pretty good length on 38' oil, AMF synthetics.   As with the Wicked, carry is good.   Both bowlers say they are getting strikes when they shouldn't.  First impression, it looks like a little bit like a "souped up" Wicked.  Would reccomend both the Wicked and the Icon (and I've never been a Columbia fan).   These two balls make the pocket a little "wider".


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Re: Icon
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2002, 05:55:36 PM »
I purchased this ball for all the info I had heard, I am a stroker with medium ball speed use mostly dull stuff. My ball driller recommends this ball to me as the one to let me play other than the track. I can not wrinkle the ball either sanded nor glazed. Pins are kicked out right as I am a right hander, I purchased a Warrior and this ball absolutely rolls through anything drlling is pretty close to the same does anyone have an answer also the warrior is fresh out of the box. can anyone recommend another drilling perhaps. thanks


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Re: Icon
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2002, 11:46:37 PM »
hi all, i just bought my ICON and thinking of sanding this ball for very oily lane condition. But i see that columbia recommend us to sand this ball to 600Grit but with my speed, this ball will lose it power so i plan to sand it too 1200Grit. Can i sand this ball to 1200Grit?????????????
!! Sometime is the Bowler than make the error not the LANE !!


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Re: Icon
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2002, 06:08:11 PM »
I needed a new ball,I wanted a voodoo but they was out so I got this ball im a faithful columbia man from way back,the pattern is left to right of the label pin is 3 in out with a weight hole this ball so far is junk  it only hooks on bone dry lanes any oil what so ever the ball skids and no hook im going have to sand it I guess and see what happens, the last 2 balls I got from columbia are junk im tired of paying 200+ for a ball and minimal results, I have a 210+ average and the speed is in the 14 to 16 range I seen a couple of other guys using this ball and with about the same results,so im done with columbia for a while time for a change ill update when I sand this ball.thanks THE CANNON


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Re: Icon
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2002, 03:32:35 PM »
i was looking for a ball to replace my la nina, i have it polished so i figured polished particle was the way to go. i looked at all the stuff out and decided the icon was so ugly, i maybe the only person dumb enough to drill one. anyway, i drilled it 3 1/2 x 3 1/2. left the finish out of the box. threw a couple of shots with my la nina to get lined up, then changed to the icon. moved a little right with my feet, figuring it wouldn't hook quite as much as the la nina. the thing went right through the face, big 4. moved back to where i was with the other ball and bang, 10 in the pit. i have almost the exact same reaction. i tell ya. i don't think i could have found a better replacement for my la naina. i love my icon, and will surely recommend it to all my customers.


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Re: Icon
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2002, 11:16:51 PM »
Got My ICON last monday, had it drilled to go long with a sharp snap.
Thank god i did, This thing is a hook monster!!!!!!!!!!
I have never had any luck in the past with polished balls, but when i got this i thought i would give it a go and see what happens, Lucky i kept it polished i would be in BIG trouble if it was dull. I can hit the 1 board with this and slum back into the pocket no worries!!
The Problem i'm having with it is, it's Too agressive it really needs oil.
So all the posts on here that are saying it doesn't hook. maybe it's just not drilled right!!

Columbia300 9/10 for this one.
Yet again you have done a great job


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Re: Icon
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2002, 12:48:06 PM »
PRELIMINARY review-- I haven't had enough time with the ball yet to form a real, solid opinion-- this is a read from a couple of sessions on a 'house' condition ONLY.
As tested: 15 lb. "R&D Test Ball" labeled Icon- pin 3-5/8" from CG: Layout, pin over ring finger (4-1/2" from PAP), CG 1/2" right of grip center, no X-hole, box finish. I'm right-handed, medium speed, low revs.
After lining up with another ball, tried this ball and adjusted as needed. From another particle coverstock, I needed a 2-1 right move to hit the pocket; from a resin ball, I didn't need to move at all. Ball arcs nicely and controllably, but NOT very strongly. My strongest recommendation on this ball, so far, is for people who need practice shooting 10-pins: In a dozen and a half shots each, the particle left me two 10-pins, the resin left three; the Icon left 24 ten-pins in 30 flush hits. This includes the usual minor 'tweaks' I use for flush 10's, such as moving the lane target slightly in or out or raising or lowering the swing just a touch.

Once I get a chance to try it at length on a variety of conditions, I'll report back with an in-depth review; but on first pass, "it don't send me".


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Re: Icon
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2002, 12:06:40 PM »

Since the last review of this ball I posted, in which I mentioned leaving 24 stone 10-pins in 30 flush hits, I have taken the ball to the spinner and processed it through 320-grit, then 35-micron TriZact, then 10 micron TriZact. This seems to have done the trick, for the most part. I think it could still use a tad MORE surface, really, but it reacts (and CARRIES) a lot better slightly dull than it did with box finish. It does clean up easily, even dulled, and it does provide a nice smooth arc; but at the slightest hint of a carried-down puddle of oil in the back-ends, it fades like the Kirbys on the old "Topper" show--- even with more surface on it. This is unusual for a particle cover, and on the conditions I've seen, NOT terribly desirable.

Now, I see, they've already introduced an Icon-2, which reportedly has MORE back-end. Big surprise.

More later-


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Re: Icon
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2002, 11:29:43 PM »
Drilled up my icon today and used it for six games today, four in practice and two on league night.

4 1/2 inch pin with 4 oz. top weight.

Drilled the ball with 3 3/4 cg and 5 3/4 pin, to the pap that is.
Dulled the box finish to 600 cross sanded.

The midlane and backend movement of this ball is simply amazing.  Transitions  very well from the oil to dry and even better from the oil to the carrydown.  As of right now, this is by far the best particle ball i have thrown.  I just hope the ball hold up.



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Re: Icon
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2002, 06:49:26 PM »
I have had two of these since their release.  Both 16lb 2oz, both pin out 4 inches, both 3 oz. top weight.

I attended a seminar in Kansas City about this ball, and liked what I saw as far as what made it different than previous Columbia Particles.  Me, with my higher rev rate, usually had a bit of trouble with high-load particle shells and early-burn.  I punched the first one in a 4 1/2 inch label drill, pin 4 1/2 inches from axis, cg in grip center.  The second was a 5 3/4 inch label drill, pin above bridge, and cg on grip centerline below grip center.

The first ball gave decent length polished, with a smooth backend reaction.  Sanded, it gave good read in the midlane, with the same backend reaction.  The problem:  not enough power at the pin deck.  I wasn't getting good enough kick on the end to get the 10 out.  I loved every other aspect, but the ball just didn't do it for me.  

The second ball was altogether different.  It gave me better length, with an almost hook-set reaction.  Great backend and recovery, and HUGE hitting power.  The drill pattern made all the difference with this baby.  I could move way left and open up the lane really well with it, and I used it first ball out of the bag for a while.  

All in all, I'll give the ICON a 9 out of 10 rating.  Great angle, good hit, loses that point because it doesn't handle oil like they said...I was slightly disappointed, but found that its strong points are away from soup anyway.

Have sold both since then, because the ICON 2 is supposed to be better.  We'll just see.


J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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Re: Icon
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2003, 11:37:42 AM »
Got my Icon set up pin above the fingers, cg swung out the right, and I like to keep it polished.

I adore this ball.  This is the most versatile Columbia ball I've had (and I've had a lot). It hooks a lot and finishes hard but it hooks very predictably with a break point that's really easy to read.  Most of the Columbia balls I've had went long and snapped on the backend but this ball transitions much cleaner and smoother IMO. This ball also keeps a lot of energy through the pindeck and carries very well from any angle. I've played 25-10 with the ball successfully and I've played straight up the 3 successfully.

I don't like the way it reacts in heavier oil because it tends top go a little too long before it breaks (I have a Minotaur for really oily lanes).  I never tried the ball with a dull finish because I like the shined reaction so much!

The bottom line, this is the first ball out of my bag and I absolutely love it.


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Re: Icon
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2003, 10:14:14 PM »
Have mixed opinions about this ball.
Shot this ball when the backends were really strong and loved it, but if there was carry-down or otherwise weak backends I could not get results. Dulling this ball was not the answer, the ball definetly needs to be kept polished for me. Currently this ball is in my do not throw pile. Friend who is a big-time cranker has had the same opinion.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Icon
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2003, 12:13:49 AM »
Another ball that I have not changed the surface on.

I look at the Icon (in box condition) almost like a Pearl Rock On. It's HIT is tremendous, it gets down the lane well, and snaps really hard. For me, this ball is GREAT when you find the condition when it will score. It may be more versitile than I have seen since I have not touched the surface, but it will not move in oil. In HAS to have dry boards. Which is not bad, like I said, seems like a pearl Rock On to me.

I give it 8 1/2 out of 10. A MUCH better ball than alot of people on here gave it credit for.
Should I happen to try it sanded, I will post another review.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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