Weight: 14lbs
I have my Game Pearl drilled with the pin in a 12:00 position. It
is a 90 degree layout. This places the pin above and between my ring
and middle finger, five inches from my PAP. Also, I had the ball
polished in order to get it down the lane.
I have tested this ball on four different oil patterns. The first was
38 feet in length and medium volume. The surfac was wood. The Game Pearl
really shined on this shot. It cleared the heads beautifully and hooked
hard on the backend. In league, I used the ball all three games and rarely
moved my feet.
The other pattern was similar to the first, however, the surface was
Brunswick Pro Anvilane synthetics. The ball worked great once again. It
cleared the heads and reacted hard on the backend.
The other two patterns were both about 40 feet in length. One house was
wood lanes and the other sythetics. On the wood lanes, I played up the
boards, swinging the ball from 8 board to 2. The ball gave a nice backend
once again. On the Brunswick synthetic lanes, the ball did not budged. However,
there was carrydown from the previous league.
The Game Pearl is a great ball for fresh backends and high friction lanes. The
backend is splendid. Great ball!! I rate it 9 out of 10.