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Author Topic: Messenger Pearl Flame  (Read 9860 times)


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Messenger Pearl Flame
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Messenger Pearl's available color is Pearl Flame with white engraving and is available in weights of 10-16 lbs. This ball gives high performance at an affordable price. The ball is designed for use when the heads begin to dry up due to bowling activity and there is carrydown oil on the backend. The arcing break point makes it controllable on spotty carrydown. The aggressive pearlized Super-Flex cover helps the ball get down the lane. This ball is a medium-low Rg (2.528 inches). The .041 differential Rg gives the ball 4 to 5" of flare.  The Messenger Pearl is a great compliment to the solid Messenger. Use MESSENGER for oil and the MESSENGER Pearl after the track opens up.


Randy Crane

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 1999, 11:00:00 AM »
I had a Flame drilled this week for a house where I bowl with choppy lane conditions.  It is pretty much drilled ove the label with a little twist to get the pin over the ring finger.  The ball perfomed great! It went smoothly thru the choppy heads and made a nice turn to the pocket.  It hit and carried well!  Great ball!

Brenton Davy

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
A great ball for dry heads at a budget price.  Drilled one for one of our league players to replace a 3 year old Columbia Quake.  Despite not hooking as early as he would have liked he shot his first 700 series ever with it straight of the drill press.  A perfect addition to the Green Messenger, and another performance bargain, especially for tracked out conditions, but all but ther heavy hitters can put it away when the carry down kicks in.


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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
A little stronger than I would like to have but still a great ball when the lanes break down or it's just a dry shot.

Good ball for the money.


rob clark

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
bought it for an old wooden house with 22' feet of VERY soft guardian. put the pin above the ring finger about 5" from the pap. cg is slightly kicked, about 4½" from the pap. ball goes nice and long even on solid urethane with a burned up christmas tree. it makes a nice flip to the hole and CARRIES.

haven't compared it to my teal pro zone or quantum leap yet, but will repost after I do.
Rob Clark
St. Louis

Mike Carlson

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
This ball performs exactly as advertised. I certainly can't complain because I took the ball out of the box and promptly pocketed $600 in a local tournament!

Great skid through the heads and plently of energy left for the back ends. Definitely not an oiler but great on medium to dry lines. I was looking for a ball that would get through dry heads and still have guts in the back...this is it!!!

I had this ball drilled stacked leverage with an extra hole on my PAP, gave me a strong but readable reaction...I'd definitely recommend this ball...affordability and great performance...can't ask for much more!

rob clark

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
This is a follow-up to my previous post. I finally got to throw the ball at the house I bought it for! The ball IGNORES the guardian just like I wanted it to do:) It got down the lane as if I had decent head oil all night. It did squirt when the wooden sponges (lanes) gave up their version of carry down, but came back 3 frames later when the oil reabsorbed.  When the down lane shot dried up I moved into 15 without any problems. A guy on the other team used a solid Messenger with cg at grip center, 2" pin 1:30 drilling all night to his dismay. His ball stood up early and went left radically and unpredictably. Too bad, so sad. The house in question used to belong to Nelson Burton Sr.
Rob Clark
St. Louis

rob clark

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I know that many reviewers don't like this ball for a strike ball, but they must be bowling on oil and/or have carrydown. I had occasional overreaction when the backends dried up and the ball was clean, shiny(NOT waxed) and when cleaning it again I dulled it some with a grey scotchbrite and got a slight hazy look to the veneer. The ball still goes long and sets up much better on toasted rears! It's much more predictable and controllable now. I had to move 4 boards left as the night went on and only split twice. I had one flyaway brooklyn prior to moving again.
Rob Clark
St. Louis

rob clark

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
This is a follow-up to a follow-up. Last week took only slick equipment into the house as my back was spasming and I didn't think my ball speed would be very good. So surprise! The lane guy rediscovered oil! So I wound up keeping the speed moderate and the fingers and roll strong and played 15-12 and scored okay. Couldn't use my 45 degree release as it caused too much skid and squirt. So right up the back of the ball I went.  Great carrying ball even without much traction.
Rob Clark
St. Louis

Jerry Weller

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Skid Snap ball. Too violent for fresh backends if you have hand, but nice on carrydown with a crisp hit. Goes as long as any reactive I have seen.

Have seen 2 guys shoot 300 with it, but too violent for me to control most of the time. Your mileage may vary

rob clark

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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
just an update...since the oil shortage hit here in St Louis I've had to add a couple light coats of 5000 (or so) polish to my Pearl Flame. It still works great and carries all manner of near-pocket hits. I still like it quite a bit and it remains a very versatile ball.
Rob Clark
St. Louis


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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2000, 04:51:50 PM »
I bought the Messenger Pearl a while back . I love the ball it rolls real well on alot of conditions . The only problem I've had with the ball is on lanes with a longer oil pattern the ball tends not to finish as strong . Other than that it's probably my favorite ball in my bag.I had the ball drilled with max flare. The pin is 3-4 in from the cg. It has about 8 inches of flare. When the condition breaks down the ball works great. If you put a little bit of oil on the lane the ball has trouble making it up. You can get to the pocket,but you will have trouble carrying. Keep in the bag til the lanes have about 6 or 8 games on them.


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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2001, 12:05:39 AM »
See my profile for specs.
My Pearl Messenger has a 10:30 lay-out w/ the pin 4 3/4 from my pap, with the c.g. kicked out.  A weight-hole was added to bring it into ABC Secs.  The surface on the ball is a mirror like finish w/ Ultimate Black Magic.
This ball is my "bench-mark" ball.  It seems to always work.  I get great length out of the ball, with a strong-midlane move, and a controllable backend reaction.  This ball simply rips the rack.  Certainly, with any ball there is a weakness, the PM's is Heavy oil.  It just doesn't have enough to make the turn in heavy oil, but if you give the ball a little dry to work w/ it rips the rack.  This ball, in the 12 full games I have thrown it in collegiately has averaged 251, plus it gave me the reaction i needed to shoot the first ever 300 in the Blue and Gold Classic Tournament history.  Overall if you are looking for a good low end ball, if you are a little weaker in the hand dept. or a medium ball if you are a power player, this is certainly a viable option. Clears the heads w/ ease, makes a strong controllably move in the pines, and keeps on driving in the backends.  Great, Great Ball Columbia. 9.9/10.
P.S.Authors note: only the Columbia Pearl Pulse will ever receive a 10, so this is the next greatest ball i have ever thrown.


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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2001, 08:46:29 PM »



This Messenger is drilled at 12 o'clock!  It was given to me by an adult bowler in my house.  He says he's into Ebonite equipment now and me being partial to Columbia he insisted that I had it!  I could see why he was so eager to give it away!  Not that it was horrible or anything, but for a ball that's supposed to go long it was way too jumpy on the backends.  This ball completely took off (at least 5-7 more boards than my Rock Star).  However, when I put some speed on the ball it rolled out before it reached the pins.  I had to really crank it so that it would keep hooking.  Not too sure what I bowled that night but it was below average.  Between 540 and 560!  Not too great for a 200 bowler!  Anyway thanks for your time!  Can't wait to post some reviews on my Classic Rock!


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Re: Messenger Pearl Flame
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2001, 10:01:56 PM »
Needed a ball for light oil.  Columbia makes great stuff, and this eye-catcher is no exception.

Specs on the ball:  1" pin out, 3 1/4 top, 15 lb. 5 oz. before drilling.

The pin is set to the right and under my ring finger about 3 inches right of the grip line, and the cg is angled back toward the grip about 2 inches.  Large weight hole 5 3/4 inches from center of span through cg.  Basically, a 2 3/4 by 3 3/8 drill.

Ball clears the heads extremely well, and is SO controllable on squirty conditions.  They say pearlized equipment is unpredictable, but that must not apply to this ball.

I can swing it, play straight down, it doesn't matter.  Hitting the pocket is simple with this reliable fireball.  Overall, a 7.5 out of 10, only because the ball does not carry well on some conditions because its break is so gradual, rather than a powerful roll or snap.  Still, a great condition ball that everyone should have in the bag.

Great one columbia!
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling