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Author Topic: Messenger TEC  (Read 12922 times)


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Messenger TEC
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Messenger TEC is the latest addition to the Messenger family. Columbia has combined the extremely successful Messenger Titanium core with their highly aggressive multi-color TEC (Texture Energy Control) coverstock. The Titanium nugget in the center produces more hitting power; the unique design of the core creates a medium-low Rg (2.647) and medium-high differential RG (0.042) for 4-6 inches of flare; and the modified TEC shell containing suspended glass particles adds hook. When you put them all together the Messenger TEC obtains an early arcing break point even in oil. The Messenger TEC is blue/red/yellow multi-color with gold engraving. The available weights are 12-16 lbs.


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
We tested the Messenger TEC on a regular house shot.  Compared to the Total Chaos, we were able to get 5+ board more out of the Messenger than the Total Chaos.  When the Messenger made its move it was stronger and harder then the Total Chaos, which is more arcing. We didn't notice any big difference in the hitting power, because they both hit hard.

If you like the Messenger line, you will love this ball.  The Messenger TEC has great bang for the buck.  Don't get the Messenger TEC and the Messenger TI confused because they have very similar colors.  On a scale of 1-10, this ball gets a 7.5.  This is a great ball.  If you leave it with "Box Finish", then make sure you have oil, so the ball has the energy to get around the corner.

You can check this ball out along with all the latest releases at


"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Paul Meyer

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Drilled mine with the pin on center line below the fingers and the CG kicked out 1/2 inch on midline. Shined mine with TEC shine to delay some of the hook.  This ball was drilled very similiar to my Ti/Messenger and it basically gave me a similiar midlane roll but it did have more flip on the backend.  The only requirement is good headoil.  This ball hooks up to early if there is not enough oil. No complaints on the pin carry either, assuming you had oil, this ball carries quite well. Overall though another impressive ball from Columbia and not a bad price either.


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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
PBAKID  You mention low particle count.  Could you compare it in relation to Chaos, Complete Chaos, and Mass Chaos?

Do you know the percentage loading?

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Kelly Beasley

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2000, 02:16:53 AM »
This is my "yes, no, maybe" ball of the year, let me explain.  Yes this ball is a great product for the price.  No it doesn't hook as much as Columbia wants you to think it does.  And maybe, just maybe it will have a place in your bag.  This ball works ten times better shiny than dull.  It has a very nice smooth break point.  BUT, and I know you hate buts, does it do something that would make you put it in your bag.  Well if these circumstances apply, then you'll like it.

1.  If you don't want to spend $200 on a ball, then yes.

2.  If you have a Rock Solid and want a step down ball, then yes.

3.  If you have average to lower ball speed and everything hooks to early for you but you want to use a particle ball because of the smoothness, then yes.

4.  If you need a ball to control the backends with out hooking way early you'll like this ball (shined, pin closer to axis than 3"), then yes.


5.  If you think Red and Blue swirl look good with Yellow labels, then yes.

Plane Facts

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2001, 09:59:14 PM »
I drilled this ball approximately as recomended by Columbia 300's Med oil specs which are found on their web page. The Pin position is ( B ) and falls just below my ring finger, c.g. at position 2, distance from pin x c.g. to PAP is at 4 x 3/8 and with a axis hole. In addition to the box specs I have 2 1/2 oz of top weight, 5/8 oz Poss side weight, and 1/2 finger weight.  This drill gives me a great deal of leanth, the break point was measured at about 45 feet,then the ball cut hard to the pocket. I used this ball on lanes that use a Christmas tree pattern of oil, the oil is spread evenly across the boards then tapers off on the out sides. The oil is spread out to 40 feet, and is lighter on the out sides from about 10 out to the gutters.  My style of bowling is a " down and in shot " playing the plane. My ball speed is approx: 15 to 17 MPH, with average revs, but I get a tremendous amount of forward roll and lift.  With that said I want to offer my opinion of this ball. I found myself being able to swing this ball from about 18 to 7 and get it back to the pocket with exceptional carry, only left 2 ten pins throuh out 3 games, most of the spares were on the left side of the lane, and those were usually seven pins. Since I am not a seasoned cranker I had a confidence problem playing the inside to out, but the ball quickly educated me and gave me the confidence to change my usual style and still score with respectable results. When I hit a house with heavy oil I will be able to move back out and throw anywhere from 5 to 10 up and know I can get it back with authority. This ball hits hard anywhere in or around the pocket with great pin mix. This is the first Columbia ball I have owned and I must say that I am impressed.  Mike aka Plane Facts.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2001, 04:13:35 PM »
I drilled up the Messenger TEC after the first block of the senior masters at Reno.  I was looking for something with a fairly aggressive shell but a stable drill pattern.  I opted for a pin in, and put it on the grip line.  Even on the 42 foot heavy pattern down there it burned up energy way to quick.  I then polished it up just a little and that helped.  Back home I used it on on pretty walled up tournament condition and got nice recovery when I caught the dry.  All in all this isn't a good match up of core and shell for my game.  It acts like a very high rg ball which I don't usually use well.  Still it is a good ball for the money and I would guess that some of the guys with a lot of hand might find this to be a useable particle ball if they polish it.    

Bob Hanson

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2001, 12:36:16 PM »
This is a second review ( see my Jan 8 review for drilling specs ).  

I didn't have much luck with this ball the first two or three times I threw it.  Last night I gave it one more try and got a little different perspective.  I was using the ball on the second shift of a heavy 10 board block, that has yeilded big scores for me with several different balls.  However, the Messenger TEC is the only ball that has allowed we to play the ball wider into the dry and get a controlled, but still very strong recovery.  The TEC seems to deliver what most people want in a particle technology.  My preferred style is to play a little tighter, even on the extreme top hat conditions.  However, most bowlers like to open up the lane a little more on this type of wall.  I am not ready to say this ball will become a go to tournament ball for me, but I would recommend it highly to a broad range of bowlers for league conditions, epsecially second shift.      

frank marino

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2001, 06:37:00 PM »
all i can say go out and get this one

if you like the blue thounder road you will love this ball it is a good down and in ball shoot this ball yesterday

268 238 235 to rate this ball from 1 to 10 i give this ball a strong 10


Big Spinner

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2001, 11:12:26 PM »
My stats:  Right hander, little higher than average spin, average speed, med. to heavy oil, synthetics.

Review:  This is the first ball in awhile that was drilled different from my others. So I threw a few balls for the guy so he could find my track. He drilled it with the dot straight up from my ring finger and the CG down and left of my ring finger. I left this ball with the out of the box finish just to see what it would do, after hearing that most people thought it needed to be polished. I threw a few games and they went 179, 200, and 186, these were hugely consistent for me. I currently have a low 160's average that i was struggling to keep. I felt that this ball was fine out of the box and did exactly what I wanted it to do, get through the oil and make a nice stong move to the pocket. I was standing around second from left dot and throwing about fifteen board. I wanted to see what the ball could do so stood fisrt dot and got it out to the five board, and let me tell you this thing came back like a demon, probably becayuse i tend to throw a few more revs sometimes. This ball is a big step up from my Beast. It should be more consistent for me and help me raise my average.

Been bowling with this one as my main ball for about a year and my shot has changed a little bit. The ball has had the same drilling and I am starting to realize that I can't get it to hook as much anymore. I'm pretty sure this is because my rotation has speed has changed, but I'm not sure. It could also be the dreaded "TEC Death" but i'm not sure. If I try hard enough to throw this ball like I used to I can almost get it to hook as much as it used to. I also decided to stay with the orignal finish mainly because I didn't much like polished balls when I used this.

Rating:  I give it an 8.5 out of 10 for price, and an 6 out of 10 for overall.
Great ball for a while, till "TEC Death."
Big Spinner


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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2001, 11:59:03 PM »
Info on my game in my profile.
I think i have a little to much hand for this ball.  Drilled with Columbia's A-2 pattern, only on an extreme amount of oil can i throw this ball.  Not much backend, but definately strong roll.  Hits hard, but i better leave this ball for the strokers.

UPDATE: I plugged the ring finger and redrilled it conventional (sarge easter drill) and now can't put this ball down.
plamor sucks


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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2001, 11:42:16 PM »


Not sure about the pin placement but I believe it's 2-3 inches.

The pin is about 1/4 inch diagonally from my ring finger with a medium weight hole on the side of the ball.  For the first 8 months I owned this ball I was very disappointed with it.  When I'd encountered some oil it was a little better but still not quite what I expected.  (High School State Sectionals, 649)  I took it back to my pro shop hoping they'd have a solution for me.  We decided on making the hole deeper and wider as well as taking the roughness off the surface and instead go with a smoother, polished surface.  Wow!  This ball is great now.  First night in league with the modification I shot 719!  I could have had a better series but I blew the 10th frame of each game.  If you have any hand or throw with above average revs, DEFINITELY get this one shined up.  You'll throw it away if you keep it dull.

Dull - 6 out of 10
Polished - 9+ out of 10

15yrold_columbia roller

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2001, 08:23:30 PM »
I drilled this ball basic with my right hand covering the columbia 300 sign this ball had a more of an aching hook and crushes the pocket with tons of power. Last week I shined it up and was very happy with the result, it seems that now its getting more length with great backend on wood lanes. On senthic lanes this ball is great it seems to me that this ball doesnt pick favorite conditon, but when the backends are dry this ball is hard to control. I would recommend this ball to a slower roller.

 if you have any ?'s email me at


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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2002, 05:58:16 PM »
This ball is the best I have laid my hands on for medium oil. I have a rockstar which i will be using exclusevly for heavy oil now that I have this ball.  I got it used and had it drilled to go fairly long and have a big backend, the ball is in factory finish and i love it! On the house shot i bowl on, the outside is drier and the inside is pretty heavy oil, so when i bowl on a fresh shot i move to the second arrow and swing it out slightly and let it crash in, and about half way through the first game after the oil has been moved a little (just enough) i move inside and throw a big swing shot and let the ball to the work. I don't carry 10 pins well if i play in the middle initailly. I don't have any 700 to brag about with the ball but 3 consecutive 600's which is slightly above average for me. I would have higher scores but the ball is too flippy (due to drilling) to throw spares with and i have been determine to use it for them (stupid when i own a poly ball for that huh?)  I think this will find a home in anybody's bag, it's about 5 boards less hook than my Rockstar, which is too agressive for my style. That's probibly why i like this ball, it fits me to a tee!

enjoy! this ball rules!


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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2002, 08:11:10 PM »
Well this ball is great what can i say 288,279,256,257,256,269 all in 2 weeks and 729 700. this is a great ball there is only one problem i have. keep it away from dry lanes and oily lanes besides that you should hit 700. oh yeah for heavy lanes i have tooken this ball down to a 320 grit and it grips the lanes great.