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Author Topic: Messenger TEC  (Read 12924 times)


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Messenger TEC
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Messenger TEC is the latest addition to the Messenger family. Columbia has combined the extremely successful Messenger Titanium core with their highly aggressive multi-color TEC (Texture Energy Control) coverstock. The Titanium nugget in the center produces more hitting power; the unique design of the core creates a medium-low Rg (2.647) and medium-high differential RG (0.042) for 4-6 inches of flare; and the modified TEC shell containing suspended glass particles adds hook. When you put them all together the Messenger TEC obtains an early arcing break point even in oil. The Messenger TEC is blue/red/yellow multi-color with gold engraving. The available weights are 12-16 lbs.



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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2002, 10:28:15 PM »
i have had this ball for a little over a year now.  It is driled max leverage with no weight hole.  The infamous TEC death still has not set in, prolly cuz i clean it after every use.  This thing recovers well for me if i miss to the right, and if i miss to the left, it holds onto the lane like nothing i ever had before.  it is my favorite ball and if the TEC death ever sets in, i WILL buy another.  Goes great with my Attitude1 and my Messenger Ti solid.

I need ignorant people like i need an inoperable tumor at the base of my spine.  

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2003, 07:47:22 PM »
After loving the Ti Messenger as much as I did I had to try this ball.

i could not have been more disappointed. It was probably the cover core match. I think this ball burned up most of its energy early. It certainly did not have much left once it reached the pins. It definately hooked, but not what I expected.

I have seen people with hardly any hand at all throw this ball well. If you put any revs at all on it the ball just hit weak.

I give it a 6 out of 10. Maybe my expectations were too high.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Messenger TEC
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2004, 05:13:58 PM »
Label leverage, 15 lbs.  This ball is extremely versatile and i have been able to score with it on many differnt conditions.  From second shift carry down, first shift medium oil, heavy sport and flat patterns this ball allows me to play a variety of the lane.  In this day and age with so many differnt balls all set up for conditions its odd that you can find one that can get down the lane and turn the corner on a medium light house shot and still be able to get into a roll when put on a heavy sport pattern.  Another thing i love about this ball is that it is very apt to hand postion changes at the release.  If i coem of the back all the way through the ball i get the earlier forward roll, where if i come of the side i get the skid flip reaction.  A true gem for todays balls, probabley the most underated ball ive ever owned.
"yes i throw it like a girl, but i throw like a girl exactly the same every time"