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Author Topic: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p  (Read 14370 times)


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Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Our sensational Messenger TiTM welcomes a celebrity in the family. The fiesty-and wildly popular-Messenger Titanium Pearl. With its elegant pearlized Super-FlexTM cover (now in a Blue/Silver/Purple Pearl), it performs with a superb hook and stunning midlane arc for control. And there's lot's of spunk left over on the backend for a better entry angle to the pocket. This beauty runs deep.


CORE TECHNOLOGY: Fired, undrillable Titanium ceramic core. This dense Titanium ceramic core concentrates mass at the center of the ball, generating more rotation off the bowler's hand, which equates to more hook potential.

COVERSTOCK: Super-Flex This aggressive, pearlized, reactive shell produces skid through the heads and a sharp turn on the backend of the lane.

Track Flare: 4-5 inches

Color: Blue/Silver/Purple Multi-color

Finish: Polished

Available Weights: 12,13,14,15,16 lbs

HARDNESS: 75-78 ABC/WIBC approved



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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2002, 10:32:39 PM »
The New Blue/Silver Messenger is a Must Have Ball!

Anyone who has had any of the first two Messenger/Ti's will
need to run to their local proshops and get this one too!

The ball is driller friendly! will work with many different
layouts and drilling patterns.

Maybe the Best Buy for the money! Hard Hitting!!!
The New Messenger does feature a slightly more aggressive cover
stock than the "Black/Gold" Messenger/Ti.

This ball provides great length and strong Backend!
Adaptable to most league conditions. Great all round performance!

Just a great ball from Columbia!
We highly recommend the ball to all bowlers!


Paul Nosek

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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2002, 10:51:09 PM »
I've drilled up a Ti-Mess b/s/p with the pin 2 1/4 from the PAP, present statics 5/8 finger and 5/8 positive side without a weight hole. Box polished finish.

First, this is a very cool looking ball.

Second, like its cousins, it's inexpensive.

Third, it's fun to watch.

This is essentially the same ball as the Black/Gold Ti-Mess Pearl with a tweak to the core, making it slightly flippier. It has plenty of scoot on any condition I've used it on, saving everything for the back. When it gets there, it revs and turns, and just kicks.

On my home lanes, it's almost too flippy the way it's been drilled. Lots of length despite a low pin drilling, the entry angle it creates requires me to target a breakpoint about 3 boards further right of my usual spot. Incidentally, I recently drilled a red Pulse almost identically except the Pulse has a x-hole at 2 1/4 past the PAP, and it still has its dull box 600 (?) sheen finish. The b/s/p forces me to move left about 5 boards and target 2-3 boards outside compared to the Pulse, it's that flippy. That is a huge difference in launch angle to get to the pocket.

If you like entry angle, you will love this ball.

Richard M Maloney

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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2002, 11:09:09 AM »
Hi this ball is a beauty out of the box and has a lot to offer in the back end but also clears the front nicly without the whippyness of the black and gold messanger.I drilled my ball with the pin below my ring finger and it had a 1/4 ounce thumb weight it is your typical 3x4 drilling. I used it on a second shift house shot and it got throught the frint easily and i used it on fresh and was a lot in the back i am very happy with this ball and is a much better ball than the black and gold messanger.

Way to go Columbia


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2002, 11:42:37 AM »
I've had this ball for 4 weeks now and i love it!  I have the pin just above my ring finger.  This ball hits as hard as any ball i've thrown! It also seems to have a large margin for error. I would say 5-7 boards. Its very strong on the backend but gets through the  heads and mids very clean.If you like a ball that goes long and turns hard, you can't go wrong with this one!...not to mention the the better than average price tag!


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2002, 02:31:19 PM »
check my profile or specs...

I got my Ti Pearl b/s/p with a 3-4 inch pin and 3 oz. top... I set it with the pin directly under my ring finger and the CG out 3 1/2 inches, and a weight hole was placed to take out the extra 2 ounces side...

This ball is all CONTROL!! I have never had a ball be so smooth, but yet so violent!! I took it on a fresh shot stood 25 hit 15 and it demolished the rack. I stood the same hit up on it real hard and put it to 7, and sent messengers everywhere... This ball will do what you want it to do as long as you have any sort of hand.. Power players will have one agressive mid-priced ball!!!

on a scale 1-10

versatility- 7.5

control- 9.5

hook- 7

i give the Ti Pearl b/s/p an 8!!!!


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2002, 11:34:58 PM »
Very good ball suited for a large varity of skill levels. Depending on pin which should be concidered based on your span and ball reaction wanted.Strong back end on light to med light oil. Good over med to med heavy oil if you can slow down the ball speed.


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2002, 09:59:49 PM »
it's been so long since i posted a review that i almost forgot how to.

first of all, the very first Columbia that i owned was the old blue Ti Boss II, one of the best balls ever in my opinion.  i bought that ball new and sold it about 1 year ago, dumb me!  i drifted and went to Ebonite (the red/blue Apex, afterburner) and had pretty good success at first (my first 299 game and a 734 series [as a 266 being the high game of the series] within about a 2 week time span.  then, all heck broke loose and i guess i thought i was the best and no matter what i did, i would do it good.  yeah right!  i went from a 198 average to a 168 average this fall, keep in mind i am only 17.  i changed everything from the shoes to the bowling bag, but i finally concluded that a break and a new ball could do the trick.  

i actually evied the days when i bowled with "old blue" (TI Boss) and wanted to go to something as similar as i could.  i read reviews and watched for "newcomers" for about 3 months (my "slump" lasted for about 7 months).  i finally broke my search down to 2 balls: the Spirit (because of the core design being similar to the TI BOSS [bullet shaped]) and the TI Messenger b/s/p.  i studied, prayed, thought, fought, and everything else to finally choose the Messenger.  by the way, i was wanting to go back to Columbia, but STORM was my 2nd choice.  Ebonite and the "rest" was not even though about.

i got my messenger 4 days ago when i was in Harrogette (not sure about the spelling), Tennessee.  156.00 drilled and all (thumb and finger inserts).  with the weight block bulbed out more the other TI Messenger Pearl, i figured this ball would go farther so i reluctantly had NO finger weight drilled into it.  the pin ended up being about 1 inch up and about 1.5 inches over from the ring finger, giving it NO finger weight and 3/4 ounces of side weight.  

i throw this ball standing 2-5 boards outside of the middle dot on the approach over the second arrow on the lane and out to about the 6-7 board area at about 17.5 mph with medium everything (spin, follow through, rotation).  this ball runs just as smooth as the old boss i had just with alot more "umph".  playing this line, the ball runs just as straight as can be until about 3/4 through the midlane when it straitens up and runs parallel with the gutter.  the ball fools you by seeming like that is all it's got, but man am i surprised when this thing takes off.  this is like Trauma ER backend!  the only problem i have is hitting flush.  when i do actually hit flush pocket, i tend to leave 1 or BOTH of the corner pins, but i think this is easily corrected by sliding forward or backward on the approach a little.  

so far i have went from the 168 average that i told you about to a 205.25 in the last 3 days, bowling 10 games.  highest game being a 232 and lowest being a 181.  there is nothing spectacular about these scores at all, but for a decent bowler for myself who has been in a huge slump, Columbia has been and will be the best ball manufactuer ever.  this ball is one of the most controllable balls i have thrown.  and versatility is uncontended, but that's the case for all Columbia balls in my opinion.

a very good ball from Columbia...good job and thank you very much

also, last time i posted a message i got several "complaints" that i dont capitalize nothing and that i should go back to school.  well, for the people who complain, i'm not making you read my review...for the one's that appreciate hearing what people think of new equipment-THANKS


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2002, 11:34:48 PM »
All I can say this ball is hecka illegit. 14lbs, 2.25 oz top and 3 inches pin out. The ball is drilled 10:30 with the pin right below my ring finger.  First 64 games i have pulled only a high score of 185. But after a retrieval to work on my release i have finally broken lose and claimed 225 and 217 on game 65 and 66. I blamed myself for not polishing my release but again i'm only bowled for about 4 months. The ball is drilled to have an early roll and a strong arc to the backend.  The ball responds extremely well even when the lanes are freshly oiled and with a little carrydown.  I have to say the ball outperforms my recently bought Trauma Recovery which has been a huge disappointment.  The TiMP only makes my Recovery look like a gremlin stuck in a tarpit. Again i say this ball is too legit to be 150 bucks. I have approximately 110 games on it right now and i beleive the ball is only getting stronger and stronger. There is no track worn into the ball for i wash it with Ebonite powerhouse cleaner and a hot towel after everyday of bowling. The ball also recovers well on bad releases and it always find its way back to the pocket and even gives AMAXING carry for off-pocket impacts. I can go on and on raving about this ball but i think this ball is patient and it will wait for you to adjust to it w/ o losing life.  GET ONE WHILE ITS STILL CHEAP! AND HOW THE HECK DOES IT OUT HOOK A RECOVERY?
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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2002, 10:11:38 AM »
this will be my last review on this ball even though it deserves 10 more!  I have now bowled 25 games with the b/s/p and i am nothing less than impressed.  i got this ball exactly 5 days before 1 of the biggest tournaments in s.east kentucky (KBT Finals) which pays $1000 for 1st.  this is a BIG tourney around here, considering Kentucky isn't known for bowling (maybe horses though, but horses dont roll bowling balls).  i only bowled twice in this tourney (money was hard), once on friday and once on the last day.  it was a doubles tourney and i was bowling with my mom who isn't the best, by far.

the first game i had a 243 with an open in the 4th frame.  the second game, i had a 242 with 2 spares.  And on the 3rd, i rolled a 223 which i got tapped a few times.  the 223 was the 17th game that i rolled with the b/s/p.  SO, within 17 games i rolled a 708, which is NOT bad for a bowler that had been averaging a 504 series for the last 5 months.

my mom had a total series of 361 which held us back tons.  we had a series of 1276 w/handicap and were in 1st till the last set on the last day when 2 others beat us out.

anyways, i am overly impressed with this ball.  i thought i would just keep it for a little while, but i think i'll keep it till i out grow it.


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2002, 01:12:34 PM »
Wow.  What an incredible change.  I picked this  ball up for $130 drilled.  My man in Union City, NJ hooked me up with a great drill for an awesome price.  I took the ball out the next night and the difference in my gae ws incredible.  Im not a great bowler yet so i was throwing some bad balls that ruined what would have been good scoring games, but I see this ball helping me into the next plateau of my game.  All in all, its cheap, its got sick hook, and it hits hard.  Awesome ball for an awesome price.  Definately worth it.  Thanks Columbia!


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2002, 02:07:55 PM »
I just got this ball yesterday. I had it drilled 4x4 or the "B1"  from columbia drilling specs. This ball is AWSOME!!!! It went down deep about 34ft. and made its way back to the pocket with lots of power. This thing HITS like a monster truck. My first of 3 games with this ball was 191, 245, and 219. I LOVE THIS BALL!!!! The best ball I ever had from Columbia. Highly recommended..

Bowling is 99.99999% luck.


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2002, 02:10:46 AM »
Messenger b/s/p, 15lbs, 3 oz of tw, 4 inch pin.

Drilling 4x5, one coat of black magic. This is the ultimate skid/snap ball. Fast reving and hard-hitting. The perfect "wall/ball" stand left and throw right. This ball just barrels through the pocket like a fullback on a 4th and 1 play at the goalline. With the intense angle of this ball I leave a lot of 9 pins and the occasional stone 8. But this is a great ball. Everyone needs a flippy pearl reactive in their bag and this is mine.
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2003, 03:54:18 PM »
i have the pin between fingers up a little. cg in the palm. i rotated between my buzzsaw and this ball because it did almost the same thing except the buzzsaw hooked a little bit more. this ball still has some and i might sell it. on a scale to 1-10, 8 1/2
im 12..
average is around 190-200
shot 289 on a sport league.
won all stars
my balls are: White Dot black silver caramel,
Monster Frenzy
X-Factor Duece.....all 15lbs


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Re: Messenger Ti Pearl - b/s/p
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2003, 05:41:16 AM »
I purchased thsi ball from a friend of mine who was not able to control it very well.  I had it pluged and redrilled for me I  currently use a lable  drillin with the pin oustide of my pinky finger.   With my messenger I have found that this Ball has become my money ball when bowling in big money games and my highest game that I shot with this ball was a 260.  I like the reaction of it when polished but if you dull it down even slight ly it likes to take off like a bat out of hell and go screaming across the lane towards Brooklyn.  Right now I am currently in the process of changing my drill patter to a stacked leverage drill.  this ball is great on wood lanes a little harder to control on synthetics though but overal it is one of the hardest hitting balls on market.  This ball out performs my A.M.F. Victory SPT with a particle cover stock.  that is how good this particular ball is