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Author Topic: Messenger Titanium  (Read 37380 times)


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Messenger Titanium
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Messenger Titanium is the newest addition to the Messenger family. This ball out-hooks any of the previous Messenger balls. This multi-colored ball has the aggressive Super-Flex cover for maximum hook. It has a .043 differential Rg for 4-5 inches of flare. The Rg is medium-low (2.527). It has a strong mid-lane arc for control with plenty left on the backend for a greater entry angle into the pocket. Columbia also included its Titanium ceramic core at the center for more hitting power. The ball is Red/Blue multi-colored with Yellow engraving. The available weights are 12-16 lbs.


The King

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
I just picked this ball up yesterday before our family Christmas Eve bowling party.  I didn't expect it to be nearly as good a ball as it was.  I shot a 278 with the last 11, the first 6 in the next game (finished with 240), and had a 300 the last game.  Now, I'll be honest, there was a wall out there, but none the less, this ball carried extremely well (save the few 7 pins it left in the 240 game) and had just enough "get up and go" to get to the pocket.  This is not an oiler (at least not how I have it drilled).  This, for me, is an up the boards, wall ball that will make it back if you let it drift and will hold if you pull it a little.  Believe me, I did both yesterday and it found its way to the pocket to strike 31 times.  Definitely the best ball you can buy at it's price, which, for me, was about $100 less than the Chaos.  Way to go Columbia.

Dale Slaughter

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I am a 160 average bowler that has had 3 straight 500+ series with this ball on three different nights. First game out of the box was a 198. This ball gives me much more control than my Ebonite Stinger ever has. My ball is drilled for minimum hook, but has lots of carry and good back end.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I play Eni-meni-miny-mo with this ball and my Parker Bohn. Arguably the two best reactives every made. Both are controlable, readable, and hit as hard as Mike Tyson bites.........tearing off pieces of the pin. Buy 2 or 3 before Columbia stops making them cause they're getting real hard to get. Keep your eyes peeled for Columbia will try to reproduce this ball with a new name and jack up the price. They had no clue what type of balls they actually created with this Messenger line. Their bad....the bowlers get over for once. But just watch. Scale of 1-10 .........15 easy.

Dale Slaughter

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Have had my Ti about a month now and have had my best month of bowling ever. Had my highest series ever at 645 tonight. opened with six in a row. Love this ball more ever time I bowl. Have not used my other ball since I got it. My average in both leagues keeps going up every week.  


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I drilled my with pin on my axis and i love this ball.  gives me a very readable reaction when the lanes are squirly. Doesnot overreact when it hits the dry.  great carry.  Another midprice winner from columbia

Paul Nosek

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Ball specs: 15 lb 4 0z, 3 oz top, 2" pin out, box finish

Drilling: 90 degree Cg/pin/PAP angle, pin 4' from PAP, Cg in thumb positive quadrant, essentially a rev leverage

Lane Condition: "Tested" during tournament, wood lanes oiled about 40-45 feet, 10-10 crowned, back ends very flippy

This ball was taken from the ball bench directly to a nearby Heartland Bowlers Tour event without any testing on home lanes. It performed excellent, and it allowed me to get to the breakpoint very clean and showed an outstanding pocket carry percentage.

I was not lucky enough to cash on this day (missed by seven pins) but the ball impressed a number of bowlers who were watching me use it, including a couple of pro shop op's who haven't seen one yet (?)

I had very little trouble carrying all sorts of hits. The drilling worked well to cut down on this house's super-flippy back ends by kicking it into a roll a little early. Despite most bowlers playing the same area, over the course of the day I had no trouble staying lined up. If the oil meloned out to the back end, I never saw it having any effect at all on this ball.

Bottom line: This is one helluva power pack. Buy one while you can, 'cause all these great reviews are justified.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Let me first start of by saying that this ball is AMAZING! It has to be the hardest hooking ball on the market for the money right now. Not to mention still has enough length to throw on a medium oil condition as well. I expectected this ball to replace one of my lesser hooking balls in my arsenal. But after bowling with this ball it will replace many harder hooking balls such as the Track K.O. Punch & the El Nino. This ball gets cleanly through the heads granted there has to be alittle oil on the lane. But still has great hitting power on the back end. This ball makes a great addition to any bowlers game!


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Yes, I like the Ti Messenger.  Drilled with a Pin about 4 inches and above and out a little from the ring finger.  CG is about 4 1/2 inches from the Pap.  Final Statics were 1/2 once positive side and

1/2 positive finger.  The idea was to have length with a strong backend.  The idea was to couple this ball with my control drilled sledge hammer which can cover boards but very smoothly on drier and fresher backends.  This ball was to cover boards but hit a little harder on softer backends where I needed a little pop!

Pop I got!  What I also got was a little less length than I expected from this factory polished coverstock.  To give you an idea My first pair in a tournament recently had not been bowled on during the day at all and had a little lefty soup.  I tried the wonderful Track Enforcer with a dulled with green scuff pad finish.(about 600 grit)

The Enforcer could cut thru the soup and get to the pocket but maybe grabbed a little early. 9, 9, 9, X, 9 and a couple of missed spares

80 in the fifth.  Grabbed my Ti for the first time and picked the old faithful 2nd arrow and smooth midlane, smash 4 bagger 205!  Lots of stored energy, lots of board coverage and recovery even from an area suppossed to have a little OB.  Except for lots of pin action that resulted in a couple of unfortunate splits I may have made the tournament finals.

The closest thing I've seen to this ball was my almost great Impact Zone which was often a little too long and a little too strong in the backend.  This ball is just a little earlier and though a big backend

if it is a little smoother than the impact.  Big carry though from this fresh meat Super Flex.  The total boards covered is similar to my Brunswick Pro Zone Violet but the carry is that bigger reactive type of stored energy sort of thing.  

This ball is now part of my medium arsenal next to my maybe dying

Sledge Hammer(soon to be replaced with a clone).  I believe it will lead to some honor scores on league conditions with soft backends.

It will encourage good firm speed and free revs from me; two things I am working on right now.

Watch out for me with this ball!.

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Just a quick update.  Went back to the pair that beat me in the tournament this weekend.  Thru this ball firm and out on the lane.

280.  My second highest game.  2nd frame a crusher.  8 pin and I'm a lefty.  Should have been a 300!

Oil man came and I only had to move 3 and 1 to keep striking.

This is almost a heavy oil ball out of the box.  Wow, they call it superflex!

I can't believe the energy retention.  I have had many 258 and 257 games this year where I threw the ball better with my Pro Zone Violet and left only 7 pins.  Once two 258's in a row!  Now I think my chance for a 300 just went way up.  Tremendous energy retention for this medium rev lefty!

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Jerry Weller

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Can you say hits hard? This thing is the hardest hitter I have ever owned.

Goes long, hooks a ton, etc.

Only one problem -- I need carrydown to control this son of a gun -- it gets too violent for me on fresh backends and it can get squirty on oil in factory condition.

For these reasons I never use it anymore which is a shame because it hits like the proverbial truck. Great ball for those with a little less hand.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2000, 07:58:40 AM »
Just bought the ti messanger after seeing a lot of people at the house i bowl at have them,I think this ball does well on a oil pattern that has light to med carrydown on the backend as the reactive cover needs some dry to recover,I have found this ball to skid to far down on a heavy oil pattern but i have seen some others have some better luck with it acording to how it's drilled. On a regular house shot with fresh backends this ball does very well, but if they start to break down it becomes a little more over/under reaction wich makes it a little more Difficult to adjust to. Overall i give this ball an 8 on a scale of 10 for playability based on the right condition.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2001, 07:04:58 AM »
My PAP is 5 1/4 over and 3/8 up. Average speed and about average revolutions


cg to pin 2"

pin to pap 5"

cg to pap 5"

no weight hole

i used this ball on a flat condition and it rolled very well. Hit the dry and it banked back very well and hit very hard.


well not as good as expected. Hit the very heavy juice and it does seem to skate a  lot

lots of 2-10 leaves.

for the price one the better balls out there

over all

8 out of 10


i did redrill this ball

cg to pap 2 1/4

pin to pap 2 1/4

still roll ok, but reversed the previous problem

dry hooked way to early, in the juice it rolled better but not strong enough. The 5 X5 drilling was better for this ball

Plane Facts

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2001, 06:55:18 AM »
 Messenger TI

After reviewing this ball and doing some additional research I decided to buy it based on the fact I felt it would accommodate the majority of houses I bowl in, and with the lanes being conditioned with a Christmas tree pattern set up.  

The oil is spread out to 40 feet with the oil tapering off on the out side boards, this condition qualifies as a medium/dry lay-out.

The ball I purchased is 16 LBS and is drilled according to Columbia 300's medium oil specifications, and are as follows:

Pin position ( B ) ,  falls below the bridge inline between my middle and ring finger.

CG position ( 2 )

Distance from Pin x CG to PAP is 4x4, no axis hole required.

This set up gives me a remarkable read, the break point was measured at a constant 48 Ft. then a strong roll creating 5 inches of flare, and the end result is a very solid finish.

My ball speed is about 16 M.P.H., and I subscribe to the theory of playing the plane, I get average revolutions from my delivery with a great deal of lift and forward roll.  I have been rolling the TI between the 3rd and 2nd arrow in the earlier sets of play and as the lanes start to make their changes I usually swing it from 15 to 5 and carry the ten pin with out any trouble.

A couple of very impressive facts about the TI, when I have to make adjustments as dictated by the lanes, the adjustments are always less than 5 boards with my feet and no more than two boards at the target point.  The light pocket hit carry percentage is also a breath of fresh air, over all this is a great ball.
