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Author Topic: Messenger Titanium Pearl  (Read 28672 times)


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Messenger Titanium Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Messenger Titanium Pearl is Columbia's newest addition to the
Messenger family. The ball features the same core, with Columbia's Titanium
ceramic core, as the original Messenger Titanium with a pearlized Super-Flex
shell. The pearlized shell creates more length to get through the heads
easily with a sharper turn at the break point for more back end reaction.
The Messenger Ti Pearl has a medium-low Rg (2.527) and the differential Rg
is .043, which creates 4-5 inches of flare. The Messenger Titanium Pearl is
Black/Gold multi-color pearl with peach engraving. The available weights are
12-16 lbs.



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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #31 on: March 10, 2002, 11:23:12 AM »


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2002, 09:35:19 PM »
well i just got this ball tonight,the shot was crap so i didnt have a chance to see waht it would do on a normal shot it was all dry so i had to throw it like 900 miles per hour and it was still choping the head pin.but all i know so far is that if this ball gets near the pocket WATCH OUT.....WOW this hits soo hard.this is my first non ebonite ball iv owned and i l ike it so far.


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2002, 10:51:32 AM »
this ball is great for the 10 pin if you bowl on oil with little revs and dont want a plastic ball


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2002, 11:43:17 PM »
I have my TiPearl leveraged and keep the cover fairly shiny. Since I don't throw extremely hard (13.5-14.5 MPH)this setup works well for me. I haven't used it on lanes with no backends but on a normal league shot with some decent head oil I have found this ball to be a very strong performer. On a shot with weaker backends it still finds it's way to the promised land. I would recommend this ball to anyone as I haven't seen anyone with one be dissatisfied. Give the TiPearl a strong 9 on a scale of 10.


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2002, 04:47:16 PM »
This is the ball that got me started on the Messenger line!

On me, 18-19 MPH, a whole lot of revs

Ball - Pin out 3", drilled long and strong (Columbia's max flare drilling)

This ball is an absolute animal on the backend and is the hardest hitting ball I have ever thrown. When I first bought this ball, it hooked so hard that I could only use on heavy oil. I'm talking the condition where everyone else is up the boards with Apex's. However, after developing a decent track, the ball began to tame down and became a great skid/snap ball for me. In fact, it became so good that I shot 804 (234,280,290) with it after just 3 weeks. The only problem I have with it now is its tendency to slide too far on oil, while still turning 90 degrees on dry. It has become very condition sensitive.

9/10 Originally a 10 out of 10, however its tendency lately to become condition sensitive has slipped it down a notch. However, it still crushes the pins like no other!


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2002, 11:53:00 AM »
I've had this ball for a long time, but I never throw it, and haven't posted a review.  Actually, I've had 2 of these, drilled slightly different.  

The first was a 15lb., pin out 2.5, 3 oz. top.  Drilled "rev leverage", 4 x 4 with the cg in the positive thumb quadrant.  X-hole to take statics back to 0.  This ball was very smooth in transition from skid to hook, but wasn't really the reaction i was going for when I drilled it.

The 2nd was a used one I got off of a friend.  Its drilled in a 3 x 3 leverage drilling.  I drilled it a few months ago, but it has sat in the pro shop where I almost ever since.  Drug it out last night for scratch league, and I was very impressed.  

The TiPearl cleared the heads really well, and was making a very smooth, powerful roll to the pocket.  I was playing 20 out to 10, and rolling through the pins like they werent there.  Waxed my first opponent with 245 and 225 my first two (had two shots I left in that hit soft, 5-7 spits ).  Next guy never had a chance either, 238 and 222.  

I was definitely liking my ball reaction.  As long as I kept everything else constant, the ball did exactly what I wanted, which was stand up and arc at about 40-42 feet.  If I left it in a few boards, it did a very good job holding the line, and in most cases I was only left with a 4 pin.  Very predictable, very controllable.  I'll give it a 8, loses points because it doesn't snap like a pearl, and won't get the job done on heavy oil.
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2002, 09:00:54 PM »
Ive had this ball for about 2 months hasnt lost any hook or snap any still has same role and hit. I got it used from Doug Sterner who is a good guy to do business with. Ball is 9 out of 10 Length and Hook r very good not good for heavy oil but if there is some tad bit of fresh backend this Ball will find it and WATCH THOSE PINS FLY!


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2002, 08:12:15 PM »
I picked up this ball from a friend for $60 about 4 months ago.  I haven't really thrown this ball that much, until now. I just had it resurfaced yesterday, sanded to 1500, then hit it with polishing cream. The ball is not in any kind of new condition, even after resurfacing, but now it does what i want it to do. I figured that i might as well get my moneys worth out of it and I decided that i want it as a dry lane ball. The ball is about 15 and a half pounds, with the pin at 1 or 2 inches. I believe it is drilled label leverage, with the pin above and to the right of my ring finger and the cg about an inch below my ring finger.  After the resurfacing and polishing, i took it on a pair of Brunswick synthetics that seemed to have fried heads, and some carrydown.  This ball did exactley what i wanted.  Got through the heads like they weren't even there, skidded through the midlane, hit the breakpoint and didn't stop on the backend at all!!! Kept rolling right through the 8-pin.  The hitting power on this ball is tremendous for being so old.  Left one flat 10, but only because i swung the ball from about 22 out to 5.
     Overall i am glad that i got off my lazy butt and put some work into this ball because it was well worth the $60.  I would recommend this ball to bowlers that want to learn to "hook" the ball, or for bowlers with more hand looking for a medium oil, fresh backend shot.  I wouldn't recommend this ball for longer patterns  or heavier oiled patterns as i have seen a few of my friend's messengers squirt way past the breakpoint and barely recover at all.
     Overall this is another great ball from columbia, and i really want to try to pick up a new messenger ti b/s/p.



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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2002, 08:45:29 PM »
I have had the Messenger Ti Pearl for about 1 1/2 years (since if first came out or about that time). When I first started with it, I had so many problems, it wasn't even funny. I was 16 years old and had an average of about 155 or so. I couldn't find the right line, I was blowing spare after spare, and I thought it was going to be another "throw away" by Columbia. After about a month of use, I finally figured out the way of the ball when I threw, at that time, my highest game 258. When this happend, I became very impressed with the ball and the backend power it provided on my house lanes for the line I was throwing (up 10). Since I picked up this ball, my average went from 155 to a current 190 with many 200's in my history. I mainly use Columbia products and out of all of them, the Messenger Pearl is simply the BEST. My highest games of 266, 264, and 258 came with this ball. In my opinion, with the ball's great entry angle and hook potential (medium oil), it is the best of the Columbia product line to date. For me, it has been the best investment into Columbia that I have made and believe me, I made a lot of investments. Some have paid off and some I paid for it!


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2002, 08:56:42 AM »
I picked up this ball 8 weeks ago from local pro shops used rack for $75 with thumb hole plugged,slugged and redrilled for me. Ball is in excellent condition

On me, 16-17 MPH, low tracker high revs.

Ball is 15 lbs drilled stacked leverage pin under ring finger. This is close to a max leverage drill with my short pap of 3 over 1 up. The ball works great for med oil and can be used on dry playing a deep inside line. My highest league games have been 278 with the first 8,4 pin and 10 pin on the fill ball in the 10th. I also shot 265 last night playing the same line as the 278 game.
Standing 32 targeting between 2nd and 3rd arrows out to 8-9 bd and just crushing the pocket. I tried this ball on heavy oil and it slides to far and if you hit the pocket you leave snap and weak 10's. This is the best med condition ball I've ever owned and for $75 out the door its the best bowling investment I've made in sometime.


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2002, 08:49:57 PM »
Like all the other posters I have found that this
ball is good on medium oil. It doesn't like heavy
oil or dry conditions.
  I bought it in the afternoon, that night I had
278-680series with a 168 start.


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2002, 05:40:50 PM »
I don't actually own one of these, but I used to throw my friends before I moved away.  I absolutely loved the ball.  It got midway down the lane, then had a very predictable and strong reaction.  I left a few corners though because this ball had a pretty set reaction, and you needed to hit a little deep to kick the 10 out.  That house was generally dry near the backend, so mostly anything you threw would move.  I don't recall how the ball was drilled, but it was a midlane reaction.  I usually get a high rev rate, but my friend threw his without inserts.  I think the ball may have overreacted on those lane conditions if I could have gotten my normal amount of hand in the ball.  

Overall, I think this ball is good for getting through the heads, and it makes a strong backend turn.  It will be good for a shot where the outsides are open, or on a fresher, short pattern.  I think it would overreact on broken down lanes, and underreact on flooded lanes.


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2002, 12:49:26 PM »
I have had this ball for about a year and half now, and I love it.  I am a medium rever, with sometimes high speed, but I am trying to go slower.  I was a 180 bowler before getting this ball.  I had a rough time starting with this ball, but after I got the hang of it, no more 4 pins.  This ball will kill on medium/dry oil.  You have got to throw it out because if you don't it will come back way too hard.  This ball makes an excellent complement to a big boy oil ball.  I throw a Apex Aggression as my big boy ball.  I started to average 200 this year with both of them, I just threw 712 with this ball.
"Oops, Looks like we are going to need another timmy."  -Dr Lizard, "Dinosaurs"


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2003, 01:28:19 PM »
I have never in my life thrown a ball that moved so much on the backend! IMO this may be the most skid/flip ever made!

Put this ball away when there's fairly decent oil because this ball goes pretty damn long even when it's dry! But when the lane breaks down and begins to open up you can go ahead and let this tiger out of the cage!

On shots where you need something to get through those dry heads or shots where the lane dictates that you have to cross quite a bit of boards then open up and have some fun with this bad boy!

For those of you that have been struggling with those 2nd and 3rd shift conditions and for those of you who've been looking for that ball that'll finish when you play deep inside, this ball is what you've been looking for. Enjoy!


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Re: Messenger Titanium Pearl
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2003, 03:51:04 PM »
I got this ball for free from a friend who didn't want it. I'm not all that great with the drilling info. It's a good ball for a palmer's position. The ball hit's hard in the pocket sometimes. Umm I would prolly have to say a 7 out of 10 rating. The Drilling I had on it wasn't all what it's worth for it.

Hope yall like it.
