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Author Topic: Messenger Titanium  (Read 37378 times)


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Messenger Titanium
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Messenger Titanium is the newest addition to the Messenger family. This ball out-hooks any of the previous Messenger balls. This multi-colored ball has the aggressive Super-Flex cover for maximum hook. It has a .043 differential Rg for 4-5 inches of flare. The Rg is medium-low (2.527). It has a strong mid-lane arc for control with plenty left on the backend for a greater entry angle into the pocket. Columbia also included its Titanium ceramic core at the center for more hitting power. The ball is Red/Blue multi-colored with Yellow engraving. The available weights are 12-16 lbs.



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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2001, 09:05:01 PM »
I bought this ball from ebay from a regional touring pro.  I'm a pretty new bowler and I bought it to replace the urethane starter ball that I have.  The pro had had the ball drilled with a leverage drilling, 3 3/8 x 3 3/8, with a weight hole on the PAP.  I had the thumb redrilled but did not change this drilling layout.  The place where I bowl has medium to light oil, all the way out to the three board, with a length of only about 31 feet.

I'm a low speed and low rev bowler and this ball rally gave me an angle to the pocket which I could not achieve with my urethane ball.  The shot that I played with the urethane ball was a down and in shot on the first arrow.  I tried this shot with the Ti Messenger but it went WAY brooklyn.  What turned out to be my best shot was to start in the middle, about the 21 board and aim for the 7 board just inside the first arrow.  When the ball got through the oil it rolled like one of those trick golf balls that are designed to roll crookedly, but it broke toward the pocket.  It was actually quite controllable, though.  

I had read in the promos for this ball (or perhaps one of the reviews on this site) the claim that this ball doesn't leave corner pins.  It does.  (Not any more than my other ball).  With this drilling it was absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to pick up the 10 pin, however.  I eventually grabbed a house ball to throw at spares on the right hand side (I didn't have the urethane ball with me).

Like everyone I think I want to stand left, throw right and have the ball come back to the pocket.  I still couldn't do that with this ball, probably because of my low revs.  When I tried to do this shot, the ball didn't come back to the pocket. Consequently, I'm guessing that this wouldn't be a good ball for the heavy oil.

Nevertheless, the stronger angle to the pocket that I can get with this ball gives me potential for a lot more strikes.  It took me 8 games of practice to really find my shot, but I finished with six strikes in a row (the best ever for me).


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2001, 03:23:30 PM »
On and off again ball, must have the right condition for my Ti to work, but when it works, I do not want any other ball in my hands.  On 'off' conditions, this ball is over under and makes me tight, shouldn't ball tight.  'On' conditions are total block conditions where I can swing swing swing, or even if it's tight and easy on the inside.  

Ball was drilled 1:30 (lefty) 4.5x3.5 to PAP.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2001, 07:48:29 PM »
Not meant to be dull and if it isn't that it is an excellent ball!


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2001, 11:55:57 PM »
Check my profile for info on my game.
I have a TiMessenger, drilled with the pin next to my ring finger, Cg kicked out about an inch.  This is one of the best balls i have ever thrown.  Gets through the heads great, has a strong backend, and the Titanium core is obviously in action when it hits the pocket.  Columbia strikes again.  definately a 10.
plamor sucks

Elliot Renshaw

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2001, 10:19:59 PM »
I have had this ball for around 9 months and have had atleast 400 games with is and it is still going strong
 It is drilled stacked leaverage with the pin way out.
I have fount that this ball is good for heavy oil and shoking for light oil.

Da Truth

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2001, 07:43:56 PM »
I have been throwing the Messenger Ti for
almost a year. I have it drilled with the pin
slightly above my pinky and the cg under my palm.

This ball was test on a pattern oiled 38 ft. from
10 to 10. I have also tested it on a 38 ft. Christmas
tree pattern.  

This ball works best on light oil and medium conditions.
It gives very good length and it turns hard in the backend
taking care of the corner pins. This ball provides good power
and great pin action. One heavy oil it works good going up the

Great ball!! I give it a 9.5 out of 10.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2001, 03:37:21 PM »
I bought this ball & had it drilled specifically for one house. Wood with Guardian and heartless backends. Turns out it was the correct move. Jacked-up the avg. 10 sticks in the last 11 weeks of the season. Had it drilled leveraged to flare with control. Managed to "let" it work from every angle except 25-5. More than likely a house specific qwirk. Tried it on synthetic lanes oiled 38' with 59 units from 10-10. This ball worked on ALL different angles. VERY strong on the backends with little effort to get it there. When the lanes dried out, went up 6 and continued crushing the pocket, rarely left a corner pin. When I did, I could cover the corners by killing the turn. VERY versatile ball. Definately one of the best balls Columbia has EVER produced.
On a scale of 1-10, this ball is a 9.5!


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2001, 05:41:30 PM »
i got a ti messenger drilled stack leverage with the pin 2 inches out right of my ring finger and the cg is in the center of my palm. and i have to say that this is probably the most versatile ball on the market besides the eraser. it gets tremendous length on mostly all conditions, and then unleashes on the backend. it hits hard and carries very well, but the only thing i don't like about it, is that it doesn't keep the pins low. the carry with it is awesome but if i could get it to keep the pins lower i would have to say that it is the best ball ever made. it is by far the most versatile ball in columbia's mid priced line of balls. 9.5


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2001, 06:28:59 PM »
Ball: 15.1#
Top Weight: 2.75 oz (before drilling)
Drilling: 3 3/8" x 3 3/8" stacked leverage, pin out 1.5" and up 1" from ring finger

I used the ball for several weeks in the box condition (2000 grit polish).  It tended to skid too far down the lane than try to snap back.  It hooked too much like my Buzzsaw Cherry C2 pearl.  I didn't need 2 balls that hooked the same, plus I wanted a heavier oil ball for a few tournaments.

Liquid sandpaper took the sheen off, but it started to shine back again after throwing a few sets.  I had my pro shop guy sand it to 800 grit.  Now the ball hooks like what I want.  Much more of an arc (instead of a hockey stick).  I can now throw it in the oil without worrying if it will come back.  If I miss a little right (even with carry down) the ball will recover.

The ball seems to rev up easier than anything else I have.  I just seem to have a lot of confidence throwing it.  Like all the new balls it hits great.  It doesn't throw around a lot of messengers, but it's mostly because it's solid in the pocket.  With the price, it is one of the best bargains out there.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2001, 11:09:48 PM »
The ball for everyone to own. 279 right out of the box first game ever
at baldwin lanes. standing on 30 trowing over the second arrow, the ball rips pins, regrettlessyly.

Pin placement tight above the thumb holes. truly a ball for the masses
gives versatile a new name. an arsenal in and out of itself.
I will admit you do need speed for this thing to work to its potential.
But it works for strokers, crankers and tweeners; which i am
I deemed it the "wow" ball because its that good, its works on any condiiton
cant be rated, no number system can touch this ball.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2001, 11:11:18 PM »
my bad my review was for the messenger titanium pearl


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2001, 04:31:45 PM »
Outstanding ball from Columbia! I throw a small hook going from 10 to 5 arrow then in.  The ball works like that for my A game. My b game I go deeper and this ball will go deeper.  I went all the way to 20 threw it right and it just hooked right back and shattered the pocket.  Sorry I dont have my tech specs, but I will recommened this ball to anyone.  Got me a 279 after 3 wks with it.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2001, 07:34:43 AM »
Just tried a friends Ti Messenger sanded to 1000.

I read over and over in this forum that this ball was over/under with the factory polish.  I did nothing about it, left it as it was as I liked the hit and the flip with factory.  But it was very conditional and jumpy.

My friends sanded version was a whole different animal a great medium to medium oily ball very smooth with big hit, puts a whole new light on this ball.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2001, 02:31:29 PM »
My last review on this ball was over a year and a half ago and the review has since disappeared.  On my fun leagues i was averaging around 200 with it.  I was also taking a lot of money pot bowling and shot my only 300 with this ball.  Now that i am on sanction leagues with a lot heavier oil, i decided to pull this ball out again a give it a shot.  I was dissapointed with the ball after a few shots in practice.  It had the factory finish and was in pretty bad shape.  The ball was going too long and not making the turn.  So I put the ball back in the bag where it stayed for the rest of the night while the extreme chaos ripped the lanes up.  I then took the messenger to my work and did some work to it.  I gave it a heavy sanding with 220 grit, followed it up with 400, and then finished it off with 600.  I took the ball back to the same league and it was like a different ball.  It hooked earlier and finished strong.  It was hitting very hard and provided a very consistent reaction.



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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2001, 09:35:46 PM »
I have had this ball for almost 2 years, so I have experience on various lane conditions.  The surface of the ball is out of the box, polished 2000 grit, the ball is drilled for leverage with no balance hole, and 16lbs.  This ball is excellent on worn down heads or dry lane conditions.  It will get down the lane and finish hard in the pocket.  On medium lane condtions, the ball will still hook but will require slower ball speeds (less than 20mph).  However, from my experience this ball is definitely NOT the one to pull out when you are up against heavy oil patterns, especially SYNTHETICS!  The ball will become your spare ball as it will skate down either in the gutter if you are playing deep inside, or nail the 10 pin if you play outside line.  Overall, I have bowled several 600 series and a few 700 series with it.  I would recommend it for medium to light oil.  Rating is 10 for dry, 7 for medium, 1 for heavy, and -1 for heavy on synthetics; because you will do no worse with a house ball.

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H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
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