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Author Topic: Messenger Titanium  (Read 37379 times)


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Messenger Titanium
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Messenger Titanium is the newest addition to the Messenger family. This ball out-hooks any of the previous Messenger balls. This multi-colored ball has the aggressive Super-Flex cover for maximum hook. It has a .043 differential Rg for 4-5 inches of flare. The Rg is medium-low (2.527). It has a strong mid-lane arc for control with plenty left on the backend for a greater entry angle into the pocket. Columbia also included its Titanium ceramic core at the center for more hitting power. The ball is Red/Blue multi-colored with Yellow engraving. The available weights are 12-16 lbs.



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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2001, 11:26:33 AM »
Pearl ... I have been using this ball for a month now and it is wonderful.  This is my first hooking ball.  I am a new bowler, about 1 year now.  During the last 4 weeks I have exceeded my league average by more than 15 pins per game.  My average is now at 172 and rising (2 games over 200 and then one lower one).  I have what I would call medium revs and med to high speed.  Play something like 10 to 8 and in.  The pin reaction off of this ball is amazing.  This ball is really for mid range conditions.  If the lanes are too oily this ball really skids and when they dry out this ball turns too much.  For most conditions I find it to be a great performer. It is 16lbs, factory finish, no extreme drilling just pretty neutral.  *** It is also priced very nicely *** (I paid $65 plugged and drilled, as it was thrown for 3 games before me.)

Mike Carlson

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2001, 11:06:14 AM »
I tried Columbia's 10:30 pin, hard arc drilling. Wow! This is the biggest skid/snap ball I've ever had! Needs oil in the front to have any prayer of holding the pocket. Lots of solid 8's and 9's and ring 10's, the ball hits like a truck, I was trying a 14lb. experiment with this ball and I can't believe how hard it hits. The ball is tough to read, particulary if there is not plenty of oil on the heads. I'm thinking of putting an extra hole on the PAP to tame it down a bit, short of bowling on STP, I can't imagine where I could use this ball consistently in it's current state. If you're like me and don't put much hand in the ball, this ball will give you illusions of grandeur!
Mike Carlson


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2002, 03:54:57 PM »
I am a right hander with high rpm's this ball was drilled with the pin three inches from my right finger. That drilling is really supposed to be for lefties, but I went down to conway arkansas and shot a 299 with it and now it always has a place in my locker.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2002, 10:30:38 PM »
I have been bowling for 40 years, since I was 8.  I bowl once a week in a league and average around 200.  I only buy a new ball every 3-4 years and this year I wanted to go to a lighter ball, so I went from a 16 lb to a 14+ lb for the start of this season.  On Jan 11th, I bowled my first ever 300 game.  I also have a 279 & a 269 this year.  My average is still about the same, but I seem to be getting more strikes in a row.  The ball goes long and usually has a nice backend to it.  I am a down-and-in bowler and the ball seems to be a little forgiving if you don't quite get all your fingers through it (not totally forgiving, but somewhat).


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2002, 10:57:05 PM »
One of Columbia's best for sure.  Great length down the lane and strong rolling back ends.  I have thrown this ball everywhere from 4th arrow to 3 board straight up and great results.  2 300's with this baby as well.  Definitely a 10 out of 10 for me.  And you can not beat the price either.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2002, 11:17:54 AM »
I have bowled 4 289's 7 800's and this ball has the has very great pin action i have seen 2nd to the emb but i have bowled my biggest sets with it.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2002, 02:41:30 PM »

Just wanted to add a new review I have been using this ball for about almost a year now I have been averaging a 191 steady with it.  This is the most versitle ball I have ever used. I used it in heavy oil and just went outside with it.  It came back with a vengance.  I went thru light oil  almost bone dry.  I was shooting 25 to ten and it would come back and strike hard.  I can almost always change shots with this ball and find a pocket shot.  And I can also change my hand position to help as well.  I recommend this ball to anyone.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2002, 12:45:08 AM »
I just had my Messenger drilled. Took it out and bowled 3 games with it. It took almost a full game to figure the hook out.I finished with 3 strikes in the tenth. To end up with a 157, then pulled a 201 for the second, and a 213 for my last. This ball was more than I thought it would be. It took a while to figure it out but I am very happy with it.I also believe that drilling it properly is the best way to get full potential out of this ball. I have never seen the pins react,like they did after being hit with the messenger. This ball is worth every dollar you pay for it and then some. I have never been a full time bowler and so for me to be able to get the scores I got, with minimal training and no  bowling in 5yrs, it was surprising that a ball could bring me back to good bowling so fast. I strongly recomend this ball for every type of bowler, as long as you like working with hook.

Messenger Ti

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2002, 05:06:08 PM »
ALL i have to say is that you have to have faith in your ball.  I'm a 2 fingers
bowler and some say it's hard to be consistence but that doesn't bother me.
I had problem in the past with the Ti kept on sticking to my middle finger, but i
had my local Proshop open it up.  Here is some fact about my TI, I have it drilled
to go long, and strong back end.  I didn't know it true potential until i had room
to work with.  I had the hole opened up yesterday (May 28,2002)and went to a local lane.  I had 5 200+ games and several respectively 180+ out of 7 games, but one one game i had 8 straight X in a row and starting the next with 6 X in a row = to 14 straight in a row. I'm really happy with this ball.


"Think of the failure before you can grab hold of SUCCESS !!"


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2002, 12:06:42 PM »

   I bought this ball in April. I just started bowling again after laying off for 18yrs.

   The ball is great on lanes with a little oil.  It doesn't react well on oily lanes, and It just keeps on hooking on dry lanes...   I'm getting older so I dropped down to 15lbs.  It carries very well I don't have too much of a problem with 10 pins.

jay coney

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2003, 09:04:13 PM »
This is a great ball, on any oil pattern. A very easy to read ball does not jump great control ball. One of the best reactive resins on the market today.


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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2003, 03:21:08 PM »
This is still one of my favorite balls, and I've been using it at a large (usually around 120 bowlers) "Beat the House" tournament each week, in a house that has light oil on wood lanes, generally.  I've won money in brackets and gotten close to a rolloff every week.  I'm averaging about 225 for the last 8 weeks or so.  The ball is drilled stacked label leverage, pin out two inches, CG just off center.  There is a large weight hole.  Surface is factory, and I have had it resurfaced once.  When my current house first went to synthetics two years ago, with a light oil standard house pattern, this ball was killer, with a hard arc and massive carry.  It's near and dear to my heart because I bowled back-to-back 300s with it two years ago:  my first and second!  Generally, much to love with this ball, and I consider it comparable to the Eraser.

jay coney

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2003, 03:41:51 PM »
My friend knew what kind of ball that I liked based on how I hooked the ball down the lane, he suggested that I run out and buy this ball. I was used to buying a lot of the balls by storm, so I wasn't really interested but I gave it a shot. I bowl once a week, my average was always around 175 to 178, and my highest game was 272 10 years ago my highest series was 620 4 years ago. So I was content never thought I could get better bowling so little a week.I just wanted to give you a little background on my bowling experience.

  I stated using this Messenger Ti and I have to admit this ball is the best ball that I have ever thrown, it hooks on every condition and every oil pattern to date. My average has increased from 175 to 198, my high game is 279 that I just shot with this bowl and my high series is 776.

  I would say this you can't go wrong buying this ball what a great ball!!!!


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2003, 07:01:27 PM »
Catching up on some of the older balls I have had and have.

This ball, even given the popularity was simply UNDERRATED. As many people have had this ball, more should have.

Controll, power, acts like a reactive polised, sand it down and it gives you the predictability of a particle.

Easy length, good backend, and "messengers" all over the place.

The Ti messenger is a definate 10
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Messenger Titanium
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2004, 12:00:13 PM »
Okay, my first ball review.  Let's see if I can do this without sounding like an idiot.

I'm a medium speed, low-medium revs stroker with a fairly low track.  I don't spin the ball, I just turn it a bit earlier than most.  See my profile for more info on me.

I bought this 14# ball used from srlunatic, almost a year ago.  The span was perfect, but the thumb didn't have enough reverse pitch, and the ball kept falling off my hand, no matter how tight I made the thumb hole.  It takes my local pro shop a year and a day to plug and redrill stuff you didn't buy there, so I put the ball aside for the time being, and pretty much forgot about it.

I was sitting around one night with nothing to do, and the Mess Ti caught my eye; I don't know why!  I took a piece of 60 grit sandpaper, and basically sanded the top part of the thumb slug in such a way as to add a little reverse pitch.  I had to do some funky things with tape and velcro on the bottom, to get it to fit my hand, but lo and behold, it worked!  Time to try out the Mess Ti.

As I said, the ball is 14#, I have no idea what the top weight was.  It has a 3" pin.  With my unusual track (5" over and 1 5/8" up), the layout is about a 2 3/4" x 3 1/2", and it has a weight hole exactly where my PAP is (strange...).

I first tried it the way I got it, with the surface slightly dull.  On our typical fresh house shot (38' Christmas tree, buffed to 42', puddle in the middle, 4 units or so on the outside), the ball hooked too soon.  It hooked a lot, more than I expected (I thought this was going to be my dry lane ball <sigh> ), but too early, and rolled out.

Slapped a coat of Renew-It on it, and it started to come alive.  Pushed down the lanes an extra few feet, and made a real nice turn left.  I decided to try a little less surface to see what would happen.

Well, with one more round of Renew-It, the Mess Ti now has a nice little gloss shine, and is far and away the best-carrying ball I currently own, perhaps second to my old, retired Super Power, but a close second.

This ball gives me area to the right that I have never had.  This thing will come back from almost anywhere, assuming that the outside of the lane is dry, of course.  The midlane "read" is excellent, and control is excellent.  It doesn't overreact when it hits the dry, and the angle (remember the Dorin sisters, "It's all about entry of angle." hahaha) it creates to the pocket is something to behold.

I've resisted using this ball from the start of a league match, somehow convincing myself that I'm better off starting out with something "stronger", but no more.  This ball will be the first ball out of the bag until it dies on me.  Although I have no idea how many games this ball has on it, I don't foresee that happening any time soon.

The Messenger Ti is a great ball.  There, I did it, I said something good about a Columbia ball.  Will wonders never cease...
Cogito ergo bowl