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Author Topic: Piranha  (Read 17396 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The warning signs are up. This deadly attacker is back for those of you who crave the ultimate challenge. Be prepared for explosive performance, the kind of action that has made it an all-time favorite among wild game players. Remember, the Piranha will inflict serious pain on the competition. Not for the timid. Add the monster to your arsenal. If you dare.

Color:Neon Orange with Black Engraving

Finish: Sheen

Track Flare: 3

Available Weights: 16,15,14



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Re: Piranha
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2003, 08:06:22 PM »
15lb 2oz, 3" pin, 3oz top.
Ball is laid out 5" X 5" with no extra hole.

Very controllable.

Ball rolls very similar to the remake Pulse. The Piranha Retro appears to have a different coverstock from the original. The box says the Retro has Superflex, and the original had Flexcel. The Retro has a little more backend than the original, but still controllable. If you like the original, You will like the Retro.


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2003, 07:46:21 PM »
Ya know,
This ball just came out and i tell you what, i think that i like this better than the original.  I am 17 and i carry a strong 197 avg and i dont hit the ball really hard.  i play more up the boards.  i work in a bowling center and i have just gotten this ball drilled up for me.  i got it drilled 12 o'clock and it absolutely pounds the pocket.  on a standard 30 ft house shot, this ball hooks a bit early and walks right to the hole.  kicks out tens well and i recommend picking this up.  i will be getting another.  shot 2 sets in practice with it and 2 leagues, have not shot under 200 yet.

223, 234, 279 (4 pin) league
206, 202, 213 league
257, 289, (10 pin) 243 prac
203, 268, 300 prac

Jeff Mop

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Re: Piranha
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2003, 06:12:03 PM »

First, I must say that I never owned the original Piranha.  I did, however, have two Blue Piranha/Cs and loved them both.

The Retro Piranha is a great piece of equipment.  It comes in very handy both when the lnes get drier, but also on those wet-dry house shots.  Many balls skid too much in the oil and hook too much off the dry for today's conditions, but the low flare potential of the Retro Piranha makes up for that.  

The Retro Piranha's greatest asset is not its small flare, but its LATE flare.  For the first 35 feet of the lane, the ball hardly flares any at all.  This makes it extremely easy to clear the heads and retain energy in the midlane.  The ball starts its flare at about 30 -35 feet and after that, comes strong on the backend.  Even though the core is not especially strong, the late flare helps the ball retain more of its energy for the pin fact it often hits harder than the more high-tech stuff.

For anyone that has problems with control or needs something for drier lanes, the Retro Piranha would be a great addition to that person's arsenal.


Columbia bowls the world over


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2003, 06:35:04 PM »
As with you Jeff I have never owned the original, but did have a Blue Piranha/C. I did also use a Jade before too. They were both great balls, and so is the Retro.
It's original core makes for a very predictable reaction. I too love the late flare that this ball provides. Although, the cover is a bit more aggressive than what I have expected. This doesn't take anything away from the ball, just means I will probably have to drill up another .
Shot an 868(yup for 3) last week with it. I love it!


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 04:01:10 PM »
The first ball I purchased and the only one I will never sell. Not for newbies, this ball stresses good form and on fresh lanes, is fairly forgiving - when the oil runs out be prepared to adjust. The tough part has been finding a ball to deliver close to the Piranha.

"We like to talk big, vampires do... The truth is I like this world. We've got dog racing, Manchester United...and we've got millions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs."

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Re: Piranha
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2003, 02:38:36 AM »
The only thing I can say is that this ball is just as good as the first one. I've had my first one drilled stack lev. And my new one is setup pin above the fingers drilled just above the columbia label and it is a monster the pattern is 10 to 10 oiled to bout 41 feet it hooks a ton oh by the way the ball is polished. The ball pre drilled was 15lbs 4oz  with pin bout 4 inchs from cg with 3 1/2 oz top weight and all I can say is this ball is the shiznit.  

my first 3 games out the box was 795


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2003, 02:13:10 AM »
This ball great in med to light oil. I can get this ball to react more than my icon 300. This ball charges into the pins with force and destroys the pins. This is one of the best balls i had.


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2003, 12:17:01 AM »
Layout:  CG is 1" in 3:00 direction from grip center, pin at 4:00 1/2" from ring finger.  Dull out of the box.  15lbs, 2" pin out.

Used it on my league shot tonight.  We ended up bowling on the ONE pair that had open bowling on it before league so some of the oil was ate up, decided to try this out.  Played inside where I could catch some oil.  This ball flared late, got into a heavy roll and didn't overreact.

Understand that because it won't overreact, this ball won't cover mistakes.  It flares too little for that.  A good bowler could probably bowl on any condition with this ball, even in heavier oil.  I don't like equipment that hooks alot, even for a heavy oil shot so this is a good ball for me, a fairly accurate tweener.

I'd like to get another, polish it and drill it with CG in the 2 position and pin in the B position and see what happens.  If it happens I'll let you know.


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2004, 02:18:27 PM »
Pin 3"
TW: 3oz
Drill 65 degrees 4x3

Not your dad's Piranha!  No way!  Nuh Uh! Nope. Take that to the bank.
Hard Charger, skates through dry heads(a Columbia trademark), hits like heart burn!  

Didn't expect this reaction from this egg-like core.

Threw 3 games with it, so what do I really know, not much, in the three games I was on a dry wall, I threw it left, right, I spun it by accident, I threw it faster, slower, i lofted it rolled it, hit down, hit up, hit sideways, it was truly ugly. I think they had to quarantine the lanes the next day because they thought a skunk broke in, I don't know, I just stunk...but I scored well.  I was shooting 240's while others were shooting 290's, 250's while other shot 210's, 230's while others shot 300's what does this all mean??? there was absolutely no pattern or sense to my review. Don't buy stock because if this trend analysis that's for sure.

I like this ball and I had a falling out with Columbia ever sinced they made balls that died in the fifth frame from Tec Death.  Anyway all joking aside the resin stuff still hits top notch and does last longer.

A little bit of info, on C300's site they say the ball's made of enhanced Flexcel, on the box it says Superflex, I emailed and they replied that its a toned down Superflex.  This is a good thing, the Mess TI was Superflex, the Retro comes from good lineage!

3 Game review on a Super Wall, take this review with a grain of salt.  Please don't make this review useful in your ball buying judgement.  I have itchy fingers and so I type.  I've reviewed balls in the past which showed Massive Destructive Powers at first then blip out of existence into 9 pin wasteland.


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2004, 02:12:21 PM »
2nd review
After 50 or so games and another rebuffing of Doc's Magic Elixer.

Still moves like it has ants in its pants.

On medium dry it will carry everything even your girlfriends bookbag!
On medium wet it'll carry as long as no one orders fries, asks for a lane or flushes the toilet.  In other words it'll leave an occasional corner pin even if I felt I tossed a good one.

I use this ball in a house that's so easy I have a 42 board area (grey boards included)so carry is very important, if I was bowling a tourney in this house I wouldn't use this ball but for fun and small wager bowling I would because I am lazy and can play all sorts of lines and reactions with a tweak of the hand and thus can just bring the one ball.


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 02:26:53 PM »
Picked this up for a song on Ebay. 2.5" pin and 3.25 TW. Drilled it pin above ring finger and CG at center of palm. Ball hits very well and reacts great. Easy through the front, sort of a midlane move but very controllable. Shot 781 with it (300 the last game) in my county tournament. Lanes were heavy wet inside (10-10). Was able to go 12 to 6 with it and ball reacted very well. Came back the next day for my league and threw 11 out of 12 with it after switching to it my last game( swishing 7-10 in the 8th). Very surprised but thrilled with it's reaction. A great medium to medium light ball for me.

Also, not the hardest hitting ball but seems to carry everything, amazing carry.



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Re: Piranha
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2004, 10:37:33 AM »
Yes, the Retro.

As the probably now banned Tony Gee said so aptly about this ball.
(oh yeah I bought this from him).

When the lane man shows up on time, the soda machine is working right, when the medium burgers come out medium and the desk staff is courteous and it's a sunny day this ball carries them all.  The rest of the time well it's just sort of an "Ehhhh".

Smooth and consistent when the backends are really flying and you've got a touch of head oil. This ball at 1000 with a bunch of black magic on it will just have enough to get to the pocket and maybe enough energy to strike.  Carrydown.
a slight whiff, 1/4 mph too fast this ball will start to hook and straighten out and just look like it shot it's stuff about 2/3 of the way thru the break.

Drilled strong 4 1/4 X 3 1/2(stacked) this ball just looks in general like it is made for yesterdays conditions.  The more I used it the better it looked.

On my side move left get right near 6 at the break point and it can get enough momentum to strike.  Hitting 7 at the break means it didn't have enough room to develop it's move.  Controllable, smooth, predictable Yes, big hitting, if the stars align and proabably if the pattern is a little shorter than our 40 feet!

I'm getting a panic this week to compare.  We'll see what similar specs on a different set of tires will do!


PS surprising what a difference about .08 in flare potential between the hot wire and this ball will do or the same and the Walter Ray from Brunswick.
PPS when this ball is dumped maybe a board too wide one can see this ball flare and turn and then just run out of flare and go straight to the pocket with no ummppph left!  Too week for today's conditions probably unless the pattern is shorter!  Then it will probably bail one out! Your specialty ball!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Piranha
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2005, 03:28:44 PM »

I made more money with the first piranha about $15000 in the first year...

But now to the new retro, is that right, new retro? hmm.  whatever lol

the Retro Piranha is the best thing to happen to me since i broke the bridge on my first one, and they stopped making them..  First night out of the box i shot another 300, now up to 21 .   I used this ball in the Orange County Classic in the PBA tourney for the last 3 games, and had a 278 on the a pattern with it. Its just a well made ball that loves the high rev players throwing it...