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Author Topic: Power Swing  (Read 12545 times)


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Power Swing
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Color: Black/Red/Silver All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: TriRib Asymmetric
- Veneer: NE2MAXX
- Surface: 4000 Abralon
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy Oil
- Description: Introducing the Power Swing - the latest high-performance beauty from Columbia 300. One that features a new strike hungry, flaring TriRib asymmetric core that provides a higher RG (2.51) plus greater differential (.051) than the Resurgence core. We then took this aggressive core and wrapped it with the proven NE2Maxx coverstock, making the Power Swing the ultimate ball for any bowler in search of more overall hook and control.



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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 11:16:16 AM »
After recovering from a broken ring ( lets not talk about how that happened)I finally got a chance to drill this one up
Kept this one at box finish
Drilled this one 4 x 3 1/2 something differant for me

pin is above and to the right of ring finger, cg turned in slightly but still needed a correction hole.

This ball hooks, I wasn't ready for the hook that this ball gave me, I noticed quickly that I wasn't going to be able to start right of 20, definatley played inside and the recorvery was fun to watch.

This ball out-hooked my shined up Momentum Swing, but not as much as my Resurgence

I would recommend this ball if your looking for something that is strong of the break. I will try this ball out on heavier conditions and give another review

Thank you for reading my review:
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

The Cheese

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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 10:28:19 PM »
This is my first year as a member of Columbia 300's Regional Amateur Staff and I have been privileged to try each of the new releases this season and my first impression of the Power Swing is that it is one of, if not the most impressive looking ball reactions in the versatile Columbia product line.
Using the dual-angle layout technique, I drilled my Power Swing using a 45/45 degree layout with a 5' pin-to-PAP, very similar to my Momentum Swing which has been my benchmark ball this season.
The Power Swing, even with my increased revolutions/speed, easily clears the heads on a shorter house pattern, reads the mids strong, and creates an impressively quick motion at the breakpoint. Comparing this ball to the Virtual Gravity, the Power Swing appears to have every bit of length, if not a little more, but with a similar amount of hook, but I was much more impressed by the quickness off the breakpoint with my Power Swing. Even testing the ball on a 42 foot, flat sport condition I was still able to produce the same strong motion I saw on the house condition, with equal pin carry and an impressive ability to create area down lane.
For those of you that have been waiting for an excuse to try the new Columbia line, please try the Power Swing and you will not at all be disappointed. It will be a great compliment to the Momentum Swing and the Noize when those balls give you a little too much too early, or not enough downlane. Not since the release of the first Black Widow have I been this impressed by a new brand new release. For the first time, I was able to drill a new ball and produce an honor score out of the box, 289-266-259 for 814, season high at Northfield Lanes and a personal best.
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff
Mike Marks Pro Shop
Wyoming, MI


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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2009, 02:27:25 AM »
Columbia 300 Power Swing Bowling Ball

2-piece Asymmetrical
SURFACE: 4000 Abralon
COLOR: Black/Red/Silver
Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy

The New Released Power Swing that features a new flaring TriRib Asymmetric core that provides a higher RG (2.51) plus greater differential (.051)
Columbia then took this aggressive core and wrapped it with the proven NE2Maxx cover stock,
Making the Power Swing the ultimate ball for  bowler in search of more overall controlled hook .
The Power Swing Easily clears the heads on  most pattern, reads the midlane strongly, and creates an impressively quick motion
The Power Swing will ball out-hooked up Momentum Swing,
But not as much as an Resurgence,
The Power Swing has the ability to retain power promoting have great carry By keeping the pin low.
And an impressive ability to create area on most  lane conditions
If the Other Columbia product  were close but not quite what you were looking for,
Balls such as the  Momentum Swing and the Noize when those balls give you a little too much too early, or not enough down lane.
Try the Power Swing and you’ll agree it the missing link,
Being surface User Friendly shining the Power Swing will increase the back end ,
But control will remain impressively controllable,
Suggested Polish: Power House Factory Finish Polish

Member of Buddies Pro Shop
Member Of the Vise Grip Staff


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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 12:20:18 PM »
Heards good things from people who bowl collegiate tournaments about this ball so decided to pick one up. This ball is great on tougher patterns when you need to control the midlane, and has awesome hitting power and continuation for a ball that controls the midlane so well. I am impressed by this release. Its not as snappy as my virtual but keeps me under control with enough snap to kick the corners, just what i needed!

the other c300 barnes

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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 12:52:13 PM »
This was a ball I was anticipating due to its specs, the 2.51 rg and the .051 diff are very bowler friendly numbers. This ball was exactly what I was expecting! It broke away from some of Columbia's other ball motion types allowing it to still have that great midlane control that columbia has always had but gave you the backend that you need to kick the corners. I drilled my original P swing with a 5 inch pin which is my favorite drilling, it was just what I needed when I wanted to open up the lane or pipe it up the lane with a little more speed. I liked it so much I drilled 3 more, one with a 4' pinto start up a little sooner, and one with a 2'pin for control and one with the pin on my axis polished and kicked the cg out past my VAL with a 1 1/8 whole in the cg for a fringe ball. This ball is one of the most versatile balls i have thrown lately.
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops of Georgia
Brunswick - Macon - Warner Robins
Bowl Depot - Fayetteville Ga
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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 11:44:52 PM »
I can not say enough about this ball...This ball is just AMAZING it has not let me down on anything,so versatile and just a great benchmark ball for any bag...I drilled mine with a 45 x 5 x 35 with the pin up and no hole and it's just extremely versatile i can do a number of things with it and it just rolls amazing on everything in oil its strong and continuous but when i miss a little left and it hits the friction it just burns up and sits there,and the thing is IT STILL HITS!!! i just can not say enough good things about this ball and i strongly suggest EVERYONE drill this amazing bowling ball by Columbia 300!


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Re: Power Swing
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 01:32:13 AM »
Okay first of all let me tell you i have ALWAYS been a loyal Brunswick consumer...But boy am i glad my pro shop guy talked me into this ball,i can not say enough good things about this ball!! It seems to do it all for me i am a lower revrate player with lower ball speed and i can still get this ball to drive!! i just love this ball and highly recomend it!! =]