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Author Topic: PowerSurge  (Read 8806 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The POWERSURGE, with Silver Traction Afflair MICA is available in Neon Purple with Neon Green engraving and is available in weights of 10-16 lbs.  The PowerSurge is Columbia's latest reactive ball for oil.  It is an early hooking ball with a strong mid-lane arc that continues to hook on the backend.  The mid-lane arc makes this ball very controllable at the breakpoint which allows this ball to hook even in carrydown.  The shell is a solid, aggressive Super-Flex cover with new Silver Traction Afflair MICA to help grab the lane through the oil.  The .045 medium-high differential Rg creates 5 to 6'' of flare and this high track potential is maintained even in 14-pound balls.



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Re: PowerSurge
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2000, 05:55:23 AM »
An oldie but a goodie!  Note this review is about the blue electric surge!

Had a chance to pick up one of these babies cheap on closeout!

First chance I had to get a ball with Columbia superflex with a low rg and moderately high differential.  I had a Y2K millinium which had a variation of superflex but a much higher rg!

I had heard this ball was very mild and was warned not to use any full flare drillings or early start.

I put my cg on the midline at 4 inches from my pap, put this 3 1/2 inch pin to CG pin straight up at 12:00 oclock leaving me with a pin to pap of 5 1/4 inches.  No weighthole, a dynamic ball with a 3/2 top/sideweight ratio. 1 1/8 top, 3/4 side and 1/2 finger.

Out comes the oil machine before league

10 to 10 and pretty heavy on a well known wall shot.  Lefty here starts throwing straight up 9.  The superflex start smooth and early and wants to make a turn squares up and attacks the pocket.  While thinking only of technique and my instructers instructions I start with a 6 bagger first game, miss a couple and 219.

Next game 9 open, 5 bagger 8 spare, 5 bagger 256, Next game 3 bagger 224.

Not bad!  Most importantly I wish I had this ball last year in a league I was in with my Y2K and Sledgehammer 7 pin,

7 pin, 7 pin, 19 one night, 21 another.

Two weeks ago in a tournament where my awesome Revolution ECX left me 14 7 pins over the last two games this ball would have squared earlier to the pocket.

I think this lower rg, coupled with the awesome superflex, with the energy retention pin position and dynamic

ending cg, are an awesome combination for a medium to heavy shot where you want a moderately early start.

Because of the wide core body in this ball and its tendancy to start in the midlane use length pins and stacked drillings!  Need to go, my proshop has one more with the same specs and I want to get it for backup!!!



PS too bad the chaos came out right after this intro I think it stole its thunder and maybe unfairly!  
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PowerSurge
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2002, 10:20:42 PM »
I have had this ball for about a year and a half. I have just gotten use to the ball and its proving to be a great ball. It turns for me at least 10 boards and slots into the pocket nicely. Very pleased with this one!


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Re: PowerSurge
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2002, 06:46:05 PM »
Had this ball for nearly 3 years and it still acts the way it did the first day i threw it.  Its been resurfaced several times, had the oil baked out of it and still performs.  Great benchmark ball because i've grown used to it, although the newer balls from columbia have taken its place in my arsenal.  CG dead-center and pin 1/2 up and 2 over from the ring.


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Re: PowerSurge
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2003, 01:10:08 PM »
Very smooth arcing, predictable ball.  One of my all-time favorites. I've had this ball for over 3 years and it's still one of the most trusted in my arsenal.

This ball is so easy to control that it almost isn't fair to the 1 and 3 pins because they're going to be taking a pounding all night! I've slow-hooked this ball with heavy side roll from the 25 out the 3 and brought it back successfully. I've thrown it dead up the back, playing the 21 to the 18 fallback shot successfully. Point being, there is literally no line that you can't play with this ball IMO.

The only drawback this ball has is that it has lost a great deal of hit and tends to finish weak every now and then. Also, even when this ball was brand new it didn't like heavy oil at all and now it hates it even worse.

The bottom line for me is that while the versatility this ball gives is awesome, this isn't a ball you're going to shoot the big 270-plus games with. But on the "shot-maker's condition" when getting to the pocket takes precedence over hitting power and 200s are hard to come by, this baby's still got some magic left in her!


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Re: PowerSurge
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2003, 04:17:33 PM »
I got this ball about a year ago and decided I wanted it for heaviER oil so I left it dull.  I was disappointed to see that it was one of the worst balls I've ever thrown.  Right before I decided to scrap it, my friend told me to polish the ball because it worked better for him that way.  I took his advice and I now have nothing but great things to say about this ball.  I think it is one of the best balls I've ever thrown.  I've shot 2 300s with it, one on wood, one on synthetics, and countless other 10 and 11 strike games.  Polished up with a decent backend, this ball hits as hard as any ball I've thrown.