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Author Topic: Pulse  (Read 17811 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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It's back...The PulseTM, from Columbia 300®. How have you survived so long without one? Well, its time to take your game off life support and bring it to a higher level. This Crimson Red classic incorporates the hottest coverstock of the decade, SUPER-FLEXTM Resin, with the original pressurized polymer core, including the Ceramicore® satellite center. The core creates 2-3 inches of track flare, due to its .026 differential Rg. As you remember, the Pulse delivers a smooth, controllable ball reaction. The result is a consistent, predictable ball motion on most common lane conditions. So get a Pulse! You can't live without one!.



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Re: Pulse
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2001, 12:35:50 AM »
I have been using the original Pulse on and off since 1998. In the past few months it has been first out of the bag on any condition with head oil. It's been plugged and redrilled twice. First pin at leverage with cg on axis(pin 10.30 from cg), then pin and cg stacked 4 1/2 from pap. The stacked drilling had a VERY hard late arc at the break point. So i plugged it again and went back to the first drilling. The roll is earlier but the reaction is smoother.
I havent had a chance to use it on very strong backends while highly polished since 1998 with this leverage drilling. I had to move inside the oil line to get the ball long. It has a strong backend move when polised to 2000 with the 4 1/2 stacked drilling on this type on condition.

A very versitile ball then and now
still an 8.5/10
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2001, 05:16:37 PM »
I got this one when it first came out.  It's a really good ball for reverse blocks.  It seems to skid and hold the pocket at the right time.  I tend to leave more 10-pins on a wet-dry house shot with it than on a reverse block.

It's just a basic label drill for me with the pin under the fingers.  I think its probably better suited for a solid oil pattern and not wet-dry shots as it has such heavy roll.


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2001, 03:29:32 PM »
Remebering the re`introduction of the Code Red and how it clearly wasn't the same ball, the first thing we wanted to do was to be sure it was the real thing.  We were lucky enough to have two of the original Pulse balls on hand for comparison, neither of which had many games on them.

We are happy to report that (in our opinion) these two balls are the same.  All of the features that made the original Pulse great are true of this ball too.

We tested the ball with several layouts and shell preparations including 5-6" pins and 2 1/2-3 3/8" leverage drillings with polished and out of the box (dull) shells.  We also threw the Pulse on wood, guardian and synthetic lane surfaces all with very good results and some great league scores too.

The Pulse is an aggressive ball with a very consistent and smooth reaction.  Not a 'go longer' or a 'flppy' ball, the Pulse goes where you throw it, stays on line and carries as well as any ball ever has.  The key with this ball is not to underestimate the strength of the coverstock.  When you look at the low differential (3-4" max track flare) and the fact that it's and older ball you could easliy be fooled into thinking it is a dry lane ball.  For most players it isn't but rather a medium oil ball that works well on lanes with dry back ends.  

Overall we feel the new Pulse like the old, is as arcing ball with a very predictable reaction.  Although the shell polishes nicely it isn't a dry lane ball but more of a bench marker.  We see this as the kind of ball that almost everyone should have, especially if they are interested in scoring on any medium to medium oil lane condition.  

If you have any questions about this or any of our reviews you can e-mail us at:


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2001, 08:31:23 PM »
Geez, we're drilling up a lot of balls.

This Pulse was bought/laid out with the full intention of having something that wouldn't jump on extreme wet/dry.  

Anyway, here's the specs...

2" pin
1 1/2 TW
1200 grit sand with Quick Cut and Ultimate Polish

This ball was drilled for a high rev lefty who was tired of seeing his other equipment doing 90 degree turns at 40 feet on the house shot.  To combat the hook, we put the pin on the PAP and put the CG 2" past his axis with the hole in the CG.

We wanted smooth transition and this definitely fit the bill.  The Pulse is a smooth ball no matter how you drill it, but this drill and a 1200 grit, shiny finish gave us a ball that reacted like urethane, but still had the hit of resin.  The lefty in question was swinging his Extreme Chaos (I know, a lot of ball, but it's all he had with him) from 25 to the ditch and begging for length.  We put the Pulse in his hands and he jumped 15 boards left on the lane and swung the ditch.  This cover/drill combination matched up perfect with the extreme wet/dry we are dealing with.  Other stronger drills (3 3/8 X 5) have given an earlier, stronger look, but still very predictable.  

The Pulse is, in my opinion, one of the top 5 resin balls ever made.  It's consistent reaction and smooth transition make it a pleasure to lay out.  I would recommend it as a benchmark ball for anyone.
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2001, 11:06:29 PM »
Things have changed a little at my home centre since i posted my last review. Since the lanes were recoated a couple of months ago the condition has gotten a little more wide open. I pulled the Pulse out on this stronger backend condtion a couple of weeks ago and it rules, 277 first game on Monday Night until the oil moved around and made the slightly dull surface roll up a tad too early. The Big difference with this condition is on the backends. Before i could not bring any ball back from outside 10 but now it's coast to coast with almost anything on the second shift condition i bowl on now. While other balls like the Bolt skid and turn hard the Pulse has a few feet  shorter length and more of an arcing backend.  Might try it shined and see what happens too.
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2001, 10:37:19 PM »
I recently drilled up two re-released solid Pulses.
One is a 25 degree drilling (pin 4 1/2 inches from my
pap, cg kicked out and a big hole on my midplane).
Surface is 1500 wet sanded, no polish.
The other is a 75 degree drilling (pin 5 inches from
my pap, cg out, and a small hole 6 3/4 from grip center
thru cg).  Surface is 2000 wet sanded with polish.
First, each ball flares much less than my original Pulses
of a few years back.  As for performance, ball 1 has
performed well on fresh league conditions.  Ball 2
matches up well on broken down conditions.  Each is
controllable with good hit.
String the Strikes and Fill the Frames ..... Good Bowling


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2002, 09:02:17 AM »
I have 3 of Pulses. All 3 set up different.

8 X 5 1/2...(Pin in the track) This ball has pretty good length with mild backend. I really thought this ball would hook less than the 6 X 5 1/2 drilling, but it doesn't. It has a little more backend and hooks a couple of boards more. I'm really not impressed with the pin in the track, ball has a lot of over/under.

6 X 5 1/2...When you need control, this is it. This drilling has med. length with a mild backend. If there is any carrydown, I put this one away, and grab the 4 1/2 X 4 1/2. This ball needs some backends to react. A great benchmark ball.

4 1/2 X 4 1/2...When the 6 X 5 1/2 is not enough I go to this one. More backend , about the same length, still has a lot of control. More than enough ball for heavy handed players.

Bottom need a ball with control..go get a Pulse or two


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2002, 08:01:16 AM »
AWESOME BALL!!! The first one I had was drilled with the pin under the ring finger in line with the cg, and with a 1/2 pos. This was a great benchmark ball. I could throw this on a variety of lane conditions and not get a over/under reaction. I have just drilled a new one up with the pin above the ring finger and will review it after I get a chance to use it.


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2002, 01:24:26 AM »
I was a little skeptical about this ball when i first traded it for my DC-WARLOCK.  But am i glad that i did it!! Took the ball to my local pro shop and we decided to drill it to hook.  Drilled the ball leverage with the pin to the side of the ring finger and the cg kicked out. The ball needed a small weight hole but i was cool with that.  Took the ball straight to my league that night and totally missed practice .  The owner of the pro shop said that the ball is controlled and that i cant get the super big hook if i need it. So i was like ok and i rolled the ball( if you consider 22mph rolling the ball) down the lane.  I stood right over the center dot and threw the ball out to 10. BIG MISTAKE!!! I dont know what the guy at the pro shop was thinking but the ball made it almost 3/4 of the way down the lane and it litteraly jumped off the lane and smashed the 1-2 pocket. (LEFTY)hehe.  i couldnt believe it and neither scould my friend that i traded to!!!                                                                                                      I GIVE COLUMBIA A 9 OUT OF 10 B/C IT IS A GREAT BALL BUT AFTER A FEW GAMES THE BALL JUMPS A LITTLE TO EARLY
QuAnTuM LefTy- i like what i like.

Eddie Myers

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Re: Pulse
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2002, 11:53:17 AM »
Columbia Red Pulse Re-Issue
-15 lbs
-2 1/4 top weight

I AM a:
-medium speed (15-17 mph)
-high rev
-power stroker type player
-45-60 degree rotation
Drilled with the pin above the middle finger and and the CG dead center.  I had this ball drilled with a negative pin placement and highly polished, so that I could use the ball on drier lanes, and get good length before the ball would react.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !!  

With this layout, on burned up heads and a little carry down, I get ALOT of length with a smooth predictable backend.  The backend is nothing to write home about, but it is very predictable, and easy to get to the pocket.  What more can you ask for on a fryed lane though really??

This ball is the ball would use when the lanes are really shot, and everything else I have hooks too much.  My spare ball would be next in lane for a first ball if this one was hooking too much.  But I really don't think it is possible to find a lane too dry for the RED PULSE with this layout.  

I give this ball a 9 outta 10 with this setup.  The only reason I don't give it the full 10, is because I have only thrown about 15 games with it on the dry lane conditions.

Eddie P.


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2002, 11:46:36 PM »



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Re: Pulse
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2003, 06:21:30 PM »
0-1 pin, drilled pin below, between the fingers, cg on mid line but kicked out 30 degrees.  Its my 3rd red pulse, 2nd drilled this way.  Still very controllable but does not like heavy old, dry to med, watch out, it never runs out of steam.  Still looking for another one (15 lb).  let me know if you find another one.  

Great ball.  never go to a tournament without it.


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2003, 11:51:00 PM »
I still have my old pulse and just love it,someday maybe i'll bowl 300 with it,my high game with this ball is 279 four times,good bowling


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Re: Pulse
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2004, 07:59:58 PM »
I've had a Pulse for about a year and a half, pin about an inch to the right of the ring finger, no weight holes etc.  Great ball for medium-dry to dry lanes, but for oily lanes I hope you have a lot of revs, cuz if you don't, you won't be seeing much hook.  Nice, smooth hook, rolls like butter.  I love this ball, I have a 300 and a couple 279's with it, very solid and consistent.  Bottom line, this ball is perfect for medium conditions and average speed/rev bowlers.
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