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Author Topic: Reaction Arc  (Read 19997 times)


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Reaction Arc
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Columbia 300 introduces the latest in the Reaction line of high performance bowling balls - the Reaction Arc.  This this introduction, Columbia 300 will also debut its new element in core design - the patented ARC Block.

The Reaction Arc's coverstock features Columbia's MegaTEC particle which was developed to create more friction in the oil.  Due to the string hook potential of the Reaction Arc, the ball is available with a factory 1200 grit "Fine" finish.

Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: MegaTEC

Color: Black

Hardness: 75 - 789

Factory Finish: 1200 grit "Fine" finish (as compared to previous Columbia balls at 600 grit)

Hook Ratio: 31

Differential: .045

Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds



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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2002, 09:36:38 PM » not sand this ball down to 600 grit unless you're able to throw above 20 mph or have less than six revolutions on the ball.  I've thrown Columbia products exclusively for over 15 years with no problems.  Columbia's newest addition may take a bit of tweaking to fit to your style of game or common condition, but once you've found it, all other pieces of equipment will become boat anchors.  I wound up settling on a 800 grit with about a gallon of finesse-it to top it off.  Out of the box, 246-268-265...yeah, I choked..!!  Didn't move a board and had it not been for two nine pins and an eight pin, I might be travelling to Columbia world HQ and firmly shaking the hand of their top R&D guru!  Something tells me that I'll have a chance to make good on that in the near future.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2002, 10:10:48 AM »
I would like to start off by saying that I heard early reports that this ball was going to out hook the Reaction Roll. I must say, I didn't think this was possible.

We received one of the Reaction Arc's early and drilled it up for a shop bowler that fell in love with the Reaction Roll. The Reaction Arc was laid out with the Pin beside his ring finger and the cg about 1 1/2" from the center of his grip.  This bowler is more of an up the lane shooter.

We gave him the ball and sent him out to practice.  After 5 minutes, he came back in and said you need to come out here and see this, ???? Chris and I both walked out and to our amazement this ball was going run away Brooklyn.  He then threw the Roll and was right in the pocket.  The biggest difference that we noticed was that the Arc saved energy through the front part of the lane and then made a more aggressive move towards the pocket.

The cut away of the ball, shows a tall, skinny core. But I would have to say that the flip block on this ball have to be extreme dense.

I am amazed each time a new ball hits the market, that I didn't think could out hook the last "Hook in a Box" ball.  This is something that I think will be a ball for bowlers that like to go up the lane or don't have a lot of hand.  Bowlers that turn it up, should take a second look at this ball, because you could have something that won't make it out of your bag that often.

If you have any questions, please email me at

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2002, 08:01:01 AM »
Well i just got this ball last night and i tryed it out in a heavy oiled lane conditon. this ball hook great. i was standing on board 28 sending this ball out to 10 it would float to 5 then snap back 12 boards right into the pocket. i think this is the best ball that i have had in along time but i relly doubt i well use it too much at less the lanes are oiled a toon. all and all great monster hookin ball for those oiley conditons.

Paul Gault

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2002, 01:59:00 AM »
I am confused. Who ever says this ball is not a hook monster, must have it drilled wrong. I stand around the 30 board, lay the ball down around the 26 board and roll it out to the 7 board. Then you better not blink, because you will miss the left turn this ball makes to the pocket. I tried different shots with this ball, and found playing straight up, the ball just hit flat and had no carry, but move way left and throw way way right bammmmm!!!!. I hit my mark its a strike, period. Problem I have with this ball is it isn't forgiving like other columbia's. You miss your mark to the left by 1-2 boards and you are going headpin or brooklyn. I would rate this ball an 8 out of 10.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2002, 07:55:47 AM »
I bought this bowling ball friday and used it at a dry lane house. I Stood around the 8 board and sent it straight out. The ball didnt move an inch. I threw my other ball and got a huge hook out of it and a strong finish which is what i wanted from the arc. I am very disappointed in this ball. I tried moving to the right and throwing it out more and still no movement. I Will see what happens once i get a track on the ball. But on a scale of 1 to 10 i give it around a 5.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2002, 12:48:52 AM »
Great ball for medium rev/high speed players.  I had my ball drilled with the pin above and slightly to the right of my ring finger with the cg centered on my grip but kicked out closer to the PAP than the pin is.

Expected nice movement from the ball for a wet/dry 5 to 5 lane condition at one of my houses and it worked like a charm.  Ive thrown a Rock Star, Purple Monster and most recently a Reaction Ricochet and none tame the wet/dry like this ball.  If I went outside my mark it bounced off the dry back to the pocket without going over brooklyn.  Had a little bit less success if I missed my mark inside.  The ball carried great leaving a couple 10s and 7s for my fun. I stood on the 35 board and shot over the 12 out to the 8 and back.  It was very consistant and held true to the "arc" name.  

Way to much ball if you throw a slow shot or have huge amounts of hand, maybe even on wet conditions.  I would like to throw this ball on wall to wall flooded conditions to see how consistant it is without the adult bumper.

It went all 3 games with ease and only required a tiny bit more speed at the last to keep it under control. No over/under which surprised me.

This ball works great for me since I can throw it full speed where as with the other balls I had to work hard at slowing down so that they would hook in the wet.

Ill write more after I get a few more games on it.

Paul Gault

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2002, 12:24:06 PM »
This is an update to my first review. I have now thrown 12 games with this ball. I must say keep this ball clean and it is the most consistent ball I have owned. I left the cover stock factory condition. In 12 games I have averaged 210. I am a 199 average bowler, so I can say this ball has improved my average so far. This ball is a hook monster, but as long as i hit the 5 board, I know it will go pocket. I now change my rating to a 10 out of 10 with this ball. I have yet to pull any of my old equipment out all week, because this ball is so consistent and hard hitting.

Paul Gault

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2002, 08:32:31 PM »
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! Do not polish this ball. My god I put just 1 very light coat of TEC shine on to give a little more length. The ball died litterally. Not 1 bit of backend. I quickly took the polish back of and got back above 210. Just a word of caution.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2002, 05:14:14 PM »
I received this ball from Columbia this week. It had a 2-3 Pin with 3.25 ounces topweight prior to drilling. I set the ball up with the pin 3-3/8 from the axis point and center of grip. Our lane condition is 38 ft of oil, with 50+ units from 8 to 8, 20 from 8 to 4 and 12 to the gutter. When I first rolled it I couldn't believe what I saw. I usually am pretty much a down-and-in player, but with this ball I can play up in the heavy oil and take full advantage of the lane condition, really opening a pretty wide pocket. This has to be the most aggressive, hard hitting ball I have ever rolled. Even though it hooks a lot, it is still controllable, and predictable. It also has a very good carry ratio in the pocket. I had been hearing how it would out-hook the Reaction Roll, and I did'nt believe it.... Well believe it. It is not a dry lanes ball by any means. A worthy addition to your arsenal.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2002, 12:20:21 PM »
worst ball ever. I thought this ball would be an equal to the rock on. I was dead wrong. Very disappointed in the book. Doesnt hook as much as my other ones. IT also doesnt hit as hard. Im ready to throw this ball in the trash. I give this ball a 2 out of 10.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2002, 09:37:37 PM »
Mdagost103- If this ball did not hook for you,the ball was not drilled correctly or maybe you polished the ball. This is by far the biggest hooking ball I ever threw. It is also the hardest hitting ball I ever owned. I am not a high rev  bowler and this ball is still a  hook monster. I am only a 185 bowler and my first league game with this ball was a 257, that was my high game for the season so if you want to throw the ball in the garbage, give it to me , I would gladly take it off your hands. Thanks Columbia, you made a great ball.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2002, 01:27:03 AM »
All I got to say is WOW The thing is a monster and it fills that void in my arsenal well. Hits like a frieght train and I cannot throw it before there is carrydown. If you can't get this ball to hook YOU are doing something wrong.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2002, 07:44:48 PM »
This is a follow up to my first review.  Ive used the ball on 3 differnt league nights now and Im more impressed every time I use the ball.  It puts out a very consistant "arc" to the pocket.  I can play several different lines with this ball.  All in the oil or through the oil into the dry.  It hooks plenty even in the wet and doesnt seem to over react when you get it into the dry early.  This ball works perfect for my speed and amount of hand. Shot a 651 set (175 avg) in a medium condition done wet 7 to 7.  Played all three games down the same line (set the ball down on the 10 out across the 7 and coming back to the pocket with a gracefull arc).  Put a couple of shots to steep into the dry but the ball just came out hard and right back to the pocket.  Flush pocket hits with lots of angle will leave the 10 but the trade off is that this ball carries a light hit great!  

For slower shots or people with lots of hand this ball will be to much for any condition but right out in the oil!  If you are like me and you need help taming your speed or hooking with avg amount of hand, then this is your ball!

So far the best ball Ive used in the wet!

10 In The Pit

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2002, 05:51:06 AM »
The Reaction Arc.....definitely a different animal, but I'm not sure of what type animal it really is.  I had mine drilled stacked leverage (3 3/8" x 3 3/8"), with 7/8 ounce positive sideweight, 0 finger/thumb weight, and athe balance hole is located on my PAP.

Out of the box, I could see that this ball wants to start up early on the lane, and seems to have a shallow arc well down lane.  Then, once the weightblock kicks over, then the arc steepens up significantly.  However, I just couldn't seem to find the right reaction in my heavy (and long) oil house, so I decided to tweak the coverstock around somewhat.  First, I dropped to a light gray ScotchBrite pad, scuffing on the seemed like a good move at the time, but I felt like it still wasn't quite right.  Next, I tweaked the coverstock down to the green ScotchBrite pad, again on the bowtie.  The green pad seemed to have the ball digging in too early, but hooking less.  So, I went back up to the light gray ScotchBrite pad again on the bowtie, but still didn't like the reaction that it was giving me.  Now, I've tweaked the surface up to the white ScotchBrite pad, but haven't tested it out yet.  Between the line that this ball seems to want to play, and the heavy/long oil shot that I bowl on (and there aren't any bumpers to send the ball out to), I just haven't been able to hit the right combination with this ball yet.  Yes, I've thrown one 279 game with it, but I think that it was a one-time flash in the pan.

At this point, I can't say for sure if it is the bowler, the ball, or the lane conditions that don't agree with each other.  I'm going to give the ball some more time on the lanes before giving it a this point, I'm not overly enthused with this particular model, or at least not on the lane conditions that I've been using it on.  I know that the ball isn't burning up on the lanes, because I can watch the PAP weight hole dead steady until well into the dry backends.  I'm beginning to think that my better bet would have been the Roll instead of the Arc.  But, I'll give the Arc some more time to redeem itself.