The ball was given to me from one of the guys I bowl with because, for some reason, all of my balls cracked within three days of each other.
Anyhow, the ball appears to be drilled rev-leverage with the pin about 5" from my PAP and cg 3.75" from my PAP. Since my grip length is the same as the person who gave me the ball, I didn't bother to plug it. (In fact, I didn't even bother to cap the fingers and thumb, so the pitches are slightly off from what I'm used to.)
Given all the horror stories that I heard about the ball from its previous owner, I am _VERY_ pleased with the ball.
I sanded the ball up to 2000 then polished it with Active Attack and Nu-Finish. Apparently this didn't do a whole lot -- the ball still looks grey. I also tried the TrizAct system, which worked a lot better, as it took away the grey-ness. However, the overall reaction with the two methods appears the same on the lanes. (Just, for aesthetic purposes, the TrizAct system is better.)
The ball works very well on two distinct shots:
1) Fresh heavy-oil.
2) Late shift carry-down.
Since every other review raves about the fresh oil uses for this ball, my review will focus primarily on the second use.
Power bowlers will really love this cover/core combination for when the oil moves to the mid-lane and back-end, as it allows you to go softer with the hand, harder with the speed, and still maintain a respectable line to the pocket. Effectively, it highlights a power-bowlers' "B"-game very well.
So far, the only problem I have with the ball is that the drilling wasn't set up for my game. Because of this, the final three flares in the track roll over the weight hole. Actually, I shouldn't consider this to be a problem since it results in the ball rolling out at the pocket, thereby increasing my carry-potential.
All in all, this is a very versitile extreme-condition ball. A pleasant surprise for a high-end Columbia300 ball. And honestly, now having thrown the ball, if the previous owner ever asks for it back, I will purchase one for myself.
All ratings on scale of 1-10 for high oil volumes:
Long: 8
Medium/Short: 3 (The ball bleeds too much energy on the medium and short oil patterns. You'd be better served to turn to the Ricochet or Rev for those patterns.)
Carry-down: 9.5 (This is where the ball truly earns its stay in the bag.)
Overall: 22 cans out of a case. (This may be biased since the ball was, after-all, free.)