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Author Topic: Reaction Arc  (Read 19995 times)


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Reaction Arc
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Columbia 300 introduces the latest in the Reaction line of high performance bowling balls - the Reaction Arc.  This this introduction, Columbia 300 will also debut its new element in core design - the patented ARC Block.

The Reaction Arc's coverstock features Columbia's MegaTEC particle which was developed to create more friction in the oil.  Due to the string hook potential of the Reaction Arc, the ball is available with a factory 1200 grit "Fine" finish.

Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: MegaTEC

Color: Black

Hardness: 75 - 789

Factory Finish: 1200 grit "Fine" finish (as compared to previous Columbia balls at 600 grit)

Hook Ratio: 31

Differential: .045

Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds



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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2002, 09:36:15 PM »

Paul Gault

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2002, 11:30:56 PM »
This is an update to my old review. I am just curious why so many bowlers are having trouble with this ball. Mine is a hook monster, but granted it is not a snap hook it is a very gradual arc. But I am averaging 226 over the last 4 weeks with this ball. I bowl in 5 leagues ( plus pot bowling ) a week. My average used to be 206. So I would say for 4 weeks straight averaging 226 that this ball does exactly what it was designed to do. And that is, provide a good solid arc consistentley. I still rate this one of the best columbia balls I have owned.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2002, 11:21:30 AM »
5-31-02 Update:
I actually have two of these monster hookers, and I think my experience will help you avoid making a mistake. One of my ARC's is drilled 4x4. I have a long PAP (6-3/8 x 1/2), so a 4x4 drilling is stacked leverage for me. I don't really like my 4x4 ARC. It seems to use up energy much too quickly, so it's limited to severly flooded conditons and only likes to be played inside. My second ARC is drilled a bit tamer, around 5-1/2 x 5-1/2, and it's a much better layout. The ARC is a monster arc-type hooker, and it doesn't need help from the layout. You DO NOT want a layout that's going to start the ball rolling too early. Heed this warning and you will probably like your ARC. I think the best overall drilling for most bowlers would 5x5 or 5x4, but nothing more aggressive than that - unless you're a spinner or topper.


It’s annoying as hell to read the reviews trashing this ball. Didn’t anyone do any research before you bought the ball? Is your Pro Shop operator or yourself ignorant? This is the biggest hooker on the market. It will hook on wet glass. If you throw a slow speed, or you have an up the back release, or you have very low axis inclination, you’re not going to like this ball. If you bowl on medium dry to dry lanes you can’t throw this ball either.
However, if there’s a significant amount of oil this ball is the correct tool. Columbia tells you this on their web site. They also publish specs and charts showing you the capability of the Arc. IT’S A HOOK MONSTER. I’ve been able to find a workable shot when others can’t just because of this ball. When everyone else is wearing out the shot or it starts to get squirrely, just keep moving left and stay in the oil. Every ball has it’s place. If you don’t recognize this fact then either take the time to learn or get a white dot and leave the hi-tech tools alone.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2002, 05:49:38 AM »
I have to comment for the first time on this site.  I read all the previous posts on this ball and decided to get one.  I got a 15# ball pin 3" out. I drilled dead center over the label with the pin over the fingers.  I throw a little slow and have a lot of hand in the ball.  First night ....777 series with 300 the last game.  The first game smashed one 8 pin and a 9 pin for a 258 that could have been a 300 with a little luck.  The four nights I have used it in 3 different houses, I have 3 279 games and the one 300. I have had a 279 in each house.  
  Now here is where I hope to help others with the carry problem they are having.  I too have had a couple of games where the carry went away.  What seems to be happening is the heads dry out and the ball uses up too much energy.  I learned quickly that a smooth yet agressive loft through the heads saved up enough of the energy to carry more towards the end of the night.
  I love this ball and am planning on purchasing a Spirit next as I love the reaction this ball is giving everyone also.

Chris Postel

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2002, 10:36:38 PM »
I purchased this ball because my ROLL didn't finish the job for what my game was based on, so I went and purchased this one.

I have it drilled 4x4 3/8 with no extra hole. This ball just doesn't die in the backend.  I am working on getting more leverage out of my legs and putting a softer hand behind the ball and this ball is helping me out pretty well.  I throw it (on a 7-7 shot) from about 18 over 10 out to 6 and it makes a pretty sharp turn around 40 ft down right in the hole.  This is the first ball I will look to on tournament shots.  When this ball starts turning early, don't move inward, it will turn too sharp! If you have another ball for a little lighter, switch to that immediately! (Thank god I have my ROCK ON still)

Overall, great ball from Columbia!!
That Is All,
Chris P


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2002, 06:36:24 PM »
Been using this ball for over a month now. Admittedly, it is too much ball for the house I bowl in. However, this past weekend I participated in a tournament with very heavy oil. I was extremely pleased with my Arc in every aspect. I went on to bowl my first 700 (I know that doesn' t impress alot of you, but it thrilled me!). I am very happy that I had that ball in my bag this weekend! It is drilled 5x5. Good luck to everyone!

Dave Mastropasqua

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2002, 03:23:31 PM »
i drilled this ball label levergae with a 2 inch pin... I must be retarted or somehtign b/c i really dont care for this ball.. It has its out of the box finish and when the lanes have carry down the ball is very aquirty... everyone has been raving about how much this ball hooks, well i dont see it, maybe its the way i drilled it, but overall i think the blue roll hooks much more than this ball.. The onyl way i can get it to hook is if i throw the ball slow as hell and the it hooks the second i put it down... overall i think this ball is way overrated and would have ratehr had an other blue roll or another ER which i must say are 2 of the best balls on the markety


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2002, 08:26:35 PM »
I won this ball on Columbia 300's Ask The Experts contest online.  Anyways, some of the ball specs are a very very low top weight of 2.25 ounces, a 4 inch pin, 15 lb 2 oz starting weight.  I had my friend punch this ball up stacked leverage and the pin ended up just above my ring finger and the cg was kicked out about 2 inches.  I wanted a ball for heavy oil and that is exactley what i got.  This ball kind of surprised at how much backend it has.  It does have an earlier breakpoint, but if i turn this ball at all, look out on the lane to the left.  This ball it a screamer to the pocket and the best thing is that it cuts through anything within the last 15 to 18 feet on the lane.  And to top it off, the carry on this ball is excellent.  I do leave some 10- pins but only because of the extreme lines i am forced to play sometimes.
If you are looking for a ball that is mellow, don't even think about this ball.  If you want a monster, go buy one of these now.  YOU WON'T REGRET IT!



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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2002, 05:22:03 PM »
The ball was given to me from one of the guys I bowl with because, for some reason, all of my balls cracked within three days of each other.

Anyhow, the ball appears to be drilled rev-leverage with the pin about 5" from my PAP and cg 3.75" from my PAP. Since my grip length is the same as the person who gave me the ball, I didn't bother to plug it. (In fact, I didn't even bother to cap the fingers and thumb, so the pitches are slightly off from what I'm used to.)

Given all the horror stories that I heard about the ball from its previous owner, I am _VERY_ pleased with the ball.

I sanded the ball up to 2000 then polished it with Active Attack and Nu-Finish. Apparently this didn't do a whole lot -- the ball still looks grey. I also tried the TrizAct system, which worked a lot better, as it took away the grey-ness. However, the overall reaction with the two methods appears the same on the lanes. (Just, for aesthetic purposes, the TrizAct system is better.)

The ball works very well on two distinct shots:

1) Fresh heavy-oil.
2) Late shift carry-down.

Since every other review raves about the fresh oil uses for this ball, my review will focus primarily on the second use.

Power bowlers will really love this cover/core combination for when the oil moves to the mid-lane and back-end, as it allows you to go softer with the hand, harder with the speed, and still maintain a respectable line to the pocket. Effectively, it highlights a power-bowlers' "B"-game very well.

So far, the only problem I have with the ball is that the drilling wasn't set up for my game. Because of this, the final three flares in the track roll over the weight hole. Actually, I shouldn't consider this to be a problem since it results in the ball rolling out at the pocket, thereby increasing my carry-potential.

All in all, this is a very versitile extreme-condition ball. A pleasant surprise for a high-end Columbia300 ball. And honestly, now having thrown the ball, if the previous owner ever asks for it back, I will purchase one for myself.

All ratings on scale of 1-10 for high oil volumes:

Long: 8
Medium/Short: 3 (The ball bleeds too much energy on the medium and short oil patterns. You'd be better served to turn to the Ricochet or Rev for those patterns.)
Carry-down: 9.5 (This is where the ball truly earns its stay in the bag.)

Overall: 22 cans out of a case. (This may be biased since the ball was, after-all, free.)


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2002, 01:13:25 PM »
This ball is the greatest!!!!
Never have i seen so much hook?!
The first time i threw it, it ended up in the gutter....
But once you get used to it, this ball is the best.
Very predictable, and hits the pins hard. Left or right pocket, head on, it doesn't matter, STRIKE (almost every time)

Maybe a little too much ball, I have to stand all the way left (righty), and throw it over the second arrow from the right... And in addition I have to flatten out my wrist a little & a little less axis rotation, but that works great for me...

To everyone who says this ball sucks: LEARN HOW TO BOWL.... If you can't manage this ball, maybe you should consider trying another sport...

If you have questions about layout or other you can always contact me:


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2002, 05:26:50 PM »
Before I get into specifics, let's get one thing straight, many of you will never see enough oil to use this ball.

OK, let's start with the specs.

15 lb.  3 oz. TW
3" pin
Drilled 3 3/8" X 3 3/8" (stacked)
Box finish

This ball was drilled for a local scratch player for tournament level heavy oil.
Player is a power tweener (18 mph  14-16 revs).

Like I said before at the top of this review, this ball is HUGE.  As in, the ball will hook out on many house shots before it ever clears the oil.  We tested the ARC on two conditions, standard 34' top hat and a 45' sport condition (slick).

On the first condition, the ball was simply ineffective.  We tried lots of speed, ridiculously deep angles, no hand....nothing could get this monster to the hole with any energy.

Second give you an idea of what this was like, we took an X It and a Predator with us to compare.  Playing straight up 10, the Predator and X It gave us similar results....bucket, bucket, weak 10...bag.  Then the ARC came to play.  

First ball, brooklyn.  Moved 5 and 3 left, hit the nose.  Moved 2 left with feet...BOOOOOOM.  I'm not really going to go into reaction...all I'm going to say is this.


You had better have a flood up front and have it go a way down the lane.  Dry midlanes, put the ball up.  Breaking down heads, put the ball up.  40+ feet of flood, break out the ARC and laugh at your opponents.

I'm sure that they'll prove me wrong, but I would say it will be a while before the ball manufacturers put out any more hook than this.

Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2002, 06:32:19 AM »
Follow up of my first review...
Had it redrilled from 3,375"x3,5" to a 3,375"x5" to smoothen out the strong hook...
The hook before was a little too strong after all...

This drilling suits me much better because its less agressive than before. Now I can throw with as much revs as i like... I don't have to worry about the ball hooking into the gutter...

This is always the first ball out of my bag!!!
Haven't tested it on dry lanes yet, but coming up soon, I don't think it's going to be a problem to play with my arc... (will get back on this)

I stand a little to the right of the last dot & throw it out over the 2nd to 3rd arrow from the middle... This ball gets back to the pocket very easily and hits it so hard (even harder than with my first drilling!!!) that not one pin dares to stay put!!!!
Best carry I've ever experienced & seen!!!!

I would recommend this ball to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But make sure to choose a drilling apropriate for your game.. because else your average will drop seriously (a little like mine did: +/- 10 pins)

Good luck to everyone!!!


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2003, 10:44:58 PM »
I threw a friends tonight.  In all actuality, I was very shocked.  I was never one to like any type of particle ball, but this one was pretty cool.  The pin was a little down and to the right of the ring finger.  The CG was swung out a little too.  This thing actually got length, and that shocked me, I thought it was gonna hook at my feet.  When it got to my break point, it came up HARD on the backend in a huge ARC that demolished the pit.  This thing hit VERY hard.  If it wasn’t so expensive, I would think about buying one myself…lol. Thanks for reading.

I need ignorant people like i need an inoperable tumor at the base of my spine.  


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2003, 10:27:11 AM »
Ball Specs
Drilled pin in ring and CG kicked out towards PAP. roughly 4.75 x 3.5
Surface has not been altered

My Specs
See Proflie

Tested Conditions
Condition A: Standard Xmas Tree oiled to 36 ft
Condition B: Standard Wet/Dry 10-10 oiled to 40ft
Condition C: Inverted pattern, 40 feet
Condition D: Sanctioned Sport Pattern oiled to 42 feet, buffed to 45. 80 units in the middle, 40 on the outsides.

General Information
This ball absolutely needs oil and more oil so that it doesn't burn out. It is probably the best heavy oil ball that I have ever owned. But it will seem absolutely useless if it is used in the dry. I had mine drilled strong for a early strong roll on heavy conditions.

Condition A
Balled burned out eve with inside angels. It was useful if I tired to swing the entire lane, but really saw no purpose in doing so. This ball is definitely not designed for this type of condition.  

Condition B
Same as above. If I played outside of 10 during the swing it would hit the dry too early and burn up causing it not to recover consistently. I was; however, able to use it on this condition if I changed my release to a lower track, but really saw no purpose in that either.

Condition C
I did learn that I was able to use this ball on this type of condition. The outsides were very wet and throwing straight up them with more speed than normal proved useful. The only down fall is that this particular ball burned this track out rather quickly and it was no longer effective after a while. On this particular pattern there were not a lot of line choices to play so it made adjusting with it even more difficult.

Condition D
This ball plays VERY well on this type of pattern. Due to the amount of oil that was layed out, there were no problems with it burning out at all. It moved well through the heads and did what it was designed to do. Early Arc. I could swing, but up the boards was more effective due to the drilling that I used.

Rankings, 10 point system
Condition A - 4
Condition B - 5
Condition C - 7
Condition D - 9

Final Thoughts
I believe that many individuals purchase this type of ball and use it on incorrect conditions. All too often I see hook monsters on lanes that don't warrant it. This is a prime example. If used on the incorrect condition, it will leave a bad taste in your mouth, if used on the condition it was designed for, i.e. heavier patterns, it's outstanding and again the best heavy oil ball I have ever owned. Mine probably only has about 50 games on it but I have seen no change in reaction nor have I seen any signs of TEC Death. I believe that to make these balls last you must do the following: (1) don't use it on conditions where it will burn out and (2) keep the cover clean!

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2003, 10:55:42 AM »
All I can say about this ball is WOW!!! Ever since i got this ball from a friend my average has increased about 20 pins. I am a 15-16 mph bowler who plays in a wood house. Most of the time the house is a horrible condition, usually extremely dry backends with a light coat of oil on the lanes. When I go to other synthetic houses, i have shot no lower than 620 with this ball. Although I would not advise it, I have played with this ball on dry lanes. If you either have a high rev rate or cannot throw the ball past 17-18 mph, I would not advise you do this. But overall this is a great ball.