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Author Topic: Reaction Arc  (Read 19994 times)


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Reaction Arc
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Columbia 300 introduces the latest in the Reaction line of high performance bowling balls - the Reaction Arc.  This this introduction, Columbia 300 will also debut its new element in core design - the patented ARC Block.

The Reaction Arc's coverstock features Columbia's MegaTEC particle which was developed to create more friction in the oil.  Due to the string hook potential of the Reaction Arc, the ball is available with a factory 1200 grit "Fine" finish.

Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: MegaTEC

Color: Black

Hardness: 75 - 789

Factory Finish: 1200 grit "Fine" finish (as compared to previous Columbia balls at 600 grit)

Hook Ratio: 31

Differential: .045

Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2003, 07:27:39 PM »
This ball should have been called the Reaction Roll because the roll on this ball is unmatched by any ball I have ever thrown. Just release it and watch the consistancy down the lane.

It seemed to work best when I stayed straight up the back. It died a little if I had any side rotation on it at all. I still have this ball and still love it.

There are only a handful of balls that hook more than this ball, and the hook that comes from most of them is less of an ARC so they will cover more boards.

in about 50 games I can count on both hands how many 10 pins I leave with this ball. It seems to have the look of the Black Rock going down the lane. So I consider it a Black Rock on Steroids. Because it will out hook the Rock, but----it really looks like it going down the lane.

Great ball, probably would have done better if people were not so afraid of the TEC death GARBAGE. I give it a solid 9.5 out of 10
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2003, 10:30:12 PM »
After bowling about 40 games with this ball, I now feel comfortable enough to say that this is one of the best proactive balls I have ever thrown. I had my ball drilled pin 4 1/2 from the pap and the pin under the ring finger (right handed). I have a high track with moderate to high revs and moderate to high ball speed. Since the ball had inherent heavy oil characteristics, I wanted to tone the drilling down a bit so that I could use it in medium oil with carry down. As others have stated, this ball NEEDS oil in the heads. The ball makes a strong arc into the pocket, and it drives through the pins. Excellent carry for a proactive. If you have a medium to heavy oil pattern, pull out this ball and watch the pins fly. Anything short of that, keep the ball in the bag so you don't end up pulling your hair out.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2003, 05:24:14 AM »
I bought this off a friend @ the last week of our league for $30.  I was curious, so I went out to my new driller and he had it plugged, resurfaced,  and re-drilled for $50 with my span, but kept the same drill pattern (pin at 10 o'clock 2" from my ring finger and a small weight hole 4-5" away from my drilling at 9 o'clock).  With this drilling, it can go long with a PSYCHO backend (at least 15 boards from the breakpoint).  I controlled this by throwing right around 20 swinging out to 5 and re-adjusting my hand position from comfortable (pointer finger pushed out) to control (placing pointer finger right next to my middle finger) as well as cutting down on my revs.  The result:  very consistent drive to the pocket and hard-hitting since it wasn't loosing any energy during it's skid.  Excellent ball for what I paid including the "fixing" costs.  9 out of 10 for low-med revs full rollers with low to medium speed.  8 out of 10 for the inside line med-high rev players with med-high speed (because of all of the adjustments I had to make to have it work for me).
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
In my bag (16lbs):

Visionary Gladiator Pearl
Visionary Centaur AMD Solid
Visionary Blue Sparkle Gryphon
Columbia 300 Blue Dot

Paul in Holland

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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2003, 08:30:05 AM »
Have been rolling this one now for about 6 months. I like it very much on oily conditions where it will consistently move to the pocket. As stated by other reviewers, ball wants to roll early and can burn out before it hits the pins (ususally happens on drier conditions).

I get the best results swinging this ball out a bit. If you keep it inside nose-hits or brooklyn, swing it out too much and it recovers at least to a light pocket. Also very useful when there's a reverse pattern with carrydown. In those cases I stand way to the left (righty) and throw it out around 2nd arrow (I drift a bit towards the spot I play) giving it a lot of length. When it turns the corner it hits VERY hard into the pocket.

One thing I can not do with it: turn it too much. Just dies out on me. Overall I like it very much.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2005, 12:35:25 PM »
good ball at first, but this ball soaks up oil like no other ball i have ever seen!
now, granted 2 people had this ball before me, and it worked at first for me, but this ball will come back SOAKED in oil when the lanes are wet
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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2005, 11:09:31 AM »
I have had my ARC for about a year, drilled max, and I haven't had many opportunities to roll it. Well, last night, we had oil and I pulled it out of the bag and WOW!! Does this baby hit or what!! It destroys the pocket!! I shot 278, 249, 223(with two opens) for a 750 series. I missed the pocket twice all night, let off on the ball speed and had two splits/open frames. I could kick myself, because I should have shot 800. If you have any oil out there, this is a must ball to have. Reaction ARC, fantastic ball!!

The ORIGINAL supercranker

If you can throw straight up ten, or hook the lane, your choice must be to stand left, grip it and rip it, for THAT is the way of the Supercranker !!


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2006, 10:53:22 PM »
I havee had this ball for about a week now. I have threw four games with it. The guy I bought it off of didn't like the oval thumb , so sold it. I must say I'm glad he did. first used on a fresh oil pattern ( 35 foot christmas tree with dry outsides. ) Tryed playing down and in , but it wouldn't stay on line.
Moved way in to the oil and bang. this ball does what it says arc. when it starts coming it doesn't stop. shot a 220 game with it. the 2nd game the lanes broke down so i switched to the wired. 2nd night..... Same shot , but less traffic in the middle. I playyed the same line and had the front 8 then went brain dead and missed at the bottom on the 9th shot. Made the spare , had the first 2 in the 10th , then let up on the speed for a 7 count and a 275. I put it away the 2nd game due to lane breakdown , but the wired didn't kick the corners out. the 3rd game I pulled this ball back out and moved 5 boards left and had the middle at about 45 foot. unlike any ball i've ever thrown , this ball finished really well with that line , and demolished the pins. All in all I must say if you like arc then this is a must have. great ball columbia.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2006, 12:01:14 AM »
this thing moves. got this from a friend when she left for college. 15lbs, 3 3/8" stacked.  This one outhooks anything ive ever had (incl. C/Carbide, Minotaur, TA) and it carries better also.  My houseshot nowadays has a nasty out of bounds outside the 7 board. All my pevious balls would drop into the gutter once i pass the 5, regardless where i stand. With the Reaction ARC, I can swing it from the 15 (or deeper) out to the 5 and it comes back very strong, sometimes brooklyn if i dont watch my ball speed.

Even though it flat out hooks, its still very controllable. smooth breakpoint and a heavy roll entering the pocket, i remember saying something very similar to this in my Flipside EGO review.  Ive been having success with columbia recently, especially with this kind of roll.

Reaction Arc is definitely in my bag everytime I bowl.


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Re: Reaction Arc
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2007, 12:17:01 PM »
Rest in Peace, Old Faithful.

I've had this ball for three years now and have won a ton of money with it.  Almost always win scratch and/or handicap on either the second or third game of every tournament...sometimes doubles if I hooked up with the right person.  If you find one of these babies laying around, grab it!  It'll come in handy on those nights when nothing seems to be hooking.  This ball is a pocket magnet, finds its way to the pocket when I miss inside or outside by as much as two to three boards.  It strikes as long as it touches the pocket, high or low doesn't matter. It's amazing to watch! The Reaction Arc has gotta be the luckiest ball ever made.  Unfortunately it does require a fresh sanding after every series, and it finally wore down too much.  I've sanded it so many times that you can barely read the serial number.  I will miss this ball greatly.  
I did find a Reaction Roll on e-bay that I have yet to drill.  Hopefully I will come to love it as much as I loved my Arc.  What a ball!
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