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Author Topic: Reaction Rev  (Read 15038 times)


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Reaction Rev
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Core: Dense core body. Dense energy flip blocks

Coverstock: TEC2

Hardness: 75-78

Factory Finish: Polished

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.484

  • RG Diff: 0.053


Hook Rating: 26



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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2002, 10:28:51 PM »
The New Reaction Rev is not what I would call a "New" Ball!
It uses the same weight block design that was in the Reaction
Ricochet. The difference here being in the Cover Stock!

The New "Rev" uses the TEC-2 Particle formula but without the
(Holo-Flex)particle additive.
The Cover is a Solid/Adjustable shell (Shined at the factory).

The new combination of the solid TEC-2 cover and "OLD" weight
block design of the  "Ricochet" provide for a better combination.

Our #15lb. Test ball was drilled 4 X 4 (Label Leverage)

This ball will give you great bite in oil and a strong controlled
hook through out the entire lane.
Please remember that this IS a particle ball!!!
and it WILL NOT, Turn a big corner unless you have enough hand
to get it down the lane and back again!
Those who consider themselves "Crankers" will find more backend hook
than those of us who are "Tweeners" or "Strokers"

The Hitting power we found to be excellent! Pin Punishing Power!

But on a typical house shot, we found the ball to be great for the first game
after that, it started to use it's energy up early and provide some flat
hits! If you have alot of Oil, This one will be better and more useable.

Alittle "Black Magic" does wonders to get this particle ball to play
down the lane better! But when the lanes start breaking down and
dry up, Bag this one!!! Too much cover for most bowlers!
Those of you who have a faster ball speed and the power to play-it down
the lane will get this ball to stay in play longer!

Overall we found the new, (Sorta New) "Rev" to be an excellent ball!

I personally believe that it is a duplication of Columbias efforts in that
they all ready have several other great balls that fill this need.

But, who are we to determine what a Ball Company will design and manufacture?

We will recommend this ball to Our Columbia fans and customers!




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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2002, 09:59:31 PM »
Okay.. I got this on friday the 5th of April, and threw 3 practice games with it. Then threw my first series with it on Saturday the 6th in the YABA state tournament Singles event. I shot a 733... my second 700 ever and only 7 pins away from my best series ever. My last game of singles I bowled 278, my highest sanctioned game ever. I'm currently in 2nd place in the state... and before this ball I was a terrible tournament bowler. I can't honestly tell you what's so great about this ball, but I do know it's by far the best thing I've ever thrown, and I've thrown Trauma, Trauma ER, and Messenger Titanium, so with fairly good company it succeeded in making the rest look pathetic. Just a really predictable ball but very strong. I give it a 9 1/2 out of 10.


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2002, 11:21:30 AM »
I just purchased this new REV.  I had it drilled with the pin directly under my ring finger.  I threw it down 17 out to 8 and it then made a left hand turn back to the pocket.  With this ball you don't have to worry about it coming back.  Have faith. It will.  I shot 684 the first time out.  

Good start with a GREAT ball!

Al Muerzo

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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2002, 12:44:41 AM »
Nice Ball!!!

I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been watching the ball market closely.  There are a few balls out that are useful on a wider range of conditions.  The Vortex II solid is one of these in that category whereas no matter how you throw it, you always can count on the ball getting into a strong roll, giving you good length, and also giving you a strong backend.  Just about every ball on the market does 1 or 2 of these, but its rare to find one that does all 3.  Columbia now has one!

I drilled mine 4 3/4" pin x 3 3/4" cg from my pap.  The specs before drilling were pin out 3" and top weight 3 oz.  I ball is laid out in a modified "Rev Leverage" layout (the cg is in the thumb/positive quadrant of the ball).  The small weight hole I used is 1 3/4" straight down from my pap.    For me, this layout also works on more conditions, walls or sport shots.  I did clean the coverstock with Jimdex proclean to eliminate any residue from the manufacturing of the ball.  Any strong cleaner will work, I prefer Jimdex products.

If you're opening up the lane, the ball has plenty of energy to make the turn at the backend.  The coverstock is also forgiving enough if you need to square up.  This ball revs up, rolls hard, goes long and carries great.  What more can you ask for?  Maybe just to throw it perfect every time! (haha)

Check this ball out.  If you're looking for a good all around ball, this is it.

Al Muerzo
Southwest US


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2002, 02:23:53 PM »
check my profile for specs...

I got my 15 pound rev with a 3-4 inch pin, and 3 1/2 top weight.. I had it set up with the pin a 1/2 inch over my bridge, and the CG out 2 1/2 inches and a balance hole was put in to take out the extra 1 1/2 ounces of side..

I have found my rev to be the best ball in the reaction line.. I gets down the lane real smoothly, and has a hockey stick shaped arc on the back-end.. it has awesome hitting power, and will see alot of action on the lane.. power players will like this ball for oil if they have tons of hand, but i have found that it works great when the lanes start to open up and you need something to push your breakpoint a little further down the lane..

on a scale 1-10




I give the rev a 8!!!!

Charlie Lacy

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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2002, 10:30:24 AM »
This is a ball that does like its name; REV. I drilled mine
5 x 3 3/8 and with the shine it revs up to break sharp at the
break point with pinbreaking action at the pins. I get excellant
length with the box shine and this drilling and if I need
backend it is dependable. I find that with this drill I will
get too much length if I'm not careful. Another winner from


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2002, 03:55:32 PM »
Another great ball from Columiba.  I am a classic cranker. I have a 15lb Rev, drilled 4x4, with a 4" pin out, 3 1/4 oz top weight.  It carries down the lane beatifully, then makes a nace hard turn towards the pocket and just cruhes the pins.  It makes a much smoother turn the my Ti Messnger Pearl, and is more forgiving.  This ball is one hell of a pin cruncher.   I did have some trouble keeping it under control in the later games, once the carry down showed up, but overall, this ball is a definate winner.  My score: A Solid 9
Thou must be one with thy balls.


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2002, 03:39:18 AM »
i drilled this ball with the pin above the bridge. the ball goes real long and then snaps back to the pocket. my first time out i shot 697(not bad for a youth eh pchee). the carry on this ball was ok not remarkable. and the hit was pretty good. the reason i say "was" is because after 4 weeks the horrific "tec death" set the ball sux and i sold it.


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2002, 06:58:57 PM »
Profile:  medium speed and revs, a stroker was 200+ avg.
Layout:  pin a 1/2 in above ring and cg kicked out 1 and 1/2 along the midline with a small balance hole on my positive axis point.

When i first drilled this ball and took it out on the fresh oil and put it up against my champ.  The champ is sanded and drilled max. out, the most aggressive in my arsenal.  I threw it the first game and it slid in the oil and reacted much alike my rock pearl drilled similar to the rev, had to slow it down.  Then i was tired of throwing it slow so i increased the speed and put the hand into it and it lived up to its name.  It was going long looking like before with the slide and just before turning around i saw it nearly cross-over.  Recently pulled it out on long fresh oil when the champ wasn't working and it was "reving" up and driving right into the pocket from downtown(box condition), saved the series to have a decent night.  This ball is now the leader of the arsenal that includes a classic rock, rock pearl, predator, champ, and formula 1.


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2002, 04:06:19 PM »
Columbia Reaction Rev

Ball Specs
15.2 lbs, 4 inch pin out, 2.5 oz. top weight

Drilling - Stacked leverage

I bought my Rev about two months ago.  From day one, this ball has been great.  It gets way down the lane and then makes a seriously hard snap on the back end.  The hits the break point and BOOM!  The Rev absolutely crushes the pins.  I highly recommend this ball to anyone looking to add length and snap to their game.

Shot 1 - Sythetics with a little bit of carrydown.  (Typical house shot)  On this condition the Rev comes alive.  The ball gives me absolutely no trouble at all.  It gets through the heads with ease and starts to rev up in the midlane.  When the ball hits the break point, it is "lights out" for the pins.  Man, this ball really hits hard on this condition.  Highly recommended.

Shot 2 - Fresh oil with stripped backends.  On this condition, the Rev will have a tendency to jump off of the dry violently at times.  If you are not consistent on virtually every shot, be prepared for some brooklyn hits.  The ball will always get down the lane with ease, but as soon as it hits the fresh, dry back ends... lookout!  BOOM!  A true skid/snap ball with this condition.  If you are into this kind of shot, this is your dream ball!

Shot 3 - Heavy oil (Wood and Synthetics)  The Rev does not like a heavily oiled lane at all.  Take my word for it.  It becomes a spare ball on heavy oil.  It will still try to react, but it may come up short unless you really strap some hand during your release.  

Overall, the Rev is an excellent medium heavy to medium dry ball.  It gets down the lane with ease.  It has a seriously hard snap on the back end, and it hits just as hard as any ball on the market.  In my opinion, it is one of Columbia's best balls ever.  The cover/core combination is right on the money.  This ball has to be the best one in the Reaction line (pound for pound )

When I get the chance, I might just buy another one to keep when this one reaches the end of it's road.  Run to your pro shop and try this ball!  It's the Shiznit!

scott christian

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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2002, 03:34:47 PM »
another good ball from columbia
drilled this 1 like my icon(leverage) stacked the cg and pin.
the first game out of the box, i started with the first 8.
this is 1 ball that i cannot muscle when it starts to go away.
it does what it does.
i used on primarily on wood lanes, but i checked it out on synthetics that were wet with long oil and a huge out of bounds.
it was very playable using a 15 to 10 shot that day.
went back, and the lanes were drier with shorter oil.
it eased through the heads and had a ton of backends.
played the same line with the icon and so very little diffence(only that it got down the lanes a bit easier).
i then moved right and took my hand out of the ball and again, had great success.
the only other weekness other than being a bit much on drying heads, is that i found on carry down, the looses punch. thats what i got the icon for.

if yopu are looking for a good ball with punch and consistent roll, this is your baby

Empire Pro shop

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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2002, 09:28:22 AM »
After using the Rev for about 5 months I'll finally give you a review. My seed ball came with a 3" pin and was drilled 3 3/8 @105 degrees. My axis is 4 7/8 by 1/4 south.  

Remember players, this is a particle ball and needs head oil to save energy!! Bowling on syn. lanes with med. oil in the middle and clean backends this may be your first choice out of the bag but don't be afraid to change quickly. The 105 degree drilling tames the backend but has little punch after the lanes burn up and get some carry down. More standard drillings will erase that problem.  

Overall this is still my first ball out of the bag for about 8 frames. Stronger equipment or drillings are needed after that.

If your a Columbia lover this Reaction Rev is a must. At this date you can include a Columbia Icon. Please checkout that review, this Icon with stacked leverage drilling will get through the heads and midlane with ease. Alot of punch left for the pocket. Crankers will need larger pin positions of 4 /1/2 to 5 1/2  pin to pap later in your series...

This Reaction Rev will be recommended to our customers with higher ave. and have enough knowledge of the game. The only drawback I have seen is that most players can't throw this for all 3 games on a typical league condition, BUT what ball can you do that with any way!!!

Thanks again to Columbia for a great edition to a already excellent line of bowling products.


Low Rev RMO

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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2002, 09:05:10 PM »
I bought this ball on 9/16. My first real usage came last night. This ball will go very long. The oil at my house is oiled to 45ft. This ball will go about 50 before returning to the pocket to just crush the deck including the 10 pin. My house just replaced the pins and you could not carry the 10. I had got no sleep the first night so each game went down as I ran out of gas. The ball itself has a 3 1/2 in pin. I had it drilled with an agressive stack leverage drill. With this ball I can go about 5 boards left with my feet comared with my triton and 3 left of my Trauma with a much harder hit. I went 231 with a 7pin, 9pin and a 4/9 for the first game. As I was getting tired I went 209 and 191 for a 631. I have a tournment that I can really test the ball with. I say 10 out of 10 with little chance of that changing  
Just a house mouse hack anymore with some strokes of brilliance


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Re: Reaction Rev
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2002, 10:53:23 AM »
I use this ball to complete my league games that I start with my Reaction Roll. Our alleys start to dry up about halfway through the second game, and this is when I change to the Reaction Rev. I don't change my approach at all, I throw it the same as I was throwing the "Roll". My average has improved 36 pins in less than one year using this 2 ball combination. (157 to 193)I only bowl 3 games a week and I don't pretend to know about how my balls are drilled. I did get some great pointers on the Columbia web site, as far as where to start my feet and my aim point and how to release the ball to achieve more spin.