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Author Topic: REACTION Richochet  (Read 19025 times)


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REACTION Richochet
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Who else but Columbia 300® could combine the crucial elements of power and performance so beautifully? The new ReactionTM Ricochet and Roll are the result of two years of R&D testing and development, with one goal in mind - to create a two ball arsenal that provides superb hooking power with increased durability. The Reaction Roll is designed for heavy oil in the front and midlane, producing a strong curve and continuous backend reaction. This all made possible by and enhanced version of our TECTM coverstock called MegaTECTM. The Reaction Ricochet was developed to provide maximum backend reaction on most common lane conditions. Its pearlized reactive coverstock is enhanced with an explosive combination of TEC2TM and Holo-FlexTM particles. The Reaction Ricochet and Roll. Whichever one you use, you'll agree Columbia 300 has truly developed the formula for success.  Specs for the REACTION Ricochet are: TEC2 coverstock plus Holo-Flex; Core: Dense core body. Dense energy flip blocks; RG: 2.496; Differential .041; Hook: 25.5 Flare: 4" - 6"



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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2001, 10:38:11 PM »
This ball comes in shiny and with a very tacky feel. This ball was laid out 4 3/4 by 4 1/2. First time I threw it on a second shift condition with a good amount of carrydown though the middle. The ball turn the corner extremely hard of the dry spots but didn't care much for the oil in the backends. A little disappointed I waited to throw it on the fresh the next day. On the fresh this ball went more sideways in the backends then my ReactionRoll. Big reason for that is that the Ricochet retains a lot more energy then Roll. With the added friction this ball absolutely destroyed the pins. Then I tried it one more time. This time on second shift again but after I threw the Reaction Roll for about 5 games and burned up the lane a little. The ball still got through really clean and now had tremendous pop in the backends. This ball needs friction. Don't expect this ball to make U turns in oil. Over all a very goodball for medium and fresher lane conditions.



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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2001, 08:50:50 PM »
I bought this ball at the same time as my Reaction Roll. I wanted something to go to that would give me more length than the roll with a big backend hook. It had a 3 inch pin with 4 ounces topweight. The drilling was for length and to kick hard in the backend.

I first tried this ball on the same condition as the roll. Freshly oiled synthetics with a basic wet-dry pattern. I found a major difference between this ball and the roll. With the ricochet I still had some trouble controlling it but it wasn't nearly as hard to do!

I was playing 20 to about 6 and I was getting good length and tremendous carry. Only when I played too deep did I leave a 10 pin with this ball. But I definately think this ball is a good compliment to the roll for more length. I give it 9.99 out of 10.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2001, 08:49:44 AM »
Ive rolled 4 league sets with this ball. 15 pounds, pin about about 1 1/2 inch to right of ring finger. 3 of four sets 600 plus. Ive found ball loves fresh conditions and also works very well when oil is gutter to gutter when fresh with dry backends. Goes long losing no momentum and makes a sharp turn on the back end. Ive left alot of 10s and 6/10s but I think with a minor entry angle change this will be cured . Ball hits very hard even when missed left. I would recommend this ball to anyone who wants a go long solid hooker. I would love to have 3 or more of these drilled differently to see how much the reaction differences would be. I give it a 9 out of 10.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2001, 11:55:00 AM »
All I have to say is "WOW"

 Having first drilled this ball with a 3 1/2" 105 deg., I didn't really like the reaction at all. So I plugged it the other day and drilled it with a 4 1/2" 45 deg. drilling with pin under ring finger. Amazing.
  Did just the trick. This ball goes smoothly through the heads and starts rolling up to the pocket at 45 feet. Not to jerky just a nice smooth arc. I bowl on wet/dry conditions oiled to 36 feet buffed to 44. After throwing my Apex red and that wasn't coming up with a 105 deg. drill, I tried my Apex Intensity with a 5" 45 deg drill, and that didn't finish. Moved to my Richochet and the rest was history. 246-257-259=762. I love this ball.....Avg.222.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2001, 02:44:49 PM »
After rolling this ball for about 6 weeks now all I can say is a 300 game seems to be within my grasp. Ive shot 2 279 games in different houses. Ive found this ball likes speed. I can throw straight up the third arrow and will hit pocket every time. But with alot of revs ball can be made to turn very hard and sharper.  Super Ball . Iwant another for when this one wears out. Also cover is eeasy to take care of unlike some of the Tec coerstocks. Renew it is what I use to clean it. Will post a Bragging post if I get that 300. Wish me luck.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2001, 07:48:29 PM »
I just got this ball to replace my dead monster.  Ran a quick three games with it and it worked great.  I had it drilled weak and for an arc instead of a snap/hook.  Im throwing from the center out over the 12 board and coming back with a shallow arc and it was working for every shot.  It worked if I tossed it out to far and it worked if I jerked it and sent it strait down.

My shot recently has been a large L shaped hook and I noticed that it was leaving solid tens while the people who went with shallow arcs down the center were getting strikes with every shot.  With this ball drilled weak I can use my normal speed (medium to fast) and puts a nice little effort in in the last 5-10 feet that works wonders at the pins.  Only left one ten pin and it almost went down! Bowled a 205/185/213/205 with my 170 avg!  I think this is gonna be a great ball for me.  Ill post a more specifec review later.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2001, 01:28:26 AM »
Drilled this ball to fill the gap between my Intensity and Optyx.  After reading all reviews, thought this was the ball.  Usually drill all equipmet 4 x 4. My PAP is over 5 3/4 and uo 3/4.  Average is 215+.  Speed is 16-17 MPH.  Drilled this ball at 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 to get a stronger reaction.  Can't get this ball to move at all.  Very big disappointment.  Should have went with my original plan of drilling the Dominator.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop

prince of cats

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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2001, 01:13:49 AM »
this is my new favorite ball it goes long then snaps and makes a 60 degree
turn to the pocket.
i got this ball a week ago and had it drilled up and threw a few games
the first time i threw it i cleared the pins i acctualy had to get the ball shined up because it wasnt rolling soon enough
when i hit with this ball it hits pretty hard but i left a lot of 10 pins
cant wait to use this in leage
i give this ball a 9 out of 10 i havnt had any problems with it since it was shined up


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2002, 01:18:49 PM »
my ball is drilled 3/8 x3/8 pin 2-3.when i first bowled with this ball,i swore i would use nothing else.the back end was very strong but it gave you good length my house,the lanes have become drier,and this ball tends to snap too early.i know use the rip which is milder at the back end.the reaction line is a great set of balls.the richochet is a very hard hitting ball and would suit a player that had some ball speed.again,when you need some length,but want a hard back end kick,look at this ball.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2002, 06:41:42 PM »
As promised, here is my review of the Columbia300 Reaction Ricochet.

The ball that I have started with 4.25 oz TW and a 3" pin distance. After drilling, the static weights were around 0.5 oz positive side, 0.25 oz thumb and 2.25 oz TW. The ball is drilled 5x3.5 (pin just below and a little to the track-side of my middle finger; cg in the fourth-quadrant).

The first time that I was able to throw the ball, I hated it. The 2+ oz TW helped the ball down the lane very well, but it also resulted in a LOT of stored energy. When I finally rolled the ball enough to tame down the snap, it rolled-out and left me 8-pins.

Since that I believe I've thrown the ball on five different occasions and LOVE it. While I have just (this week) figured out how to read the ball, I can say that it could be the biggest boomerang hook ball that I have ever thrown. Even with the pearlized and holoflex additives, the ball reads the dry WAY too well.

For my game, it seems the ball works best when there is a greater volume of oil on the outer boards, throwing from an inside line (28 to the 7 or tighter, when possible). The ball cover and TW help the ball through the heads, and the core allows the ball to rev up in the oil. Without the oil on the outside, the ball seems to bleed energy too early to be useful.

This ball has replaced my El Nino X-It as my fresh oil, high-volume ball. I've noticed, however, that as the heads dry up (and the oil carries down), the X-It will roll cleaner with a more readable arcing motion.

It doesn't seem possible to miss right with this ball. I've thrown the occasional ball wide-right (four total in about 28 games) -- however the ball always recovers enough to take out at least 7 pins. That leaves me with the caveat of "stand left and throw right" with this ball. Just give the ball room and keep up the ball speed. Much thanks go out to the Columbia300 developmental and technology team for the release of this ball.

The only league that I'm currently bowling in is at our island's "reverse" house -- basically, they lay down a medium to heavy volume (seems to be 30-40 units) flat shot where everyone insists on playing deep... because one guy in the 80s DOMINATED the lanes playing that shot. So, because everyone depletes the middle oil, they create a reverse block on the inside. Instead of following everyone else, I decide -- on the advice of my coach -- to play the OB outside the 8 board. Where I would need to be near perfect with my X-It, this ball gives me mistake area 3-4 boards right and one board left. Considering that I'm trying to play ten to the seven, that's about as beautiful of a ditch that I'll ever see. 8^)

Versatility (on a scale of 1-10): 3 -- this balls strength is in oil, and it shows up as a weakness on any other shot.
Oil (same scale): 9.999999999999; I know the Tombstone would be more aggressive on a pond.
Dry (same scale): 2; if you're going to use this ball on dry, you would have to have no other ball with you in the bag!
Transition off the oil (same scale): 8.5; the Ricochet has a very clean read off of the oil. Even if it stands up early, it doesn't have a jerk-motion on the hockey stick.
Shape: Definite hockey-stick
Over-All: 19 cans out of a case

As an aside, this ball was an incorrect purchase for me. I was looking for a ball to fill the void between my Crush/R and X-It for oil. I'm certain that the ball will be rated higher than a 19 (out of 24) by other bowlers because the ball works great for those that I bowl with.

The next ball that I get will possibly be a Werewolf. Then, after that, I'll get a Turbo Urethane or Thunder Flash if I can find the weights. Once I get another ball, I'll post another review.

The Lurker

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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2002, 09:51:05 PM »
Well I got this ball on wednesday. Dont know the drill specs, but the pin is just above the middle finger and the CG (a small gold hand) is right of center by about a half inch.

Practicing with it I was think it was way too strong on the back ends. No matter what line I was throwing the ball went brooklyn. I'm a righty with a 185 average that throws a deep inside line, standing about 30-32 and throwing out to ten. I was not very confident going into todays league. games were 139, 148, 15? and a 179.

I adjusted my pro-release to hold my wrist strait (right in the middle) and after a first shot (gutter ball) adding a piece of tape worked magic!!!!!!!

I stood at my normal spot and throwing my normal line and was killing the pins. Shot a 212, 258 and a 198 in practice. I was getting confidant.

Well the league went really well tonight. The ball went out and made a strong move to the pocket. I could throw it wide and it still had the movement in the back end to make the pocket. I only went brooklyn once tonight and that was my fault for missing my target big time. Even missing left of my target the ball held a nice line to the pocket. Not once did the ball over react on the back ends like my Reaper tends to do. Only left 2 solid tens the whole night. I did tend to leave more fours than usual, but I would take a four left over a ten!

I did have to keep up the ball speed so it wouldn't hit high.
shot a 203, 258, and a 204 for a 665 series. My second best. I am highly impressed with this ball and reccomend it to anyone. tahnks to Scott Brunner's proshop for reccomending this ball to me and for punching it up.
-The Lurker
Consistantly inconsistant.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2002, 06:31:22 AM »
Last night was the 4th night I've used the ball in league and shot a 236 + 248 + 220 = 704, my career second best.  Should've been higher but that pesky 10 pin got me in the last frame of the 3rd game.  In the 4 weeks I've used the ball my average has gone from 178 to 185.  

This ball screams on the back end and is hard to control when the conditions are dry, but a little polish should take care of that.  Another great ball from Columbia 300.  

The pin is just above the ring finger and that's all I know about the drilling specs.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2002, 07:04:39 PM »
Had this ball drilled with the pin just below the ring finger, and the CG below the pin.  Pin is about 2 inches from the CG.  I went with this drill pattern for a smooth arc, with little flip at breakpoint.  Bowled on lanes after junior league, so they were a bit on the dry side.  This ball will give excellent length, with a nice, powerful arc into the pocket.  I would describe the breakpoint as a hard arc, not quite a flip.  Had a bit of trouble finding a line, but as I moved in deeper, and got it into the dry a bit sooner, the ball path smoothed out a bit more, and the strikes started coming.  The Ricochet hits very hard, and carries off hits pretty well, which all of us like.  The Ricochet hooks a bit more than my Black Hammer 2001, and noticeably less than my EMB solid.  Great ball for anything from medium dry to medium heavy oil.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2002, 07:02:18 PM »
Listen up all!  This ball rocks!  Its such a consistent ball that even if you suck at bowling this ball can help you out.  You want hook it will do it.  Wanna stop leaving that annoying 10-pin Richochet will take care of it.  Out of 10 stars this balls gets 9.9.  Great ball.
