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Author Topic: REACTION Richochet  (Read 19026 times)


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REACTION Richochet
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Who else but Columbia 300® could combine the crucial elements of power and performance so beautifully? The new ReactionTM Ricochet and Roll are the result of two years of R&D testing and development, with one goal in mind - to create a two ball arsenal that provides superb hooking power with increased durability. The Reaction Roll is designed for heavy oil in the front and midlane, producing a strong curve and continuous backend reaction. This all made possible by and enhanced version of our TECTM coverstock called MegaTECTM. The Reaction Ricochet was developed to provide maximum backend reaction on most common lane conditions. Its pearlized reactive coverstock is enhanced with an explosive combination of TEC2TM and Holo-FlexTM particles. The Reaction Ricochet and Roll. Whichever one you use, you'll agree Columbia 300 has truly developed the formula for success.  Specs for the REACTION Ricochet are: TEC2 coverstock plus Holo-Flex; Core: Dense core body. Dense energy flip blocks; RG: 2.496; Differential .041; Hook: 25.5 Flare: 4" - 6"


A-lot of tens

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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2002, 03:43:38 PM »
This is another great ball from columbia. I am averaging about 205 in the leagues i am in. When i first bought the ball it had to much movement. I polished it and now the ball works great. I play from the 12 board out to about the 8 board and the ball comes roaring back into the pocket. I would not reccomend this ball to a beginning bowler. The only other problem i am having is i am leaving a descent amount of nine pins.

Any questions about drilling or anything email me at


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2002, 11:10:25 AM »
My Ricochet is set up to fit in with my other REACTION line balls.  My arsenal right now is made up primarily out of this line.  

Out of box specs=>  15 lb. 2 oz., 3 1/2 oz. top weight, pin out 3".  I have it layed out in a 5 x 4 1/2 pattern, pin just above ring finger, CG kicked out slightly.  No weight hole.

The Ricochet fits in very well as a fall-back after my ROLL starts hooking too early.  It goes NOTICEABLY longer than the ROLL, with a much more powerful back-end punch.  I've tested the ball over nearly every condition imaginable, tournaments, league play, almost everything. It does the same thing on all of them, good length, hard snap.  

I've found it fits best going in after the ROLL's track is too dry.  A small move with this ball and you will remain in the pocket.  It isn't a bad first-choice ball, but it can't deal with heavy patterns or carrydown.  I just skids too much.  A real good 'mid-session' ball.  I tend to use mine in like the 4th-6th games of an 8 game set.  

Once again, a great ball, in an even GREATER line by Columbia.  I give this ball 8.5 out of 10.  Loses the 1.5 points because it really only covers mediums (medium dry-medium oily), and for as hard as the ball turns, it really only carries satisfactorily.
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2002, 11:06:06 AM »
I like this ball. I throw about 17 mph. Have shot several 780's with it and last night I shot a 300 with it. No ... it is not my first. Have I said I like this ball???? Oh yea, I have. This ball is not for heavy oil because it goes too long before it makes its turn, but for medium to heavy with clean backends this is the real deal.  Good bowling.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2002, 07:25:31 PM »
Wow is all i have to say
I drilled this ball up real aggresive and left the coverstock out of the box. I am more of a stroker, and i have alot of forward roll.  I took this ball out on Friday afternoon on a fresh shot.  I stood around 30 and played 10, the ball zipped to the pocket, its absolutely a monster on the backend.  After about 3 games i had to move my line inside because there was no oil for the richochet to grab on to and it was rolling out.  I moved inside stood about forty with a weak handposition and threw over 4th arrow playing a really tight line, the ball went long and right before it hit the pins made a sharp left turn.  This ball is excellent, the only problem i found of course when it was rolling out and also when there was little backend.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2002, 11:17:12 PM »
Picked this ball up cheap used and had to do very little to make it was drilled with the pin right of my ring finger and the Cg under my fingers. The coverstock was in excellent condition so I went straight out and gave er a try. Excellent backend ball, as the ball rolls so smooth and then rips back to the hole to flat out put a hurtin on those poor devils. I watched a few crankers use this ball and that move to the hole is awesome as the ball looks like it picks up speed as it turns. I have found this ball to be a great for league shots with a nice tight line. Carry is good but maybe not as good as others. My second particle ball and love it. Different hit than my Ebonites, but still very strong. Had it put on a spinner with 600 grit then 2000 great as per Columbia. It's so nice to throw an old school black ball too.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2002, 03:26:01 PM »
16lb, 3 in pin to the right of ring finger.
drilled for length with a nice back end.

I have used this ball for 2 mths. I keep my ball clean and polished.
This is a very consistant roll to the pocket. I can play straight up
2nd arrow or swing from 25 to 15-10 and the carry is excellent.
I have raised my ave from 3 to 6 pins in all 3 of my leauges. Three
different shots. I have a riot zone also. The richochet has just as much length
but carries much better. If your looking for a ball to use on many conditions.
This is the ball. I have made the switch to columbia from brunswick.
Very consistant. Excellent length. Hard hitting  9 out of 10..


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2002, 01:27:44 PM »
Sort of a follow-up review...

My Ricochet that I reviewed earlier finally gave way to the Holo-Flex and cracked across my track. "TheFist" was kind enough to give me his Ricochet, and since another bowler had already given me his, I decided to drill this one pin on axis.

Specs: 0x1.5 (cg on midline); 1-1/32x2 axis hole.
Statics: Not sure. Just made sure the ball was legal. I think it's 1/4 finger, 1/8 negative side.

The ball can play the "frozen rope"! I never thought I'd see a Ricochet able to play this line, but with this drilling, it does it... and boy, it does it well!

Before our local center closed for the evening, I decided to throw a couple of shots to see how the ball performed. Having never thrown a pin on axis ball, I was simply expecting a ball that would go longer... I certainly didn't expect what I received.

The ball goes about 58 feet before making a move... just in time to explode on the pocket. So, I guess I was wrong about the versatility of the ball. The core is VERY versatile... and very driller friendly.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2003, 02:09:37 PM »
This ball does exactly what the advertisements say it will do. This ball is a round boomerang! Whoever said that bowling balls skid then roll then hook obviously didn't see a Ricochet.  This ball seems like it forgot about the roll part as it flips over and moves immediately and sharply once it gets out of the skid. However I didn't care for this ball very much.

The ball breaks so sharply that I had a hard time keeping the break point under control.  I'd get to the pocket easy enough but I'd come in behind the headpin so many times that I'd leave the 10 every 3rd or 4th shot.  Then when I try to go with more forward roll or a slightly earlier breakpoint, I'd be in the flush/high-flush zone and leave 4 pins on every 3rd or 4th shot.  

This ball is great for opening the lane up and it hits the pocket like a tank but for me, personally, it just hit TOO hard and trying to figure out the right combo of speed, roll, and breakpoint to get *consistent* carry was a frustrating nightmare! This ball probably works great for others but it didn't work for me at all.

I gave it to danesei.  See his review(s) of what he thought of it.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2003, 06:19:46 PM »
This is my go-to consistent ball.  3" Pin even with finger grips about an inch right drilled 4x5 with no weight hole this ball has a wonderful reaction and great hitting power on medium lanes.  Get this ball to the dry outside boards and it will come back and destroy the pocket.  Keep it in the oil and it will roll later and still crush the pins.  This ball is not great on heavy oil for a medium rev player such as myself.  Ball will hook off the lanes on dry conditions unless you feel like throwing your shoulder out to get it down the lanes.

On a medium condition I give this ball a 10.


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2003, 06:46:14 AM »
Once again columbia never ceases to amaze me. After taking about three months off from bowling this ball was given to me as a gift. the very first game i shot was it was a 199. I shot pretty well in league with it bowling 175-155-178 for a 508 series. the first time i used the ball all i could say was wow. i didn't expect a lot of hook or backend movement from the ball and the ball proved otherwise. as soon as the ball reached about 50-55 feet down the lane the ball roared toward the pocket and crushing it. After league i practiced with it a little more and i was still crushing the pocket on a pretty oily condition. i bowled 210 and 211 in my practice games. fyi i am a 17 year old semi stroker semi cranker with a 17 mph or less shot that bowls in a really tough house. also this is my first time using a ball other than a soft shell ball and i was on a three month hiatus. thank you


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2007, 01:26:05 PM »
Picked up a used 16 pounder off of e-bay because I've been so happy with the rest of the Reaction series (I now own every ball in the series except the Reaction Rip).  Wasn't really sure how to have it drilled so I just had the thumb hole moved a bit to fit my span.  Pin is next to the ring finger with the cg kicked out slightly.  This ball is rapidly becoming my favorite for medium and medium/heavy conditions.  Wouldn't say it's a skid/snap...but it's really close.  Goes long and turns very hard.  One the same conditions it is about two boards more aggressive than my Black Widow (surface at 2000 abralon) and goes a good bit longer.  Very useful when I need a different line to the pocket because of carry down.  The Ricochet doesn't hit quite as solid as either my Black Widow or No Mercy, but that's like saying that a mack truck doesn't hit quite as solid as a bulldozer.

Edit:  Started the third game with the Ricochet tonight and opened with eight strikes. Didn't adjust for changing conditions and came up high for a greek church in the ninth.  Arrrrgghh!  Adjusted and struck out.  What a terrific ball!


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Re: REACTION Richochet
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2008, 08:33:11 AM »
Id like to stress how much i love columbia 300 equipment. it matches up best with my stroker game. My true addiction started with a cermaic core tremor that i had my first 300 with. Then a Ti Boss Titanium 300. After that i was well on my way to staying with columbia. Anyways the Reaction Richochet is my go to ball in games 3,4,5 in tournaments and sport shots with the other. i own two. both drilled completely different. One goes 40 feet and flips very well with predictable reaction. That one has a long pin drilled striaght up with the cg in palm and pin above and between fingers.  The other No matter what angle these two richochets enter they both do maximum damage. A++++++. I wrote to Columbia 300 via the internet after April 29th, 2004. That was the day i was very close to history. I started with the front 24 (back to back 300's) starting game three with a ten pin a double then a ringer four that nearly fell and finished out with a 869 all with the Reaction Richochet. I was a tripped four pin away from having the state record for three game series. now that its been beat a year ago by a 879 which is now the state record, i can feel better about that four pin not falling. ha ha. crap! lol

My Arsenal:

Columbia 300 EPX T1
Columbia 300 Reaction Arc
Columbia 300 Reaction Roll
Columbia 300 Reaction Richochet x2
Columbia 300 Reaction Rev
Columbia 300 Flipside Wild
Columbia 300 Professional
Columbia 300 Messenger (orange)
Columbia 300 Messenger Ti (R/B)
Dynothane Barrage
Dynothane Thing Returns
Ebonite The One