I drilled my Apogee with the pin over my ring finger, the cg out to the right some, and the MB is about 1/2 right of my thumb hole. The three markings were not all in line. The ball had almost a 4" pin to cg, there was 3 7/8 top weight before drilling, so I had to use a low rev hole to get it back to legal. The pin is 4" from my PAP, with the MB in about a 90 degree position.
My original thought when throwing the ball, I thought it rolled alot like a Vapor Zone, very rolly, pretty smooth. After bowling with this ball on a number of conditions and surfaces, I think this ball is cleaner through the front than a Vapor Zone, but still with very good mid lane rev. The Apogee finishes on the back end better than my Vapor Zone. The Vapor Zone needs a little more oil to be effective. With my soft ball speed the Apogee will be better over more conditions. This ball seems to spank the pins around better than my Action Packed, just as good or better than my Vapor Zone.
I would like to try one of these with a stronger layout, and some surface adjustments, see what the ball can do some heavier oil, like in PBA Regional play.
I think this is Columbia's best assymetrical ball yet. Should be very versatile and tunable with different layouts. Hope to see this core in some different shells. This is a pretty good all around ball, good for league play and tournament/sport competition. Straight players will want to add some surface for heavy oil, but should love this ball on league shots. Tweeners will get the most use out of this ball, use your favorite layout and go to town. Boomers/high speed players may need to make this a condition ball, but your mileage may vary.
I really like this ball, and I have to thank my man Shawn Morris for getting this to me. He actually got it to me in early August, so I am thanking him late!! Thanks Shawn, Columbia Bowls the World Over!!!
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
"So Many Balls, only ONE drill press!!"
Chuck Norris is the only person to ever count to infinity..........twice!