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Author Topic: REACTION Rip  (Read 19695 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: Super-Flex

Color: Emerald Pearl with Silver Sparkle Engraving

Hardness: 75-78

Factory Finish: Polished

RG Diff: 0.058

Hook Ratio: 24

Track Flare: 5 - 7 inches

Available Weights: 10-16 Pounds

View the official Drill Instructions



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« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2001, 12:20:46 PM »
curt denzik
curt denzik


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« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2001, 01:43:15 PM »
Just an OK ball. If you have any speed, you need dry lanes for this ball to work. I have my drilled max lev. and this ball just skids and skids. I had to slow my speed down tremendously to get the ball to turn. Not saying this is a bad ball or anything but just all the hype kinda told me that this ball was going to be a monster. My Raging Red Fuze hooks more than this ball. Rate this ball 6 out of 10.


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« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2001, 11:28:21 PM »
Just bought this ball about 3 weeks ago.  Had it drilled for lots of length and a big backend flip.
Just getting use to the backend flip reaction.  
I love this ball so far.  This ball hits hard... when it hits close or in the pocket, POW, the pins Rest In Peace (RIP).  It just rips those pins apart. Average is already up about 7 pins in league play in just 2 weeks using this killer ball.
I rate it a 9.5 out of 10.  Not giving it a perfect 10 until I use it for a couple more weeks.
Columbia has another line of winners in the REACTION line.

Charlie Lacy

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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2001, 09:58:29 AM »
Thanks to Columbia for a premium ball that will go long and
not jump out of the building but still have a strong enough
finish. RIP was drilled 5 by 3 and does not over react at the
backend but has devastating power. I am able to also use this
ball up the boards on a wet-dry shot and still carry. RIP has
enough turn to play deep but not enough to not play out.


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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2001, 09:30:24 AM »
I drilled my RIP with a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 layout expecting length and very strong backend.  And boy did i get what i expected.  this ball goes 65 feet before turning back towards the pocket.  On a more serious note the ball goes very long and the turn to the pocket is phenomenal it throws pins everywhere I think because it saves so much energy for the backends.  The one thing i can say is that the overall hook wasn't as much as I expected it was a little less, so don't be afraid to drill this ball even if you got a gorrilla wrist.

my rating on a scale of 1-10  a 9

Lane Bed

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« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2001, 10:54:11 PM »
Had Kenny Hall from Schenectady drill this for big skid/flip. Inverted stacked CG kicked out to right. Counterbalance hole on line of axis below mid-grip line with one half positive. First used on a long 42' X mass tree house shot. With the factory condition it just couldn't make it to the pocket unless it was in the stone dry then it hit like a pumpkin. Sanded it down to 1000 and threw it on the Sport condition the next night. Not much different, weak on the backend. Had Mike Miseno (1st 300 in sport bowling) throw it because he has a ton of hand and he could keep it straight with an easy arc to the pocket. With the super flex cover this is a very weak ball by today's standards so if you are kooking for something skid/snap this ball is not it. Crankers might like this for a broke down condition.


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« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2002, 12:44:17 PM »
i had this ball drilled with the cg kicked out and the pin inder my finger.the ball goes long but has a very stable curve into the start with i felt it lacked the hitting power,but the more i use this ball the better it is.the lanes i bowl on are med to heavy oil with streaky back ends.this ball's strength is the fact you can play a very tight line,almost as in the sport lane condition where you want a ball without alot of flare.well worth the investment.


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« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2002, 10:57:46 AM »
This ball was suggested to me by my boss at the Strike Connection.  He usually picks good ones, and this one is no exception.  

My 15 lb. RIP (pin out 3 inches, 3.25 oz. top) is drilled 5 x 4 1/2.  Pin just above ring finger, cg 3/4 inches right of grip center, mass bias just right of thumb in strong position.  Simply a weak leverage drill.  

I've tested the RIP on several conditions, but mostly on a normal 7 to 7 house shot with semi-clean backends.  This condition is where Columbia's "high performance 2nd shift ball" is in its prime, in my opinion.  This ball clears the heads easier than any ball I've ever thrown, and makes a strong, but not unpredictable move on the end of the lane.  The pin carry is also very good.  The entry angle produced just throws pins around.  

Plus, after the heads break down, you can move in and still use it, because it recovers so well.  In a tournament in Des Moines, I used it for 8 games straight, with an 8 board total move.  

A must have for tournament bowlers, but may be a little over-priced for the everyday league bowler.  Also, in my opinion, overpriced for the combination of coverstock and core.  Nothing in this ball makes it worth $250.  You can get nearly the same ball in a Messenger Ti Pearl.  

However, strong marks in performance.  9 out of 10.  Loses one point because it is NOT an oil ball.  But, covers all conditions short of wading pools.  Highly recommended (just ask Ricky Ward).  

Good luck y'all.
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2002, 04:54:00 PM »
WE have drilled a few of these out of our shop with great success.  On a normal house condition this ball has a great kick on the pindeck and as the lanes dry out  it has a predictable roll as u move left..A Very Good ball with a good performance


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« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2002, 06:59:39 PM »
Ball reviews have said this ball hooks but I don't know where there throwing the ball. This ball goes long and then breaks and when it breaks its not that strong.  The Rip is good for dry lanes and it hits so hard that sometimes it forgets to take the 7-pin or the 9-pin with it. (note: I'm right-handed)



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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2002, 05:26:27 AM »
I got this ball drilled with the pin over the ring finger.  4.25 oz top weight and 3" pin out.  Just to feel it out, I threw in a synthetic house with med-oil (to 30' or so) out 5 boards to the 2nd arrow to see if it really had any back-end hook.  Jeeze!  I had 11 pocket hits in a row ending up with a 236!  The next game I tried to see if I can have the same type of reaction throwing down and in on the 1st arrow.  It was incredible how much this baby set in the pocket for me.  Ended up with a 224 that game.  Third game I wanted to see how it would perform if I gave it an arc...down the third arrow.  The pin-action when I finally found my footing to set it in the pocket is insane!  I'm going to a wood house with heavy oil today to see how it will perform today.  So far this ball is doing wonders to my game...and I just got back into bowling a month ago after a 3 year absense.  Why did I ever leave this game!  
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
In my bag (16lbs):

Visionary Gladiator Pearl
Visionary Centaur AMD Solid
Visionary Blue Sparkle Gryphon
Columbia 300 Blue Dot


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« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2002, 08:50:03 AM »
3" pin
2 oz. TW
Pin over ring finger, stacked with CG (5X5)
Box finish

Drilled this Emerald Green beauty for a customer (Troy) looking for max recovery to play deeper angles.  Customer in question is a power tweener, med/high speed, good revs.  

Troy already has a Titanium Pearl Messenger, but it reads the middle a little early for him on drier conditions.  The taller core in the Rip led him (and me) to think that this ball would go a couple of feet longer and really pop.  

Tested the Rip on 2 shots, fresh house shot on synthetics and broken down wood.  On the fresh shot, the Rip pounded the hole playing a 15 to 7 fade shot.  However, when we kicked in with the feet to steepen the angle, the Rip didn't quite get there leaving some weak 10's and buckets.   On the broken down shot (what the ball was purchased for), the Rip reacted almost exactly like a Pearl Messenger.  The lanes were dry enough to play between 20 and 25 at the arrows and get friction.  This deep, the ball had good length and got down the lane, but it just didn't have the umph to make it back and hit.  In fact, the Titanium Pearl hit harder even though it did read earlier.

I've always been a fan of Columbia.  I still feel that they, along with Ebonite and Storm, are clear leaders in ball manufacturing.  However, unless you want to pay $100 extra for the color, I can't see spending the extra money on what is essentially an expensive Pearl Messenger.
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2002, 02:18:17 AM »
2nd review - Wood lane conditions:

I went to 3 different bowling centers in my area and used this ball to see it's reaction.  Just to refresh, my ball has a 4.25 oz top weight w/ a 3" pin.  I had it drilled with the pin above the ring finger.

Condition 1 (med oil to 24'- pro shop guy told me) - I tried differnt shots, but I wound up finding a sweet line standing 2 boards right of the center dot (I'm a lefty) and throwing it out 10 boards setting on the 2nd arrow.  It was so amazing how many times I set in the pocket in 3 games (212, 209, 244; 665).  I don't usually throw an arc, but with this particullar condition, the RIP worked best this way.

Condition 2 (med-heavy oil center/dry edges) - I took advantage of the dry area around the 1st arrow to see how I would do with a basic down-n-in shot.  I stood right on the center dot and when I did a few frames, I was hitting high causing a few brooklyns.  I moved 3 boards to the right and threw it down the same line and I was going light, so I went for rolling it out 5 boards laying it between the 1st and 2nd arrow so I can take advantage of some of the dry area.  Oh it was flush in the pocket!  After the first game (191) I stayed consistantly in the pocket for a 256 and a 248; 695.

Condition 3 (heavy oil to 30') - I stood 5 boards to the right of the center dot and tried an arc shot from when I used to bowl in this alley (out 7 boards inbetween the 2nd-3rd arrow) but I was hitting it a little light.  I moved 2 boards towards the center and used the same shot, but I wound up getting 2 splits by going high.  I finally found by the end of the game by standing 2 boards to the left of center and cutting down my arc by 2-3 boards.  I did ok (177, 194, 201; 572) but as stubborn as I was, I realized that this ball isn't that great on heavy oil @ all unless you move to the left (or right if you're right-handed).

Overall, excellent mid to mid-heavy oil ball, but on the heavy oil you really have to adjust to get it to set in the pocket consistently.  However, it does have a great back-end when you find your line! I'm looking into getting a heavy oil ball now...if any of you have suggestions, please e-mail me at  Thanks!
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
In my bag (16lbs):

Visionary Gladiator Pearl
Visionary Centaur AMD Solid
Visionary Blue Sparkle Gryphon
Columbia 300 Blue Dot


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« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2002, 04:19:14 PM »
I was looking for a ball like this for a long time.  I bowli in a house that is constantly giving us terrible looks and this ball has overcome all oil patterns (especially heavy oil).  It gives great backend reaction, and even if I come in a hair light or heavy the kicks and clear outs have been outstanding, I ecommend this ball to anybody who is looking for the equalizer to their game when it cmes to heavy oil, she will get rid of all your headaches