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Author Topic: REACTION Rip  (Read 19697 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Super-Flex

Color: Emerald Pearl with Silver Sparkle Engraving

Hardness: 75-78

Factory Finish: Polished

RG Diff: 0.058

Hook Ratio: 24

Track Flare: 5 - 7 inches

Available Weights: 10-16 Pounds

View the official Drill Instructions



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« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2002, 10:53:02 PM »
I just recently purchased the Reaction Rip. It is something new! I am not quite sure about this ball yet. We layed it out 5 1/4x3 1/2. We put the pin above the ring finger and a weight hole just below my pap possible an inch or so. We left the out of the box condition on it. This ball must need some really dry backends to rip. I haven't tested it on all conditions yet. But so far it has been on the pro avalane lanes and the older synthetic(house shots) the ball was very squirty. It didn't react very well on either one. If you are a cranker looking for the ball to go long this would definitely be a reccomendation. I will post another review after I test this ball on some different patterns.

Good Luck and Good Bowling,


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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2002, 02:24:35 PM »

Great Length, Holds energy down the lane to an extent if the oil is carrying down the rip tends to slide through no matter how slow your ball speed and hits the pocket with no energy leaving corner namely tens and if you have a bunc of hand in it you are worse for it with this ball you need good clean backends and a nice hold area because for as much as it slides in long oil it flips twice as hard in dry heads/ midlane so if you play em up the boards this is your ball but area check bowlers I suggest you leave it and Check the riccochet or the arc
and when the reaction rev arrives try it first.


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« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2002, 08:18:44 PM »
This is my first ball in the Reaction line, and I love it, but you have to be on the right kind of lane for it to work well.  I've found that it works out great for me after the lanes are freshly dressed with nice clean backends.  Last night on league I tried two different angles...the first game I decided to go with a down and in shot, throwing very hard.  The second game I slowed it down a bit, moved over and did more of a swing shot.  Both ways worked great, it skidded nice and had a very nice clean snap on the back and devasted the pins, LOTS of power, only left a couple 10s, every time because I came in too steep.  Towards the end of the second game though the midlane oil started breaking down, which caused the ball to over react a bit.  I probably could have adjusted to match it, but I decided to bench it and pulled out my old KO Punch.  All in all a very good ball, but very touchy and specific with the lane dressing.  The average league bowler may want to steer clear of this ball if you want something that is a more all-around kind of ball, but it is defintily worth a spot in my bag for tour action, and will be the first one I pull out on fresh lanes.  But, if you're looking for a ball to take advantage of good backends and good oil in the heads to compliment your other equipment, this may be for you.


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« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2002, 07:33:37 PM »
This is just an update of the review I did yesterday...I went to get a different grip in this ball and decided to throw a couple games.  The oil was VERY long, and the RIP did nothing in the tried to make a turn, but just couldn't with the long pattern, skided too long.  I tried to adjust right, slowed it down and put a little more hand into it...I was able to get it to the pocket, but with no power, lots of 10s.  So, like I said before, very lane specific.  Threw it this morning on some nice backends in a 5 game sweeper and averaged 231.


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« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2002, 08:17:20 PM »
I just bought this ball and it is great.  It does what it says, it RIPS into the pocket and blows up the pins. ( Dead Wood Three times )

Stroker style
Right hander
Above average speed
Average Revs
Ball is drilled for skid/snap, Pin above ring finger and CG just outside of palm.

Note:  This ball didn't work for me on heavy oil but on medium oil it ROCKED.

A-Z Proshop-Jeff

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« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2002, 09:24:10 PM »
Well, I drilled this ball up negative.  I needed a ball that would go long on completely fried heads.  It works beautiful for that.  I used a 4 inch pin with it just above my middle finger.  I also found out that on a flat pattern, the ball has a beautiful down and in reaction and can come back.  Being only 17, I try hard to understand everything about the game.  Friday the 5th of April.  I threw a 300 with this ball.  It didn't matter where I threw it, it somehow found the pocket.  Even though it almost left me a ringing ten in the 11th.  I just want to thank columbia for a great product.


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« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2002, 05:41:56 PM »
I LOVE THIS BALL!  it works especially well on medium to heavy oil and hits hard, i would reccomend this ball to anyone who frequently bowls on medium oil as this ball can be a little hard to control with light oil, it doesnt have that much backend on heavily oiled lanes but if you can find a breakpoint this ball will exploit it


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« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2002, 12:00:05 AM »
well i had been out of the loop for about 4 years so i needed to upgrade me equiptment and i did a lot of looking and studing and the roll seemed to be the best fit for me.  i through it real hard (20-22 mph) but i always have.  this ball has helped me out a huge amount.  the 1st half of our league i was ave. around 180 and the secong half after i got my Roll i havent been under 620's scence.  this ball has been my saving grace.  my typical house condition in heavy through the middle so i can start on the middle dot throw over the 5-7 board and still make it back to the pocket and this is at 20 mph.  for me that is a huge amount of hook. and i bowl with two other guys that r big swingers and not i can some what get some hook and i love it.  great ball but like i have seen alot of people say it is high mataince.  i found a scotchbrite pad to work the best.  for ne one looking for a hooker this is it.  big thanks to columbia for a good one!!

good luck and good bowling

robert mushtare

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« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2002, 10:12:21 AM »
16# pin 3-4" top wieght-? drilled over lable pin right of ring finger lable leverage.
awsome ball and a real good game saver.When I Need control and a little backend
I go to this pearl green beauty.Ball can string xxxx with the best of them.This ball is not a swing monster it will roll out and leave flat 10's,straiter is better.hooks less than c/lrg from lane#1 but more than my synergy ets.Best condition would be medium oil clean backends


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« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2002, 03:15:43 PM »
I have been throwing the rip a little bit more and it is growing on me.  Still a little bit squirty on some oil.  But when that house shot starts to dry up around (track) man does it react good.  Definitely keep this ball polished up and play more of a straighter shot.  This ball has great pin action, nothing real weak.  Definitely look for this ball to get down the lane.  

Good Luck and Good Bowling,

David Taylor

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« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2002, 03:42:25 AM »

I have seen alot of mixed emotions about how this ball reacts in general.  I have my RIP drilled pin 2 inches to the right of ring finger cg kicked out 2 inches from palm, top weight 3 oz, pin out 3 1/2 inches.  With this particular drilling...  if you put any kind of hand in the ball, it does not matter if your throwing from 3 to 3, this ball goes long, and screams back.  That isnt even the best part about it, the best part is that the coverstock is so versatile that if you want to you can throw an outside shot.. that just goes down and in..good for all conditions so far.  I have bowled in 3 different houses 2 synthetic 1 wood, and one of the synthetics oiled on sport conditions, and still this ball comes back, of course after you tweak your line a bit   All in all,  excellent ball from columbia... very pleased, and it sure is pretty going down the lane.  10 out of 10.

If you have any questions email me at


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« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2002, 03:25:54 PM »
Hey everyone, whats up?  Finally got talked into this ball by Jon Bouroughs at Sunset Lanes Pro shop in Las Vegas, NV.  My coach mapped this one out for him and he drilled it negative with the pin to the left of the fingers.  I'm right handed.  I love this ball.  I have six balls.  Usually start with my optyx spider and then change from there.  On wednesday night league, I usually go with my spider but by the second game, it dries out.  I try moving, but dont.  Because my coach has me starting way left and walking towards my target.  WHich helps me with my hips.  THis ball is good to use after the lanes get drier out.  It goes very long and then at the last moment, hooks to the pocket.  Even if you come up a little light, it'll still strike.  This is a ball I'd recommend for anyone wanting a bal that will go very long on dry lanes.  Just tell them to drill it negative with the pin to the left of the fingers.  

My total arsenal is,
Apex Adrenaline
Trauma Er
Vortex II Pearl
Optyx formula one
Optyx Spyder
Optyx Snuffy
Columbia Reaction Rip

Right now I am carrying all those except for the formula one.  

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at


Peter Kramer


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« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2002, 11:23:41 PM »
See profile for my specs...

I had one of these when I threw 15 pound stuff, and liked it.  Now that I'm changing weights, my boss let me use his, since he never does.  Again, just switched the grips and away we went.

Ball is laid out in a 4 x 3 1/2 layout, pin under the ring finger, and cg swung out a bit.  X-hole in positive thumb quadrant to bring weights back to 1/2 positive, 1/4 finger.

I think this is my favorite ball so far.  I'm not sure why, because it doesn't cover boards, or hit like a train.  Its just dependable.  Starting on 20, going over 15 out to 7, and back to the pocket on a 42 foot house shot.  And, when the oil carries down a bit, I can just move right, and the ball still knocks them all down.  It doesn't punish the pocket so much, its just so easy to get it there, and then it throws pins around.  NOT a snappy reaction, but enough on the end of the lane to get the 10 out, and thats good

Shot 300 with it the first time I used it, maybe thats why I like it so much?  Well its found a place in my bag, thats for sure.  9 out of 10, just because it doesn't like TOO much oil, but I still use it .  Definitely recommended as a benchmark  ball for those with higher rev rates!
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2002, 12:26:46 AM »
Just took a look at the list of memebers under the letter G and Greatness is leading the pack with a whopping 32 reviews.  I am in first!  Lets up the lead with my 33rd review with my rip.

Before i get to the review, i would like to first give a shout out to all the members on this site i have dealt with and hope to deal with in the future.  I am able to try a lot of equipment because of you wonderful members.  If a ball doesnt work out or i dont like it, i meet a lot of good people on this site with the same problem and make a swap of equipment.  Kudos to all on this site, i have had no problems yet, you guys are the best and first class.

I noticed as i went over the list of balls, i tend to post my reviews too early.  I dont get adequate games on a ball and try it on different shots.  The most important thing for me in a ball is versatility.  By versatility, i mean i can play a range of patterns, different speeds, and different revolutions and the ball AMPLIFIES, not hinders, my game.  I think everyone looks for that in a ball and if it doesnt meet my standards, i trade it.

I got the rip in a trade for a recovery.  The recovery only worked on well oiled heads and stripped backends.  Even then the ball was a little squirty but i scored well with it.  As soon as there was any carrydown, the margin of error went down to about 1 board.  I am not that good, i admit it.

Finally, to the review of the rip.

16# Reaction rip - 3" pin first drilled label leverage - Cg in center of grip and pin 1 1/2" to the right of ring finger.  Didnt like the span or feel, got a few shots off and blah, horrid reaction.  Not to mention i already have a reactive drilled label so i went to an exotic drill on the rip.  Plugged the fingers only.  Put the pin below my ring finger, kicked the cg to the right an inch from my midline.  Now I have the cg below my midline quite a bit for some thumb weight.  Now old thumb hole, way too small for my hand, is a new weight hole that i think brings the ball back to positive finger.  Ball is highly polished.

I took this ball out on a flat 5 to 5 really heavy oil pattern.  It wasnt too long, to about 34 ft i believe.  Backends were not stripped, some carrydown.  I really, really like this ball.  I can play anywhere from 4 boards all the way to 30 and get it to carry well.  Definition of versitile.  I hope the cover holds up and i will keep this one hopefull for a while.

I took this ball out the next day on a pattern to 42 but stripped and same thing.  Hard charge to the pocket and excellent carry.  Should stay in the bag for a while joining the...

Long and Heavy - Predator - Dulled 400
Heavy Carrydown - Spirit Dulled - 600
Medium Heavy- Buzzsaw Carbite C Pearl - Polished
Medium - Rip - Polished
Medium light - Hex - Polished
Spare - Basketball

I will have to remove one, think six is a little much.



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« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2002, 01:25:41 PM »
I read alot of ball reviews in an attempt to help decide which would best suit the type of reaction to a particular condition that i am looking for.
  I don't put alot into where the pin is or top weight or my axis tilt or any of those other very technical terms when reading a review because they are misleading to what is the actual potential of the ball.  In other words a ball will only do what the bowler has it do; bottom line however I have a ball set up, it probably won't react the same for you as it would for me.  So when it comes to a review you should be only interestd in what a ball can and cant do.

  With that said, the rip is a very good rolling, very predictable with good backend best if used on a mediun oil condition with fairly clean backends.

  Not a good dry lane ball even though it has alot of length, will loose too much energy getting through the heads, and because of its length usualy not a good ball to play across the boards unless your on a dry condition with a little haed oil and oil in the center of the lane.
  In heavy oil goes too long unless sanded then sanding makes it roll earlier which takes from its backend.  

  So this ball is best for a medium oil condition with clean backends. Exactly what columbia said it was for.  

  For what its meant for it is a great ball that everyone should have in their bag.