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Author Topic: REACTION Roll  (Read 18113 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Who else but Columbia 300® could combine the crucial elements of power and performance so beautifully? The new ReactionTM Ricochet and Roll are the result of two years of R&D testing and development, with one goal in mind - to create a two ball arsenal that provides superb hooking power with increased durability. The Reaction Roll is designed for heavy oil in the front and midlane, producing a strong curve and continuous backend reaction. This all made possible by and enhanced version of our TECTM coverstock called MegaTECTM. The Reaction Ricochet was developed to provide maximum backend reaction on most common lane conditions. Its pearlized reactive coverstock is enhanced with an explosive combination of TEC2TM and Holo-FlexTM particles. The Reaction Ricochet and Roll. Whichever one you use, you'll agree Columbia 300 has truly developed the formula for success.  Specs for the REACTION Roll are: Coverstock: MegaTECTM Factory Finish is a 600 Grit Sheen Finish; Core: Dense core body, Medium dense energy flip blocks; RG: 2.490; Differential .043; Hook: 30 Flare: 4" - 6"



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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2001, 10:39:15 PM »
Just one word: WOW!!!. I never thought Columbia could create a ball that could hook this much. The ball comes in dull with a similar finish to the Rock On but is much more difficult to polish. I gave the ball a 4 3/4 by 4 1/2 layout. The first time I threw it I just put on a light amount of polish yet this ball still hooked about 15 to 20 boards more than my Rock On. Though it hooks this much it still cleared the head well. Then I called Columbia to tell them what I thought. They suggested polishing it with their Tec Shine. Put some Tec Shine on it and the ball did shine up easier. When throwing it this way the ball got to the break point even easier but still had an amazing amount of hook. The ball flares 8" plus and sucks up oil fast. FOR THOSE BOWLERS LOOKING FOR RAW POWER THIS IS THE BALL FOR YOU!


Charlie Lacy

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« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2001, 12:39:54 PM »
Columbia just hit the jackpot of massive hook with this ball.
I drilled mine 4x2 with a 320 compound shine and what a great
roll and large hook. This ball does not give up when lost right
and gives tremendous carry on off hits. Angle of entry is still
hard left even playing left of 3Rd arrow.


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« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2001, 09:53:32 AM »
16 lbs. 1.75 oz top weight. Drilled 4 x 4 no extra hole needed due the low top.
PAP   - is 5 3/4ver  3/4 up.
SPEED - 16-17 mph
REVS  - Slightly above average. Most would call me a tweener.
LANE CONDITION - Fresh 36 feet, stripped back ends. Heavier oil down the middle. Typical house shot that is easy to find the pocket. Heavier oil outside the 5 board on both sides of the lane, If you swing the ball too steeply and get out past 5 at the break point you will leave a wash out.

As a comparison I 1st threw a Rock On drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 with a weight hole
on the VAL and horizontal grip line. The Rock On to flush the pocket was 23 to the 7 board. This gave a couple of boards on either side to still hit the pocket.

Reaction Roll out hooked this Rock On by 12 boards. This is the largest hooking ball I have ever thrown. Similar arc pattern to the Rock On. Smooth continuous arc and powerful hit. It also gave more room for error to still hit and carry all ten.  This is definitely a heavy oil ball. On a medium condition like the one I tested this on you will have to bag it before you can finish all 3 games, too much ball for a medium fresh back end condition.


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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2001, 08:29:28 PM »
I had this ball drilled last week for very heavy oil. I picked a layout where the backend reaction of this ball would be roll, that way it wouldn't squirt on heavy oil. It had a 4 inch pin with 2 3/4 ounces topweight.

I tried this ball on freshly oiled synthetic lanes. The shot is a basic wet-dry with the insides pretty heavily oiled and the outside dry. I found that with the Reaction Roll, even keeping it inside of 5 this ball was still way too much. I was standing 25, which is much further left than i normally stand and was throwing from 15 to 7 and having trouble keeping the ball from coming up heavy or crossing.

But when i did keep it on the right side of the head pin the hit was good and the carry was good without any 10 pins. And I do have to say that the hook was definately stronger with the Reaction Roll than my Red Monster and my Trauma ER.

Overall I would have to say this ball is an excellent ball to have in your bag for heavy oil. I give it a 9.99 out of 10 because of its tremendous hook.


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« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2001, 11:10:55 PM »
I drilled the first one of these balls for one of my customers on the evening of 7 September. This player's profile is medium speed high roll, pretty much down and in. The ball had a pin set 3" from CG. I set the plane of rotation up on a line bisecting the arcs drawn on 2" from the mass bias, 2" from the pin, and through the intersection of an arc 33/8 from the pin and 5" from the mass bias. This ball rips! The player was getting anywhere from 5-6" of flare and the ball was really chewing up the pins. A very agressive ball that handles heavy oil without much of a problem and still provides a continuous back end reaction to provide serious pin carry. Columbia does it again.


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« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2001, 11:24:59 AM »

I just received the Roll Tuesday. I bowled in league Thursday night. The ball surprised me a bit. I throw mid 16's to 17 mph with medium hand. I was told it hooked more than a Rock On, which I currently have, they were right. Other people in the league had problems getting the ball to get back to the pocket. I did not. I stood at 30 and swung it from 15 out to 8 and it came back and hit like a freight train. Good ball for heavy oil and carry down. Put it away for the second shift or fried heads. I give this ball a solid 9 out of 10.


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« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2001, 10:27:29 PM »
Drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8
Hole on VAL down straight across from thumb.

Modified thumb leverage

I have tried just about every ball and this
one outhooks them all.
That includes the Rock-ON, Evo. Tour, and Colossus.

Tried on a variety of lane conditions
usually too much ball except for med-heavy to heavy.

Carry is good with oil but as to be expected
roll-out with dry.

I would bet this would be an awesome ball polished.

This is definetly the biggest hooker out right now.


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« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2001, 06:28:01 PM »
This ball hooks alot on heavy oil but one of the weakest hitting ball i ever throw.

Chris Postel

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« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2002, 07:27:56 PM »
I just had this ball drilled up for an earlier roll than my stacked drilled ROCK ON that I had previously.  This ball does what the name says.  It rolls so smooth down the lane and it hits pretty well, but then again, throwing a ball with more roll than backend makes a difference with power because the later the snap creates more pin action from what I have noticed so far.  Not a bad ball for what I was looking for. I threw it from about 15-5 on a synthetic wet wall shot.  I had it drilled where the pin is parallel away from the ring finger about 1 inch and the cg was about 2 inches down and 1/8 to right.  

Ball rolls nice and smooth and another tip is if you get it, don't loft that much because you will leave up some corner pins. Great ball from Columbia.


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« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2002, 01:13:25 PM »
my ball is drilled with the pin at 2 oclock and the cg dropped 3 inches below it .....the ball really starts to hook in the midlane where you want a heavy oil ball to work.the roll is predicatble and arc's nicely to the pocket.the lanes i play on are med to heavy conditions so i applied a light coat of polish.i think the ball goes a little longer and its not so aggresive and therefore for me more predictable.if you play tournaments,i would suggest having this ball in your bag.when the conditions call for a ball that moves in oil and will finish,this is the one.i love the rock on,but this ball will roll earlier and be better when they flood the lanes.


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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2002, 04:27:15 PM »
Great ball for heavy oil.  Raised my average from 182 to 193.  I bowl at Fountain Bowl and Sport shot tournaments at Cal Bowl (both lanes in so. cal).  Perfect ball for heavy oil!  Buyer beware, make sure that the person drilling your ball knows how to drill it up, I had a friend who took the same ball to someone who is not his regular proshop, and the ball was flat.  I took the ball to some desert dry lanes where I sometimes sub for a friend's team and the ball literally hooked at my feet.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO THROW THIS BALL ONTO DRY LANES!!!  I'd give this ball a 10 out of 10 for heavy lanes, but probably a 2 out of 10 for the only ball in your arsenal.  = )  happy bowling!


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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2002, 12:50:00 PM »
I drilled this ball to compliment my Reaction Ricochet and Reaction RIP.  I needed something that started a bit sooner, and would cut through carrydown and heavier patterns, but not hit like fluffy marshmallows (**cough**BRUNSWICK**cough**).

Out of box specs:  pin out 3", 3 3/4 oz. top weight, 15.3 lbs.

My Ricochet and RIP are both layed out in a 5 x 5 pattern, that gives good length and smooth backend turn.  I wanted this ball to start sooner and roll harder, but didn't want to vary too far from this layout.  Its worked great on both the Ricochet and RIP, so I just slightly altered it for the ROLL.

I set the ROLL up in a 5 x 5 1/2 pattern, pin just above the ring finger, CG in grip center, and mass bias right next to thumb on weak (left) side.  This put the mass bias in my track.

DEFINITELY A WINNER!  Used the ROLL in a college tournament this weekend for the first time.  My Ricochet wasn't finishing, and my Rock-On just rolled out on me.  With this ball I was sliding on 25 and pitching over 15 at the arrows.  The ROLL made it out to around 10, and at about 42 feet turned over and mowed thru the pocket.  SWEET roll, intense carry.  When it hits the pocket, there is nothing that can stop it.  I left a few 10 pins, but no 8s or 9s, despite how hard the ball hit.

Had to put it up after the 2nd game, I had to move too deep for it to retain enough energy.  Thats to be expected though, with an agressive ball like this.  Only negative-did not swish pins very well for such a powerful reaction.  Light hits resulted in lots of 7 pins. Other that, a real winner.

9 out of 10, loses a point for versatility, but DEFINITELY the ball for long, heavy patterns.  I've never had a ball that rolls like this.  Very nice job Columbia for developing the BEST arsenal I've ever seen.  By far, REACTION is the most complete line I've ever had.  I'm not sure where the ARC will fit in, but might have to try it anyway.
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2002, 04:42:45 PM »
Good Real good
I have only had this ball for 2 weeks but it seems very very good. It is pritty much like the rock on but has a bit sharper backend than the rock on but sdame classic pin reaction. So if you both balls like me use the rck on, on pitty oily lanes and the reation rool on heavy oiled lanes.
Overall rating: 8 1/2 out of 10 (hookes a bit too much, can olny be used on a few lanes.)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2002, 09:33:00 PM »
OIL, you will need lots of it. I have never thrown a ball that hooks like this. The Roll has the consistency that Columbia normally has in their equipment.

This ball hits hard, has a great drive though the pins and and tremendous arc into pocket.

The one thing about it that bothers me is that it is very high maintenance. You have to clean it and clean it often......and sand it......because this thing soaks oil up like there is no tomorrow

Great ball, columbia did a great job here This ball is a stron 9 out of 10
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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