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Author Topic: REACTION Roll  (Read 18112 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Who else but Columbia 300® could combine the crucial elements of power and performance so beautifully? The new ReactionTM Ricochet and Roll are the result of two years of R&D testing and development, with one goal in mind - to create a two ball arsenal that provides superb hooking power with increased durability. The Reaction Roll is designed for heavy oil in the front and midlane, producing a strong curve and continuous backend reaction. This all made possible by and enhanced version of our TECTM coverstock called MegaTECTM. The Reaction Ricochet was developed to provide maximum backend reaction on most common lane conditions. Its pearlized reactive coverstock is enhanced with an explosive combination of TEC2TM and Holo-FlexTM particles. The Reaction Ricochet and Roll. Whichever one you use, you'll agree Columbia 300 has truly developed the formula for success.  Specs for the REACTION Roll are: Coverstock: MegaTECTM Factory Finish is a 600 Grit Sheen Finish; Core: Dense core body, Medium dense energy flip blocks; RG: 2.490; Differential .043; Hook: 30 Flare: 4" - 6"


supa horce85

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« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2002, 09:19:08 PM »
I must say i was not impressed with this ball, hey if theres oil on the backend dont even take it out of the bag, it'll go nowhere.

Ed Ford

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« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2002, 07:52:58 PM »

I bought this ball for heavy oil and had it drilled to enhance its designed in characteristics - early roll with a smooth arc to the pocket.
Our league conditions are walled, having 60 units of oil 8 to 8, 35 feet down, with fresh back ends on new synthetic lanes. The first  time I used the ball in the fresh oil it did just what it was designed to do. Rev'd early in the heads, continued strong through the midlane, found the dry and moved - 206 first game on fresh (5 minutes old) oil. This is definitely a heavy oil ball which does all that it was advertised to do. I am expecting much higher scoring in league from now on.
Good job Columbia. On a scale of 1 to 10 a definite 10 on the conditions it was designed for.
Note: review my profile if you want to see if your style matches mine.


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« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2002, 03:04:16 PM »
Purchased my Roll about 6 months ago.  A fantastic ball for me in local tournaments.
I have left this ball dull the whole time and it is the first piece I reach for on heavy oil.  I would think this ball would have little use on typical walled league conditions unless you shine it like glass or throw it 22 mph with 10 revs.  However, on more heavily oiled tournament-type conditions, this ball stands up nice for me and just locks in the pocket without rolling out dead.  Definitely not a back-end flipper for me, but that’s not what I want on oil anyway.  Gives early roll and control of breakpoint.  Lots of shots that you know are dead-flush 40 feet down the lane.  On the right condition, it sometimes seems like cheatin’ with this ball.  It’s also very clear when to put it away.  

One caveat about this ball (noted by LittleCrank2 in a previous post) is that this ball is extremely high-maintenance.  It soaks oil like a sponge.  In fact, owning this ball is what finally convinced me I needed my own ball spinner.  I clean it religiously after every use and like to sand it with 220-320.  This has allowed it to maintain it’s box reaction, at least for me.

I’ve never had enough oil to use it in league, but a must-have oiler for a stroker who bowls tournaments.

I don’t know too much about ball dynamics…I have it stacked leverage.  

My style is stroker/tweener, approx 15-16 mph, rpms probably low-to-mid 300s.  


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« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2002, 06:57:40 PM »
well i had been out of the loop for about 4 years so i needed to upgrade me equiptment and i did a lot of looking and studing and the roll seemed to be the best fit for me. i through it real hard (20-22 mph) but i always have. this ball has helped me out a huge amount. the 1st half of our league i was ave. around 180 and the secong half after i got my Roll i havent been under 620's scence. this ball has been my saving grace. my typical house condition in heavy through the middle so i can start on the middle dot throw over the 5-7 board and still make it back to the pocket and this is at 20 mph. for me that is a huge amount of hook. and i bowl with two other guys that r big swingers and not i can some what get some hook and i love it. great ball but like i have seen alot of people say it is high mataince. i found a scotchbrite pad to work the best. for ne one looking for a hooker this is it. big thanks to columbia for a good one!!

good luck and good bowling

Dave Mastropasqua

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« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2002, 03:19:30 PM »
I would best describe myself as a power stroker med revs and high ball speed about 16 MPH..This ball was drilled cg kicked out about 4 inches off my center of grip (where the mas bias is loctaed ) and the pin directly above the cg.. The ball had i woudl say 3-4 inch pin out..      *
                                             0 0
                                              .  cg

Thats basically what it looks like the dot being the little hand print the star being the pin and cg is the cg.. This ball gets into an early roll but doesnt over react, it gets great distance and about 35 feet to 40 feet down the lanes it snaps/ hard arc.. It continues through the deck no ball deflection at all.. I leave tons of 8's and 9's with this ball.. A great compliment to the trauma er when u are lookign for somehting a  bit more length with the same violent back end reaction.. I used to love columbias equipment (quake, cuda) but for a while they semed to be making some terible products, but seem to be back again with some good stuff

Zach Cauthron

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« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2002, 08:19:27 AM »
This ball has what you want. It has massive hook and has a excellent backend. I didn't have mine drilled for a huge hook but it just hits the lane and when it gets about 40 ft. down it hits like a monster truck. I had my first ever 300 with this ball and I carried my highest average ever with this ball. On oil no doubt about it this ball loves oil but on dry the ball fails. I am giving this ball a perfect 10 and thanks Charlie's Pro Shoppe!


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« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2002, 12:41:00 AM »
Yes, a very quality bowling ball.  I'm a righty, throw about 14-16 mph with high revs and med. axis.  This ball is big, but not huge.  I can hook it on any lane condition I see, however.  I have it drilled to hook super early but still big overall.  It's extremely smooth and predictable.  It has strong back end despite the early drill.  It also hits surprisingly well, because it doesn't always seem to get into the pocket at the preffered angle of entry.  This is a good oily-med. lane condition.  On league shots, it's my go-to ball because of how predictable it is.  On sport shots, it's a little too big usually, unless they go really long on the oil.  I give this ball an 88% grade.  I'm very happy with it so far, but wouldn't rush out to by another.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2002, 07:07:38 PM »
This ball is one of the worst balls on the market.  I don't know the drilling nor do I know the cover finish.  All I know is that it rolls flat and hits weak.  I play down and in with slow speed and low revs.  I leave a lot of 10 pins and 5 pins and 5/10 and 8/10 combinations.   It hits weak and rolls flat and carries terrible.  Out of 1 to 10 I give this ball a 1.  


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« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2002, 03:33:53 AM »
i think is your problem, because i got see other plp use the same ball us u but thier hitting is like a bomb. u say your ball speed is slow n low rev, this ball need speed n rev to play real well.
!! Sometime is the Bowler than make the error not the LANE !!


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« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2002, 08:00:49 PM »
I went from a light hooking impact zone to the reaction roll and my average has increased 25 pins and rising everyday. I throw a low rev shot usually standing at the 33 board with a 1 board heel placement. I throw acroos the 15 board usually hooking out to the 10 and then coming back hard to the pocket. I love this ball, it impresses me with its driving action. since purchasing this ball i went from a high game of 235 to a high game of 256. my high sereis was 572 and i have recently hit a 650 twice. In severely dry lanes i can put this ball in the bag, but i rarely do that, mostly i just pick up my speed to compensate for the oil or if i have to i pull out my quantum and finish the sereis. I would highly recomend this ball to any low rever. the date is 1/22/03 i have to now change my reveiw of this ball after a while with the ball it is just uncontrollable one night its awesome the next night it sucks. it died in the stretch i have now switched to storm products and thats another review......


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« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2002, 10:37:59 AM »
I (my ego) was having trouble with always being the low man on our team. I had a 157 average and didn't know how to improve it using the "hammer ball" that I had bought second hand. I bought the "Reaction Roll" and within two weeks I started  bowling 200+ games on a regular basis. Within a month I had bowled a 289 game and a 706 series. Quite dramatic! I was really enjoying bowling. Now I also have to tell you that I changed just about everything in my delivery due to the way this ball hooks. I like this ball for the first game, and usually half of the second game too. Then I need to change balls (Reaction Rev) for the remainder of the night. Just this week I bowled a 299 with the Reaction Rev in the last game. I have had this ball for 27 games now and I can use my same marks and speed when I change balls. This is a great 2 ball combination, and I recomend it to anyone who wants to be more competitive. It has been almost one year since I bought my Reaction Roll and my average is now 193.


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« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2003, 12:37:42 PM »
This is a very condition-specific and style-specific ball.

If you have even medium revs or remotely slow speed, this ball will roll out somewhere around the arrows! I had mine drilled with a negative pin position above the fingers with positive weight (Ball had a 4.5" pin) in hopes of retaining some energy for the backend... NOPE! Ball still rolled at my feet!  It hit like a tank but the break point was almost impossible to control.

Since the break point and overall hook on this ball is so hard to predict this ball should work beautifully for people who have no break point! In other words, if you have little hand in the ball and throw really hard (e.g. someone like Dave Traber or Butch Soper) then this is the ball of your dreams!

Me, personally... I gave mine away.  I later asked the guy I gave it to how he was doing with it and guess what? He gave it away too! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


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« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2003, 03:59:30 PM »
Well here's another review on the roll.  I was very surprised to see what other people had to say about this ball.  I purchased this ball about a year ago and it been a cannon.  I use it mostly for tournament conditions 1st ball out, or spotty, or flooded house conditions. I found it to be over under on longer oil patterns which also had o/b 8 to 8 or so.  Extreme dry backs, makes this ball too strong for its purpose.  On dry backs, I'll grab something else and have fun.  I've never shot over 269 with this ball, but I've shot a ton of 220's to 260's with this ball.  
     To make thangs short and sweet check it out......I will give you a good review that will hopefully be helpful for you..

      I'm RH: 210+ average: Cranker: low back swing, speed 20mph,
Ball heavy 15lbs, pin 3" out: Drilled @ 1:30: pin to the left of ringfinger about 1" over and down about an 1" (typical label drill) little side weight.
    I played with the cover stock all the around from 320 to 1200, with and with out polish.
    320 grit (a straight dud): heavy arc then rolls out, no recovery on heavy oil (3)
    600 sheen out of Box: lots of 8's and 9's strong arc hard hitter, heavy med oil (7)
    800 with light polish: cleaner through heads, better carry, no 8's or 9's but found 10's and 4's on occasion,(no biggie, just adjust) way more versitle (10)
    1000 grit seemed to be getting skid flippy, it lost the hard arc and got a sanp, not effective for what the ball needs to do (6)    
      I like how the ball has a heavy roll and how easy it is to dial in and control.  I was looking for more length but of course got more length and the snap.  I never found a good match changing the cover up with this drill.
    I found this ball worked well for me with about a 800 grit w/ polsih.  I needed more length and a cleaner read through the heads so thats why the polish (burnt in light).  The low Rg's and drill makes this ball want to hook off of your hand. NOT ALL WAYS GOOD.  This ball is very strong and I can play damn near coast to coast (BUT THIS IS NOT A COAST TO COAST BALL) YOU MUST PLAY THE LANES AND TAKE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU OR SWITCH BALLS.
   I had this ball re-drilled WEAKER, and I've already thrown it,and oooh weee. Peep out my next review, and I'll tell you all about it...


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« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2003, 01:39:24 PM »
I bought this ball about a year ago and wow. I have never seen a ball hook so much. When I was in a league, this ball is great, but once you start getting in dry lanes, watch out. This ball will hook the entire lane without you doing anything. Truly amazing. But by time it gets to the pins, it's lost a lot of energy and will leave a corner pin every time. So, this is a good ball only if the lanes are swamped. I rate it 6/10.
There is only one way to get rid of nuclear weapons...USE THEM!   -Rush Limbaugh  


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« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2003, 05:54:17 AM »
When I got this ball I was just getting back into the game and I was told taht this was the ball for me.  It was drilled with max flare and when I took it out on the lanes it rolled well for about a month.  I cleaned it and made sure I took care of it.  Well it loss the characteristics i was use to.  It didn't move, it hooked before the arrow and hit like it was a pillow.  No pin action at all.  Well a few weeks ago I was told to maybr polish it up and it might make a difference.  I had it polished at 800 grit and it is a complete different ball.  It goes longer, carries everything, and just very controlable.  Good ball but not worth what I paid for it.  I still would rather pull out my matrix 2 or savage.