Well here's another review on the roll. I was very surprised to see what other people had to say about this ball. I purchased this ball about a year ago and it been a cannon. I use it mostly for tournament conditions 1st ball out, or spotty, or flooded house conditions. I found it to be over under on longer oil patterns which also had o/b 8 to 8 or so. Extreme dry backs, makes this ball too strong for its purpose. On dry backs, I'll grab something else and have fun. I've never shot over 269 with this ball, but I've shot a ton of 220's to 260's with this ball.
To make thangs short and sweet check it out......I will give you a good review that will hopefully be helpful for you..
I'm RH: 210+ average: Cranker: low back swing, speed 20mph,
Ball heavy 15lbs, pin 3" out: Drilled @ 1:30: pin to the left of ringfinger about 1" over and down about an 1" (typical label drill) little side weight.
I played with the cover stock all the around from 320 to 1200, with and with out polish.
320 grit (a straight dud): heavy arc then rolls out, no recovery on heavy oil (3)

600 sheen out of Box: lots of 8's and 9's strong arc hard hitter, heavy med oil (7)

800 with light polish: cleaner through heads, better carry, no 8's or 9's but found 10's and 4's on occasion,(no biggie, just adjust) way more versitle (10)
1000 grit seemed to be getting skid flippy, it lost the hard arc and got a sanp, not effective for what the ball needs to do (6)
I like how the ball has a heavy roll and how easy it is to dial in and control. I was looking for more length but of course got more length and the snap. I never found a good match changing the cover up with this drill.
I found this ball worked well for me with about a 800 grit w/ polsih. I needed more length and a cleaner read through the heads so thats why the polish (burnt in light). The low Rg's and drill makes this ball want to hook off of your hand. NOT ALL WAYS GOOD. This ball is very strong and I can play damn near coast to coast (BUT THIS IS NOT A COAST TO COAST BALL) YOU MUST PLAY THE LANES AND TAKE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU OR SWITCH BALLS.
I had this ball re-drilled WEAKER, and I've already thrown it,and oooh weee. Peep out my next review, and I'll tell you all about it...