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Author Topic: ROCK ON  (Read 21613 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Columbia 300(r) announces the introduction of the ROCK ON(tm). The ball is
available immediately and cleared for PBA regional competition beginning
January 12 and national competition January 15. The ball features Columbia's
TEC2(tm) cover stock. The ROCK ON is available in Deep Purple with Peach
engraving. It is available in weights of 12-16 lbs. The ROCK ON is one hook
monster designed for heavy oil. It features the TEC2 (patent pending) shell.
The secret lies in the new core shape and heavily loaded TEC2 particle
shell. The core concentrates the weight near the center of the ball for
maximum roll. The large, dense flip block adds to the flare potential for
more hook. This ball has a .052 differential Rg for 5-6 inches of flare. The
high TEC2 particle loading puts more teeth in the shell to bite through the
heavy oil. This ball will grab the lane through the oil for a mid lane hook
and create a strong curving backend. The ROCK ON offers a hook rating of 28.



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« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2001, 10:26:07 AM »
I drilled the Rock On with the pin 5 inches from my pap and the cg is kicked out.  The pin placement helps the ball get down the lane.  This drilling is good for medium heavy-heavy oil, but not the flood.  This ball is more angular than my rock and the carry and pin action is better than the original rock.


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« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2001, 04:25:50 PM »
My Rock On is a pin out 2-3 inches.  The ball is drilled with the pin in the 2:00 position in relation the the ring finger but almost touching the ring finger.  The CG is kicked out 2 inches from center of grip.  The lane condition was typical house blend (heavy oil in the middle with recovery room outside the 8 board).  The ball when first drilled was nothing short of amazing.  This ball worked well in heavy oil, but did not over react once the lanes broke down.  I found some minor lane damage in that I found some small knicks in the ball.  The knicks were not deep at all.  I used 400 grit sandpaper and sanded up to 600, before adding Particle Polish.  When I had the ball resurfaced, I lost all reaction from it.  I have always had the ball polished with Ebonite' Particle Polish, but after the resurfacing, I lost the reaction it had from out of the box.  Now, the ball reacts the same as my Rock Star.  The Rock On went from a heavy rolling ball in the mid lane with continuous back end to medium roll with controlled back end.  This ball is great out of the box, but be careful when you decide to resurface it. I recommend contacting Columbia 300 for suggestions as to how to resurface this ball without risking the loss of reaction.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2001, 01:01:03 PM »
I have two Rock On's.  One was drilled leverage the straight up.  Both ball's reacted great out of the box.  After about 50 games they lost their bite.  Resurfaced each ball and still no reaction like new.  Great balls out of the box, but has a very short life.


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« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2002, 11:37:47 AM »
I have the rock on. I love this ball. Has a great back end action. The only problem i have is that it leaves a lot of 10 pins, also. I have seen that if you move half a board to the left if your a righty. OVerall i have to give this ball a 9 out of 10 also.


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« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2002, 02:59:14 PM »
I decided to get this ball about 3 months ago in hopeof improving my average. I bowl at a small bowling ally in england called uksuperbowl in huddersfield. Before i got it my average was 160 with a high series of 672. now 3 months on i average 182 with a high series of 744. All i can say is if you are a hook bowler like me get this ball NOW it is amazing (on oiled lanes) if you bowl at a dry ally then foget it cos this baby likes no loves the oil. It goes pritty long through the oil then when it hits the backend it Snaps and boy does it hook! Not only that but when it hits the pins they go straight down with no hint of staying up. So in conclusion if you are a hook bowler bowling at an oiled centre then buy this now and your average will go up and up and up!!
Overall rating 9/10 (i have yet to find a perfect ball but this is close!)


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« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2002, 12:18:50 PM »
The only ball you need. I bowl at a house that alternates between oil and massive dry lanes. I used the ball fri night and got nothing but strikes and 2 9's at the end. This ball hit so hard i broke one of the pins. Ball hooked real nice and hit the pocket real solid. I wouldnt buy another ball except for this one if there was a 2nd one to it.


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« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2002, 03:18:32 PM »
hooks alot in the beginning, after you get alot of games, doesnt hook as much,LEAVES 10 PINS LIKE CRAZY.if you come in light, you will carry everything.7 1/2 out of 10


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« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2002, 01:49:10 PM »
I have this ball in 16-pounds with a 2-inch pin, I have this ball drilled in the 12 o'clock position with the CG inthe palm area.

I've had this ball for about 8-months or so.

The first time I used this ball is on a first shift league with heavy oil the ball was a hook monster (that's before oil sets in)the first time I used this ball I bowled 279,300,260 = 839 series. Then of course these kinds of bowling balls, this ball holds alot of oil (with regular cleaning you can help keep this ball for the long term)


i like columbia stuffs

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« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2002, 10:46:59 PM »
hi all! i got this ball awhile back.. and when i first tried it out.. it was hook monster! But as a particle ball it eats oil like no tommorrow.. but with regular cleaning you can keep the TEC life span for longer peroid. i have a litle question.. of this ball though is the ROCK ON discontinued? if it is why so? thanks


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« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2002, 01:15:42 PM »
This is the best ball i have ever is very predictable and hits harder than any other ball in my bag...its awesome

Jerry Weller

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« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2002, 07:45:22 PM »
Most folks loved this one so I'm not going to say this is a bad ball -- just a bad ball for me.

Myself: High rotation tweener (60 degree), 16-17 mph speed, around 12-14 revs

Drilled: Stack Leverage

I've tried this box with every surface I can think of from out of box to sanded. No matter what I do, it hooks a ton (usually a hard arch backend) but it gets the pins too high and leaves 10 pins. The core just does too good a job of saving side roll energy for my style.

I tried the same ball with a special trick release I have using my ring and pinky finger -- this one allows me to throw the ball end over end with about 8 revs like a stroker. With this weaker, but more end over end release the ball actually pops the rack pretty good even when played inside the oil line.

My take is the Rock On would probably be a pretty good oil ball for a stroker looking to open up the lane a little and it might work for a cranker who really revs it up, but I was in tweener hell with it. Too much ball to play in the dry and too little to play the oil.

I've heard from several players that the Rock On dies -- I can neither confirm nor deny that with my own experience as mine only had 30 games on it and was never worth a hoot in the first place in my hands.

I just finished trading this ball for a Visionary Gargoyle with a very straight, very accurate stroker friend who has a very up the back style. I will update things with his opinion of the ball after he's had it a few weeks -- he generally loves Columbia equipment and it may well be a winner in his hands. Of course I generally think highly of Columbia myself so who can say?


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« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2002, 02:44:51 PM »
This is one of the best balls i have ever thrown. Although this ball is a hooking monster the ball's high hooking ability allows me to throw a faster shot. Out of all of the rocks (Rock, Rock Star, Rock Pearl, Classic Rock) I feel this may be the best!


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« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2002, 05:27:00 PM »
This ball is a really big disappoint.  Perhaps my biggest flop of all time of all i have thrown, tested and reviewed.

16# Rock on - 3" pin drilled leverage - Pin next to ring ringer 1" away and cg kicked out 1" from midline.  Small weighthole.  Highly polished.

First, on a very positive note.  This ball has one of the best cores i have ever had the pleasure of throwing.  It transitions very well from skid to hook, it rolls and revs beautifully.  Negatively, they put a tec cover on it and needless to say the ball died on me after 50 games.  But the hook and hit was good before then.  So plan B to try to get my moneys worth.

Plugged it and redrilled it so i could get some fresh particles.  This time pin below and between fingers and cg kicked out 1 1/2 inches from midline.  I managed to get another 50 out of it before it died.

I really love this core, i think columbia put this core in the wicked.  If that is true, I will have to pick one of those with a powerful reactive cover.  Should be lethal in the hands of a bowler with a lot of hand like me.



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« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2002, 12:27:57 PM »
Ladies and Gentlemen The Rock On is a ball that is for heavy oil conditions, like I posted in my other reviews I am a ferm believer in the pro shop person that drills the ball is the person you have to trust, My boss that drills my balls is extremely knowledgeable of the person he drills the ball for.  He willwatch you throw some ball and drill the ball the way you want it drilled,and not the way most pro shop drillers do it.  He will spend the time discussing the ball with you, like I said He knows what he is doing! Like I said before I do not turn the ball very much so he drills the ball with maximum turn do to the weight block.  With the [Sanction oiling machine] we have a very consistent shot and the ROCK ON cuts threw the oil like butter. So if you want the ball to hook alot, {First discuss this with person who is drilling the ball, if they blow you off and spend 5 minutes talking with you then I would look for someother person to do my drilling}Purchase the Columbia ROCK ON


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« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2002, 09:08:09 AM »
I agree with most of what you say about this ball!  My experience with it has been somewhat erratic.
  When I first bought this ball last year I had a lot of trouble controlling it as it was radically different than my other equipment. but I wanted something for those heavy oil shots.

  At the start of this season I found the line with this ball and it became the first ball out for me every night!  That is until about 3 weeks ago the proprietor buffed the backend of the lanes and I have not been able to throw it since.  I still have this ball ready and waiting for the backends to come around or if I get back to the oily conditions I bought it for.

I am a Right handed thrower with a little more speed than average and a lot of hand straight behind the ball that is drilled MAX.  The line I finally found with it was different than what I imagined as I needed to move right and find the oil line and throw pretty much straight down the oil line.  If I missed right then it would storm back and if I missed left it would slide nicely until the dry backends and then would simply snap the pins to the pit.

I still will give this ball a 9 out of 10 points as I am confident that the shot will be back soon!
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