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Author Topic: Rock  (Read 23184 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The ROCK is an intense ball that features a break-through cover stock technology featuring Columbia's NEW exclusive TEC2 (patent pending) shell. TEC2 features an enhanced lane-gripping additive that bites through oil without hollow glass microspheres or hard particles found in other balls. The ROCK offers 4-5 inches of flare with a low Rg of 2.513 and a medium differential Rg of .046. This low Rg core, combined with our aggressive TEC2 shell, creates a strong hook in heavy oil. The core offers an efficient use of the dense mass that surrounds the ball's center. The ROCK has a hook rating of 26.5. The ROCK PEARL has a hook rating of 22.



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Re: Rock
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2000, 11:53:52 AM »
 The rock solid is very good ball. Hooks like hell when brand new. The problem is it loses its steam quite quickly. Some say after 60 games this ball is a dud. I  only used my mine for barely 3 months. I have quite a number of friends who have this same ball. As of the moment we are all trying to find a replacement for it. I wonder if it has anything to do with the TEC. We're kind of scared to purchase some of the other Columbia balls with TEC because it's not exactly worth your money

Cuda/C Man

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Re: Rock
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2000, 10:16:19 PM »
...The Rock is awesome! This ball hits hard and is very predictable!

   It doesn't "snap" on the backend like most reactive balls do - this ball is both powerful and controlable!

   The first night I used the Rock, it took me two games to dial it in - but I still managed 20 strikes for the series!! I left ONE 10-pin on the last ball of the night!

   I was wondering what all the hype about TEC-surfaced balls losing their hook was all about? Please let me in on it!

   Thanks and good bowling!!

                Cuda/C Man

matt smith

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Re: Rock
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2000, 08:17:16 PM »

got this driled the other day. it was the second drilling for medium lanes. i think that it was sumpin like 4X4 1/2.

this ball rolls great and even with this medium drilling it still turns the corner harder than any ball i have ever bowled with. it carries well. ill relate the carry to another modern ball that i got drilled that day. the matrix III. the matrix is maxed out and the rock still hooks more than the tps III and carries much better. i have bowled about 30-40 games with it so far and it hardly has a dent or scratch on it. so far so hasnt died.

definitly a ball for real sloppy wet not underestimate the hook on this ball. with the medium drilling on this ball my jaw dropped to the ground when i saw this thing hook.

i bowl at about 25 km/h and have average revs. i am currently standing an extra 7 boards left of where i normally do.....and puting less revs on it just so i can use it.

overall a great ball....when i can use it. good for the start of tounies when there is oil. carries corners well. overall 8.5 on the smith scale.
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/

Vic Santos

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Re: Rock
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2001, 11:45:25 AM »
just got the Rock more than a month ago. to try how effective this ball is, i have to travel nearly 140 miles (back and forth)to be able to play on a freshly oiled lanes. i was not the only one surprised with its hooking power but my co-bowlers too. but the Rock does not perform in medium/dry oil lanes. don't try and you will be disappointed.

a great ball from Columbia and definitely a favorite after the Mass Chaos.

thank you Columbia and Paul Meyer who provided me with the Rock and who has given me professional advices.

will post another review later on.

frank marino

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Re: Rock
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2001, 06:31:28 PM »
i used the rock for the last 2 weeks now, this ball leaves a lot of ten pins

regardles where i move to.

i am always in the pocket with this ball

just don,t take out the ten pin for me.

could be the house itself


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Re: Rock
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2001, 12:42:35 PM »

I feel out of place posting here because I'm a amateur bowler but what they hey. I bought the Rock because of it's rave reviews and I'm very pleased with it. It's only a 13 pounder but it still carries a good hook. I've found that having to throw a 13 pounder it's hard to find a ball that can have a good hook and reaction. I'm very pleased with the Rock but watch out on dry lanes. I've haven't had to move that much on the approach before for when the dry go dry.


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Re: Rock
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2001, 08:54:20 PM »
i got my rock drilled stack leverage with the pin about 3/4 in. outside of my grip and my cg is just inside my grip between my thumb and ring finger.

i left it in the box finish and i have been completely impressed with my results with this ball. even though it is a particle ball and probably has between 200-250 games on it, it is still an outstanding ball. it didn't eat up the oil as quick as i thought like most particle equipment. it doesn't hook as much as it used to, but it still moves and it still demolishes the pocket. at first it was a good heavy pattern ball, but now i like it for carrydown, so i can open up the lane then switch to a more backend ball.. which would be my cuda 2000.. i give the rock a solid 9.. it would be a 10, but sometimes with it's strong breakpoint and entry angle, it sometimes leaves a hard 8 or heavy 9


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Re: Rock
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2001, 06:10:48 PM »
I am a stroker, 16 mph with not much hand. Typical shot is down and in except with this ball. The ball is drilled for maximum leverage with box finish. Have used on both wood and synthetics. House patterns are both oiled to 36 feet 10 to 10. I have done well with this ball as it matches my shot. Does not generate a lot of pin reaction, (messengers), and it will leave a few corner pins. I find the ball very predictable responding to hand position ajustments and lane adjustments for the changing shot. It is not a short oil ball for me. I find it very affective with carry down when other balls are leaving corner pins. The one thing I did notice is that the more games it is used the less the ball will hoke. Have had the ball cleaned and resurfaced on a regular bases and was unable to restore its initial coverage. This could be the end of the season reaction as part of the lane break down, I don't know. It is a keeper for me.

I also have two other rocks, the pearl and the rock on. These are for another review.


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Re: Rock
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2002, 01:19:53 PM »
Well here's another late review on a Columbia ball.

I purchased this ball about 1 1/2 years ago, the ball is in 15-pounds
with a 3-inch pin. I drilled this ball with the pin in the 12 o'clock
position with the CG in the palm area.

The ball once used new hooks all over the lane and is somewhat uncontrolable.
but, once the oil starts to sink in the cover stock the reaction is more controlable. Important must keep cover stock clean after each use and touch up the cover with your pro shop (or spinner)this will help with long term use.

I have shot a 300 game with this ball and a few 700 series, I put this ball on the shelf for awhile, and recently I pulled this ball out of the shelf and I will post another review later on the proformance.



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Re: Rock
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2002, 12:40:14 PM »
This is a follow up review to the Rock; (please read my other Rock review)

I pull this ball out of the closet recently and I used this ball in my Thursday night league. I was using a release more like Brian Voss's.

I played standing on 27 on the aproach, 15 at the arrows and my breakpoint was on the 8th board.

The condition was medium oil with light carry down.

Well all I can say was what a great reaction I was receiving for the three league games I bowled (269,247,258 = 774 series)

Well this ball does have a place in your bowling bag (even after the ball has over or close to over 100 games)



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Re: Rock
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2002, 04:48:52 PM »
I just bought the ball....  i really like the ball, it doesnt work @ all on dry lanes, works best on wet lanes! i have a 150, but after getting this ball i got a 198 average , good ball by Columbia!!!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Rock
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2003, 07:42:01 PM »
I got incredible length out of this ball for a particle. Almost reactive like length with out the skid flip.

It had a tremendous roll to it. Very readable, much like the reaction Arc. It hit extremely hard and for a particle did not track out badly.

I could play all of the lane with the Rock. Just slight adjustments in hand position and the ball read it well.

I give the Rock a 9 out of 10. It would have been a perfect 10, but Rock on was not far behind, so this ball got pushed into reserve status.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Rock
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2006, 04:30:08 AM »
Check profile for Personal specs.
Ball: 15lb Columbia ROCK (pin-in)
Surface: Green Scotch Brite pad.
Drilled: Pin about 1/2 inch to the right of ring finger and 1/2 inch above. CG right on top of pin. No balance hole needed (barely)

This was a very impressive ball for me.  I still find myself pulling it out when i know I'm going to be encountering Heavy Oil.  Used the ball on all types of lines and patterns.  Ball would work great on anything from medium to heavy oil.  It didn't seem to have the problem with rolling out that a lot of other particles have.  The ball just kept on rolling.  I have well over 500 games on the ball now, and it still hooks almost as hard as it did from day one.  I've baked the Oil out of it 2 times.  Never resurfaced it (unless you want to call hitting it with a Green scotchbrite pad to dull it up resurfacing).  

The only ball I have had recently that I can successfully compare it to would be my Track Mutant.  Overall the Rock went longer than the Mutant but made a much more dramatic move on the backend.  The mutant was really rolly, and if there wasn't enough oil the ball would just lose all its energy and roll straight down the lane.  The Rock would usually hook somethiing like 2-3 boards more than the Mutant.  Mutant was drilled strong (can't remember exactly how but I remember it being a strong drilling)

The Rock didn't flare a whole bunch.  I think that partially is what caused it to not roll out very often and have such a strong backend.  Overall I loved the ball, still love it, just doesn't fit my hand so I usually don't roll it.  I'd give the ball an easy 10 out of 10.  Great ball Columbia.


"Strive to be perfect,  that is afterall the only way to become perfect."

"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Taken from Desiderata

Proud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products


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Re: Rock
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2010, 12:18:27 PM »
Right Handed
PIN up and out 1.5 inches right of ring finger.
Center of gravity 2 inches below ring on midline.
Medium oil conditions
Ball speed at time 13-14mph

Here's my story about the Rock. I picked this ball up in 2007 off a rack in a bowling center. I was new to bowling, and had only thrown a scout particle ball up until that day. This ball was the first ball I hooked, and it hasn't stopped since. It doesn't hook across the lane, but it is consistent. Hits hard, still today even, wow, what a ball. I have 10 balls now, and I'm a 190 league bowler, and sometimes I bring this bad boy out to play. My high with this ball was a 240ish.

Only negative is now that I compare it to my current equipment, the Rock leaves me a few more ten pins, even on solid pocket hits. But if you can find one around, give it a roll.
