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Author Topic: Scout Reactive  (Read 45559 times)


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Scout Reactive
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Scout Reactives have Columbia's Super-Flex Reactive Urethane coverstock. Columbia began with the same core as the Shadow/R. An offset heavy puck below the center of the ball is added inside the three-piece core. This puck creates pin out and medium differential Rg. This is the first three-piece Columbia ball with built-in track flare. It gets down the lane easily with good backend turn. The Scout Reactives have a hook rating of 13. They come in weights of 10-16 lbs. Hardness: 75-78.



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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2002, 06:27:09 PM »
I picked this ball up for a broken down shot and had it drilled with the pin under the ring finger.  I found this ball to be very condition sensative on a fresh league shot.  It needs head oil because if there isnt, the ball ball seems to burn up in the heads and loose most of its hitting power.  But it also needs a little carrydown, if it doesnt have it, the ball takes off inconsistently once it finds a dry board.  So basically the ball sucked for my league shot.

Then i took it out for pot bowling after work which i bought it for.
The 7 to 7 to 45' league shot was slighty toasted but still a little head oil and a little carrydown.  This is the condition i bought it for and it works great.  Glide, arc, and crush.  More than paid for the ball the first night.



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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2002, 04:25:20 AM »
I bought my Scout for dry lane conditions. One of my leagues
is 9 o'clock on Friday night. The lanes are extremely dry, because
in most centers the lanes are dressed in the morning. And with open
play, and one leagues before us the lanes are burn-out. I read others
reviews on the Scout, I think most of them are off the mark. The
secret to the Scout is to go down in weight. I have been bowling
with 16lb balls for the last 15 years. I was having serious trouble
on Friday nights. I went from a 207 average to a 170 in a matter
of months, granted I moved to a new state and center. My Scout is
leverage drilled. This is the smoothest ball Columbia every made.
 I play deep inside, anywhere from the 25 to 39 board, I have the
perfect combination of hand and speed. I have more hand than the
average bowler and average speed. This ball is under rated on hook
potential, but if you LAY it down and don't loft, you will be the
baddest man in the house on dry conditions. Now on carry down, don't
use the Scout unless you are a surgeon, you have to hit your mark
every time, there is no room for error. This is one the best value in
bowling balls. With all balls they are lane specific, but balls are
 bowlers specific also. Remember, if you can read the lanes throughout
match play, you will never blame a ball. Those who cannot read, blame
everything but themselves. A ball is a tool, use the right tool for the


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2002, 02:54:13 PM »
Im a lefty full roller who throws around 17-18mph. I bought this ball for VERY dry conditions and was i shocked when this ball hooked and it hooks.the ball has a 3inch pin with 3.34 of top weight drilled for a medium-dry condition according to columbia's drill sheet.

With the right conditions this ball is great. But it needs some oil in the heads otherwise it catches it roll way to soon, with some carry down it wont come back.

Now for the good things, It is a very consistant ball. Its a hell of a ball for $75. Packs plenty of hitting power for a 3 piece ball.
Go Yanks


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2002, 08:42:51 PM »
This is Kevin gf and he is buying this bowling ball  for me tomorrow.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2002, 03:09:44 PM »
I am a fairly new bowler (leagues for almost 2 years) and this ball was recommmended to me when I began...I have it drilled to go long and rely on the is GREAT for dry conditions but if there is any sign of medium to heavy oil the ball does not have very much is great though for the second shift league that I bowl in

Messenger Ti

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2002, 10:56:32 AM »
Good ball hit fairly good with a dry lane, don't even try it on oily. It will go far far far far and never come back.


"Think of the failure before you can grab hold of SUCCESS !!"


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2002, 11:10:58 AM »
I like everything about the ball. The ARC is consistant through the heads and is very easy to control. The backend flip isn't real sharp but good enough. I threw a 233 right out of the box.

I recommend this to anyone. I throw the ball with a lot a revs and the ball didn't over react. This ball is the perfect compliment to those wishing to add something to their arsenal that will adapt to the any lane condition. I drilled the ball with the standard recomendations and what I got was a superb performer all night.

This ball is a lot more agressive and hits a lot stronger than it is given credit for. I would hesitate to use the ball in medium to oily conditions. This ball was recommended to me by a friend who suggested that it would compliment my style and approach. Needless to say I thank him regularly.

Bowling King

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2002, 09:08:57 AM »
This is one nice ball for the $. Drilled for finger-tip. I've only been bowling for 2 years. I bowl 1 night a week and my average was 186 at the end of the fall league. I recently bowled a 290 with this ball. In fact of 19 balls thrown, I threw 18 strikes. I don't throw all that hard, but when I lift correctly and this ball gets near the pocket, it delivers with bad intentions.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2002, 09:34:10 AM »
I believe balls at the extremes oily or dry are the toughest to get just right!!

So it is with this dry lane ball segment.

This scout reactive green pearl has a 3 inch pin out and about 2 1/2 ounces of top weight to start.

Me lefty, medium speed and revs 15mph speed (at rack) revs about 300 rpm.

This ball is drilled strong pin to pap 3 3/4 cg to pap 4 3/4.  Leaving about 2/3 of an ounce side weight and just under one ounce of top weight.  No weighthole.
A 3 3/4 X 5.

Drilled this way as I had drilled other weak stuff of similar design weaker it was a tad long so I wanted this a little earlier and more even, less pure backend.  This is a ball to slot in behind my long and strong battle zone bullet
I want just as long with a little less pure flip!

This fits the bill perfectly the way I have it setup.  It can be played straight up the boards on a light beat up pattern just at the same time I am swinging the bz bullet 14 to 10.  Lots of clean skid in the front and then a smooth strong rounded recovery that carries great for a ball of these modest specs.

I've seen a lot of others getting either no hook(weaker handed drilled in the grip center area) or an incredible long with skid snap when the stronger handed drills near the ring finger area.  I like the way I did it best.  Drill these weak balls strong and maybe they can not be used on extreme dry but this way it gets away a little from extreme length(too much length) and too much jumpiness at the back.

During this test, I compared to a Too Hot(drilled weaker) more hit and more jumpy than Scout, Messenger Black(Black had 4 boards less move at the back and very controllable), Monster Scream/r (Scream/r 5 feet earlier and sharper backend, and a Storm Blue Hot drilled in the label(weakest but hard hitting on really dry), and the BZ Bullet described above.

I still believe that the Dynamic groove is the king of this class(I like Brunswick's pearl coverstocks better) but the one I had I drilled just a TAd too weak a pin position.

Final thoughts.  To even these super high rg balls(pancake with puck) out either drill a stronger pin than your medium stuff, or follow Columbia's drill
sheet and drill cg down slightly for a little earlier start too!


PS  I'm not sure if I'm excited about the Power Groove over the dynamic groove as they have added a stronger coverstock on Power Groove (who needs that for dry).
PSS I really like my weaker drilled revolution vengeance in this slot too!  I am not releasing it as well but once I tweak feel to match this scout I will do a comparison.  Right now Scout in the bag!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Jesse James

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2003, 03:36:25 PM »
I've had this ball forever, it seems yet never did a review on it. I got it for a very competitive mixed league I was in, where I could shoot 278, or even 290 and still get beat out, for the pot.

Ball is 15#er, 2"pin with about 1-1/2 oz of topweight. Drilled it label leverage
at 2:00, with pin and cg in my palm.

House is all synthetics, with very lite oil that always disappears by the third game. They do vary using long oil or short from time to time but always lite.

Got it specifically for the third game. I'd play down and in and the ball hit extremely hard. Even with a small swing, came back extremely hard, sometimes leaving impossible splits. I was shooting 10-5 and back.

Moved inside,standing 25, shooting to 8 with moderate speed, this thing had length like I couldn't believe, and just when I was about to give up and figure I'd hit the OB, here it comes......roaring back!!!Wham!!!! But it still hit too
hard. Left a lot of ten-pins.

Problem solved. No move needed. Set the ball down early, two feet early in fact. Let it use up a little energy, and WHAM! Back in business. I already know it's COMING get myself lined up and this thing HITS!

Inexpensive ball, great for dry conditions. Seems to come back from anywhere.
Great length, and controllable if you have patience with it. Definitely a keeper for me. (Oh yeah, I was  actually able to crank it also)
Good job, Columbia.
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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2003, 07:04:45 PM »
This is a good ball for how much you pay for it. You are really getting the bang for the buck with this ball. It is made for dry lanes, but for me it didn't just work on dry it worked on oil too.

On dry lanes i stood 30 to 10 and WHAM, the pins were gone.
On medium oiled lanes i stand around 13 out to 5 and BOOM strike.

What i like about this ball is it gives you good length and a lot of backend, so i never have to worry about this ball not coming back, except maybe if i get it out to the OB. I have struck on several occasions from going threw the nose. Thats hitting power for you.

You just really have to take time to figure this ball out, but once you do it will be a really good ball to go to if you don't have a clue what to do with any other ball. I have recently shot 217 with this ball, thats my personal best. I always use this ball when my wow pearl is hooking wayyy too much and when i use this ball it just works really well for me. This ball really dont have much of a core but it hooks and hits real good for me. This ball carrys better than i thought it would. It seems like almost every shot that hits the pocket the pins arent there anymore. This is a great 3rd game ball and for a begginer like myself.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2003, 05:33:57 AM »
(the green one)
pin directly right of ring finger, and cg out 1in. from center of grip.

not the biggest hooking ball, but it gets the job done.  this is a multipurpose ball, i can use it on just about any lane condition.  i've played it up 1st arrow, and out across 5th.  for the price, you can't get a better ball.
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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2003, 05:05:10 AM »
I have always been a straight-ball bowler untill I moved up to the Scout. I purchased my scout over a year ago and have been extremely happy with it. I was having trouble with my hand and had to have it redrilled x 3. It has always reacted well. It prefers medium to light oil but with adjustments can handle heavy oil also.
If going to a straight ball to a curve I would recommend the Scout as your first ball.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2003, 05:29:57 AM »
I just started bowling a little more seriously lately and i picked up this ball on friday.  i just got my personal best today of a 174.  i usually just barely break 100 when i used to bowl.  im still having a hard time trying to hook the ball, so as of right now i just aim for a spot between the 1, 2/3 and let it fly.  when the ball hits the pins those things fly!  well..this is compared to a house ball.  but so far i like this ball a lot, and im still getting used to it since im starting out like i said before.  anybody have any tips on how to hook?

Zack Pelton

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2003, 07:44:28 PM »
Columbia 300: Blue/Gold perlized Scout
Pin: 2-3"
Weight: 15.45lb
Surface: Took it from 600 to 1000 than polished it with Ebonite Factory Polish than with Ebonite Extender Polish.
Drill: Pin above middle finger, and cg under ring finger. No weight hole.



Overall the ball reaction is really smooth. It is a versatile ball I can stay behind it and play up the boards easy, or I can get around and make it have a little bit snapper backend. This ball does not hit the greatest, but the core has allot to do with that. However, it does not have the hitting power but it does keep the pins low when you are having trouble with the pins shooting up. I have ran into some lanes were the heads were burned but it did not seem to effect the reaction at all. However, when I stay under the ball it reacts early when there is a dry patch in the middle of the lane.

Sport shots

This ball did not react well when I played more up the boards, because you had to be real accurate on both sides of your mark. In general when there is a few boards room this ball works great swing the middle part of the lane (out to about 10-12 board). Usually this ball is better on shorter patterns for the obvious reasons. I have ran into many sport conditions in the past month that I have used this ball exclusivly.


This ball gets through the lanes and is very controlable.


Sometimes this is the only ball I can get through the lane and it doesn't have enough to get back to the pocket because of carrydown.
Bowl to Win!!!
Zack Pelton
Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
Repeat Shots Nothing Less