Hey guys/girls...
I strongly advise this ball to anyone whether they are a beginner, or looking at adding a ball to there arsenal to get down the alley. I've had it for over a year and it hasnt changed a bit. I just didn't recently find out about this site to post my opinion

. Its the black and red scout, I have the ball set with a 2" pin with about 2 oz. of top weight (its 15lbs), and Box Finish. Pin under my ring finger and CG in middle of span.
I'm a righty, about 5'6" 145 lbs.. I have a fairly small hand, but I use it alot, I crank the ball med./high revs but like to keep the ball with as little hook as I can. My starting position with my shoulder width is a 12 board difference ( stand on 12 to hit 5, 17 to hit 10, etc. )
I play this ball usually on dry, as well as spotty/inconsistant lanes because it is very easy to control. I'm a youth league bowler ( don't look down on me for that

I carry 2 high averages in 2 houses) and our ally's machine workers are lazy. We DO NOT get fresh oil for our league on saturday morning. We bowl on left overs from the night before and they have a double shift on Fridays. I bowl in 2 alleys as well, This particular house has 2 shifts and I bowl the late shift due to my other league. After no fresh oil, 2 leagues the night before, and bowling the 2nd shift, You MIGHT be able to say they are bone dry

At this house I average 207, we are about 1/2 way through the season. I use this ball most frequently at this house. Here lately I am VERY HAPPY with it. I stand about 22 and shoot at 15 out to about 10. It rolls early but very consistant and smooth, its not a huge hook, I am soft with my hand and I dont rip through it like I normally do. I have several high games including 8 over 250 this season. Including 2 279 games, several 650+ series's and about 3 700 series's. High series being a 735 with a 269, 246, and 220.
People looked down on me for using this ball at first, but it's turned ALOT of heads lately, and 2 other bowlers have went out and bought this ball recently. I travel alot and bowl in tournaments (jr. gold, scholorship, etc.) and have found its the most consistant ball I have for short with dry back end, and sport conditions too out of my 7 ball arsenal.
GREAT BALL!!!!! Everyone should try it out if they can. Sorry to write a book!
Rodney Evans (Pres. of Venture Lanes Youth League, St. Albans WV)