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Author Topic: Scout Reactive  (Read 45558 times)


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Scout Reactive
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Scout Reactives have Columbia's Super-Flex Reactive Urethane coverstock. Columbia began with the same core as the Shadow/R. An offset heavy puck below the center of the ball is added inside the three-piece core. This puck creates pin out and medium differential Rg. This is the first three-piece Columbia ball with built-in track flare. It gets down the lane easily with good backend turn. The Scout Reactives have a hook rating of 13. They come in weights of 10-16 lbs. Hardness: 75-78.



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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2003, 06:35:01 AM »
Just picked up a blue/gold for dry lanes. I wanted something that hooked less than my Monster Smash/R, but still had a decent backend recovery. Drilled it for length, pin over the bridge and CG under the ring finger.

Tested out this ball after the evening league, giving me a chance to see how it would react on a typical broken down shot. The first couple of shots it tended to just sort of arc and not too much, but after getting comfortable with the feel and putting some hand in it, I was quite impressed. The Scout seems to go longer than anything else in my bag, but still recover nicely on the backend. It is exactly what I bought it for, a ball for drier lanes, but it does give you a little area to miss outside. Furthermore, it hits every bit as hard as my Icon or Monster. I actually imagine that this could be a great benchmark ball with a slightly more aggressive drilling.

A couple years ago I had tried a Reactive Flame looking for the same sort of dry lane ball, and I was greatly disappointed. As my first venture back into three-piece equipment since, the blue/gold Scout has renewed my faith in less expensive equipment.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2003, 06:24:19 PM »
[me]Can't find the pocket, its a jungle in here, get me a scout...
[scout/r]"duh, i'm ball scout junior class duh may i help you cross the pocket, d'uh i mean street, duhh"  
[me]I can't hit the pocket do you know the way?  
[scout/r]D'uhhh, wait let me take out my GPS system, d'uh it says here 60 ft 20th board...??? What does that mean???"  

That's my Green Scout/R; over/under, inside/out, backward/forward

Have high blood pressure?  Got Stress?  Ready to rupture a Spleen?  Put yourself over the edge and apply for disability by buying a Scout/R,  3 1/2 frames is all you need and it'll guarantee a hospital stay, all that for the low low price of $139.99, if you act now we'll even put some holes in it, that's right if you're the first 5000 callers we will put three holes in your ball...ABSOLUTELY FREE!


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2003, 11:53:48 AM »
I pick up this ball because I could not hit the pocket with my Raging Red. Was throwing over center arrow kicking out to the one broad and kept coming in Brooklyn. I had the Reactive Scout (green) drill for length and right over center.  The Scout works great for these old wood lanes with little to medium oil. Shot carries the lane and comes in strong in the backend.  Leaves a few ten pins but all in all good dry or wood lane ball.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2004, 09:02:19 PM »
An amazing ball... I started out in my YABA league in Jan. 2003. I was bowling with a plastic ebonite ball My average was a 108 by the end of the season and I was not in good shape. My coach told me to get a 10 pound Scout ball, and it was the best move I ever did. My average went from a 108 to a 151 I'm really happy with the Scout ball. I recommend it to anyone who is starting out.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2004, 01:40:14 PM »
Started bowling seriously a few months ago ( i was using a plastic Columbia ball with an average of 122 ) then i was thinkin i needed something more Better , so i went for the Columbia Scout Reactive. This ball is great ! Doesn't really overhook ( works great on dry lane conditions ) pretty well on oily lanes too. My average went up to 166 after getting this ball ! Best score with it - 236
:: aNaNa [P]iE ::


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2004, 11:43:12 PM »
i got this ball after i started bowling and moved up from two-finger white dot to this.  i averaged about 175 with it, but did throw a 300 with it. good ball in dry conditions, however, when the lanes were oily, i felt like i was throwing my white dot again


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2004, 12:20:20 PM »
I got this ball a couple months ago and I average a 155 with, and I bowled a 265 with it so thats pretty cool.  Although when the lanes are oily the ball does not hit the pocket as well when its on dry lanes.  When there is dry lanes that ball will hook, and maybe thats only cuz i put a lot of revs on my ball.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2004, 10:02:36 AM »
well you cant really put a huge drilling layout on this... anyways for a starter ball its awsome. good on dry lanes. awsome for the bowler thats starting to make the move from straight to little hook. this was my first ball and i forgot to review it... this ball was my favorite thing in the bag untill i decided to move up to somthing more aggressive. overall for a starting ball 9/10


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2004, 01:43:44 AM »
This is a 14 pound ball with a 2.5 inch pin. Pin is next to ring finger cg in span. I was looking for a ball that was just a tad stronger than my Sonic X. This ball has a bit more differential. I thought that this ball would get down the lane and cover just a couple more boards than the Sonic x does late. Well the Scout does exactly what I intended it to do in terms of hook shape. Unfortunately, the ball is very sensitive to speed and release changes. I found that the ball magnified my mistakes. (I make PLENTY of mistakes.) I also found that this ball left a lot of single pins on less than perfect hits. It was not confidence inspiring.
This ball is a viable drier lane ball or starter ball, but I feel there are many better balls out there for these needs. I really like the Slate Gargoyle, Barbed Wire or Sonic x for drier lanes. The Power Grooves are great balls for starter or budget bowlers.
The Scout isn't terrible, but you can find many balls at a similar price point that vastly out performs it.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2004, 09:46:58 AM »
This is my first season bowling in 30 yrs. I was using an OLD black Hammer and averaging about 150 on the synthetic lanes at the Local house. Decided to buy me a new ball for Christmas, so grabbed a green pearl Scout-R. Since then I've raised my avg. to 168 and this past Friday rolled a 204-203-257... 664 series and qualified for 2 achievment awards for 250 game w/170 or less avg. and 150 Pins over avg..  It's Very forgiving on light hits, and gets great pin action. I throw pretty much the same line no matter the conditions, and just adjust ball speed to get it to the pocket. The Scout-R works great for the money it cost. I'm very satisfied with it.


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2004, 09:44:14 AM »
Following up to my previous post on the Scout-R, Last night(4/23) was the last night of the season in our Mixed 4-some league. It went out with a bang, sort of. The series started out poorly with a 152. I had sweated the oil out of the ball between last week and this week and it was rolling like a different ball, with a lot more snap on the backend and it took me a whole game to get a handle on it. Second Game was a 201, not bad, but the final game, I rolled a 298, leaving the 5-9 on a brooklyn hit on the 12th ball.  Could hardly believe it! Can't say enough good things about my Scout. Had a couple of really light hits that carried and one brooky. With last weeks 664, and this weeks 298 game, I earned 4 Awards in the last 2 weeks of the season, 150 Over Avg.(Series), 250 Game w/170 or less avg., 100 Pins Over Avg.(Game), and 298 Game. A tip o'the Hat to Bill M. at Faxon Lanes, Williamsport, PA. for suggesting the Scout-R. It was a great buy for only $80


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2004, 05:00:02 AM »
I recently purchased this ball from my local pro shop and I must say that for being an entry level reactive ball it seems to hit like some of the more agressive types of reactive balss that are currently oput on market.  I have my scoutr Drilled with a 3x3 Stacked leverage drill With a 15/16 weight hole.  on a fresh house shot on wood lanes I ahd no difficutly in being able to swing the ball out to about the 1 board and it would come screaming back and just ripped the pocket. I took this ball out and used it about an hour later at a house with synthetic lanes and was just amazed by the reaction that I got from it as I had games of 208 209 and 234 with it Overall for the price of the ball It is worth every penny

Mr 725

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2004, 08:23:15 PM »
well this was my very first bowling ball and it stunk cause it was only 10 pounds but it was still a good very first average for my first year of bowling was 131 then things started to get better...i kept the same average for awhile and had my first 200 game with it...the ball rolls smotth through the heads but tends to over and under react...good ball though for a beginner!
What's That?...An 8 Pin?  

Rodney Evans

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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2004, 12:54:50 PM »
Hey guys/girls...

I strongly advise this ball to anyone whether they are a beginner, or looking at adding a ball to there arsenal to get down the alley.  I've had it for over a year and it hasnt changed a bit.  I just didn't recently find out about this site to post my opinion . Its the black and red scout, I have the ball set with a 2" pin with about 2 oz. of top weight (its 15lbs), and Box Finish.  Pin under my ring finger and CG in middle of span.  


I'm a righty, about 5'6" 145 lbs..  I have a fairly small hand, but I use it alot, I crank the ball med./high revs but like to keep the ball with as little hook as I can. My starting position with my shoulder width is a 12 board difference ( stand on 12 to hit 5, 17 to hit 10, etc. )

I play this ball usually on dry, as well as spotty/inconsistant lanes because it is very easy to control. I'm a youth league bowler ( don't look down on me for that I carry 2 high averages in 2 houses) and our ally's machine workers are lazy.  We DO NOT get fresh oil for our league on saturday morning. We bowl on left overs from the night before and they have a double shift on Fridays.  I bowl in 2 alleys as well, This particular house has 2 shifts and I bowl the late shift due to my other league.  After no fresh oil, 2 leagues the night before, and bowling the 2nd shift, You MIGHT be able to say they are bone dry !  

At this house I average 207, we are about 1/2 way through the season.  I use this ball most frequently at this house. Here lately I am VERY HAPPY with it.  I stand about 22 and shoot at 15 out to about 10.  It rolls early but very consistant and smooth, its not a huge hook, I am soft with my hand and I dont rip through it like I normally do.  I have several high games including 8 over 250 this season. Including 2 279 games, several 650+ series's and about 3 700 series's. High series being a 735 with a 269, 246, and 220.

People looked down on me for using this ball at first, but it's turned ALOT of heads lately, and 2 other bowlers have went out and bought this ball recently.  I travel alot and bowl in tournaments (jr. gold, scholorship, etc.) and have found its the most consistant ball I have for short with dry back end, and sport conditions too out of my 7 ball arsenal.

GREAT BALL!!!!!  Everyone should try it out if they can. Sorry to write a book!


Rodney Evans (Pres. of Venture Lanes Youth League, St. Albans WV)


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Re: Scout Reactive
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2005, 04:04:30 PM »
hey everyone

I got this ball at the beginning of the bowling season(about 6 months ago) and it wasn't reacting good for a while and i realized that i hadn't baked it in a while and so i did about a week ago and i got all of my reaction back from about 30 min of using a space heater, i would recommend this ball to anyone who needs a ball for light to medium oil. It has good reaction a bit early but it hits the pocket nicely if you get the right speed. I rank this about a 7.0