My original review had been removed but due to the fact that this ball was the BEST, THE BEST without a doubt in my opinion before 'TEC DEATH' caught up to my dear friend, I had to provide me review.
Drilled with a 10:30 label layout (lefty), this ball hooked and hit, it struck on flush, off light, off heavy, off barely touching the headpin. This ball can scare 10 pins down before hitting the lanes.
When 'TEC' Death came I tried to revive him, I dunked it in soapy water, cleaned with plastic cleaners, cooked him in the oven and scrubbed his old layer off, but no luck, boo hoo.
I must say how shocked I was when I first experienced the 'no hook' Chaos, I thought it was me, the lanes, the house, but alas after posting on ballreviews bullitin board way back when, I have discovered that which was its ultimate demise. Due to 'TEC' Death I haven't touched or bought a new Columbia TEC ball, thought abuot them, longed for them but will not touch them. I will not touch a Columbia made TEC product either except the Nighthawk Revenge which I was hoping was different because it is pearlized and a loss of hook wouldn't be so bad for a pearlized ball.
P.S. I like this ball.