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Author Topic: Sharp Noize  (Read 9695 times)


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Sharp Noize
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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- Coverstock: 300 Plus Reactive Pearl
- Factory Finish: 2000 Abralon w/Factory Finish
- Color: Blue/Gold Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: TI Boss II (Symmetric)
- RG Rating (Actual): 16# - 2.55 15# -2.56 14# - 2.56
- Differential (Actual): 16# - 0.035 15# - 0.040 14# - 0.042
- Reaction: Skid/Flip
- Hook Rating: Oil- 26 Backend- 28
- Recommended Lane Condition: Dry-Medium Dry Oil
- Description: The Sharp NoiZe was created to give bowlers a sharper, more distinct angle downlane. This ball combines a proven winner both inside and out, featuring our TI Boss II core design along with Columbia 300’s fabulous 300 Plus Reactive Pearl shell. This ball will provide all bowlers great length on drier lanes while maintaining a SHARP turn through the pins.



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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 12:00:29 PM »
I have drilled up two of these balls, and with a totally different drill pattern for both:

OK, the first one, really went a totally different direction from what this ball is suppose to do,

First off my PAP is 4 7/8 over and 3/4 up

I drilled the first one 4 X 4 with a 1 1/2 in pin buffer, and WOW is all that can be said. This drill pattern on this ball is just plain sick. HOOK  HOOK and more HOOK. The continuation even after the early hook is just amazing. I first tried this ball on a Chameleon pattern and I must say how impressed I was, not only was I able to play the gutter ( actually 2-3 board) with this ball, I was also able to move in ( 20-15) and create hold and carry.

Very Impressed with this ball and this drill pattern

Second Sharp NoiZe

Drilled this one with a 5 X 5  with a 3 in pin buffer:

This drilling gives me the length and snap that I was told this ball would do, and I was completely surprised by the angle that this ball was giving me through the pin deck.

I am totally hooked on this ball

the biggest problem I have now is I am going to have to decide which one of these to throw.

Thank you for reading my review, and This ball is a must!!!!
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

The Cheese

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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2010, 10:10:48 PM »
Thanks to the fine folks at Columbia, I have had the privilege of destroying shorter patterns and medium house shots with this ball. For the drilling on my Sharp Noize, I laid mine out using the Dual-Angle layout system at 45/45/4.5, which resulted in the pin being located right above my bridge on the midline, with the cg slightly kicked out (similar to the Demo Days layout). I am a high rev, high speed player with a very low track and have had amazing success with the Sharp Noize on the shorter PBA patterns like Cheetah and Chameleon, and can't miss on a league with a drier/shorter house pattern. Compared to the other balls in the Noize series it is definitely the strongest downlane by far. Compared to the Loud Noize which is also pearl, the Sharp Noize is comparable in length but makes a much stronger move downlane. Compared to the Bedlam, the Sharp Noize is a few feet longer and cleaner through the heads when the oil breaks down, and has a very similar breakpoint shape and backend motion. The Sharp Noize, combined with the upcoming release of the Pure Swing gives Columbia an incredibly versatile line of pearlized equipment to match the versatility of the Full Swing and Power Swing. The Pure Swing is definitely the strongest and earliest pearl in the line and has a strong but continuous arcing motion. The Bedlam is longer than the Pure Swing and more angular with a little less total hook and the Sharp Noize is a perfect step down from the Bedlam. Love the looks of this ball as well and will continue to use this when the lanes open up inside and out after a few games. Love the Sharp Noize for the ball and the price as well. Enjoy the new releases debuting in January as well. Great time to be a Columbia fan!
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff
Mike Marks Pro Shop
Wyoming, MI


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2010, 12:21:38 AM »
Not only is this ball a beautiful looking piece but it definately does what the Columbia folks say it does.  Drilled mine with the #4 drilling off the drill sheet that comes with it(5 1/2" pin, cg close to palm).  Very easy length with solid backend on medium to dry.  If you house shot breaks down and you can't get something through the fronts, this is a great one to go to.  Shorter oil patterns, no problem, put this in your hands.  I don't have that wiggle down the lane with this ball that you have with some of the other "longer" balls.  This is a great piece to have if you have trouble getting your ball down the lane, go to your Proshop and pick one up!!
Vincent Yoder
Columbia 300 Staffer, Ohio

"Have you tried our balls lately?"


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2010, 05:45:59 PM »
Columbia's Sharp Noize is clean thru the heads with a late read that is solid
and predictable. I drilled ball#1 with a 5x5 drill with the pin 1" above the
ring and I get very solid length and a strong arch backend. Ball #2 was drilled
4 1/2" pin under the ring and the cg was located on the horizontal grip line
allowing for a earlier read than ball #1 and allows for a better square up to
the pocket. Slightly more hook than the Freeze but the backends are similar
for me.


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2010, 02:48:19 PM »
Drilled it stacked at 4 1/2, this ball has a lot more that you would think. It is very clean in the front and stands up in the back end. If you are looking for something sharp and do not want to spend the money for the higher price point this ball may do it for you.


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2010, 12:10:58 AM »
Layout - Pin 4 5/8 from Pap
Style - Tweener

Wow! I was very much surprised by this ball. I wasn't expecting as much out of it as I got. I bowled on 2nd shift league with this ball and was able to hold down the line that I hold down with my power swing when the same shot is fresh. The ball was coming back from anywhere I put it. Simple modifications in hand position allowed me to play anywhere I wanted with solid carry. If you need a ball for when your duller stuff starts to over hook, this is a solid recommendation.


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 08:09:14 PM »
Pin 4 1/2" from PAP
Pin above middle finger
Bowler: ~475 revs 17.5 mph

Ball rolls very smooth throughout with a smooth arc to the pocket. Not too snappy and works well on dry-medium oil patterns. Gets great length and hits hard.
High Game: 300 (11/3/07)
High Series: 798 (2/9/08)

Stony Brook Bowling
Cranking the crap outta balls since ''01
Better Lucky than good.


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Re: Sharp Noize
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2010, 11:48:15 PM »
wow I just bought this ball from steelr43 and it's one hard hitting ball!  Drilled stacked with a pin up drilling above the ring finger.  
I used this ball on the cheetah pattern tonight in league and this thing was right at home!  I aimed for the 12 board down to the 2 board and this thing was just singing strikes!  first game went 246, then 212 for the second.  Sadly after that the lanes changed and I had to finish with the playmaker for a 170.  But for the sharp noise I'd say... what a great start.  Cant' wait to try it on my local house patterns.

I should have looked for this one sooner.  great ball.  love the length and reaction but it does need some dry downlane for it's sharp turn.
you can email me at or

latest 300 shot with arch rival yes!!
columbia is the best!