I've tried this ball in two layouts, and I can state without a doubt that it most definitely is NOT a reincarnation of the original Spirit-I. This is bad. However, on the plus side, if you're looking for a dry lanes ball, this one will fill that niche. My favorite Spirit-I is layed out like this:
http://www.pipeline.com/~randyo/15spirit1.jpgWith this layout, the ball goes looooooong, and has a strong but controllable move on the back end. Carry is excellent. It is a fantastic step-down ball from my Time Zone (laid out pin over bridge and CG kicked right a bit). Similar reaction to the Time Zone but the Spirit-I plays longer and a couple of boards further right when the shot starts to go as it is much cleaner through choppy heads.
Since the 'new improved' Spirit II has a lower RG in 15# than the orginal Spirit (2.567 vs. 2.59), I laid out this Spirit II with the pin over the bridge and the CG kicked right similar to the original Spirit layout, in an effort to duplicate what I get from the Spirit-I:
http://www.pipeline.com/~randyo/15spirit2.jpgIn just about every ball that I've drilled with this layout, I get length with good backend. The new Spirit II with this layout gives me a different look - "Length with no backend". WHAT? DID YOU MEAN THAT? Yup - Length with no backend. It was so weak that it had a similar look to my polished urethane black hammer, maybe a board stronger. If you need a track-jammer, or like to play up the boards, this is your ball. If you like to belly it a few boards and stay in the track area while everyone else is moving left, this is your ball. If you like to swing the ball out and bring it back - forgeddaboudit. Drill something else.
Bowling This Month hit the nail on the head in their review -
"Exceptional length is this ball's main strength. It is cleaner through the front part of the lanes than most balls on the market. The straighter the line through the front, the better the back end reaction will be".Can you read between the lines?

"No Backend" is what I read.
Does it hit? Well, I carried dead flush hits. Nothing else impressed me in the carry department. Will I be buying anymore of these to try other layouts? No. Will I find a use in my arsenal for either of the Spirit II's that I drilled? I might keep the longer one in case I run into some really bad lanes, but so far I'm not impressed. I think this new Spirit will play well for crankers looking for something to keep them in play on crappy lanes, and strokers wanting to keep it in the track area. A niche ball. Maybe that's what Columbia was looking for. It's not what I was looking for.

If I run into a condition that changes my mind about this ball, I'll update. For now, it's just another 'niche' ball.
1. Other observations- I've seen 5 Spirit II balls - the two I have and three in Pro Shops. As with the original Spirit there are variations in both the color and the loading of whatever that light particle enhancement stuff is. Some balls are darker than others, and some have much more swirling/pearlization/particle stuff in cover than others. Nothing like good quality control

2. It is definitely a 2-piece design. Core and a thick cover. No filler core in this one.