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Author Topic: Spirit II  (Read 12706 times)


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Spirit II
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Spirit II
When we team up with our urethane supplier, BASF, the game catches on fire. Well, we’ve ignited the lanes again with our new Spirit II. You’re game for this high-performance, polished pearl of a ball that won’t polish off your budget. When the two peice performance core and the reactive particle coverstock light up in medium oil, sparks fly. So turn up the heat. Enjoy the fireworks.    

Weight Rg Differential Rg
16 lb. 2.514 0.043
15 lb. 2.567 0.038
14 lb. 2.663 0.029
Total Hook             Hook Potential
                   (in Oil) (Dry Backends)
36                    13          23

Color:Burgundy with Hot Pink Engraving
Finish: Polished
Track Flare: 4-5
Available Weights: 16,15,14,13,12,11,10

Proven light bulb shape core with top flip block. Creates dynamic ball properties generating track flare to increase friction with the lane.
Reactive -  We teamed up with our urethane supplier BASF again to bring you a great coverstock at a great value.
75-78 ABC/WIBC approved.


Jeff Mop

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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2003, 08:19:53 PM »
I didn't really know what to expect from this release, as I had never thrown the original Spirit (heard good things about it, though).  From the look of the core and the location on the aggressiveness scale, I was thinking that this ball migh be somewhere a bit less than the pearl Cuda/C but more than the Jade Piranha/C, so I drilled it up with a basic finger positive layout (pin next to ring finger, CG under ring finger - 3/4 side weight, 1/4 finger weight).  This puts the pin at about 4 1/2 from my PAP and the CG about 5 1/4.

To say that I was pleasantly surprised is an understatement.  In fact, I would not be exaggerating to say this ball is the sleeper ball of the year.  I can't imagine any style bowler that wouldn't be able to fit this ball into their arsenal.  The ball is nice and smooth through the heads, gets down the lanes with ease, even as the heads start to dry up, and turns the corner well and hits real nice.  Unless the backends are flooded with carrydown or you drill it weak, this ball will turn the corner and hit.  A great fit for any player who needs a medium-dry lanes ball but doesn't want to sacrifice hitting power.

The flare potential is not very high so is it very easy to control where and how much this ball hooks, which is very important these days.  A definite winner by Columbia.  I give it 9.5 out of 10 because the Spirit II does what it is built to do exceptionally well.  Anyone who wants a newer-tech ball with old-school resin reaction, this is the ball for you.


Columbia bowls the world over


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2003, 10:24:04 PM »
I've tried this ball in two layouts, and I can state without a doubt that it most definitely is NOT a reincarnation of the original Spirit-I. This is bad. However, on the plus side, if you're looking for a dry lanes ball, this one will fill that niche. My favorite Spirit-I is layed out like this:

With this layout, the ball goes looooooong, and has a strong but controllable move on the back end. Carry is excellent. It is a fantastic step-down ball from my Time Zone (laid out pin over bridge and CG kicked right a bit). Similar reaction to the Time Zone but the Spirit-I plays longer and a couple of boards further right when the shot starts to go as it is much cleaner through choppy heads.

Since the 'new improved' Spirit II has a lower RG in 15# than the orginal Spirit (2.567 vs. 2.59), I laid out this Spirit II with the pin over the bridge and the CG kicked right similar to the original Spirit layout, in an effort to duplicate what I get from the Spirit-I:

In just about every ball that I've drilled with this layout, I get length with good backend. The new Spirit II with this layout gives me a different look - "Length with no backend".  WHAT? DID YOU MEAN THAT? Yup - Length with no backend. It was so weak that it had a similar look to my polished urethane black hammer, maybe a board stronger. If you need a track-jammer, or like to play up the boards, this is your ball. If you like to belly it a few boards and stay in the track area while everyone else is moving left, this is your ball. If you like to swing the ball out and bring it back - forgeddaboudit. Drill something else.

Bowling This Month hit the nail on the head in their review -
"Exceptional length is this ball's main strength. It is cleaner through the front part of the lanes than most balls on the market. The straighter the line through the front, the better the back end reaction will be".
Can you read between the lines? "No Backend" is what I read.
Does it hit? Well, I carried dead flush hits. Nothing else impressed me in the carry department. Will I be buying anymore of these to try other layouts? No. Will I find a use in my arsenal for either of the Spirit II's that I drilled? I might keep the longer one in case I run into some really bad lanes, but so far I'm not impressed. I think this new Spirit will play well for crankers looking for something to keep them in play on crappy lanes, and strokers wanting to keep it in the track area. A niche ball. Maybe that's what Columbia was looking for. It's not what I was looking for.
If I run into a condition that changes my mind about this ball, I'll update. For now, it's just another 'niche' ball.

1. Other observations- I've seen 5 Spirit II balls - the two I have and three in Pro Shops. As with the original Spirit there are variations in both the color and the loading of whatever that light particle enhancement stuff is. Some balls are darker than others, and some have much more swirling/pearlization/particle stuff in cover than others. Nothing like good quality control

2. It is definitely a 2-piece design. Core and a thick cover. No filler core in this one.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2003, 03:20:48 PM »
I had the original Spirit and it paid for itself after the first week!  This one took an extra week.  It took me 2 weeks to figure I can't throw this ball like the original. But ever since, it has more than paid for itself! If someone has a problem with this ball, it's the bowler, not the ball. This ball does exactly what it's supposed to do, go long and snap hard on drier conditions.  This is definitely not an oil ball and if you try to use it in oil you'll get nothing but skid and no back-end unless you put tons of hand behind it.  I bowl in 3 leagues and can use it in the 2 that have that easy house block shot.  You know the one, only oil between the 10 boards. But since I've learned that I need to shoot 28 to 17 and let roll out to 6 or 7, it's been nothing but strikes or single spares!


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 11:22:06 AM »
Apparently I sent my last review in a little early.  This ball is more versatile than I thought!  I tried my normal shot with this ball and hit everything light during warm up.  I thought I could force the ball to work anyway.  After opens in the first 2 frames I moved 8 boards to the right and shot straight up the 8 board and had the next 7 strikes!  By the third game I was back at 27 to 17 to 8 and finished with a 236, 238, and a 247 for a 721 set!  First one in about 2 years!! Try to tell me it's the ball, not the bowler now!!


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2003, 05:46:50 PM »
First let me thank Jeff for his great review, it was because of it I decided to buy this ball. At the beginning of the season this year I decided to go from 16lb to 15lb. It had been quite sometime since I had a new ball 5-6 yrs. allot has changed since then. Well I ended up with a Storm Core Power, I heard it was a good place to start and the price was right. Well It is a great ball but it had me pinned up against the ball return throwing 25 to 10 and that was not all that successful for me. A couple of nights I got to move right and the ball just crushed. Well after a few weeks of trying, my average dropped 20 pins I decided I needed to find something not quite as aggressive 2, I decided the Spirit 2 from what Jeff described it sounded about right. Well from the first shot I threw I knew that I could make this ball work. I'm not sure how Randy O could say that this ball has no back end, I had no problem getting this ball to the pocket, It is true it doesn't snap as aggressively as most of the balls out there. But that's not what this balls was designed for. I played 15 to 5 and the ball came back nicely. It carried very well only 1, 10 pin all night. Fact is it hit just as hard as my core power and carried the light hits better.  I would highly recommend this ball to anyone who is looking for a step down, go to ball.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2003, 02:57:34 PM »
Let me start off by saying...I am a new bowler to the scene and my opinion can be taken with a grain of salt. I do not know the jargon I have read, though I know what I have been scoring and how I throw. You '"professional" bowlers can let me know what means what....Ok I just purchased this ball this week and threw about 10 games so far...coming from a Plastic Brunswick, there is a world of difference..I am throwing around a 180 game to 160 average, no bad for a guy who just bowled this month for the first time in over a year..When I approach the lane I have my right foot on the far left arrow(whatever that means) I then aim to the arrow second to the right of the front ball had a lot of movement last night because the lane was kinda was coming all the way from the right gutter and going just but the front pin and hitting the first one to the left (my left). This was good movement in my opinion, so I put less spin and a little more speed to even it out and hit the strike zone, well after a game of 140 over shooting that spot, I hit the strike zone over and over and had 6 in the game, and a couple of splits, which i missed. All in all, so far I am satisfied, i do not play in a league and can expect these types of conditions down the road, though the night prior the lane was med-oil and it was hitting great.. Not that much power but good movement for a low price...$116, drilling and inserts included, ...I'll take it!


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2004, 08:03:26 PM »
Spirit II drilled up the same as my Spirit. I used the Spirit II on the same pair that I just finished shooting 652 in League using the original Spirit. (Wet/Dry med oil)Threw 10 out to 5 and the ball just slid hitting the 3 pin. Arcy and does not snap like the Spirit. Moved right threw straight up 5 1X out of 4 lacked the hit of the Spirit. Tried moving in,  2 wash outs.
Tried the ball again today and not much different. More skid than hook. I tried cranking it up and did hit the pocket but lacked that hitting power. I did make all my 10 pins w/ this ball tho'. I'll keep it in the bag for those dry conditions and maybe single pin spares.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2004, 02:54:42 PM »
I felt compelled to review this ball again. The lanes have been dryer lately so I decided to give the Spirit II another shot. Well I have been pleasantly surprised! I started playing straight up 5 and the ball was too stronge after about 6 shots. I moved left (RH) 5 boards and threw about 8 to 4/5 and struck for 6 or 7 frames but it started hitting way too hard leaving 9 pins. Then, I moved my whole game 5 boards left and wow what a difference.I threw 12/13 out to 7/8 and this was it. I could spray it right and still strike, if I tugged it it sat in the oil and carried occasionally leaving the 10 pin. I shot 255 and 247 if not for missing the 10 pin a couple times could have shot 268/279.

I had left this ball in the closet until last week. Since I have shot 670 and 645 going to this ball after struggling the first game with another ball.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2004, 02:05:02 AM »
Don't think the drill is too important on this ball.  Ball looks great on toast.  Carrydown will kill the hit.  Ball will make it to the pocket, but "hit" is lost.   Looks good on THS until carrydown starts.   Don't let it fool you.   Ball will get to pocket, but will ping tens all night if a scent of oil in the back.  Did not dull or refinish and test.   Maybe a different finish would improve hit.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2004, 01:36:18 PM »
I know this is a place to REVIEW balls and not talk back and forth with fellow bowlers, but amlite, what the heck.  Read the information on the ball, it tells you that it's for dry backends, meaning light oil in most cases.  Also, what do you mean "no matter how I drill it?"  I bet you didn't plug it one time, you just got ripped on the first drilling pattern.  I got mine drilled stacked, the most basic of all patterns, and the only problem I come across with this ball is corner pins because it's a light 15#.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2004, 02:02:31 PM »
Nice to know you work in a pro shop, and if you had it drilled to play inside lines, then what could you expect of the ball not to hook a lot?  I mean I know I don't work in a pro shop, but I am knowledgable enough to realize that axis leverage and a pattern for inside lines isn't supposed to outhook any ball out there.  Not trying to start a fight or anything, but just drill it stacked.  Performance is good and predictable.  I bowl on oily lanes, about 40 feet on synthetic, and this ball is pretty okay.  Not my first choice, heck, not even in my back since I got my Black Cherry Bomb, but this ball cut it for the time I used it.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2004, 06:04:58 AM »
well I just picked up my redriled spirit 2 and have it drilled with a 3x3 stacked leverage with a 7/8 inc weight hol about 1.5 in past  belo my axis point.  Anyone out there have any ideas on wat drill pattertern to use other than a 3x3 for this ball if so let me know.  so far with my 3x3 drill I have actually sho decen with this ball dring my weekly open prctice section.  so far with just the  spirit 2 I have had games today of 195 215 206and 229 for a 4 game total of 845 and a 4 game average o 211.25 as I said any sugesstions for other drill patterns are always welcomed


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2004, 06:46:08 AM »
Updated Review for the columbia spirit II reactive.  I recently have started using this ball in my Wedensday night league and I must say that it has actually made a different impression on me.  Whil I cannot play 15 to 5 with is I do find that with the 3x3 stacked leverage drill that I currently have on it I find that I can play up 10 with it and have shot some pretty impressive scores with it. with the Spirit2 I have shot back to back seiries over 600 677 on 9/29 and 618 on 10/07.  Like may others have said before this ball is conditioned for dry to medium lane conditions.


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Re: Spirit II
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2004, 11:57:16 PM »
My Spirit 2 is 14 lbs with a 2.5 inch pin and 3 ounces of starting topweight. I kept the drill simple. Cg just above and right of span center and the pin next to ring finger. About a 5.5x5.5 for me.
This ball is great for drier lanes. It gets effortless length and then arcs mildly on the back end. I wouldn't use it on fresh conditions unless the pattern was very short. It needs a lot of dry to help it hook.
On its intended condition the Spirit 2 hits great. If the ball doesn't have enough dry to work with it won't hook or hit.
This is not a first ball out of the bag, but is a really nice option when you're looking for a ball that hooks and hits a bit more than plastic.
Use the ball where it's intended and you will be pleased with its reaction.

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Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?
