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Author Topic: Spirit  (Read 18672 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »






Weight Rg Differential


16 lb. 2.534 0.041

15 lb. 2.590 0.030

14 lb. 2.660 0.016

Track Flare: 3-5 inches

Color: Liberty Blue with Red and White Engraving

Finish: Polished

Available Weights: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 lbs

Has the orignal game core with the pro hook coverstock so it gives it a nice smooth reaction


Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Spirit
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2002, 08:59:37 PM »
Thank you for reading my review.

This polished dark blue reactive has the Columbia Super Flex coverstock known for years for being Columbia's top of the line coverstock in their reactive family of balls.

This ball is a limited time production ball for Columbia. Proceeds of this ball will be donated to the 9-11 fund.

The core is more of a shape from the Ti-Boss family of cores which again was known for it's marriage of strong roll with strong finish. The polished coverstock gives this ball very good length through the front part of the lane with strong sweeping arc to semi snap on the backends.

I drilled my spirit Pin 5 1/2, "pin above"fingers with the mass bias at a 75 degree angle or 4" from my PAP. I wanted this ball to react well from a inside angle or dry lane condition. It does this exceptionally well. The roll is strong but delayed initally because of my layout. The back end is predictable but strong. Can't say any bad about this ball. It can be drilled stronger for more oiler lanes or toned down through the drilling for dry lanes.

The only condition I can't see using this ball on is excessive oiled lanes.

It's nice to see a Ball Manufacturer like Columbia 300 not only think of the Victims of 9-11 with their fund raiser, but give the bowling community a "Real Deal" with a extremely affordable top of the line reactive.

All bowlers should give this ball a try for ther money, you will not be disappointed with this ball.

Thank you Columbia for making this ball and your thoughts and prayers for our 9-11 victims. Thank you for reading this review, and best of luck in your Bowling Futures.



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Re: Spirit
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2002, 02:39:56 PM »
You WILL like this ball. The spirit is the first ball out of my bag. Mine is 16#, drilled about 5 x 5-1/2. My PAP is around 6-1/4 x 1/2. The pin is under my ring finger.I am right handed, throw about 17-18 mph, medium revs, 30 to 45 degree axis rotation with around a 45 degree axis inclination. It flares about 4 to 5 inches for me. On most "house" shots I will be standing left foot around 25 and hitting 13 at the arrows, with the ball getting out to 7 or 8 board and coming back like a truck. I have at least 300 games on it and its performance hasn't changed a bit over time. Very durable coverstock. Hardly any tracking yet. I clean it with alcohol immediately after league or tournament - before it goes back in the bag. I've never use it playing "up the boards", but I have played it farther to the right when required, and I have played deeper with it. I like it so much I bought extra 16# & 15# balls to store in the garage for future use. Be advised that the 15# has a higher RG than the 16#, so it will go longer. I was a diehard HammerHead, so when I saw that the Spirit was a rock solid 2 piece ball, I knew it was for me. When I saw the price I thought I'd died and went to heaven. I've had good results with this ball on just about every type of center, wood, synthetic, half & half. I've shot 280, 290, 300, and one 800 with the shiny Spirit.
I've got another Spirit that's dulled up with a gray Scotch-Brite pad. Naturally the shiny one goes longer but  both balls hit like a tank. I have to play the dull ball standing about 3 to 4 boards further left than the shiny one. The dull Spirit is just a board or two less ball than my Reaction ARC. It's amazing what you can do with just polish and scotch-brite. I think you could be setup for most conditons with a dull Spirit, a shiny Spirit, a mellow Pearl ball (Pearl Beast?), and a spare ball if your pearl was too much. You would have an effective arsenal for $250 to $300.


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2002, 06:39:44 PM »
I just bought a 15# spirit with the pin under my ring finger. I'm right handed with medium speed and medium revs. with a 214 average. I bowl 3-4 tournaments a month. I noticed a few bowlers were doing very well using this cheap ball. I bought a spirit and used it at Nationals (Billings). Took it out at the beginning of the 2nd game of doubles and threw 14 strikes out of the next 15 shots. All I can say is that my partner and I are in the top 50. Won close to $300 in brackets with a $100 buy in. My teammates came up to me and said what a great ball change I made and asked what I'm throwing. When I told them what I was throwing they couldn't believe  it was a cheap $75 ball. Believe it, check out the other reviews. I couldn't any happier with a ball.


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2002, 05:41:59 PM »
I took some time off from the shop and missed this special release from Columbia (good job San Antonio, patriotism is a good thing).  Coming back this summer, I got hold of one of these babies.

15 lb.  2 oz. TW
2" Pin
Drilled 6 X 5 1/2 (pin under middle finger)
Box finish

Drilled this up for me (LH power tweener), looking for length with a smooth reaction for fresh house conditions and drier conditions.  The Spirit has a pretty strong core (Chaos) and an unnamed reactive cover.  I am being conservative when I say this is a nice combo.

On a fresh house condition, the Spirit clears the heads with ease.  The reaction reminds me of a Pulse, long and smooth.  Any ball that reminds me of a Pulse automatically gets a big, gold star.  The Spirit is actually a little longer than a Pulse, but has that same backend look, a smooth curve.

This is a ball that many league players can use for an entire evening.  It's smooth reaction plays well early, but the cover allows flexibility in moving in and still providing recovery.  

Of course, Columbia has opened Pandora's box with this release.  They have produced a ball that, most likely, would have retailed for $160+ at a price at or below $100.  I realize that this was made to provide support for 9/11 and think it was a great idea.  However, I would love to see this ball re-released or issued under another name.  This is the kind of ball that bowlers drool over...predictable reaction and can stay in your hand for an entire set.
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2002, 05:48:54 PM »
I purchased a 16lb Spirit in April. I had it drilled pin about a half inch to right of ring finger(RH). SET-UP I just started back bowling in January after 7 years off. I started with my old equipment Black u-dot, which I had averaged 195 before the lay off, and quickly realized I needed a new ball. My first purchase, recommended, was a Hammer Wheel. Worked fine but left alot of corners. Average went from 175 to 193 during this period.

 Now for the Spirit- out of the box the first time I used it I shot 712. My average started to steadily increase after this purchase. A few weeks later I shot 708. By the end of the winter season my average jumped to 203. I throw relatively hard down and in and try to stay behind the ball. This ball goes long and smashes the pocket. I went from leaving solid 10 pins to leaving an occasional solid 8 or 9. I even shot 287,226,267 780 in summer league. During fresh oil bowling I can turn the ball up alittle and keep the hold. The only problems that I have with this ball is when the lanes are drier. The ball bites hard when it hits the dry. Also when I polished the Spirit I lost some of the back end bite.

I intend on buying a 15lb Spirit to see if I can control the dry with speed. For under $100 how can you go wrong?


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2002, 12:08:06 AM »
My previous review of the Spirit was for the 16# ball. This current review is for the 15# Spirit. If you check Columbia’s specs for this ball, you’ll see a LARGE difference in the RG figure (2.53 for the 16# ball and 2.59 for the 15# ball). This makes a big difference in the way the ball reacts. In the 15# weight, it goes much longer before it breaks.
   I laid out the 15# identical to my last 16# drilling (I have 4 16’s drilled), with the pin over the ring finger and the CG kicked out about an inch to the right. This is a devastating combination of ball, core, and layout in a 16# Spirit, but in the 15# ball it goes way too long and makes a left turn to the pocket – a definite “hockey stick” reaction. If that’s what you like, go for it. I prefer a more even arcing reaction. On a league type shot, I could easily keep it in the hole but it had a 4 or 4-9 tendency with the back end snap. I hate that in a ball. I tried a long oil sport shot just for fun and it was a total disaster (as expected). The late breakpoint left consistent washouts and 2-8-10 combinations. Play it up a bit tighter and on the nose.
   I then drilled up another 15# Spirit in a 4x4 layout. This was a little better, but still pretty long. This is kind of a bummer for me, because the Spirit WAS my first ball out of the bag. I will keep both 15# Spirits around for tournament arsenals, but if I had to choose today, my new 15# Reaction Rip will be the first out of the bag. Now there’s a strong Mutha for a pearl ball. Reminds me of my 16# Spirit – strong, predictable, arcing reaction with a powerful hit (albeit at a considerably higher price).


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2002, 11:32:03 AM »
This ball is extremely good for medium oil. I had the pin drilled about an inch up from the ring finger hole. The backend is amazing. The snap is gigantic.
This ball will go long and the snap into the pocket.


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2002, 10:24:35 AM »
I am a left handed bowler. Purchased a 15 lb spirit with 2.75 top weight and 2' pin. Took it to a PBA  pro shop who drilled it with the pin 1/2 inch left of the ring finger and inserts in the fingers for more lift. I can roll the ball down the outside boards and it will run long and explode to the pocket or can throw it to the outside from the center of the lane and it will ark back to the pocket with the same force. I do have to come up a little higher in the pocket or it seems to leave quite a few solid 7's. But all in all a great ball for the price. I hope Columbia comes out with this ball under another name since it has been discontinued.

Jesse James

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Re: Spirit
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2003, 09:01:50 AM »
Top Wt:?
Pin: 3.5"
Drilled: 4x6
Bowled league last nite. Started off with a respectable 223 using Red Alert. Lanes were hooking nicely, on the backend. By the 4th frame of second game, left lane started drying out like crazy. Everyone's balls are going thru the nose, or going brooklyn.

Seemed like a nice christmas tree shot, about 38ft or so. But it must have been the infamous "disappearing" oil, cause when it transitioned, it really changed!

Struggled to a 176 game with the Red Alert, then pulled out this baby.
Set up standing about 25 using a tight line, shooting 3rd arrow.  This ball glided thru the heads like a great white shark looking for the kill. Then, abruptly but very smoothly made a left turn and devastated the pocket like Shamu, pouncing on an innocent seal. Can you say BACKEND!!! Pins went flying like there had been an explosion!

Next shot, I shot about 13, standing at 25. Wanted to give it a little bit more room. Used a rolled wrist on the shot,and sent it wide to about the 7 board. Now I was in an area that had already been tracked. There was a lot more bend in the trajectory. Started arcing early. Same result....sudden but very strong and smooth SLAM of the pocket!!! Total devastation.

I only shot 214, but I love this ball!! Fabulous backend. The ball is very deceptive. Makes you think there's oil out there when there really isn't. While everyone else was struggling with fried heads, and overused track area, I was able to literally play anywhere I wanted to, and open up the lanes at will. I just need to remember to trust the ball. Cause it WILL COME BACK!! This ball turns the corner, even though it may look like it's not. Silky smooth, controllable and powerful, what a combination!

I have two of these. The 15# goes longer and seems to fair better in heavier oil. I am able to rev it and the backend H>I>T>S!! This 16#er is awesome though.
This will be a great tournament ball, no doubt. Great, great job Columbia!!
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2003, 11:08:53 AM »
This is my second review of this ball. The first time I reviewed this ball, I used this ball at nationals in Billings. Played the 3 board and won about $1200. After that tournament I bought another #15 Spirit and left in the garage for about 5 months. Well I got drilled up 33/8x33/8, first game out of the box 300. I don,t know why I do so well with this ball, it seems to just carry most pocket hits. It's not like I'm sending messagers all over the place or ripping up the racks. Maybe because it's not too strong and keeps pins low and in play.I highly recommend this ball, if you can still get it.
    One last note about this ball, There is quite a difference between a #16 and a #15. The #15 has a higher rg 2.59 compared to 2.52-3 in the #16. This does create a different ball reaction.
      May all your luck be good, Gravy


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2003, 01:26:57 AM »
This is my second spirit.

I got one with same specs and same drill as the previously reviewed.  Took them both down to 220, then brought both up to 600 and highly polished them.  Both are drilled 5 X 5.

The speculations are true, the sprits are different depending on color.  The light bluish solid spirit goes longer and is really oil sensative.

The darker spirit with the flecks in the cover works harder in oil and snaps off the dry harder as well.  I love the darker spirit.

I havent found a spot for the light colored spirit but the darker is my best reactive oil ball since taking it down to 400 grit.  It is right up there in strengh as the polished icon with a really different look on the lanes.


1 rookiestorm160

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Re: Spirit
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2003, 07:10:05 PM »
I needed a consistent ball on wood lanes. I would have used my Eraser but it started getting too light at 11 pounds. So I turned to the Columbia Spirit. This ball is sooooooooooooo good on wood lanes. The other good part about it was that it wa also good on synthetic lanes. I am in two leagues on Saturdays. One at 11:30 and the other at 5:00. My averages are a 162 and a 168. When I used this ball at 11:30 I bowled a 204,211,and a 223 which equaled to a 638 series. Then later at 5:00 I bowled a 208,233, and a 216 which equals to a 657 series. That was my highest series ever!!!!!!!!!!. Now I believe that no lane condition can stop my X Factor,Icon, and my Spirit combo


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2003, 09:46:30 AM »
Mystery meat!!!

That's this ball as well described by Greatness in a previous review!

What exactly is in that deviled ham deli man???

So it is with the Spirit!

All one can be sure of (sort of) is the shape of the core!  (The Game core)
Which is original Chaos core without rg lowering titanium nugget!

The ball comes in what looks like blue reactive superflex.  It also can come in black sparkly what looks like holoflex(better for oil).  The ball has a very low rg version 16 pounds at about 2.52 and a higher rg version at about 2.59 for the 15s and up.

In my league this fall/spring we had a guy average 222 with a 16 pound black one!  WOW on a tough lefty condition.  Lefties 10 to 15 pins lower than comparable righties(don't see that often do you!)

NOw see the black one with the low rg (16 pounds works pretty good on oil).

I got the 15 pound blue one!

Drilled pretty mild 4 1/2 X 5 1/4(mass bias in track), and sanded to 600 and then polished with black magic the best description for this ball is arcy and uninspiring.

I have other control balls which control the midlane just as well and hit better!

The problem could be coverstock fixable but in all reality my Sledgehammer drilled control or my Smash/r really fit the bill in this sort of fresh condition controlled backend big hit category(also a control drilled Ti hawk).

I believe that because of the medium to weaker control core this ball should be drilled a little stronger, closer to stacked or with the mass bias not as far out in the track.  I may do it as I think this is a wonderful smooth core.
If I get the time!

Reaction reminds me of a weak AMF Hawk!

Mystery meat!  Pick your color and weight wisely if you find one of these on the internet cheap!

Hey Mr. Deli Ham salad mixer, that's not HAM!  What is that! eewwwwwww!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Spirit
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2003, 03:32:10 PM »
Got a 14 pounder used and threw it for a few games. The cover reacts nicely but there just isn't enough core to carry in 14 pounds. As has been stated before this ball has 2 different shells and reacts very differently depending on weight. I wasn't impressed with the 14 pound version. Great look on the lane but below average carry.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Spirit
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2003, 06:23:26 PM »
Is anyone still using this ball? I am using my second and have the third in the box waiting. I bowl on wet dry oiled 39 ft. condition and throw 18+ mph. With over 100 games on it, I can play just about the same line all 3 games maybe move right 1 to 2 boards as oil carries down. I hope Columbia brings this ball back as they are getting hard to find.

Just purchased the Spirit II and will post on that ball as soon as I get it drilled.